953 resultados para Metals in water
The water and bottom sediments of Lake Victoria (Kenya) were analysed for A1, Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr and Cd. The total metal concentrations were determined and their mean variations and distributions discussed. The bottom lake waters showed higher concentration levels than the surface waters. The range of values (in mg/l) in the bottom and surface lake waters were as follows: Surface Waters: A1(0.08 - 3.98), Fe(0.09 - 4.01), Mn(0.02 - 0.10). Zn(0.01 -0.07), Pb(0.001- 0.007), Cu(not detected - 0.006), Cr(not detected - 0.004). Bottom Waters: A1(0.1 0 - 6.59), Fe(0.23 - 9.64), Mn(0.04 - 0.39), Zn(0.01- 0.08), Pb(0.002 - 0.009), Cu(not detected - 0.03). Cr(not detected -0.002). River mouths and shallow areas in the lake showed higher total metal concentrations than offshore deeper areas. Apart from natural metal levels, varied urban activities and wastes greatly contribute to the lake metal pollution as shown by high Pb and Zn levels in sediments, around Kisumu and Homa Bay areas. Other comparatively high values and variations could be attributed to the varied geological characteristics of the lake and its sediments. Compared to the established W.H.O (1984) drinking water standards manganese, aluminium and iron levels were above these limits whereas zinc, lead, chromium, copper and cadmium were below.
Water pollution found in major rivers in Brazil has its origin from urban sewage discharges and industrial effluent, carried out by small streams and rivers crossing cities. Therefore, studies related to hydrographic micro-basins offer the opportunity to establish environmental management strategies for restoring water resources, based on diagnosis of the water quality. Despite this understanding, few studies in urban and rural areas have been performed in a systematic manner in Brazilian micro-basins. The main goal of this research was to diagnose the water resources in micro-basins in the region of the district of Americana, São Paulo state, Brazil, through the quantification of metals in water and sediment. The methodology was based on the investigation of metals (Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn), in four micro-basins, determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The most significant result showed high concentration levels of chromium (969 μg L-1), downstream of the discharge of sewage from the city of Nova Odessa. This concentration in the river was above the allowed limit of Brazilian regulation agency (50 μg L-1 for Cr). Also high levels of Cr were found in the sediment (98.9 μg g-1) collected at the same monitored site. These results are important indicators of environmental performance and anthropogenic activities to help the government establish environmental management strategies aimed at the reduction of water pollution. © 2013 WIT Press.
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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and other toxic compounds from industrial effluents are noted for their high potency for skin, lung, bladder and gastrointestinal cancers. Increased industrialization, and population growth led to greater production of wastes, Pesticides and PAHs have received attention due to their carcinogenic effects. The main objectives of the study were; to collect base line data on the concentration of PAHs in seawater and sediment from the west coast of India, the concentration of PAHs in certain species of fishes, the comparative levels of PAHs in fish, the influence of sediment characteristics on the concentration of PAH in sediment, changes in PAH concentration in water, sediment and fish, to provide a base line concentration of trace metals in water, sediment and fish, the seasonal changes in content of selected trace metals in water, sediment and fish from the west coast of India. The present study revealed that a predominance of silt and clay at all stations in the off Cochin area. The study has provided comprehensive information available to date for PAHs in seawater, sediment and fishes from the west cost of India especially from the Quilon to Mangalore region.
The uptake of Cu, Zn, and Cd by fresh water plankton was studied by analyzing samples of water and plankton from six lakes in southern California. Co, Pb, Mn, Fe, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Al were also determined in the plankton samples. Special precautions were taken during sampling and analysis to avoid metal contamination.
The relation between aqueous metal concentrations and the concentrations of metals in plankton was studied by plotting aqueous and plankton metal concentrations vs time and comparing the plots. No plankton metal plot showed the same changes as its corresponding aqueous metal plot, though long-term trends were similar. Thus, passive sorption did not completely explain plankton metal uptake.
The fractions of Cu, Zn, and Cd in lake water which were associated with plankton were calculated and these fractions were less than 1% in every case.
To see whether or not plankton metal uptake could deplete aqueous metal concentrations by measurable amounts (e.g. 20%) in short periods (e.g. less than six days), three integrated rate equations were used as models of plankton metal sorption. Parameters for the equations were taken from actual field measurements. Measurable reductions in concentration within short times were predicted by all three equations when the concentration factor was greater than 10^5. All Cu concentration factors were less than 10^5.
The role of plankton was regulating metal concentrations considered in the context of a model of trace metal chemistry in lakes. The model assumes that all particles can be represented by a single solid phase and that the solid phase controls aqueous metal concentrations. A term for the rate of in situ production of particulate matter is included and primary productivity was used for this parameter. In San Vicente Reservoir, the test case, the rate of in situ production of particulate matter was of the same order of magnitude as the rate of introduction of particulate matter by the influent stream.
A aplicação do lodo de estação de tratamento de água (LETA) em solos degradados é uma alternativa tanto para disposição desse resíduo como para a recuperação do solo. Neste trabalho avaliaram-se os efeitos do LETA nos teores de metais pesados em um Latossolo degradado por mineração de cassiterita na Floresta Nacional do Jamari, RO, Brasil. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos: testemunha (n = 4); testemunha química, que recebeu apenas calagem (n = 4) e doses D100, D150 e D200 (respectivamente 100, 150 e 200 mg de N kg-1 solo na forma de LETA), aplicadas antes da calagem (n = 20). Após 30 dias da calagem, período em que o solo contido nos vasos foi mantido com teor de umidade próximo à capacidade de retenção, coletaram-se amostras de solo, que foram analisadas com relação aos teores totais e extraíveis de Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni e Cr. A aplicação de LETA aumentou os teores dos metais pesados do solo. A aplicação deste tipo de lodo em áreas degradadas pode causar impacto ambiental e, portanto, deve ser monitorada.
Cellulose phosphate (CELLPHOS) was studied as a collector for analytical preconcentration of traces of Cd(II), Cr(III), Cu(II) and Ni(II) from aqueous sample solution. It has been proved that using chromatographic columns packed with CELLPHOS for preconcentration and 1.0 mol 1 -1 HCl for elution the adsorbed analytes are quantitatively enriched. An enrichment factor of 20 (100 ml sample, 5 ml concentrate) was achieved by this separation procedure, which was applied to a series of water analyses (river, sea, bog water).
The city of Vazante-MG is of great socioeconomic and environmental interest because it is the most important zinc producer district of Brazil. The mineral processing and geochemical processes may determine high concentrations of heavy metals in water intended for human consumption. Thus, the present study aimed to quantify and evaluate the heavy metal genotoxicity of artesian water in the city by Atomic absorption spectrophotometer analysis and testing with the Allium cepa test, respectively. This study reveals a chemical contamination in well water in the city, caused by the presence of heavy metals. Therefore, it can be considered that the high levels of heavy metals found in water samples are correlated with the genotoxic events observed in root cells of A. cepa.