969 resultados para Metal to insulator phase transition


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It's believed that the simple Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Hamiltonian can not predict the insulator to metal transition of transpolyacetylene (t-PA). The soliton lattice configuration at a doping level y=6% still has a semiconductor gap. Disordered distributions of solitons close the gap, but the electronic states around the Fermi energy are localized. However, within the same framework, it is possible to show that a cluster of solitons can produce dramatic changes in the electronic structure, allowing an insulator-to-metal transition.


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Sr2FeMoO6 oxides exhibit a half-metallic ferromagnetic (HM-FM) ground state and peculiar magnetic and magnetotransport properties, which are interesting for applications in the emerging field of spintronics and attractive for fundamental research in the field of heavily correlated electron systems. Sr2FeWO6 is an insulator with an antiferromagnetic (I-AFM) ground state. The solid solutions Sr2FeMoxW1-xO6 also have peculiar properties-W doping enhances chemical order which allows stabilization of the HM-FM state; as the W content exceeds a certain value a metal to insulator transition (MIT) occurs. The role of W in determining the physical properties of Sr2FeMoxW1-xO6 systems has been a matter of intense investigation. This work deals with the problem of the structural and electronic changes related to the MIT from a local perspective by means of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). This technique allows one to probe in detail the local structure and electronic modifications around selected absorber ions (W, Mo, Fe and Sr in our case). The results of XAS analysis in the whole composition range (0 <= x <= 1), in the near edge (XANES) and extended (EXAFS) regions, demonstrate an abrupt change of the local structure around the Fe and Mo sites at the critical composition, x(c). This change represents the microstructural counterpart associated with the MIT. Conversely, the local structure and electronic configuration of W ions remain unaltered in the whole composition range, suggesting indirect participation of W in the MIT.


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The metal to insulator transition in the charge-transfer NiS2-xSex compound has been investigated through infrared reflectivity. Measurements performed by applying pressure to pure NiS2 (lattice contraction) and by Se alloying (lattice expansion) reveal that in both cases an anomalous metallic state is obtained. We find that optical results are not compatible with the linear Se-alloying vs pressure-scaling relation previously established through transport, thus pointing out the substantially different microscopic origin of the two transitions.


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We have grown epitaxially orientation-controlled monoclinic VO2 nanowires without employing catalysts by a vapor-phase transport process. Electron microscopy results reveal that single crystalline VO2 nanowires having a [100] growth direction grow laterally on the basal c plane and out of the basal r and a planes of sapphire, exhibiting triangular and rectangular cross sections, respectively. In addition, we have directly observed the structural phase transition of single crystalline VO2 nanowires between the monoclinic and tetragonal phases which exhibit insulating and metallic properties, respectively, and clearly analyzed their corresponding relationships using in situ transmission electron microscopy.


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Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) is a coating procedure that utilises anodic oxidation in aqueous electrolytes above the dielectric breakdown voltage to produce oxide coatings that have specific properties. These conditions facilitate oxide formation under localised high temperatures and pressures that originate from short-lived microdischarges at sites over the metal surface and have fast oxide volume expansion. Anodic ZrO2 films were prepared by subjecting metallic zirconium to PEO in acid solutions (H2C 2O4 and H3PO4) using a galvanostatic DC regime. The ZrO2 microstructure was investigated in films that were prepared at different charge densities. During the anodic breakdown, an important change in the amplitude of the voltage oscillations at a specific charge density was observed (i.e., the transition charge density (Q T)). We verified that this transition charge is a monotonic function of both the current density and temperature applied during the anodisation, which indicated that Q T is an intrinsic response of this system. The oxide morphology and microstructure were characterised using SEM and X-ray diffraction experiments (XRD) techniques. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that the change in voltage oscillation was correlated with oxide microstructure changes during the breakdown process. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The phase transition of single layer molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) from semi-conducting 2H to metallic 1T and then to 1T' phases, and the effect of the phase transition on hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) are investigated within this work by density functional theory. Experimentally, 2H-MoS2 has been widely used as an excellent electrode for HER and can get charged easily. Here we find that the negative charge has a significant impact on the structural phase transition in a MoS2 monolayer. The thermodynamic stability of 1T-MoS2 increases with the negative charge state, comparing with the 2H-MoS2 structure before phase transition and the kinetic energy barrier for a phase transition from 2H to 1T decreases from 1.59 eV to 0.27 eV when 4 e- are injected per MoS2 unit. Additionally, 1T phase is found to transform into the distorted structure (1T' phase) spontaneously. On their activity toward hydrogen evolution reaction, 1T'-MoS2 structure hydrogen coverage shows comparable hydrogen evolution reaction activity to the 2H-MoS2 structure. If the charge transfer kinetics is taken into account, the catalytic activity of 1T'-MoS2 is superior to that of 2H-MoS2. Our finding provides a possible novel method for phase transition of MoS2, and enriches understanding of the catalytic properties of MoS2 for HER.


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The phase transition of single layer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) from semiconducting 2H to metallic 1T and then to 1T′ phases, and the effect of the phase transition on hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) are investigated within this work by density functional theory. Experimentally, 2H-MoS2 has been widely used as an excellent electrode for HER and can get charged easily. Here we find that the negative charge has a significant impact on the structural phase transition in a MoS2 monolayer. The thermodynamic stability of 1T-MoS2 increases with the negative charge state, comparing with the 2H-MoS2 structure before phase transition and the kinetic energy barrier for a phase transition from 2H to 1T decreases from 1.59 to 0.27 eV when 4e– are injected per MoS2 unit. Additionally, 1T phase is found to transform into the distorted structure (1T′ phase) spontaneously. On their activity toward hydrogen evolution reaction, 1T′-MoS2 structure shows comparable hydrogen evolution reaction activity to the 2H-MoS2 structure. If the charge transfer kinetics is taken into account, the catalytic activity of 1T′-MoS2 is superior to that of 2H-MoS2. Our finding provides a possible novel method for phase transition of MoS2 and enriches understanding of the catalytic properties of MoS2 for HER.


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In this work, a study of the nematic (N)-isotropic (I) phase transition has been made in a series of odd non-symmetric liquid crystal dimers, the alpha-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yloxy)-omega-(1-pyrenimine-benzylidene-4'-oxy) alkanes, by means of accurate calorimetric and dielectric measurements. These materials are potential candidates to present the elusive biaxial nematic (N-B) phase, as they exhibit both molecular biaxiality and flexibility. According to the theory, the uniaxial nematic (N-U)-isotropic (I) phase transition is first-order in nature, whereas the N-B-I phase transition is second-order. Thus, a fine analysis of the critical behavior of the N-I phase transition would allow us to determine the presence or not of the biaxial nematic phase and understand how the molecular biaxiality and flexibility of these compounds influences the critical behavior of the N-I phase transition.


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We have investigated the inverted phase formation and the transition from inverted to normal phase for a cylinder-forming polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) diblock copolymer in solution-cast films with thickness about 300 nm during the process of the solution concentrating by slow solvent evaporation. The cast solvent is 1, 1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (Tetra-CE), a good solvent for both blocks but having preferential affinity for the minority PMMA block. During such solution concentrating process, the phase behavior was examined by freeze-drying the samples at different evaporation time, corresponding to at different block copolymer concentrations, phi. As phi increases from similar to 0.1 % (nu/nu), the phase structure evolved from the disordered sphere phase (DS), consisting of random arranged spheres with the majority PS block as I core and the minority PMMA block as a corona, to ordered inverted phases including inverted spheres (IS), inverted cylinders (IC), and inverted hexagonally perforated lamellae (IHPL) with the minority PMMA block comprising the continuum phase, and then to the lamellar (LAM) phase with alternate layers of the two blocks, and finally to the normal cylinder (NC) phase with the majority PS block comprising the continuum phase. The solvent nature and the copolymer solution concentration are shown to be mainly responsible for the inverted phase formation and the phase transition process.


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Titanium dioxide has been extensively used in photocatalysis and dye-sensitized solar cells, where control of the anatase-to-rutile phase transformation may allow the realization of more efficient devices exploiting the synergic effects at anatase/rutile interfaces. Thus, a systematic study showing the proof of concept of a dye-induced morphological transition and an anatase-to-rutile transition based on visible laser (532 nm) and nano/micro patterning of mesoporous anatase (Degussa P25 TiO(2)) films is described for the first time using a confocal Raman microscope. At low laser intensities, only the bleaching of the adsorbed N3 dye was observed. However, high enough temperatures to promote melting/densification processes and create a deep hole at the focus and an extensive phase transformation in the surrounding material were achieved using Is laser pulses of 25-41 mW/cm(2), in resonance with the MLCT band. The dye was shown to play a key role, being responsible for the absorption and efficient conversion of the laser light into heat. As a matter of fact, the dye is photothermally decomposed to amorphous carbon or to gaseous species (CO(x), NO(x), and H(2)O) under a N(2) or O(2) atmosphere, respectively.


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Co-doped alumina powders were synthesized by means of the polymeric precursor method to obtain ceramic pigments. The effect of different contents of Co2+ on phase transition gamma to alpha-Al2O3 and appearing of CoAl2O4 spinel were studied by means of X-ray diffraction. A partial phase diagram of the system CoAl2O3 was proposed from these data by means of determination of the percentages of these phases according to the calcining temperature. Critical particle size to phase transition was determined by means of calculations of crystallite size and determination of superficial area through the BET method. UV-vis spectroscopy of the samples allow to compare the band shift with the phase transition. Besides, a study of thermal stability and intensity of the blue coloration of the synthesized powders with the presence of cobalt in relation to the calcining temperature was accomplished and compared to the phase transition. The results show that the higher blue color intensity was obtained for the powders with Co-doped gamma-Al2O3 closest of phase transition to alpha-Al2O3 + CoAl2O4. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We control the stiffnesses of two dual double cantelevers placed in series to control penetration into a perflurooctyltrichlorosilane monolayer self assembled on aluminium and silicon substrates. The top cantilever which carries the probe is displaced with respect to the bottom cantilever which carries the substrate, the difference in displacement recorded using capacitors gives penetration. We further modulate the input displacement sinusoidally to deconvolute the viscoelastic properties of the monolayer. When the intervention is limited to the terminal end of the molecule there is a strong viscous response in consonance with the ability of the molecule to dissipate energy by the generation of gauche defects freely. When the intervention reaches the backbone, at a contact mean pressure of 0.2GPa the damping disappears abruptly and the molecule registers a steep rise in elastic modulus and relaxation time constant, with increasing contact pressure. We offer a physical explanation of the process and describe this change as due to a phase transition from a liquid like to a solid like state.


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We point out how fluctuation of the phase of the superconducting order parameter can play a key role in our understanding of high Te superconductors. A simple universal criterion is given which illustrates why all oxide superconductors in contrast to classical superconductors ought to behave as a lattice of cooper pairs. T-c is to be thought of as the temperature of phase coherence or the temperature above which the lattice of Cooperpair 'melts' into a phase of Cooper-pair droplets that starts forming at T approximate to T-* . This is the pseudo-gap region. Quantum fluctuation of the phase predicts a superconductor to insulator phase transition for all underdoped materials.


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We control the stiffnesses of two dual double cantelevers placed in series to control penetration into a perflurooctyltrichlorosilane monolayer self assembled on aluminium and silicon substrates. The top cantilever which carries the probe is displaced with respect to the bottom cantilever which carries the substrate, the difference in displacement recorded using capacitors gives penetration. We further modulate the input displacement sinusoidally to deconvolute the viscoelastic properties of the monolayer. When the intervention is limited to the terminal end of the molecule there is a strong viscous response in consonance with the ability of the molecule to dissipate energy by the generation of gauche defects freely. When the intervention reaches the backbone, at a contact mean pressure of 0.2GPa the damping disappears abruptly and the molecule registers a steep rise in elastic modulus and relaxation time constant, with increasing contact pressure. We offer a physical explanation of the process and describe this change as due to a phase transition from a liquid like to a solid like state.


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Freestanding crystalline PbZrO3 nanoparticles with an average size of 15 nm were synthesized by the modified sot gel method and characterized by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. Dielectric studies indicated that the paraelectric to antiferroelectric phase transition in the PbZrO3 nanoparticles was observed around at 205 degrees C which was at 233 degrees C for PbZrO3 bulk material. A single leaky ferroelectric loop was observed instead of an antiferroelectric double hysteresis loop which may be because of the defects such as grain boundaries and the pores in the sample because the sample was not sintered at higher temperatures to retain the nanoscale dimension of the PbZrO3 particles.