1000 resultados para Medicina do esporte : Ginástica
Introdução e Objetivo: O fluxo sangüíneo gera estresse de cisalhamento sobre a parede dos vasos induzindo a conversão do aminoácido L-arginina em L-citrulina pela ação da eNOs, liberando o vasodilatador óxido nítrico. O exercício aumenta o fluxo sangüíneo e ativa a eNOs, promovendo vasodilatação. Um aumento no diâmetro do vaso diminuiria os níveis de estresse oxidativo pela diminuição do estresse de cisalhamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos da suplementação de L-arginina sobre a função endotelial e estresse oxidativo em indivíduos com diabetes tipo 1. Métodos: Foram avaliados 10 indivíduos do sexo masculino com diabetes do tipo 1 e 20 indivíduos saudáveis para controle, que realizaram teste de cargas progressivas em cicloergômetro para a determinação da carga de exercício, que correspondia a 10% abaixo do 2 º limiar ventilatório. Em uma nova data, os voluntários se exercitaram durante 45 minutos em cicloergômetro, onde foram avaliados parâmetros de função endotelial e estresse oxidativo antes e depois do exercício. Os voluntários foram separados aleatoriamente em dois grupos: L-arginina e placebo. A suplementação de L-arginina foi realizada a partir da ingesta de 7g ao dia na forma de cápsulas; o grupo placebo recebeu amido. Após a suplementação, foi repetido o protocolo de exercício. A função endotelial foi avaliada através da avaliação do fluxo sangüíneo e concentração de nitritos plasmáticos; o estresse oxidativo foi avaliado pelas técnicas do TBARS, carbonil, TRAP e ácido úrico plasmáticos Utilizou-se ANOVA Fatorial de duas vias e teste post hoc de Tukey para análise dos resultados, aceitou-se p<0,05 como significativo. Resultados: Os dados estão expressos em média + erro padrão. Os indivíduos com diabetes do tipo 1 não apresentaram disfunção endotelial quando comparados aos controle, entretanto tiveram parâmetros de estresse oxidativo elevados (TBARS de 1,09 + 0,41 e 2,44 + 0,46 nmolMDA.mg PTN-1, p=0,039; carbonil de 0,148 + 0,02 e 1,48 + 0,20 fM.mg PTN-1, p=0,000 e ácido úrico de 44,55 + 2,06 e 28,10 + 1,57 mg/dl, p=0,000, em controles e diabéticos, respectivamente). O exercício aumentou significativamente o fluxo sangüíneo nos controle e diabéticos ( de 3,53 + 0,35 para 5,46 + 0,35 ml.100ml-1.min-1 no controle, p=0,001 e de 2,66 + 0,33 para 3,77 + 0,36 ml.100ml-1.min-1 nos indivíduos com diabetes, p= 0,000), mas não alterou as concentrações plasmáticas de nitritos nem os parâmetros de estresse oxidativo. Os diabéticos que receberam suplementação com L-arginina tiveram seus valores de fluxo sangüíneo em repouso elevados significativamente (de 3,05 + 0,63 para 4,74 + 0,86 ml.100ml-1.min-1 , p=0,036), efeito não encontrado no grupo controle que recebeu a suplementação. Entretanto, este grupo não apresentou aumento do fluxo sangüíneo após o exercício, conforme observado no momento antes da suplementação. Conclusão: O exercício físico em cicloergômetro aumenta o fluxo sangüíneo sem alterar os parâmetros de estresse oxidativo em indivíduos controle e diabéticos tipo 1. A suplementação com L-arginina aumenta a vasodilatação dependente do endotélio em indivíduos com diabetes do tipo 1, e atenua o aumento do fluxo sangüíneo em resposta ao exercício nestes pacientes. Esta resposta demonstrou uma possível melhora na função endotelial na situação de repouso com a suplementação. Entretanto, restam questões obscuras sobre a resposta de fluxo ao exercício sob o efeito da L-arginina nesta população, sendo necessários estudos adicionais para o esclarecimento.
INTRODUÇÃO: Os níveis de exigência biomecânica devidos ao alto grau de dificuldade na realização de gestos fazem da ginástica artística (GA) uma modalidade com elevado risco de lesões. Assim, é necessário que os aspectos a elas relacionados sejam controlados. OBJETIVO: Analisar a ocorrência de lesões na Ginástica Artística, associando-as a fatores de risco específicos da modalidade e do atleta, a partir de inquérito de morbidade referida. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistados 54 ginastas, recrutados ao acaso, classificados segundo o nível competitivo em duas categorias: regional e nacional. Utilizou-se o inquérito de morbidade referida (IMR) com a finalidade de reunir dados sobre a natureza da lesão, região corporal e aparelho ginástico. Os dados foram organizados e apresentados sob a forma de distribuição de freqüências e as variáveis, analisadas segundo nível de associação a partir do teste de Goodman para contrastes entre populações multinomiais, considerando significante o valor P < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Presença de lesão durante a temporada foi relatada por 39 (71,70%) atletas, sendo 22 (56,41%) mulheres e 17 (43,59%) homens. Nas categorias regional masculino e feminino e nacional feminino, a maior ocorrência de lesões foi de origem articular, correspondendo a 55,56%, 50% e 45,45% do total, respectivamente. Para o sexo feminino nacional, os membros inferiores foram os mais referidos (68,18%) e, em ambas as categorias, as lesões ocorreram nos aparelhos de saltos (79,41%), enquanto que no sexo masculino nacional o maior número de agravos foi verificado nos aparelhos de apoio e suspensão (72%). CONCLUSÕES: Há elevada freqüência de lesões, acometendo principalmente articulações e membros inferiores, sendo os aparelhos de saltos os mais referidos quanto à ocorrência de acometimentos. Foi observado também que, quanto maiores as exigências de desempenho técnico, maior a freqüência de lesões.
O texto tem como objetivo refletir sobre os componentes estéticos presentes no treinamento da ginástica rítmica (GR). Tendo a hermenêutica como método, apresenta reflexões a partir de descrições de cenas do vídeo do programa História do esporte, exibido em junho de 2003 pela ESPN Brasil, cujo teor se remete ao dia-a-dia da equipe brasileira de GR em treinamento para os Jogos Pan-americanos de Santo Domingo. Tendo como suporte tais reflexões, discute implicações pedagógicas do ponto de vista estético para o treinamento da GR no âmbito escolar, advindas do modelo de treinamento de alta performance e possíveis interfaces entre esses dois contextos, considerando a necessidade da crítica e do respeito às especificidades de ambos
A adolescência é um período fundamental para a aquisição da massa óssea. em adolescentes atletas, o pico de massa óssea pode apresentar maior incremento, em virtude do estresse mecânico imposto aos ossos pelo exercício físico praticado. O objetivo desta revisão foi investigar o papel do treinamento esportivo vigoroso e precoce sobre a saúde óssea de atletas adolescentes. Através da revisão da literatura científica, envolvendo adolescentes atletas de diferentes modalidades e de ambos os sexos, é possível inferir que a densidade mineral óssea é potencializada pelos exercícios, quando grupos de atletas são comparados com grupos de controle. Entretanto, muito se discute na literatura quanto à recomendação da intensidade adequada da prescrição de exercício físico para população adolescente, uma vez que, caso o treinamento se torne muito extenuante, os benefícios gerados pela atividade sobre a saúde dos ossos podem ser minimizados ou anulados. Embora muita controvérsia ainda envolva o tema, independente do tipo de esporte praticado, o aumento de intensidade do treinamento deve ser razoável e coerente com as metas, sendo enfatizado treinamento seguro e eficaz para cada uma das faixas de idade e momentos da maturação biológica, independente dos calendários competitivos.
INTRODUCTION: Like in humans, lower amounts of glycogen are present in tissues of diabetic rats. However, training or drugs that lower glycemia can improve the metabolic control. Metformin increased glycogen while decreased glycemia in normal rats stressed by exercise. OBJECTIVE: In this work we investigated if regular exercise and metformin effects improve the metabolism of diabetic rats. METHODS: Alloxan diabetic Wistar rats treated with metformin (DTM) or not (DT) were trained. Training consisted of 20 sessions of 30 min, 5 days a week. Sedentary diabetic rats served as control (SD and SDM). Metformin (5.6 µg/g) was given in the drinking water. After 48 h resting, glucose (mg/dl) and insulin (ng/mL) was measured in plasma and glycogen (mg/100 mg of wet tissue) in liver, soleus and gastrocnemius. RESULTS: Glycemia decreased in DM group from 435±15 to 230±20, in DT group to 143±8.1 and in DTM group to 138±19 mg/dl. DM group had proportional increase in the hepatic glycogen from 1.69±0.22 to 3.53±0.24, and the training increased to 3.36 ± 0.16 mg/100 mg. Metformin induced the same proportional increase in the muscles (soleus from 0.21±0.008 to 0.42±0.03 and gastrocnemius from 0.33±0.02 to 0.46±0.03), while the training promoted increase on gastrocnemius to 0,53 ± 0,03, only. A high interaction was observed in liver (glycogen increased to 6.48±0.34). CONCLUSION: Very small oral doses of metformin and/or, partially restored glycemia in diabetic rats and decreased glycogen in tissues. Its association with an exercise program was beneficial, helping lower glycemia further and increase glycogen stores on liver of diabetic rats.
Our aim was to verify the influence of a physical activities proposal in the quality of life and self image of incontinent women. This study was comparative and exploratory and was developed in 16 weeks. Thirty-seven women with and without urinary incontinence (IU) participated in the study. After the study, significant improvement in general health perception (p < 0.001), UI impact (p = 0.035), physical limitations (p = 0.015), personal relations, (p = 0.048), sleep and disposition (p = 0.012) and concerned with the gravity measurements (p = 0.011) was observed. Concerning self image, alterations in appearance were not observed; however, concerning body satisfaction, the women felt less satisfied with their bodies (p = 0.007). There was a reduction in the number of regions where they felt pain (p = 0.0003) and that they did not like (p = 0.0017). In conclusion, the Physical Education professionals using a systematized and integrated physical activities program can lead the women with IU to significant improvement in the perception of their quality of life and health concerning their self image with improvement of the IU symptoms and reduction of frequency and amount of urinary loss.
Handball is a sport that demands endurance associated with fast and powerful actions such as jumps, blocks, sprints and throws. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a 38-week systematic physical training applied to a women's under 21 handball team on upper and lower limb power, 30m sprints speed and endurance. The periodization applied was an adaptation of the Verkhoshansky theory, and aimed at two performance peaks during the season with six data collections. The median and range values for three kg medicine ball throwing was: 2.98m (2.15-3.50); 2.84m (2.43-3.20); 2.90m (2.60-3.38); 3.10 (2.83-3.81); 2.84 (2.55-3.57) and 3.34 (2.93-3.83). Regarding the three-pass running test: 5.60m (4.93-6.58); 5.37m (5.04-6.38); 5.36m (4.93-6.12); 5.65m (4.80-6.78); 5.63m (5.00-6.40) and 5.83m (5.14-6.05). Regarding the 30-m sprint test: 5.8m/s (5.45-6.44); 6,64 m/s (6,24-7,09); 5.65m/s (5.17-5.95); (there was not IV moment for this test); 6.19 m/s (5.57-6.26) and 5.83 (5.14-6.05).Regarding the 30-m sprint endurance test until 10% decrease: 4 sprints (4-6); 5 sprints (4-9); 4,5 sprints (4-16); (there was not IV moment for this test); 6 sprints (4-12) and 5 sprints (4-5). Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in three kg medicine ball throwing and three-pass running tests at least in one of the performance peak planned, with no significant differences in 30-m sprint speed or endurance tests. The applied physical training was efficient at improving the specific physical fitness in the performance peaks, as well as giving support for better physical training adjustment for the upcoming season.
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different assessment time periods of submaximal tests on the determination of the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD), through the adoption of different time slots of 4 to 6, 6 to 8 and 8 to 10 min. Ten cyclists with mean age of 27.5 ± 4.1 years, body mass 74.4 ± 12.7 kg and time experience of 9.8 ± 4.7 years participated in this study. The athletes underwent an incremental exercise test to determine the peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak), and four submaximal constant work-load test sessions (60, 70, 80 and 90% VO2peak) of 10 min in order to estimate the O2 demand (DEO2). The mean VO2 values obtained on each constant work-load for the 4 to 6, 6 to 8 and 8 to 10 min time-periods intervals were used to perform a linear regression between the intensity and O2 consumption for each time-period. In addition, the subjects performed one supramaximal rectangular test (110% VO2peak) for the quantification of MAOD. There was no significant difference in VO2 between the different time-periods for all submaximal tests (P> 0.05). Similarly, no significant difference was found in DEAO2 and MAOD (P> 0.05). Furthermore, the values of MAOD for the three time-periods intervals showed good agreement and strong correlation. Thus, the data suggest that the submaximal tests used to estimate the values of MAOD can be reduced, at least in this type of sample, and with the use of a cycle simulator.
The present study aimed to evaluate, compare and relate load and training tiredness during a periodization cycle in basketball players. Eight professional male athletes aged 21.9 ± 3.4 years, all of whom participated in the São Paulo basketball championship, special division, took part in this study. The macrocycle analyzed encompassed 19 weeks divided into the following periods: Preparatory, Competitive I, and Competitive II (having 4, 6, and 9 weeks, respectively). The authors daily evaluated the athletes on subjective perception of tiredness and training load and monitored the athletes' upper limb power by quantifying their ability to throw a medicine ball. Athletes presented less fatigue (p <0.005) in the Preparatory period (13.71 ± 1.30) compared with the Competitive I (14.68 ± 1.51) and Competitive II (14.63 ± 1.22) periods. Their ability to throw the medicine ball decreased (p <0.005) in the Competitive period II (3.59 ± 0.30) compared with the Preparatory (3.80 ± 0.36) and Competitive I (3.86 ± 0.26) periods. Their monotony decreased (p <0.001) in the Competitive period II (1.18 ± 0.43) compared with the Preparatory (2.50 ± 2.01) and Competitive I (2.10 ± 1.61) periods. The results revealed the effectiveness of monitoring load and tiredness of athletes by means of the proposed method to assist in training organization during a macrocycle.
BACKGROUND: Changes in heart rate during rest-exercise transition can be characterized by the application of mathematical calculations, such as deltas 0-10 and 0-30 seconds to infer on the parasympathetic nervous system and linear regression and delta applied to data range from 60 to 240 seconds to infer on the sympathetic nervous system. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that young and middle-aged subjects have different heart rate responses in exercise of moderate and intense intensity, with different mathematical calculations. METHODS: Seven middle-aged men and ten young men apparently healthy were subject to constant load tests (intense and moderate) in cycle ergometer. The heart rate data were submitted to analysis of deltas (0-10, 0-30 and 60-240 seconds) and simple linear regression (60-240 seconds). The parameters obtained from simple linear regression analysis were: intercept and slope angle. We used the Shapiro-Wilk test to check the distribution of data and the t test for unpaired comparisons between groups. The level of statistical significance was 5%. RESULTS: The value of the intercept and delta 0-10 seconds was lower in middle age in two loads tested and the inclination angle was lower in moderate exercise in middle age. CONCLUSION: The young subjects present greater magnitude of vagal withdrawal in the initial stage of the HR response during constant load exercise and higher speed of adjustment of sympathetic response in moderate exercise.
OBJETIVE: Investigate the cardiopulmonary responses of one strength training session in young women. METHOD: Twenty-three women aged between 18 and 29 years participated in this study. All the volunteers were submitted to the following tests: cardiopulmonary and one-repetition maximum (1-RM). The strength training protocol had emphasis on muscular hypertrophy, three sets from eight to twelve repetitions under 70% of 1-RM, with a one minute thirty-second break between sets. During the training session, the cardiopulmonary variables were measured with a metabolic gas analyzer and a telemetry module. RESULTS: The results of the oxygen consumption in the training session were from 8.43 + 1.76 ml/kg/min and of the heart rate of 108.08 + 15.26 bpm. The results of the oxygen consumption and of the heart rate in the training were lower (p < 0.01) than in the ventilatory threshold and of the oxygen consumption and the heart rate reserves. CONCLUSION: The obtained data show that the present protocol of strength training provided low overload to the cardiopulmonary system of young women.
OBJECTIVE: To adapted the critical velocity (CV), RAST test and lactate minimum (LM) to evaluation of female basketball players. METHODS: Twelve well-trained female basketball players (19 ± 1yrs) were submitted to four intensities running (10 - 14 km/h) at shuttle exercise until exhaustion, applied on alternate days. The linear model 'velocity vs. 1/tlim' was adopted to determine the aerobic (CV) and anaerobic (CCA) parameters. The lactate minimum test consisted of two phases: 1) hiperlactatemia induction using the RAST test and 2) incremental test composed by five shuttle run (20-m) at 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 km/h. Blood samples were collected at the end of each stage. RESULTS: The velocity (vLM) and blood lactate concentration at LM were obtained by two polynomial adjustments: lactate vs. intensity (LM1) and lactate vs. time (LM2). ANOVA one-way, Student t-test and Pearson correlation were used for statistical analysis. The CV was obtained at 10.3 ± 0.2 km/h and the CCA estimated at 73.0 ± 3.4 m. The RAST was capable to induce the hiperlactatemia and to determine the Pmax (3.6 ± 0.2 W/kg), Pmed (2.8 ± 0.1 W/kg), Pmin (2.3 ± 0.1 W/kg) and FI (30 ± 3%). The vLM1 and vLM2 were obtained, respectively, at 9.47 ±0.13 km/h and 9.8 ± 0.13 km/h, and CV was higher than vLM1. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the non-invasive model can be used to determine the aerobic and anaerobic parameters. Furthermore, the LM test adapted to basketball using RAST and progressive phase was effective to evaluate female athletes considering the specificity of modality, with high success rates observed in polynomial adjustment 'lactate vs. time' (LM2).
INTRODUCTION: Armies from all over the world acknowledge the importance of good physical fitness for the performance of military duties. The Military Exercise Training (MET) attempts to provide assistance to this search for better physical fitness and performance. OBJECTIVE: To verifying the effect on the body composition and physical performance of the students at ESPCEX (Military School for Preparation of Army Cadets) after 13 weeks of MET. METHODS: The sample was formed by 287 male students from the ESPCEX, whose average age was 18.33 ±1.26. Such students accomplished a boarding school routine, having defined schedules, meals and activities from which they were only released during the weekends. The MET was accomplished five days a week and it comprised both aerobic and resistance training. Measurement of body mass, height, skinfold (triceps, abdominal and suprailiac) was accomplished during pre and post training periods, and the following tests were performed: 12-minutes-run, oblique sit up, arm push up and pull up. Fat percentage, fat-free body mass and fat body mass were calculated using the anthropometric data based on the Guedes 3 skinfold protocol. RESULTS: Significant reduction in fat body mass, fat percentage and in triceptal and abdominal skinfold, as well as increase in suprailiac skinfold and fat-free body mass was observed when anthropometric and body composition data were compared, during the initial and the final periods of training. Significant improvement also occurred in all prformed physical tests, in which better performance was achieved. CONCLUSION: The acquired data suggest that performance of MET 5 days a week brought significantly improved body composition as well as physical performance
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física