962 resultados para Medical Support


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"Manual supersedes FM 8-15, January 1971.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Objective: To explore the range of meanings about the role of support for patients with hepatitis C by examining medical specialists' perceptions. Method: The study employed a qualitative, open-ended interview design and was conducted in four major teaching hospitals in Adelaide, South Australia. Eight participants (three infectious disease physicians, four gastroenterologists, one hepatologist), selected through purposive sampling, were interviewed about general patient support, their role in support provision, the role of non-medical support and their reasons for not using support services. Results: Main themes included a focus on support as information provision and that patient education is best carried out by a medical specialist. The use of support services was defined as the patient's decision. Participants identified four key periods when patients would benefit from support; during diagnosis, failure to meet treatment criteria, during interferon treatment and following treatment failure. Conclusions: It was concluded that while barriers exist to the establishment of partnerships between specialists and other support services, this study has identified clear points at which future partnerships could be established. Implications: A partnership approach to developing support for patients with hepatitis C offers a systematic framework to facilitate the participation of health professionals and the community in an important area of public health.


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Background: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a debilitating genetic blood disorder that seriously impacts the quality of life of affected individuals and their families. With 85% of cases occurring in sub-Saharan Africa, it is essential to identify the barriers and facilitators of optimal outcomes for people with SCD in this setting. This study focuses on understanding the relationship between support systems and disease outcomes for SCD patients and their families in Cameroon and South Africa.

Methods: This mixed-methods study utilizes surveys and semi-structured interviews to assess the experiences of 29 SCD patients and 28 caregivers of people with SCD across three cities in two African countries: Cape Town, South Africa; Yaoundé, Cameroon; and Limbe, Cameroon.

Results: Patients in Cameroon had less treatment options, a higher frequency of pain crises, and a higher incidence of malaria than patients in South Africa. Social support networks in Cameroon consisted of both family and friends and provided emotional, financial, and physical assistance during pain crises and hospital admissions. In South Africa, patients relied on a strong medical support system and social support primarily from close family members; they were also diagnosed later in life than those in Cameroon.

Conclusions: The strength of medical support systems influences the reliance of SCD patients and their caregivers on social support systems. In Cameroon the health care system does not adequately address all factors of SCD treatment and social networks of family and friends are used to complement the care received. In South Africa, strong medical and social support systems positively affect SCD disease burden for patients and their caregivers. SCD awareness campaigns are necessary to reduce the incidence of SCD and create stronger social support networks through increased community understanding and decreased stigma.


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The high levels of end-stage renal disease among Indigenous Australians, particularly in remote areas of the country, are a serious public health concern. The magnitude of the problem is reflected in figures from the Australian and New Zealand Transplant and Dialysis Registry that show that Indigenous Australians experience end-stage renal disease at a rate almost 9–10 times higher than other non-Indigenous Australians. A majority of Indigenous Australians have to relocate to receive appropriate renal dialysis treatment. In some Australian states, renal treatment is based on self-care dialysis which allows those Indigenous Australians to be treated back in their community. Evidence clearly shows that reuniting renal patients with community and family improves overall health and well-being for those Indigenous Australians. With the appropriate resources, training, and support, self-care management of renal dialysis treatment is an effective way for Indigenous people with end-stage renal failure to be treated at home. In this context, the study was used to gain insight and further understanding of the impact that end-stage renal disease and renal dialysis treatment has had on the lives of Indigenous community members. The study findings are from 14 individually interviewed people from South East Queensland. Data from the interviews were analysed using a combination of thematic and content analysis. The study methodology was based on qualitative data principles where the Indigenous community members were able to share their experiences and journeys living with end-stage renal disease. Many of the experiences and understanding closely relate to the renal disease pattern and the treatment with other outside influences, such as social, cultural, and environmental influences, all having an equal impact. Each community member’s experience with end-stage renal disease is unique; some manage with family and medical support, while others try to manage independently. From the study, community members who managed their renal dialysis treatment independently were much more aware of their renal health status. The study provides recommendations towards a model of care to improve the health and well-being is based on self-care and self-determination principles.


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This research investigated professional practices from Mobile Urgency Care Service (Serviço Ambulatorial Móvel de Urgência - SAMU) at psychiatric cases of the city of Aracaju/SE, Brazil and its possible articulations to psychosocial services network. The regulation no. 2048 of 11/05/2002 from Ministry Health establishes National Urgency Policy and designates that psychiatric cases are SAMU's responsibility. Then, it is necessary to propose an analyze of psychiatric urgency service under anti-asylums social movements standpoint, mainly because this service is responsive in assisting a person in crises. Fieldwork was developed in two phases. First one was made with SAMU workers and the information were produced by recorded semi-structured interviews. Results of this first phase indicate that urgency psychiatric conception from SAMU workers is based on aggressiveness concept; delays at psychiatric cases support and low training in mental health care which means several difficulties to emergency service. Although, we noticed that SAMU use asylum procedures at psychiatric cases like ropes and odder instruments to contain people. The second step of our research was to attend meetings to build a new psychiatric urgencies protocol for SAMU to define practices to auxiliaries, vehicular conductors and medical support regulation. Therefore, open interviews were accomplished with some participators and follows-up to psychiatric case on board of SAMU's cars. Afterwards we discussed how the urgency paradigm, that influence the protocol draw and as consequence distort what we believe is the essentially function of this device, that is to give care support to persons in crises and produce articulation to psychosocial services network


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Esse estudo teve por objetivos identificar sinais e sintomas de transtornos psiquiátricos e descrever tipos de enfrentamento utilizados por trabalhadores aeroportuários. Participaram desse estudo 203 trabalhadores e utilizou-se uma Escala Modo de enfrentamento problemas EMEP e uma Escala de Medida de Sinais e Sintomas psiquiátricos QMPA. Os resultados indicaram predomínio de estratégias positivas : a) focalizadas no problema (3,78) que significam que há um esforço do indivíduo no enfrentamento de situações estressantes procurando mudanças na relação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente causador de tensão; b) busca de suporte social (3,13), denotando busca de apoio instrumental, emocional ou de caráter informativo, ou seja, enquanto a maior parte da amostra apresentava estratégias mais positivas e integradoras também não apresentava sinais e sintomas psiquiátricos. Houve, portanto indicativos de que os sujeitos que compuseram essa amostra apresentaram mais respostas positivas em seus esforços cognitivos ante as situações estressantes ao mesmo tempo em que eram não suspeitos de sintomas psiquiátricos; acrescendo ao fato de que houve consonância entre os instrumentos de medida utilizados no presente estudo. Porém, uma pequena parte da amostra apresentou sinais e sintomas psiquiátricos (23,2%), bem como maior utilização de estratégias focalizadas na emoção (2,50), ou seja, estratégias de enfrentamento negativas. Embora esse fosse um número pequeno em relação à amostra total, considera-se preocupante, dado ao fato de serem trabalhadores aeroportuários e exercerem importantes funções tanto em relação ao manejo e orientação de manobras de aeronaves no solo como em relação à lida com pessoas; de modo que a associação entre sinais e sintomas com estratégias consideradas negativas implicam em transtornos que merecem acompanhamento pela equipe de saúde e de recursos humanos na empresa. É nesse sentido que aqui se sugere um trabalho de constante acompanhamento com trabalhadores em geral, a fim de verificar aqueles que necessitam de suporte psicológico e médico e aqueles que podem ser remanejados de suas funções dentro do aeroporto. O acompanhamento com instrumentais adequados, além de serem preventivos e promotores de saúde psicológica, na medida em que facilitam a detecção de sintomatologias mentais, também auxilia no planejamento de programas de saúde e, por conseguinte, como benefício no trabalho e fator preditor de saúde.(AU)


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Esse estudo teve por objetivos identificar sinais e sintomas de transtornos psiquiátricos e descrever tipos de enfrentamento utilizados por trabalhadores aeroportuários. Participaram desse estudo 203 trabalhadores e utilizou-se uma Escala Modo de enfrentamento problemas EMEP e uma Escala de Medida de Sinais e Sintomas psiquiátricos QMPA. Os resultados indicaram predomínio de estratégias positivas : a) focalizadas no problema (3,78) que significam que há um esforço do indivíduo no enfrentamento de situações estressantes procurando mudanças na relação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente causador de tensão; b) busca de suporte social (3,13), denotando busca de apoio instrumental, emocional ou de caráter informativo, ou seja, enquanto a maior parte da amostra apresentava estratégias mais positivas e integradoras também não apresentava sinais e sintomas psiquiátricos. Houve, portanto indicativos de que os sujeitos que compuseram essa amostra apresentaram mais respostas positivas em seus esforços cognitivos ante as situações estressantes ao mesmo tempo em que eram não suspeitos de sintomas psiquiátricos; acrescendo ao fato de que houve consonância entre os instrumentos de medida utilizados no presente estudo. Porém, uma pequena parte da amostra apresentou sinais e sintomas psiquiátricos (23,2%), bem como maior utilização de estratégias focalizadas na emoção (2,50), ou seja, estratégias de enfrentamento negativas. Embora esse fosse um número pequeno em relação à amostra total, considera-se preocupante, dado ao fato de serem trabalhadores aeroportuários e exercerem importantes funções tanto em relação ao manejo e orientação de manobras de aeronaves no solo como em relação à lida com pessoas; de modo que a associação entre sinais e sintomas com estratégias consideradas negativas implicam em transtornos que merecem acompanhamento pela equipe de saúde e de recursos humanos na empresa. É nesse sentido que aqui se sugere um trabalho de constante acompanhamento com trabalhadores em geral, a fim de verificar aqueles que necessitam de suporte psicológico e médico e aqueles que podem ser remanejados de suas funções dentro do aeroporto. O acompanhamento com instrumentais adequados, além de serem preventivos e promotores de saúde psicológica, na medida em que facilitam a detecção de sintomatologias mentais, também auxilia no planejamento de programas de saúde e, por conseguinte, como benefício no trabalho e fator preditor de saúde.(AU)


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Cover title.


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Children bear disproportionate consequences of armed conflict. The 21st century continues to see patterns of children enmeshed in international violence between opposing combatant forces, as victims of terrorist warfare, and, perhaps most tragically of all, as victims of civil wars. Innocent children so often are the victims of high-energy wounding from military ordinance. They sustain high-energy tissue damage and massive burns - injuries that are not commonly seen in civilian populations. Children have also been deliberately targeted victims in genocidal civil wars in Africa in the past decade, and hundreds of thousands have been killed and maimed in the context of close-quarter, hand-to-hand assaults of great ferocity. Paediatricians serve as uniformed military surgeons and as civilian doctors in both international and civil wars, and have a significant strategic role to play as advocates for the rights and welfare of children in the context of the evolving 'Laws of War'. One chronic legacy of contemporary warfare is blast injury to children from landmines. Such blasts leave children without feet or lower limbs, with genital injuries, blindness and deafness. This pattern of injury has become one of the post-civil war syndromes encountered by all intensivists and surgeons serving in four of the world's continents. The continued advocacy for the international ban on the manufacture, commerce and military use of antipersonnel landmines is a part of all paediatricians' obligation to promote the ethos of the Laws of War. Post-traumatic stress disorder remains an undertreated legacy of children who have been trapped in the shot and shell of battle as well as those displaced as refugees. An urgent, unfocused and unmet challenge has been the increase in, and plight of, child soldiers themselves. A new class of combatant comprises these children, who also become enmeshed in the triad of anarchic civil war, light-weight weaponry and drug or alcohol addiction. The International Criminal Court has outlawed as a War Crime, the conscription of children under 15 years of age. Nevertheless, there remain more than 300 000 child soldiers active and enmeshed in psychopathic violence as part of both civil and international warfare. The typical profile of a child soldier is of a boy between the ages of 8 and 18 years, bonded into a group of armed peers, almost always an orphan, drug or alcohol addicted, amoral, merciless, illiterate and dangerous. Paediatricians have much to do to protect such war-enmeshed children, irrespective of the accident of their place of birth. Only by such vigorous and maintained advocacy can the world's children be better protected from the scourge of future wars.


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Esse estudo teve por objetivos identificar sinais e sintomas de transtornos psiquiátricos e descrever tipos de enfrentamento utilizados por trabalhadores aeroportuários. Participaram desse estudo 203 trabalhadores e utilizou-se uma Escala Modo de enfrentamento problemas EMEP e uma Escala de Medida de Sinais e Sintomas psiquiátricos QMPA. Os resultados indicaram predomínio de estratégias positivas : a) focalizadas no problema (3,78) que significam que há um esforço do indivíduo no enfrentamento de situações estressantes procurando mudanças na relação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente causador de tensão; b) busca de suporte social (3,13), denotando busca de apoio instrumental, emocional ou de caráter informativo, ou seja, enquanto a maior parte da amostra apresentava estratégias mais positivas e integradoras também não apresentava sinais e sintomas psiquiátricos. Houve, portanto indicativos de que os sujeitos que compuseram essa amostra apresentaram mais respostas positivas em seus esforços cognitivos ante as situações estressantes ao mesmo tempo em que eram não suspeitos de sintomas psiquiátricos; acrescendo ao fato de que houve consonância entre os instrumentos de medida utilizados no presente estudo. Porém, uma pequena parte da amostra apresentou sinais e sintomas psiquiátricos (23,2%), bem como maior utilização de estratégias focalizadas na emoção (2,50), ou seja, estratégias de enfrentamento negativas. Embora esse fosse um número pequeno em relação à amostra total, considera-se preocupante, dado ao fato de serem trabalhadores aeroportuários e exercerem importantes funções tanto em relação ao manejo e orientação de manobras de aeronaves no solo como em relação à lida com pessoas; de modo que a associação entre sinais e sintomas com estratégias consideradas negativas implicam em transtornos que merecem acompanhamento pela equipe de saúde e de recursos humanos na empresa. É nesse sentido que aqui se sugere um trabalho de constante acompanhamento com trabalhadores em geral, a fim de verificar aqueles que necessitam de suporte psicológico e médico e aqueles que podem ser remanejados de suas funções dentro do aeroporto. O acompanhamento com instrumentais adequados, além de serem preventivos e promotores de saúde psicológica, na medida em que facilitam a detecção de sintomatologias mentais, também auxilia no planejamento de programas de saúde e, por conseguinte, como benefício no trabalho e fator preditor de saúde.(AU)


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Emergency Medical Dispatchers (EMDs) respond to crisis calls for ambulance; they dispatch paramedics and provide emotional and medical assistance to callers. Despite the stressful nature and exposure to potentially traumatising events in this role, there has been no published research specifically investigating well-being or posttraumatic growth among EMDs. Extrapolating from research conducted among other emergency services workers (e. g., paramedics, police), literature attests to the importance of self efficacy and social support in promoting mental health in emergency service workers. Therefore, this study assessed the impact of self efficacy, and giving and receiving social support on psychological well-being, posttraumatic growth (PTG), and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sixty EMDs (50% response rate) completed an online questionnaire. Three hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to ascertain predictors of well-being, PTG and PTSD. Receiving social support emerged as a significant positive predictor of well-being and PTG, and a significant negative predictor of PTSD. Self efficacy was found to significantly and positively predict well-being, and shift-work was found to significantly and negatively predict PTSD. These results highlight that self efficacy and receiving social support are likely to be important for enhancing well-being within this population, and that receiving social support is also likely to facilitate positive post-trauma responses. Such findings have implications for the way emergency service personnel are educated with reference to aspects of mental health and how best to support personnel in order to achieve optimal mental health outcomes for all.


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Culturally, philosophically and religiously diverse medical systems including Western medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine and Homeopathic Medicine, once situated in places and times relatively unconnected from each other, currently co-exist to a point where patients must choose which system to consult. These decisions require comparative analyses, yet the divergence in key underpinning assumptions is so great that comparisons cannot easily be made. However, diverse medical systems can be meaningfully juxtaposed for the purpose of making practical decisions if relevant information is presented appropriately. Information regarding privacy provisions inherent in the typical practice of each medical system is an important element in this juxtaposition. In this paper the information needs of patients making decisions regarding the selection of a medical system are examined.