999 resultados para Medical Biophysics


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DCE-MRI is an important technique in the study of small animal cancer models because its sensitivity to vascular changes opens the possibility of quantitative assessment of early therapeutic response. However, extraction of physiologically descriptive parameters from DCE-MRI data relies upon measurement of the vascular input function (VIF), which represents the contrast agent concentration time course in the blood plasma. This is difficult in small animal models due to artifacts associated with partial volume, inflow enhancement, and the limited temporal resolution achievable with MR imaging. In this work, the development of a suite of techniques for high temporal resolution, artifact resistant measurement of the VIF in mice is described. One obstacle in VIF measurement is inflow enhancement, which decreases the sensitivity of the MR signal to the presence of contrast agent. Because the traditional techniques used to suppress inflow enhancement degrade the achievable spatiotemporal resolution of the pulse sequence, improvements can be achieved by reducing the time required for the suppression. Thus, a novel RF pulse which provides spatial presaturation contemporaneously with the RF excitation was implemented and evaluated. This maximizes the achievable temporal resolution by removing the additional RF and gradient pulses typically required for suppression of inflow enhancement. A second challenge is achieving the temporal resolution required for accurate characterization of the VIF, which exceeds what can be achieved with conventional imaging techniques while maintaining adequate spatial resolution and tumor coverage. Thus, an anatomically constrained reconstruction strategy was developed that allows for sampling of the VIF at extremely high acceleration factors, permitting capture of the initial pass of the contrast agent in mice. Simulation, phantom, and in vivo validation of all components were performed. Finally, the two components were used to perform VIF measurement in the murine heart. An in vivo study of the VIF reproducibility was performed, and an improvement in the measured injection-to-injection variation was observed. This will lead to improvements in the reliability of quantitative DCE-MRI measurements and increase their sensitivity.


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Purpose: Respiratory motion causes substantial uncertainty in radiotherapy treatment planning. Four-dimensional computed tomography (4D-CT) is a useful tool to image tumor motion during normal respiration. Treatment margins can be reduced by targeting the motion path of the tumor. The expense and complexity of 4D-CT, however, may be cost-prohibitive at some facilities. We developed an image processing technique to produce images from cine CT that contain significant motion information without 4D-CT. The purpose of this work was to compare cine CT and 4D-CT for the purposes of target delineation and dose calculation, and to explore the role of PET in target delineation of lung cancer. Methods: To determine whether cine CT could substitute 4D-CT for small mobile lung tumors, we compared target volumes delineated by a physician on cine CT and 4D-CT for 27 tumors with intrafractional motion greater than 1 cm. We assessed dose calculation by comparing dose distributions calculated on respiratory-averaged cine CT and respiratory-averaged 4D-CT using the gamma index. A threshold-based PET segmentation model of size, motion, and source-to-background was developed from phantom scans and validated with 24 lung tumors. Finally, feasibility of integrating cine CT and PET for contouring was assessed on a small group of larger tumors. Results: Cine CT to 4D-CT target volume ratios were (1.05±0.14) and (0.97±0.13) for high-contrast and low-contrast tumors respectively which was within intraobserver variation. Dose distributions on cine CT produced good agreement (< 2%/1 mm) with 4D-CT for 71 of 73 patients. The segmentation model fit the phantom data with R2 = 0.96 and produced PET target volumes that matched CT better than 6 published methods (-5.15%). Application of the model to more complex tumors produced mixed results and further research is necessary to adequately integrate PET and cine CT for delineation. Conclusions: Cine CT can be used for target delineation of small mobile lesions with minimal differences to 4D-CT. PET, utilizing the segmentation model, can provide additional contrast. Additional research is required to assess the efficacy of complex tumor delineation with cine CT and PET. Respiratory-averaged cine CT can substitute respiratory-averaged 4D-CT for dose calculation with negligible differences.


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Detector uniformity is a fundamental performance characteristic of all modern gamma camera systems, and ensuring a stable, uniform detector response is critical for maintaining clinical images that are free of artifact. For these reasons, the assessment of detector uniformity is one of the most common activities associated with a successful clinical quality assurance program in gamma camera imaging. The evaluation of this parameter, however, is often unclear because it is highly dependent upon acquisition conditions, reviewer expertise, and the application of somewhat arbitrary limits that do not characterize the spatial location of the non-uniformities. Furthermore, as the goal of any robust quality control program is the determination of significant deviations from standard or baseline conditions, clinicians and vendors often neglect the temporal nature of detector degradation (1). This thesis describes the development and testing of new methods for monitoring detector uniformity. These techniques provide more quantitative, sensitive, and specific feedback to the reviewer so that he or she may be better equipped to identify performance degradation prior to its manifestation in clinical images. The methods exploit the temporal nature of detector degradation and spatially segment distinct regions-of-non-uniformity using multi-resolution decomposition. These techniques were tested on synthetic phantom data using different degradation functions, as well as on experimentally acquired time series floods with induced, progressively worsening defects present within the field-of-view. The sensitivity of conventional, global figures-of-merit for detecting changes in uniformity was evaluated and compared to these new image-space techniques. The image-space algorithms provide a reproducible means of detecting regions-of-non-uniformity prior to any single flood image’s having a NEMA uniformity value in excess of 5%. The sensitivity of these image-space algorithms was found to depend on the size and magnitude of the non-uniformities, as well as on the nature of the cause of the non-uniform region. A trend analysis of the conventional figures-of-merit demonstrated their sensitivity to shifts in detector uniformity. The image-space algorithms are computationally efficient. Therefore, the image-space algorithms should be used concomitantly with the trending of the global figures-of-merit in order to provide the reviewer with a richer assessment of gamma camera detector uniformity characteristics.


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The risk of second malignant neoplasms (SMNs) following prostate radiotherapy is a concern due to the large population of survivors and decreasing age at diagnosis. It is known that parallel-opposed beam proton therapy carries a lower risk than photon IMRT. However, a comparison of SMN risk following proton and photon arc therapies has not previously been reported. The purpose of this study was to predict the ratio of excess relative risk (RRR) of SMN incidence following proton arc therapy to that after volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). Additionally, we investigated the impact of margin size and the effect of risk-minimized proton beam weighting on predicted RRR. Physician-approved treatment plans were created for both modalities for three patients. Therapeutic dose was obtained with differential dose-volume histograms from the treatment planning system, and stray dose was estimated from the literature or calculated with Monte Carlo simulations. Then, various risk models were applied to the total dose. Additional treatment plans were also investigated with varying margin size and risk-minimized proton beam weighting. The mean RRR ranged from 0.74 to 0.99, depending on risk model. The additional treatment plans revealed that the RRR remained approximately constant with varying margin size, and that the predicted RRR was reduced by 12% using a risk-minimized proton arc therapy planning technique. In conclusion, proton arc therapy was found to provide an advantage over VMAT in regard to predicted risk of SMN following prostate radiotherapy. This advantage was independent of margin size and was amplified with risk-optimized proton beam weighting.


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Virtual colonoscopy (VC) is a minimally invasive means for identifying colorectal polyps and colorectal lesions by insufflating a patient’s bowel, applying contrast agent via rectal catheter, and performing multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) scans. The technique is recommended for colonic health screening by the American Cancer Society but not funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) partially because of potential risks from radiation exposure. To date, no in‐vivo organ dose measurements have been performed for MDCT scans; thus, the accuracy of any current dose estimates is currently unknown. In this study, two TLDs were affixed to the inner lumen of standard rectal catheters used in VC, and in-vivo rectal dose measurements were obtained within 6 VC patients. In order to calculate rectal dose, TLD-100 powder response was characterized at diagnostic doses such that appropriate correction factors could be determined for VC. A third-order polynomial regression with a goodness of fit factor of R2=0.992 was constructed from this data. Rectal dose measurements were acquired with TLDs during simulated VC within a modified anthropomorphic phantom configured to represent three sizes of patients undergoing VC. The measured rectal doses decreased in an exponential manner with increasing phantom effective diameter, with R2=0.993 for the exponential regression model and a maximum percent coefficient of variation (%CoV) of 4.33%. In-vivo measurements yielded rectal doses ranged from that decreased exponentially with increasing patient effective diameter, in a manner that was also favorably predicted by the size specific dose estimate (SSDE) model for all VC patients that were of similar age, body composition, and TLD placement. The measured rectal dose within a younger patient was favorably predicted by the anthropomorphic phantom dose regression model due to similarities in the percentages of highly attenuating material at the respective measurement locations and in the placement of the TLDs. The in-vivo TLD response did not increase in %CoV with decreasing dose, and the largest %CoV was 10.0%.


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Serial quantitative and correlative studies of experimental spinal cord injury (SCI) in rats were conducted using three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Correlative measures included morphological histopathology, neurobehavioral measures of functional deficit, and biochemical assays for N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA), lactate, pyruvate, and ATP. A spinal cord injury device was characterized and provided a reproducible injury severity. Injuries were moderate and consistent to within $\pm$20% (standard deviation). For MRI, a three-dimensional implementation of the single spin-echo FATE (Fast optimum angle, short TE) pulse sequence was used for rapid acquisition, with a 128 x 128 x 32 (x,y,z) matrix size and a 0.21 x 0.21 x 1.5 mm resolution. These serial studies revealed a bimodal characteristic in the evolution in MRI pathology with time. Early and late phases of SCI pathology were clearly visualized in $T\sb2$-weighted MRI, and these corresponded to specific histopathological changes in the spinal cord. Centralized hypointense MRI regions correlated with evidence of hemorrhagic and necrotic tissue, while surrounding hyperintense regions represented edema or myelomalacia. Unexpectedly, $T\sb2$-weighted MRI pathology contrast at 24 hours after injury appeared to subside before peaking at 72 hours after injury. This change is likely attributable to ongoing secondary injury processes, which may alter local $T\sb2$ values or reduce the natural anisotropy of the spinal cord. MRI, functional, and histological measures all indicated that 72 hours after injury was the temporal maximum for quantitative measures of spinal cord pathology. Thereafter, significant improvement was seen only in neurobehavioral scores. Significant correlations were found between quantitated MRI pathology and histopathology. Also, NAA and lactate levels correlated with behavioral measures of the level of function deficit. Asymmetric (rostral/caudal) changes in NAA and lactate due to injury indicate that rostral and caudal segments from the injury site are affected differently by the injury. These studies indicate that volumetric quantitation of MRI pathology from $T\sb2$-weighted images may play an important role in early prediction of neurologic deficit and spinal cord pathology. The loss of $T\sb2$ contrast at 24 hours suggests MR may be able to detect certain delayed mechanisms of secondary injury which are not resolved by histopathology or other radiological modalities. Furthermore, in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies of SCI may provide a valuable addition source of information about changes in regional spinal cord lactate and NAA levels, which are indicative of local metabolic and pathological changes. ^


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Dielectrophoresis (DEP) has been used to manipulate cells in low-conductivity suspending media using AC electrical fields generated on micro-fabricated electrode arrays. This has created the possibility of performing automatically on a micro-scale more sophisticated cell processing than that currently requiring substantial laboratory equipment, reagent volumes, time, and human intervention. In this research the manipulation of aqueous droplets in an immiscible, low-permittivity suspending medium is described to complement previous work on dielectrophoretic cell manipulation. Such droplets can be used as carriers not only for air- and water-borne samples, contaminants, chemical reagents, viral and gene products, and cells, but also the reagents to process and characterize these samples. A long-term goal of this area of research is to perform chemical and biological assays on automated, micro-scaled devices at or near the point-of-care, which will increase the availability of modern medicine to people who do not have ready access to large medical institutions and decrease the cost and delays associated with that lack of access. In this research I present proofs-of-concept for droplet manipulation and droplet-based biochemical analysis using dielectrophoresis as the motive force. Proofs-of-concept developed for the first time in this research include: (1) showing droplet movement on a two-dimensional array of electrodes, (2) achieving controlled dielectric droplet injection, (3) fusing and reacting droplets, and (4) demonstrating a protein fluorescence assay using micro-droplets. ^


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Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) is a noninvasive technique for quantitative assessment of the integrity of blood-brain barrier and blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB) in the presence of central nervous system pathologies. However, the results of DCE-MRI show substantial variability. The high variability can be caused by a number of factors including inaccurate T1 estimation, insufficient temporal resolution and poor contrast-to-noise ratio. My thesis work is to develop improved methods to reduce the variability of DCE-MRI results. To obtain fast and accurate T1 map, the Look-Locker acquisition technique was implemented with a novel and truly centric k-space segmentation scheme. In addition, an original multi-step curve fitting procedure was developed to increase the accuracy of T1 estimation. A view sharing acquisition method was implemented to increase temporal resolution, and a novel normalization method was introduced to reduce image artifacts. Finally, a new clustering algorithm was developed to reduce apparent noise in the DCE-MRI data. The performance of these proposed methods was verified by simulations and phantom studies. As part of this work, the proposed techniques were applied to an in vivo DCE-MRI study of experimental spinal cord injury (SCI). These methods have shown robust results and allow quantitative assessment of regions with very low vascular permeability. In conclusion, applications of the improved DCE-MRI acquisition and analysis methods developed in this thesis work can improve the accuracy of the DCE-MRI results.


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Proton therapy is growing increasingly popular due to its superior dose characteristics compared to conventional photon therapy. Protons travel a finite range in the patient body and stop, thereby delivering no dose beyond their range. However, because the range of a proton beam is heavily dependent on the tissue density along its beam path, uncertainties in patient setup position and inherent range calculation can degrade thedose distribution significantly. Despite these challenges that are unique to proton therapy, current management of the uncertainties during treatment planning of proton therapy has been similar to that of conventional photon therapy. The goal of this dissertation research was to develop a treatment planning method and a planevaluation method that address proton-specific issues regarding setup and range uncertainties. Treatment plan designing method adapted to proton therapy: Currently, for proton therapy using a scanning beam delivery system, setup uncertainties are largely accounted for by geometrically expanding a clinical target volume (CTV) to a planning target volume (PTV). However, a PTV alone cannot adequately account for range uncertainties coupled to misaligned patient anatomy in the beam path since it does not account for the change in tissue density. In order to remedy this problem, we proposed a beam-specific PTV (bsPTV) that accounts for the change in tissue density along the beam path due to the uncertainties. Our proposed method was successfully implemented, and its superiority over the conventional PTV was shown through a controlled experiment.. Furthermore, we have shown that the bsPTV concept can be incorporated into beam angle optimization for better target coverage and normal tissue sparing for a selected lung cancer patient. Treatment plan evaluation method adapted to proton therapy: The dose-volume histogram of the clinical target volume (CTV) or any other volumes of interest at the time of planning does not represent the most probable dosimetric outcome of a given plan as it does not include the uncertainties mentioned earlier. Currently, the PTV is used as a surrogate of the CTV’s worst case scenario for target dose estimation. However, because proton dose distributions are subject to change under these uncertainties, the validity of the PTV analysis method is questionable. In order to remedy this problem, we proposed the use of statistical parameters to quantify uncertainties on both the dose-volume histogram and dose distribution directly. The robust plan analysis tool was successfully implemented to compute both the expectation value and its standard deviation of dosimetric parameters of a treatment plan under the uncertainties. For 15 lung cancer patients, the proposed method was used to quantify the dosimetric difference between the nominal situation and its expected value under the uncertainties.


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Radiation therapy for patients with intact cervical cancer is frequently delivered using primary external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) followed by two fractions of intracavitary brachytherapy (ICBT). Although the tumor is the primary radiation target, controlling microscopic disease in the lymph nodes is just as critical to patient treatment outcome. In patients where gross lymphadenopathy is discovered, an extra EBRT boost course is delivered between the two ICBT fractions. Since the nodal boost is an addendum to primary EBRT and ICBT, the prescription and delivery must be performed considering previously delivered dose. This project aims to address the major issues of this complex process for the purpose of improving treatment accuracy while increasing dose sparing to the surrounding normal tissues. Because external beam boosts to involved lymph nodes are given prior to the completion of ICBT, assumptions must be made about dose to positive lymph nodes from future implants. The first aim of this project was to quantify differences in nodal dose contribution between independent ICBT fractions. We retrospectively evaluated differences in the ICBT dose contribution to positive pelvic nodes for ten patients who had previously received external beam nodal boost. Our results indicate that the mean dose to the pelvic nodes differed by up to 1.9 Gy between independent ICBT fractions. The second aim is to develop and validate a volumetric method for summing dose of the normal tissues during prescription of nodal boost. The traditional method of dose summation uses the maximum point dose from each modality, which often only represents the worst case scenario. However, the worst case is often an exaggeration when highly conformal therapy methods such as intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) are used. We used deformable image registration algorithms to volumetrically sum dose for the bladder and rectum and created a voxel-by-voxel validation method. The mean error in deformable image registration results of all voxels within the bladder and rectum were 5 and 6 mm, respectively. Finally, the third aim explored the potential use of proton therapy to reduce normal tissue dose. A major physical advantage of protons over photons is that protons stop after delivering dose in the tumor. Although theoretically superior to photons, proton beams are more sensitive to uncertainties caused by interfractional anatomical variations, and must be accounted for during treatment planning to ensure complete target coverage. We have demonstrated a systematic approach to determine population-based anatomical margin requirements for proton therapy. The observed optimal treatment angles for common iliac nodes were 90° (left lateral) and 180° (posterior-anterior [PA]) with additional 0.8 cm and 0.9 cm margins, respectively. For external iliac nodes, lateral and PA beams required additional 0.4 cm and 0.9 cm margins, respectively. Through this project, we have provided radiation oncologists with additional information about potential differences in nodal dose between independent ICBT insertions and volumetric total dose distribution in the bladder and rectum. We have also determined the margins needed for safe delivery of proton therapy when delivering nodal boosts to patients with cervical cancer.


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With continuous new improvements in brachytherapy source designs and techniques, method of 3D dosimetry for treatment dose verifications would better ensure accurate patient radiotherapy treatment. This study was aimed to first evaluate the 3D dose distributions of the low-dose rate (LDR) Amersham 6711 OncoseedTM using PRESAGE® dosimeters to establish PRESAGE® as a suitable brachytherapy dosimeter. The new AgX100 125I seed model (Theragenics Corporation) was then characterized using PRESAGE® following the TG-43 protocol. PRESAGE® dosimeters are solid, polyurethane-based, 3D dosimeters doped with radiochromic leuco dyes that produce a linear optical density response to radiation dose. For this project, the radiochromic response in PRESAGE® was captured using optical-CT scanning (632 nm) and the final 3D dose matrix was reconstructed using the MATLAB software. An Amersham 6711 seed with an air-kerma strength of approximately 9 U was used to irradiate two dosimeters to 2 Gy and 11 Gy at 1 cm to evaluate dose rates in the r=1 cm to r=5 cm region. The dosimetry parameters were compared to the values published in the updated AAPM Report No. 51 (TG-43U1). An AgX100 seed with an air-kerma strength of about 6 U was used to irradiate two dosimeters to 3.6 Gy and 12.5 Gy at 1 cm. The dosimetry parameters for the AgX100 were compared to the values measured from previous Monte-Carlo and experimental studies. In general, the measured dose rate constant, anisotropy function, and radial dose function for the Amersham 6711 showed agreements better than 5% compared to consensus values in the r=1 to r=3 cm region. The dose rates and radial dose functions measured for the AgX100 agreed with the MCNPX and TLD-measured values within 3% in the r=1 to r=3 cm region. The measured anisotropy function in PRESAGE® showed relative differences of up to 9% with the MCNPX calculated values. It was determined that post-irradiation optical density change over several days was non-linear in different dose regions, and therefore the dose values in the r=4 to r=5 cm regions had higher uncertainty due to this effect. This study demonstrated that within the radial distance of 3 cm, brachytherapy dosimetry in PRESAGE® can be accurate within 5% as long as irradiation times are within 48 hours.


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Although frequently cured of Hodgkin lymphoma, adolescents and young adults can develop radiation induced second cancers. These patients could potentially benefit from scanned ion radiotherapy yet likely would require motion mitigation strategies. In theory, four-dimensional (4D) optimization of ion beam fields for individual motion states of respiration can enable superior sparing of healthy tissue near moving targets, compared to other motion mitigation strategies. Furthermore, carbon-ion therapy can sometimes provide greater relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for cell sterilization in a target but nearly equivalent RBE in tissue upstream of the target, compared to proton therapy. Thus, we expected that for some patients with Hodgkin lymphoma, carbon-ion therapy would reduce the predicted risk of second cancer incidence in the breast compared with proton therapy. The purpose of this work was to determine whether 4D-optimized carbon-ion therapy would significantly reduce the predicted risk of radiation induced second cancers in the breast for female Hodgkin lymphoma patients while preserving tumor control compared with proton therapy. To achieve our goals, we first investigated whether 4D-optimized carbon beam tracking could reduce dose to volumes outside a moving target compared with 3D-optimized carbon beam tracking while preserving target dose coverage. To understand the reliability of scanned carbon beam tracking, we studied the robustness of dose distributions in thoracic targets to uncertainties in patient motion. Finally, we investigated whether using carbon-ion therapy instead of proton therapy would significantly reduce the predicted risk of second cancer in the breast for a sample of Hodgkin lymphoma patients. We found that 4D-optimized ion beam tracking therapy can reduce the maximum dose to critical structures near a moving target by as much as 53%, compared to 3D-optimized ion beam tracking therapy. We validated these findings experimentally using a scanned carbon ion synchrotron and a motion phantom. We found scanned carbon beam tracking to be sensitive to a number of motion uncertainties, most notably phase delays in tracking, systematic spatial errors, and interfractional motion changes. Our findings indicate that a lower risk of second cancer in the breast might be expected for some Hodgkin lymphoma patients using carbon-ion therapy instead of proton therapy. For our reference scenario, we found the ratio of risk to be 0.77 ± 0.35 for radiogenic breast cancer after carbon-ion therapy versus proton therapy. Our findings were dependent on the RBE values for tumor induction and the radiosensitivity of breast tissue, as well as the physical dose distribution.


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Validation of treatment plan quality and dose calculation accuracy is essential for new radiotherapy techniques, including volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). VMAT delivers intensity modulated radiotherapy treatments while simultaneously rotating the gantry, adding an additional level of complexity to both the dose calculation and delivery of VMAT treatments compared to static gantry IMRT. The purpose of this project was to compare two VMAT systems, Elekta VMAT and Varian RapidArc, to the current standard of care, IMRT, in terms of both treatment plan quality and dosimetric delivery accuracy using the Radiological Physics Center (RPC) head and neck (H&N) phantom. Clinically relevant treatment plans were created for the phantom using typical prescription and dose constraints for Elekta VMAT (planned with Pinnacle3 Smart Arc) and RapidArc and IMRT (both planned with Eclipse). The treatment plans were evaluated to determine if they were clinically comparable using several dosimetric criteria, including ability to meet dose objectives, hot spots, conformity index, and homogeneity index. The planned treatments were delivered to the phantom and absolute doses and relative dose distributions were measured with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) and radiochromic film, respectively. The measured and calculated doses of each treatment were compared to determine if they were clinically acceptable based upon RPC criteria of ±7% dose difference and 4 mm distance-to-agreement. Gamma analysis was used to assess dosimetric accuracy, as well. All treatment plans were able to meet the dosimetric objectives set by the RPC and had similar hot spots in the normal tissue. The Elekta VMAT plan was more homogenous but less conformal than the RapidArc and IMRT plans. When comparing the measured and calculated doses, all plans met the RPC ±7%/4 mm criteria. The percent of points passing the gamma analysis for each treatment delivery was acceptable. Treatment plan quality of the Elekta VMAT, RapidArc and IMRT treatments were comparable for consistent dose prescriptions and constraints. Additionally, the dosimetric accuracy of the Elekta VMAT and RapidArc treatments was verified to be within acceptable tolerances.


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