999 resultados para Medical Anatomy
Contains notes taken by Harvard student Lyman Spalding (1775-1821) from lectures on anatomy and surgery delivered by Harvard Professor John Warren (1753-1815) in 1795, as well a section entitled “Medical Observations,” which includes entries on “Vernal Debility,” or diseases occurring in the spring, and lung function. It is unclear if these are Spalding’s own writings or transcriptions from a published work. There is also text transcribed from “Elementa Medicinae,” published in 1780 by Scottish physician John Brown.
Volume containing notes on the lectures of Henry Cline (1750-1827), a surgeon at St. Thomas's Hospital, London, England, that were kept by American medical student John Collins Warren in 1799 and 1800. The lectures were on topics including blood, blood vessels, absorbents, cellular membranes, and the nerves. There are annotations in pencil in an unknown hand throughout the volume.
A paper affixed to the rear free endpaper of the item states that is edition contains “fine reproductions of the Gemini plates.” “Thomas Geminus was a a pseudonym for Thomas Lambrit, an engraver and printer…shown as active from about 1540; he died in May 1562.” http://www.arsanatomica.lib.ed.ac.uk/geminus.html accessed 11/20/2012. Geminus (Lambrit) printed Compendiosa totius anatomiae delineation aere exarata in 1545 copied from Vesalius’ 1543, De humani corporis fabrica . (Wellcome Library catalog, accessed 11/20/2012.) This book is a 1617 reproduction of the engraved copperplates which Lambrit himself copied from the original woodblock prints of the Vesalius’ book. Because the illustrations were based on those in the Vesalius’ book, because the name Vesalius helped sell the book, because copyright laws were not in effect, and because photocopies and digital images were not available, the author of this book is given as Andreas Vesalius. (Vesalius may or may not have been pleased.) For more information on Thomas Geminus (Lambrit) see The Anatomy of Thomas Geminus, by Geoffrey Keynes, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2413790/?page=1
Contains notes taken by Moses Appleton (1773-1849) on anatomy lectures delivered at Harvard by John Warren (1753-1815). Other lecture topics included midwifery and surgery. Also includes a transcript of an examination given by Warren to his students on anatomy and surgery, as well as exams given by Harvard Professor Benjamin Waterhouse (1754-1846) and Harvard Professor Aaron Dexter (1750-1829) on the theory and practice of physic, and chemistry, respectively. There are additionally patient case notes and transcriptions of notes and correspondence from physicians Appleton consulted, and a list of operations Appleton performed between 1796 and 1828, primarily repairing dislocated joints and fractured bones. Also includes obituaries of citizens of Waterville, Maine, from 1807 to 1837.
Formaldehyde (FA) had been considered to be carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (group1), on the basis of sufficient evidence both in humans and in experimental animals, making it a subject of major environmental concern, especially in the occupational context. Manifold in vitro studies clearly indicated that FA is genotoxic, inducing various genotoxic effects in proliferating cultured mammalian cells. Cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assay is used extensively in molecular epidemiology, and the chromosomal alterations most reported and studied by the CBMN are: micronucleus (MN), nucleoplasmic bridges (NPB) and nuclear buds (NBUDs). The pathology anatomy laboratories are work places that manipulate routinely FA and pathology anatomy technologists and pathologists contact daily with this chemical compound particularly in the macroscopic exam and grossing procedures. The aim of this study was to identify genotoxicity biomarkers in the set workers groups, such as micronucleus (MN), nucleoplasmic bridges (NPB) and nuclear buds (NBUD) in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
This tutorial reviews the common elements that all journal articles contain (abstract, methods, etc.) and what can be learned from each element. In addition, the tutorial distinguishes between scholarly journal articles and other publications. The Health Education Assets Library (HEAL) is a digital library that provides freely accessible digital teaching resources of the highest quality that meet the needs of today's health sciences educators and learners.
Teamwork and the interprofessional collaboration of all health professions are a guarantee of patient safety and highly qualified treatment in patient care. In the daily clinical routine, physicians and nurses must work together, but the education of the different health professions occurs separately in various places, mostly without interrelated contact. Such training abets mutual misunderstanding and cements professional protectionism, which is why interprofessional education can play an important role in dismantling such barriers to future cooperation. In this article, a pilot project in interprofessional education involving both medical and nursing students is presented, and the concept and the course of training are described in detail. The report illustrates how nursing topics and anatomy lectures can be combined for interprofessional learning in an early phase of training. Evaluation of the course showed that the students were highly satisfied with the collaborative training and believed interprofessional education (IPE) to be an important experience for their future profession and understanding of other health professionals. The results show that the IPE teaching concept, which combines anatomy and nursing topics, provides an optimal setting for learning together and helps nurses and doctors in training to gain knowledge about other health professionals’ roles, thus evolving mutual understanding.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
No more published.
J. and J. Harper, 1833 on t.p.