14 resultados para Mbti
The purpose of this ethnographic study was to describe and explain the congruency of psychological preferences identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the human resource development (HRD) role of instructor/facilitator. This investigation was conducted with 23 HRD professionals who worked in the Miami, Florida area as instructors/facilitators with adult learners in job-related contexts.^ The study was conducted using qualitative strategies of data collection and analysis. The research participants were selected through a purposive sampling strategy. Data collection strategies included: (a) administration and scoring of the MBTI, Form G, (b) open-ended and semi-structured interviews, (c) participant observations of the research subjects at their respective work sites and while conducting training sessions, (d) field notes, and (e) contact summary sheets to record field research encounters. Data analysis was conducted with the use of a computer program for qualitative analysis called FolioViews 3.1 for Windows. This included: (a) coding of transcribed interviews and field notes, (b) theme analysis, (c) memoing, and (d) cross-case analysis.^ The three major themes that emerged in relation to the congruency of psychological preferences and the role of instructor/facilitator were: (1) designing and preparing instruction/facilitation, (2) conducting training and managing group process, and (3) interpersonal relations and perspectives among instructors/facilitators.^ The first two themes were analyzed through the combination of the four Jungian personality functions. These combinations are: sensing-thinking (ST), sensing-feeling (SF), intuition-thinking (NT), and intuition-feeling (NF). The third theme was analyzed through the combination of the attitudes or energy focus and the judgment function. These combinations are: extraversion-thinking (ET), extraversion-feeling (EF), introversion-thinking (IT), and introversion-feeling (IF).^ A last area uncovered by this ethnographic study was the influence exerted by a training and development culture on the instructor/facilitator role. This professional culture is described and explained in terms of the shared values and expectations reported by the study respondents. ^
In this two part study, 811 participants completed the Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP) and the Honey and Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ) and 263 adults completed the EPP and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). As predicted there were many significant correlations which add to the concurrent validity of the EPP. When the overlap of the EPP with the MBTI and LSQ is compared with the overlap of the NEO-PI with the MBTI and LSQ (derived from Furnham, 1996a,b) it appears that the EPP has greater similarity with the LSQ, but the NEO-PI has greater similarity with the MBTI. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This correlational study was designed to investigate the relationship between self-directed learning and personality type. A sample of 133 graduate and undergraduate education students completed the MBTI and the SDLRS. Two hypotheses were examined: (a) scores on the intuitive scale will account for a significant amount of the variance in the prediction of selfdirected learning readiness and, (b) scores on the introverted scale will account for a significant amount of the variance in self-directed learning readiness. Stepwise multiple regression analyses indicated that psychological type accounts for 28% of the variance in self-directed learning. Support for the first hypothesis was found with 15% of the variance in selfdirected learning accounted for by intuition. The second hypothesis was not supported. Introversion accounted for 13% of the variance but in a negative manner. Results of this study indicate that personality type does influence the ability of the learner to be self-directed in studies. These findings add another dimension for the adult educator to consider when attempting to develop self-directedness in learners.
Evaluaci??n de los estilos de ense??anza y aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Educaci??n Secundaria Obligatoria en diferentes centros de la Regi??n de Murcia y de los estilos de ense??anza de sus profesores, as?? como el an??lisis de la interacci??n de las preferencias estil??sticas de ??stos con aquellos, a la luz de la teor??a de los Estilos intelectuales de Sternberg. Evaluaci??n de los instrumentos de medida de los Estilos intelectuales de Sternberg adaptados al contexto de la investigaci??n. 69 alumnos de s??ptimo de EGB y primero de BUP de un instituto de Bachillerato de Molina de Segura (Murcia) y 11 profesores de centros privados y p??blicosde EGB, FP y BUP de la Regi??n; estos dos grupos para el trabajo previo con los instrumentos de medida. Poblaci??n: estudiantes de ESO de la Regi??n de Murcia, tipo de muestreo mixto intencional. La muestra se compuso de un total de 565 estudiantes y profesorado de ESO de la Regi??n de Murcia. Igual tipo de muestreo que en el caso anterior. La muestra se compuso de 141 profesores. Marco te??rico en el que se abordan los siguientes temas: contextualizaci??n de los estilos de aprendizaje, su tratamiento educativo y los estilos de ense??anza en los entornos escolares. Contextualizaci??n del trabajo de investigaci??n a la etapa educativa que corresponde la ESO, con las propuestas ministeriales sobre estilos de aprendizaje, de ense??anza y sus implicaciones educativas. Aportaciones te??ricas y emp??ricas m??s importantes sobre estilos de ense??anza y aprendizaje y su interacci??n en el proceso educativo. Principales resultados de las investigaciones realizadas por el profesor Sternberg. Objetivos e hip??tesis del trabajo experimental y metodolog??a de la investigaci??n: sujetos, variables (alumnos: nivel educativo, especialidad FP, sexo, n??mero de hijos en la familia, posici??n del estudiante, situaci??n laboral de los padres, estudios de los padres, situaci??n socioecon??mica de la familia. Profesores: tipo de centro en el que trabaja, nivel educativo en el que ense??a, sexo, edad, estudios, experiencia docente en a??os, materia que imparte y las medidas por los instrumentos. Cuestionario de Estilos Intelectuales General (GTSQ) de Sternberg y Mart??n (1988). Conjunto de Tareas de Estilos Intelectuales para Estudiantes (STSTS) de Grigorenko y Sternberg (1992). Cuestionario de Estilos Intelectuales para Profesores (TSQT) de Grigorenko y Sternberg (1992). Inventario Psicol??gico de MYERS-BRIGGS (MBTI) de Myers y McCaulley (1991), adaptado y comercializado en espa??a por TEA. Cuestionarios de Estilos GREGORC, GREGORC (1982). Test de Inteligencia de factor G de Cattell y Cattell (1991), escalas 2 y 3. Test de Aptitudes Escolares B??sicas (TEA, 1990), niveles 2 y 3. Cuestionario de Informaci??n Personal y Familiar para el Alumno. Cuestionario de Informaci??n Personal y Profesional para el Profesor. Escala de Valoraci??n del Perfil Estil??stico del Centro Educativo. Actas oficiales de evaluaci??n de los estudiantes. Paquete Estad??stico SYSTAT, ver. 5.0 (Wilkinson, 1990). Los instrumentos GTSQ, STSTS y TSQT, son instrumentos v??lidos y fiables, as?? como la Escala de Valoraci??n del Perfil Estil??stico del Centro Educativo. Los centros p??blicos y privados muestran perfiles estil??sticos diferentes entre s?? (legislativos, judiciales, globales, progresistas, olig??rquicos y externos; frente a: ejecutivos, locales, conservadores, jer??rquicos, mon??rquicos e internos respectivamente). Los estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes presentan diferencias significativas entre los alumnos de las escuelas p??blicas y privadas (locales frente a globales y olig??rquicos respectivamente). Los estilos de ense??anza de los profesores de los centros p??blicos son menos legislativos, judiciales y localistas que los de las escuelas privadas. Ni profesores ni alumnos ajustan sus perfiles a los que caracterizan a los centros en los que ense??an/aprenden. Los estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes no se diferencian en funci??n del nivel de la ESO en el que se encuentran. Hay estilos diferentes entre ni??os y ni??as (alumnas m??s externas y alumnos m??s internos). Los alumnos de FP muestran estilos diferentes seg??n su especialidad. La investigaci??n, enmarcada en la teor??a de los Estilos intelectuales de Sternberg, no permite hacer generalizaciones amplias por el momento, situ??ndose en el comienzo del proceso de aplicaci??n de esta teor??a en las aulas.
Rercoger y analizar las inquietudes de los Informantes Técnicos Sanitarios (ITS) de la Región de Murcia con el fin de llegar a un diagnóstico sobre el que diseñar planes de formación más acordes con las necesidades de las empresas y de sus trabajadores. 345 ITS censados en la Asociaciación profesional de la región de Murcia. La muestra real fue de 130 y 111 médicos visitados por los ITS, especialistas en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria y Medicina General principalmente. La primera parte fundamenta teóricamente la situación que se analiza empíricamente y que trata de conocer la percepción de los delegados de la industria farmaceútica en la región de Murcia, sobre los cursos de formación recibidos en sus empresas así como la visión que de ellos tienen sus clientes (médicos). En la primera parte se abordan los siguientes temas: el aprendiz adulto, el ITS, estilos de aprendizaje, la empresa y los recursos humanos. Dos cuestionarios semiestructurados remitidos por correo a los ITS y otro entregado personalmente a los médicos. Inventario de MYERS BRIGGS (MBTI) para conocer las diferencias estilísticas de los ITS y si se adaptan la las demandas profesionales. Investigación descriptiva de carácter exploratorio. Lectura directa y cruzada de las variables (frecuencias y pocentajes) pruebas de asociación (Ji cuadrado de Pearson). Análisis factorial de componentes principales para las variables ordinales. Existe la tendencia, por parte de las empresas, de contratar a profesionales con mayor nivel de estudios. También se observa una alta movilidad de los profesionales ITS entre empresas y una creciente demanda de estos profesionales. Las expectativas que generan las industrias farmaceúticas en el proceso de selección parecen cumplirse en porcentajes altos. Lo que más valoran los médicos de estos profesionales: sus habilidades sociales, sus conocimientos científicos, sus estrategias de comunicación y venta, sus buenas relaciones interpersonales y los refuerzos ofrecidos así como su colaboración.
Negotiation of complex collaboration and effective teamwork among health care providers is essential to patient safety and to quality of care. This study examined characteristics of nursing students and faculty influencing communication between them. Psychological type (Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) (Myers, McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer, 1998) and explanatory style (Attributional Style Questionnaire) (ASQ) (Peterson et al., 1982) were compared for participating first year baccalaureate nursing students (N=286), and clinical nursing faculty (N=59) from both two- and four-year nursing programs. Modal student psychological type was ESFJ; modal faculty psychological type was ISTJ. The two groups demonstrated significant differences in processing information, and making decisions and judgments. Students were slightly more optimistic than faculty. Psychological type and level of optimism did not appear to correlate. Data from this pilot study provide an initial framework on which to base further research that could enhance the quality of teamwork among healthcare providers.
Aim: To determine the relationship between nurse leader emotional intelligence and registered nurse job satisfaction. ^ Background: Nurse leaders influence the work environments of nurses working at the bedside. Nursing leadership plays an important role in fostering work environments that attract and retain nurses. ^ Methods: A non-experimental, predictive design study conducted in 5 hospitals evaluated relationships between 31 nurse leaders and 799 registered nurses. The nurse leaders were administered the MSCEIT and MBTI. The registered nurses participated in the 2010 NDNQI RN Job Satisfaction Survey. ^ Measurements and Results: The sample population completed two online instruments, the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) and the Myers Brigg Trait Inventory (MBTI). Nurse leader demographic data was collected consisting of age, sex, race, educational level, certification status and years in the profession of nursing. The relationships among characteristics of the nurse leader and staff nurses were examined using regression analysis and stepwise deletion. The results from the MBTI were obtained electronically from CPP. Inc. and the results of MSCEIT were obtained electronically from MHS, Inc. The nurse leader response rate was 46% and the NDNQI RN Job Satisfaction response rate was 62%. The sample of 31 nurse leaders were 65 percent female and 67.7% were White, 12.9% Black, and 19.4% Hispanic. The most prevalent MBTI type was ESTJ (19.35%), followed by ENFJ and ISFJ (9.68% each). The nurse leader sample was primarily extroverts (n=20), sensing (n=18), thinking (n=16) and judging (n=19). The nurse leaders' overall MSCEIT scores ranged from 69 to 111 (implying a range from those who should consider development to competent) with a mean score of 89.84 (consider improvement). The nurse leaders scored highest in the MSCEIT Facilitating subscale with scores ranging from 69 to 121 (consider development to strength) and a mean score of 95.19 (low average score). The overall mean MSCEIT mean scores for the entire sample ranged from 89.90 to 95.19 (consider emotional intelligence improvement to low average score) Overall, staff nurse participants in the NDNQI RN Job Satisfaction Survey were moderately satisfied with the nurse leaders as noted by a mean t score of 55.03 of 60 and this score was consistent with the comparison hospitals that participated in the 2010 NDNQI RN Job Satisfaction Survey (American Nurses Association, 2010). Staff nurses gave nurse leaders a mean score of 4.50 for patient assignments appropriate, and rated a mean score of 4.35 and moderately agreeing to recommend the hospital to a friend. ^ Conclusions: Future research is needed to determine if there is a relationship between nurse leader emotional intelligence ability and registered nurse job satisfaction. Additional research is also needed to determine what to measure in regards to nurse leader emotional intelligence, ability or behavior. Another issue that emerged in the examination of EI is the moderating relationship between the nurse leaders span of control and staff nurse satisfaction on the NDNQI. ^
The design of collective protections of construction works is a topic that is integrated within one of the MBTI subjects. This paper presents an experience for teaching the design of collective protection in building works. Teaching has been done in a bended way. This subject is taught as part of the content of a wider subject included in the Master "Building Technological Innovation" (MBTI) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). This Master's degree is a postgraduate of research nature. Graduating in MBTI implies that students are in a position to begin their PhD thesis. At this stage, often students are not able to follow the rigour established by the schedule of classes. For this reason it is interesting that part of the teaching is developed in a non-classroom based way.
A magyar vállalkozók személyiségjegyei és azok kapcsolata a vezetői stílussal és a piacorientációval
A vállalkozók vezetői tulajdonságainak és személyiségének vizsgálata kifejezetten interdiszciplináris kutatási terület. A mai dinamikus és globális környezet kihívásai közepette a szervezetek sikeres menedzseléséhez jó vezetői kvalitásokkal rendelkező vezetőkre van szükség Ez a kutatás a hatékony vezetési stílusra jellemző személyiségtípusok azonosításával foglalkozik és vizsgálja a személyiségtípus és a vezetési stílus, valamint a piacorientáció kapcsolatát. A kutatások alapján vannak bizonyos személyiségtulajdonságok, amelyek jellemzőek a sikeres vezetőkre. A Myers-Briggs Type (MBTI) skála nagyon népszerű mérőeszköz a menedzserek kognitív tulajdonságainak vizsgálatára. A szerzők kutatása az első, amely a magyar SME-vállalkozók és menedzserek személyiségtípusait vizsgálja az MBTI-skála segítségével. Kutatási eredményeik alapján a magyar SME-vállalkozókra és menedzserekre az extrovertált személyiségtípus a jellemző és a többségük az ESTJ, ENTJ, ESTP és az ENTP-kategóriákba tartozik. A cikk felhívja a figyelmet arra, hogy a személyiségtípusoknak szignifikáns hatása van a vezetési stílusra és a vállalkozás piacorientációjára is.
Interpersonal conflicts have the potential for detrimental consequences if not managed successfully. Understanding the factors that contribute to conflict resolution has implications for interpersonal relationships and the workplace. Researchers have suggested that personality plays an important and predictable role in conflict resolution behaviors (Chanin & Schneer, 1984; Kilmann & Thomas, 1975; Mills, Robey & Smith, 1985). However, other investigators have contended that contextual factors are important contributors in triggering the behavioral responses (Shoda & Mischel, 2000; Mischel & Shoda, 1995). The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among personality types, demographic characteristics and contextual factors on the conflict resolution behaviors reported by graduate occupational therapy students (n = 125). ^ The study design was correlational. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Thomas-Kilmann (MODE) Instrument were used to establish the personality types and the context independent conflict resolution behaviors respectively. The effects of contextual factors of task vs. relationship and power were measured with the Conflict Case Scenarios Questionnaire (CCSQ). One-way ANOVA and linear regression procedures were used to test the relationships between personality types and demographic characteristics with the context independent conflict behaviors. Chi-Square procedures of the personality types by contextual conditions ascertained the effects of contexts in modifying the resolution modes. Descriptive statistics established a profile of the sample. ^ The results of the hypotheses tests revealed significant relationships between the personality types of feeling-thinking and sensing-intuition with the conflict resolution behaviors. The contextual attributes of task vs. relationship orientation and of peer vs. supervisor relationships were shown to modify the conflict behaviors. Furthermore, demographic characteristics of age, gender, GPA and educational background were shown to have an effect on the conflict resolution behaviors. The knowledge gained has implications for students' training, specifically understanding their styles and use of effective conflict resolution strategies. It also contributes to the knowledge on management approaches and interpersonal competencies and how this might facilitate the students' transition to the clinical role. ^
Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI) assess preferences based on Carl Jungs theory of psychological types. They are widely used in organizational development, management and leadership training, and team building. This study examines MBTl of food service managers in a single organization to determine whether food service managers have a typical personal style and whether this style varies.
This paper focuses on two basic issues: the anxiety-generating nature of the interpreting task and the relevance of interpreter trainees’ academic self-concept. The first has already been acknowledged, although not extensively researched, in several papers, and the second has only been mentioned briefly in interpreting literature. This study seeks to examine the relationship between the anxiety and academic self-concept constructs among interpreter trainees. An adapted version of the Foreign Language Anxiety Scale (Horwitz et al., 1986), the Academic Autoconcept Scale (Schmidt, Messoulam & Molina, 2008) and a background information questionnaire were used to collect data. Students’ t-Test analysis results indicated that female students reported experiencing significantly higher levels of anxiety than male students. No significant gender difference in self-concept levels was found. Correlation analysis results suggested, on the one hand, that younger would-be interpreters suffered from higher anxiety levels and students with higher marks tended to have lower anxiety levels; and, on the other hand, that younger students had lower self-concept levels and higher-ability students held higher self-concept levels. In addition, the results revealed that students with higher anxiety levels tended to have lower self-concept levels. Based on these findings, recommendations for interpreting pedagogy are discussed.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.