994 resultados para Maxillary Sinusitis


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Purpose: The correction of maxillomandibular deformities may require maxillary osteotomy procedures that usually present low rates of postoperative complications, such as maxillary sinusitis. The present study evaluated the incidence of maxillary sinusitis after Le Fort I osteotomy in 21 adult patients who underwent maxillary surgery (Le Fort I osteotomy) or bimaxillary surgery (Le Fort I osteotomy plus sagittal mandibular osteotomies) for correction of dentofacial deformities.Patients and Methods: Verification of the presence of maxillary sinusitis was assessed through a brief questionnaire, x-rays (Waters views), and nasal endoscopy before surgery and 6 to 8 months after surgery.Results: Analysis of results showed an incidence of 4.76% of maxillary sinusitis as a postoperative complication in the studied population.Conclusion: Symptomatic patients with a positive radiographic finding or an increased risk for postoperative sinusitis will benefit from endoscopic evaluation to aid in treatment planning and follow-up. 0 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69:346351, 2011


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AIM: To present a case that emphasizes the importance of the use of intentional replantation as a technique to successfully treat a periapical lesion and an odontogenic maxillary sinusitis through the alveolus at the same time. SUMMARY: This case report presents a patient with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis secondary to periapical disease of a maxillary molar that had previously received root canal treatment. The molar was extracted, with drainage and rinsing of the maxillary sinus. The apices were resected extra-orally, the retrograde cavities prepared with ultrasound and retrograde fillings of silver amalgam placed. The tooth was then replanted. After 2 years, the patient was asymptomatic, periapical radiography showed no evidence of root resorption and computed tomography scanning demonstrated the resolution of maxillary sinusitis. Key learning points: *When root canal treatment or periapical surgery cannot be undertaken or has failed, intentional replantation may be considered. *This alternative treatment may be predictable in certain cases.


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This study aimed to evaluate patients who underwent placement of zygomatic implants technique by Stella & Warner, considering the survival of conventional and zygomatic implants, sinus health and level of patient satisfaction in relation to oral rehabilitation. We evaluated 28 patients where 14 had received conventional and zygomatic implants, being rehabilitated with implant-fixed dentures (group 1) and 14 were rehabilitated only with conventional implants and implant-fixed dentures (group 2). The study had four phases, represented by radiographic evaluation of implants (stage I), clinical evaluation (stage II), assessing the health of the maxillary sinus (stage III) and a questionnaire to measure satisfaction of rehabilitation with fixed prosthesis implant Total -backed (stage IV). Group 2 underwent only stage IV, while group 1 participated in all stages. Descriptive analysis and statistics were performed, using the t test for independent samples in the evaluation of phase IV. The results demonstrated that the technique of Stella & Warner proved effective, allowing a high survival rate of conventional implants and zygomatic (100%), considering a minimum follow-up of 15 months and maximum 53 months after prosthetic rehabilitation. There were no pathological changes in tissues periimplants conventional and zygomatic implants analyzed. Radiographic findings showed satisfactory levels bone implants in the oral rehabilitation with conventional zygomatic implants and a good positioning of the apex of the zygomatic implants over the zygomatic bone. The presence of the zygomatic implant did not cause sinus and the t test showed a satisfaction index lower in group 1 compared with group 2. The zygomatic implant placement technique by Stella & Warner proved to be a predictable technique with high survival rate in patients with atrophic jaws, necessitating long-term follow-up to confirm the initial findings of the study


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Sinusitis can affect adjacent tissues, including those of the nervous system. In this report we describe a case of maxillary sinusopathy causing a rare pupillary abnormality with paradoxical reaction to light. As far as we know, this is the first time that this association has been described.


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The Oro-antral Fistula is a common pathologic event, which occurs an opening or communication of the maxillary sinus with the oral cavity through dental extractions of upper posterior elements whose roots have close relationship with the maxillary sinus. This study aims to clarify the Surgeon Dentist about the possible etiological factors responsible for Oro-antral Communication, to identify its clinical and radiographic signs, to explain the Buccal Fat Pad’s anatomy and functioning and to describe the surgical technique adopted front of these cases. For this, the authors present a case of a patient who had a fistula in the region where there was a dental extraction of the upper posterior element. The treatment of Oro-antral Fistula using the buccal fat pad provides to be a safe and effective surgical method, because this element presents a rich blood supply and easy access. Many authors have found that this method have a broad application, large index of success, lower risk of infection, provides a comfortable post-operative for the patient. However, it needs to be done properly so that you have minimum incidence of failures, and this requires some caution on the part of professional.


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O seio maxilar é o seio paranasal mais susceptível a invasões bacterianas, tanto pelo óstio nasal, como pela cavidade oral. As sinusites maxilares têm como causas mais frequentes, as infecções víricas, rinites alérgicas ou não alérgicas, variações anatómicas, diabetes mellitus, fumar, nadar, mergulhar, escalar a altas atitudes, e as infecções e tratamentos dentários. A pesquisa bibliográfica, foi realizada sem quaisquer limitações temporais, com restrição linguística a Português, Espanhol e Inglês, sendo excluídos os artigos de outros idiomas; em vários livros e revistas, assim como artigos científicos obtidos, entre Maio e Julho de 2015, nos motores de busca Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Scielo, Elsevier e B-on. A sinusite maxilar odontogénica é uma doença infecto-inflamatória, habitualmente associada à ruptura da membrana de Schneider e a processos infecciosos dentários crónicos. Causa hiperplasia e hipertrofia da mucosa, o que origina sinais e sintomas próprios, assim como mudanças radiográficas perceptíveis. Existem diferentes etiologias de causa odontogénica: cárie, doença periodontal, quistos odontogénicos e iatrogenia – tratamento endodôntico não cirúrgico, cirurgia endodôntica, comunicações oro-antrais, implantes dentários, elevação do seio maxilar, cirurgia pré-protética e cirurgia ortognática – sendo que a iatrogenia é a mais comum (cerca de 56%). Esta patologia afecta com mais frequência indivíduos dos 42,7 aos 51, 7 anos, e preferencialmente a região molar, seguida dos pré-molares e em alguns casos, caninos. Os organismos que dominam na fase aguda e crónica, são sensivelmente os mesmos, mas em número diferente, e existe uma conexão entre a flora comensal periapical e a flora patogénica em caso de sinusite maxilar odontogénica. O diagnóstico é essencialmente clínico, no entanto existem diferentes exames complementares para confirmarem ou formarem o diagnóstico. Pela grande acessibilidade ao método radiográfico, torna-se fundamental que o médico dentista saiba diferencial as diversas patologias que afectam o seio maxilar. O tratamento abrange a eliminação da causa dentária e o tratamento farmacológico, da infecção, essencialmente à base de antibióticos, e da dor se esta existir. E o tratamento cirúrgico, que contempla a punção-lavagem sinusal, antrostomia intranasal, técnica de Caldwell-Luc e cirurgia sinusal endoscópica. Concluindo, o médico dentista deve ter um amplo conhecimento sobre esta patologia para que a possa reconhecer, tratar ou preveni-la.


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The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate clinical studies on the follow-up survival of implants inserted in the zygomatic bone for maxillary rehabilitation. A comprehensive search of studies published from 2000 to July 2012 and listed in the PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases was performed in accordance with the PRISMA statement. Relevant studies were selected according to predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The initial database search yielded 751 titles. After filtering, 313 abstracts were selected, culminating in 42 full text articles. Application of eligibility criteria led to the elimination of 17 articles. Hence 25 full-text articles were considered clinically relevant and were included. Calculations of the interval survival rates and cumulative survival rates of implants could be carried out on the data extracted from the final list of included studies for the different time intervals. These studies reported the insertion of a total of 1541 zygomatic implants and 33 implant failures. Failure generally occurred during the first year interval and was related to clinical complications, such as recurrent acute and chronic sinusitis. After a 36-month follow-up, the survival rate was 97.86%. Additional studies with longer follow-up periods, including the number of zygomatic implants inserted and details of the variations in the surgical techniques used and the impact of the maxillary morphology are still required.


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Ectopic third molar teeth are those that are impacted in unusual positions, or that have been displaced and are at a distance from their normal anatomic location. Ectopic eruption of a tooth within the oral cavity is common, but rare in other sites. Ectopic eruption can be associated with developmental disturbances, pathologic processes or iatrogenic activity. Male, 19- years old, with an upper left ectopic third molar located in the maxillary sinus-infraorbital region. The patient reported a bad taste and recurrent sinusitis that had been resistant to treatment. Surgical excision was carried out of the third molar tooth using the Caldwell-Luc approach.


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PURPOSE To analyze available evidence on the incidence of anatomical variations or disease of the maxillary sinuses as identified by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in dentistry. MATERIALS AND METHODS A focused question was developed to search the electronic databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register, and CENTRAL and identify all relevant papers published between 1980 and January 19, 2013. Unpublished literature at ClinicalTrials.gov, in the National Research Register, and in the Pro-Quest Dissertation Abstracts and Thesis database was also included. Studies were included irrespective of language. These results were supplemented by hand and gray literature searches. RESULTS Twenty-two studies were identified. Twenty were retrospective cohort studies, one was a prospective cohort study, and one was a case control study. The main indication for CBCT was dental implant treatment planning, and the majority of studies used a small field of view for imaging. The most common anatomical variations included increased thickness of the sinus membrane, the presence of sinus septa, and pneumatization. Reported sinus disease frequency varied widely, ranging from 14.3% to 82%. There was a wide range in the reported prevalence of mucosal thickening related to apical pathology, the degree of lumenal opacification, features of sinusitis, and the presence of retention cysts and polyps. More pathologic findings in the maxillary sinus were reported in men than in women, and the medial wall and sinus floor were most frequently affected. CONCLUSION CBCT is used primarily to evaluate bony anatomy and to screen for overt pathology of the maxillary sinuses prior to dental implant treatment. Differences in the classification of mucosal findings are problematic in the consistent and valid assessment of health and disease of the maxillary sinus.


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The effects of estrogen deficiency on bone characteristics are site-dependent, with the most commonly studied sites being appendicular long bones (proximal femur and tibia) and axial bones (vertebra). The effect on the maxillary and mandibular bones is still inconsistent and requires further investigation. This study was designed to evaluate bone quality in the posterior maxilla of ovariectomized rats in order to validate this site as an appropriate model to study the effect of osteoporotic changes. Methods: Forty-eight 3-month-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: an ovariectomized group (OVX, n=24) and Sham-operated group (SHAM, n=24). Six rats were randomly sacrificed from both groups at time points 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks. The samples from tibia and maxilla were collected for Micro CT and histological analysis. For the maxilla, the volume of interest (VOI) area focused on the furcation areas of the first and second molar. Trabecular bone volume fraction (BV/TV, %), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th.), trabecular number (Tb.N.), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp.), and connectivity density (Conn.Dens) were analysed after Micro CT scanning. Results: At 8 weeks the indices BV/TV, Tb.Sp, Tb.N and Conn.Dens showed significant differences (P<0.05) between the OVX and SHAM groups in the tibia. Compared with the tibia, the maxilla developed osteoporosis at a later stage, with significant changes in maxillary bone density only occurring after 12 weeks. Compared with the SHAM group, both the first and second molars of the OVX group showed significantly decreased BV/TV values from 12 weeks, and these changes were sustained through 16 and 20 weeks. For Tb.Sp, there were significant increases in bone values for the OVX group compared with the SHAM group at 12, 16 and 20 weeks. Histological changes were highly consistent with Micro CT results. Conclusion: This study established a method to quantify the changes of intra-radicular alveolar bone in the posterior maxilla in an accepted rat osteoporosis model. The degree of the osteoporotic changes to trabecular bone architecture is site-dependent and at least 3 months are required for the osteoporotic effects to be apparent in the posterior maxilla following rat OVX.


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This study evaluated different techniques for surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) according to the type of transverse maxillary deficiency using computed tomography (CT). Six adult patients with bilateral transverse maxillary deficiencies underwent SARME. the patients were equally divided into three groups: Group I, maxillary atresia in both the anterior and posterior regions; Group II, greater maxillary atresia in the anterior region; and Group ill, increased maxillary atresia in the posterior region. in Group I, a subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy was used. in Group II, a subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy was used without pterygomaxillary suture disjunction. in Group III, a subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy was used with pterygomaxillary suture disjunction and fixation of the anterior nasal spine with steel wire. the midpalatal suture opening was evaluated preoperatively and immediately after the activation period using CT. for Group I, the opening occurred parallel to midpalatal suture; for Group II, the opening comprised a V-shape with a vertex on the posterior nasal spine; and for Group III, the opening comprised a V-shape with a vertex at the anterior nasal spine. the conclusion was that the SARME technique should be individualized according to the type of transverse maxillary deficiency.