30 resultados para Maxil·lars
Els sarcomes de cap i coll són tumors relativament estranys, representant un 2% de tots els tumors de cap i coll i un 4-10% del total dels sarcomes. Per tant els localitzats a la mandíbula representen un percentatge encara menor, no recollits específicament en cap estudi. La histopatologia heterogènia i les diverses localitzacions fan d'ells una entitat difícil d'estudiar. En aquest treball de recerca es pretén descriure l'etiologia i comportament dels sarcomes de cap i coll i recolzar els resultat de la literatura que promulguen la cirurgia com arma terapèutica principal, basant-nos en l'experiència del servei de Cirurgia Oral i Maxil·lofacial de l'Hosptial Vall d'Hebron en els últims 10 anys en el maneig del sarcoma mandibular.
Objectives: Nasopalatine duct cysts (NPDCs) are the most common developmental, epithelial and non-odontogenic cysts of the maxillae. The present study describes the clinicopathological characteristics of 22 NPDCs and discusses their etiology, incidence, treatment and prognosis, with a review of the literature on the subject. Study design: A retrospective observational study was made comprising a period of 36 years (1970-2006), and yielding a series of 22 patients with histopathological confirmation of NPDC. Surgical treatment was carried out under local anesthesia and comprised the dissection and removal of the cyst adopting a usually palatine approach, with the preparation of an enveloping flap from 1.4 to 2.4. Results: No statistically significant correlation was observed between the size of the lesion and patient age, although the size of the cyst differed according to patient gender, with a mean NPDC diameter of 16 mm in males and 12 mm in females. In no case did we observe root reabsorption or loss of vitality of the upper incisors following surgery. The X-ray image was rounded in 15 cases and heart-shaped in the remaining 7 cases. In the majority of cases panoramic X-rays and periapical and occlusal X-rays sufficed to identify the lesion, though computed tomography was used in cases of doubt. Conclusions: The etiology of NPDC is unclear. Simple surgical resection is recommended, followed by clinical and radiological control to ensure correct resolution of the case.
Pycnodysostosis is a rare clinical entity, first described in 1962 by Maroteaux and Lamy. It is a genetic disorder, usually diagnosed at an early age. However, the diagnosis is sometimes late, made as a result of bone fracture, given the severe bone fragility resulting from increased bone density. Oral and maxillofacial manifestations of this disease are very clear. The head is usually large, the nose beaked, the mandibular angle obtuse, and both maxilla and mandible hypoplastic. Dental abnormalities and impaction are observed, as well as alterations in eruption and frequent dental crowding. The differential diagnosis is established with osteopetrosis, cleidocranial dysplasia and idiopathic acro-osteolysis. This article reviews the clinical and radiographic characteristics of pycnodysostosis based on three clinical cases of patients with this disease.
Objectives: Nasopalatine duct cysts (NPDCs) are the most common developmental, epithelial and non-odontogenic cysts of the maxillae. The present study describes the clinicopathological characteristics of 22 NPDCs and discusses their etiology, incidence, treatment and prognosis, with a review of the literature on the subject. Study design: A retrospective observational study was made comprising a period of 36 years (1970-2006), and yielding a series of 22 patients with histopathological confirmation of NPDC. Surgical treatment was carried out under local anesthesia and comprised the dissection and removal of the cyst adopting a usually palatine approach, with the preparation of an enveloping flap from 1.4 to 2.4. Results: No statistically significant correlation was observed between the size of the lesion and patient age, although the size of the cyst differed according to patient gender, with a mean NPDC diameter of 16 mm in males and 12 mm in females. In no case did we observe root reabsorption or loss of vitality of the upper incisors following surgery. The X-ray image was rounded in 15 cases and heart-shaped in the remaining 7 cases. In the majority of cases panoramic X-rays and periapical and occlusal X-rays sufficed to identify the lesion, though computed tomography was used in cases of doubt. Conclusions: The etiology of NPDC is unclear. Simple surgical resection is recommended, followed by clinical and radiological control to ensure correct resolution of the case.
Se describen los principios de la tomografía por emisión de positrones (PET) como procedimiento diagnóstico de reciente introducción en el campo de las Ciencias de la Salud. Las aplicaciones clínicas principales se dan en un grupo concreto de especialidades: la cardiología, neurología, psiquiatría y sobre todo la oncología. La tomografía por emisión de positrones es una técnica de diagnóstico por la imagen no invasiva de uso clínico. Se trata de una excelente herramienta para el estudio de la estadificación y la posible malignización de los tumores de cabeza y cuello, la detección de metástasis y linfoadenopatías no valorables clínicamente, así como para el diagnóstico de recidivas tumorales. El único trazador que tiene aplicación clínica es la fluor-desoxiglucosa- F18 o FDG. La PET detecta la intensa acumulación de FDG que se produce en los tumores malignos, debido al mayor índice glicolítico que tienen las células neoplásicas. Con la introducción de sistemas híbridos que combinan la tomografía computadorizada o la resonancia magnética con la tomografía por emisión de positrones, se está produciendo un importante avance en el diagnóstico y el seguimiento de la patología oncológica de cabeza y cuello.
Objective: To describe the clinical, radiological and histopathological features of lateral periodontal cysts among patients diagnosed in different centers (Vall d"Hebron General Hospital, Granollers General Hospital, the Teknon Medical Center, and the Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology of the University of Barcelona Dental School; Barcelona, Spain). Study design: A retrospective observational study was made of 11 lateral periodontal cysts, all of which were diagnosed following a thorough clinical examination, radiological study and posterior histological study. Results: The mean patient age was 37 years, and males predominated over females. The mean lesion size was 1.25 cm. A single relapse was recorded 7 years after removal of the initial lesion. All the cysts were surgically removed. Discussion and conclusions: Lateral periodontal cysts are very infrequent, and are characterized by the preserved vitality of the adjacent teeth. Identification of the lesion is initially based on the clinical findings, though histological study is required to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment of choice is the surgical removal, though occasional relapses have been documented
The present study describes some of the applications of ultrasound in bone surgery, based on the presentation of two clinical cases. The Piezosurgery® ultrasound device was used (Tecnología Mectron Medical, Carasco, Italy). In one case the instrument was used to harvest a chin bone graft for placement in a bone defect at level 1.2, while in the other case a bony window osteotomy was made in the external wall of the maxillary sinus, in the context of a sinus membrane lift procedure. The Piezosurgery® device produces specific ultrasound frequency modulation (25-29 kHz), and has been designed to secure increased precision in application to bone surgery. This instrument produces selective sectioning of the mineralized bone structures, and causes less intra- and postoperative bleeding. One of the advantages of the Piezosurgery® device is that it can be used for maxillary sinus lift procedures in dental implant placement. In this context it considerably lessens the risk of sinus mucosa laceration by preparing the bony window in the external wall of the upper maxilla, and can be used to complete the lifting maneuver. The use of ultrasound in application to hard tissues can be regarded as a slow technique compared with the conventional rotary instruments, since it requires special surgical skill and involves a certain learning curve.
Los huesos maxilares constituyen asiento de una gran variedad de quistes y neoplasias que pueden ser de difícil diagnóstico. De entre todos los procesos tumorales que se dan en el territorio maxilofacial, los quistes son de gran importancia debido a la frecuencia de su presentación. Los quistes maxilares tienen distinto origen y comportamiento clínico. A partir de la clasificación de la OMS de 1992, esta revisión estudia las características clínicas, radiográficas y epidemiológicas de los quistes del desarrollo odontógenos. Una adecuada exploración clínica y radiográfica por parte del odontólogo es suficiente para alcanzar un diagnóstico de presunción. Las consideraciones clínicas y terapéuticas de cada uno de estos quistes son variables, por lo que es necesario conocer el comportamiento epidemiológico de ellos. El diagnóstico de presunción, el tamaño de la lesión y la relación de esta con estructuras anatómicas vecinas condicionará el tipo de tratamiento. El diagnóstico definitivo lo dictaminará el análisis anatomopatológico.
Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease that is characterized by a generalized reduction of the bone mass. It is the main cause of fractures in elderly women. Bone densitometry is used in the lumbar spine and hip in order to detect osteoporosis in its early stages. Different studies have observed a correlation between the bone mineral density of the jaw (BMD) and that of the lumbar spine and/or hip. On the other hand, there are studies that evaluate the findings in the orthopantomograms and perapical X-rays, correlating them with the early diagnosis of osteoporosis and highlighting the role of the dentist in the early diagnosis of this disease. Materials and methods: A search was carried out in the Medline-Pubmed database in order to identify those articles that deal with the association between the X-ray findings observed in the orthopantomograms and the diagnosis of the osteoporosis, as well as those that deal with the bone mineral density of the jaw. Results: There were 406 articles, and with the limits established, this number was reduced to 21. Almost all of the articles indicate that when examining oral X-rays, it is possible to detect signs indicative of osteoporosis. Discussion: The radiomorphometric indices use measurements in orthopantomograms and evaluate possible loss of bone mineral density. They can be analyzed alone or along with the visual indices. In the periapical X-rays, the photodensimetric analyses and the trabecular pattern appear to be the most useful. There are seven studies that analyze the densitometry of the jaw, but only three do so independently of the photodensitometric analysis. Conclusions: The combination of mandibular indices, along with surveys on the risk of fracture, can be useful as indicators of early diagnosis of osteoporosis. Visual and morphometric indices appear to be especially important in the orthopantomograms. Photodensitometry indices and the trabecular pattern are used in periapical X-rays. Studies on mandibular dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry are inconclusive
Objective: We propose and validate a computer aided system to measure three different mandibular indexes: cortical width, panoramic mandibular index and, mandibular alveolar bone resorption index. Study Design: Repeatability and reproducibility of the measurements are analyzed and compared to the manual estimation of the same indexes. Results: The proposed computerized system exhibits superior repeatability and reproducibility rates compared to standard manual methods. Moreover, the time required to perform the measurements using the proposed method is negligible compared to perform the measurements manually. Conclusions: We have proposed a very user friendly computerized method to measure three different morphometric mandibular indexes. From the results we can conclude that the system provides a practical manner to perform these measurements. It does not require an expert examiner and does not take more than 16 seconds per analysis. Thus, it may be suitable to diagnose osteoporosis using dental panoramic radiographs.
Introduction: Zygomatic implants are a good rehabilitation alternative for upper maxilla with severe bone reabsorption. These implants reduce the need for onlay-type bone grafting in the posterior sectors and for maxillary sinus lift procedures - limiting the use of bone grafts to the anterior zone of the upper jaw in those cases where grafting is considered necessary. Objective: To evaluate the survival of 101 zygomatic implants placed in upper maxilla presenting important bone reabsorption, with a follow-up of 1-72 months. Patients and methods: A retrospective study was made of 101 Zygoma® implants (Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden) placed in 54 patients with totally edentulous and atrophic upper maxilla, in the period between 1998-2004. There were 35 women and 19 men, subjected to rehabilitation in the form of fixed prostheses and overdentures using 1-2 zygomatic implants and 2-7 implants in the anterior maxillary zone. The principal study variables were smoking, a history of sinusitis, the degree of bone reabsorption, and peri-implant bone loss, among others. Results: The descriptive analysis of the 101 zygomatic implants placed in 54 patients with a mean age of 56 years (range 38-75) yielded a percentage survival of 96.04%, with four failed implants that were removed (two before and two after prosthetic loading). Nine patients were smokers, and none of the 54 subjects reported a history of sinus disorders. Discussion and conclusions: Zygomatic implants are designed for use in compromised upper maxilla. They allow the clinician to shorten the treatment time, affording an interesting alternative for fixed prosthetic rehabilitation. This study confirms that zygomatic bone offers predictable anchorage and acceptable support function for prostheses in atrophic jaws. However, these implants are not without complications. Longer-term evaluations are needed of zygomatic implant survival in order to establish a correct clinical prognosis
Nous avons analysé l'angle naso-labial et les différents facteurs qui l'influencent, chez des patients de 9 ans ± 1,4. Nous avons obten u une valeur moyenne de 115,30 ± 10,8. L'inclinaison et la position de l'incisive supérieure et l'angle ANB constituent les facteurs osseux et dentaires qui ont la plus grande répercussion sur l'angle naso-labial. Le sexe et l'age n'ont pas eu d'influences statistiquement significatives sur les résultats. L'incompétence labiale s'est avérée etre la cause d'un angle plus aigu
Nous avons analysé l'angle naso-labial et les différents facteurs qui l'influencent, chez des patients de 9 ans ± 1,4. Nous avons obten u une valeur moyenne de 115,30 ± 10,8. L'inclinaison et la position de l'incisive supérieure et l'angle ANB constituent les facteurs osseux et dentaires qui ont la plus grande répercussion sur l'angle naso-labial. Le sexe et l'age n'ont pas eu d'influences statistiquement significatives sur les résultats. L'incompétence labiale s'est avérée etre la cause d'un angle plus aigu
Supernumerary molars are not uncommon and may be found nearly anywhere in the dental alveolar arches. A series of 36 patients that presented with 53 supernumerary molars are reviewed. They occurred more frequently in the maxilla (86.8%), had little or no clinical significance, tended to be impacted, and were not associated with the impactation of the third molar. Four cases of maxillary fifth molars are described
Growth factors seem to be part of a complex cellular signalling language, in which individual growth factors are the equivalents of the letters that compose words. According to this analogy, informational content lies, not in an individual growth factor, but in the entire set of growth factors and others signals to which a cell is exposed. The ways in which growth factors exert their combinatorial effects are becoming clearer as the molecular mechanisms of growth factors actions are being investigated. A number of related extracellular signalling molecules that play widespread roles in regulating development in both invertebrates and vertebrates constitute the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) and type beta Transforming Growth Factor ((TGF beta). The latest research literature about the role and fate of these Growth factors and their influence in the craniofacial bone growth ad development is reviewed