983 resultados para Mathematical studies
Este práctico libro de ejercicios cubre las necesidades básicas para conseguir el Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en estudios de matemáticas. Incluye consejos de profesores y estudiantes para realizar un examen óptimo y obtener el mayor rendimiento posible. Los temas del libro son: álgebra y números (ecuaciones de segundo grado), lógica y probabilidad, funciones (funciones exponenciales y gráficos), geometría y trigonometría (la regla del seno y el área de un triángulo, la regla del coseno), estadísticas (clasificación de datos, tablas de frecuencia y polígonos), cálculo diferencial (ecuaciones de línea tangentes), matemáticas financieras.
With the aim of understanding the mechanism of molecular evolution, mathematical problems on the evolutionary change of DNA sequences are studied. The problems studied and the results obtained are as follows: (1) Estimation of evolutionary distance between nucleotide sequences. Studying the pattern of nucleotide substitution for the case of unequal substitution rates, a new mathematical formula for estimating the average number of nucleotide substitutions per site between two homologous DNA sequences is developed. It is shown that this formula has a wider applicability than currently available formulae. A statistical method for estimating the number of nucleotide changes due to deletion and insertion is also developed. (2) Biases of the estimates of nucleotide substitutions obtained by the restriction enzyme method. The deviation of the estimate of nucleotide substitutions obtained by the restriction enzyme method from the true value is investigated theoretically. It is shown that the amount of the deviation depends on the nucleotides in the recognition sequence of the restriction enzyme used, unequal rates of substitution among different nucleotides, and nucleotide frequences, but the primary factor is the unequal rates of nucleotide substitution. When many different kinds of enzymes are used, however, the amount of average deviation is generally small. (3) Distribution of restriction fragment lengths. To see the effect of undetectable restriction fragments and fragment differences on the estimate of nucleotide differences, the theoretical distribution of fragment lengths is studied. This distribution depends on the type of restriction enzymes used as well as on the relative frequencies of four nucleotides. It is shown that undetectability of small fragments or fragment differences gives a serious underestimate of nucleotide substitutions when the length-difference method of estimation is used, but the extent of underestimation is small when the site-difference method is used. (4) Evolutionary relationships of DNA sequences in finite populations. A mathematical theory on the expected evolutionary relationships among DNA sequences (nucleons) randomly chosen from the same or different populations is developed under the assumption that the evolutionary change of nucleons is determined solely by mutation and random genetic drift. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author). UMI ^
Applications of hydriding materials for solid state hydrogen storage, hydrogen compression, thermal energy storage and sorption heating and cooling systems have been demonstrated successfully. However, the performance of these devices significantly depends upon heat and mass transfer characteristics of the reactive packed beds. One of the important parameters regulating heat and mass transfer in the hydriding bed is its effective thermal conductivity (ETC), which is dependent on several operating parameters such as pressure and temperature. ETC also varies significantly due to the variation of hydrogen concentration during the hydriding and dehydriding processes. Based on the extensive studies done by the authors on ETC of metal hydride beds, a review of experimental methods, mathematical studies and augmentation techniques is presented in this paper, with emphasis on the effects of operating parameters on ETC. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Circadian clocks are 24-h timing devices that phase cellular responses; coordinate growth, physiology, and metabolism; and anticipate the day-night cycle. Here we report sensitivity of the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian oscillator to sucrose, providing evidence that plant metabolism can regulate circadian function. We found that the Arabidopsis circadian system is particularly sensitive to sucrose in the dark. These data suggest that there is a feedback between the molecular components that comprise the circadian oscillator and plant metabolism, with the circadian clock both regulating and being regulated by metabolism. We used also simulations within a three-loop mathematical model of the Arabidopsis circadian oscillator to identify components of the circadian clock sensitive to sucrose. The mathematical studies identified GIGANTEA (GI) as being associated with sucrose sensing. Experimental validation of this prediction demonstrated that GI is required for the full response of the circadian clock to sucrose. We demonstrate that GI acts as part of the sucrose-signaling network and propose this role permits metabolic input into circadian timing in Arabidopsis.
Dans ce texte, nous analysons les développements récents de l’économétrie à la lumière de la théorie des tests statistiques. Nous revoyons d’abord quelques principes fondamentaux de philosophie des sciences et de théorie statistique, en mettant l’accent sur la parcimonie et la falsifiabilité comme critères d’évaluation des modèles, sur le rôle de la théorie des tests comme formalisation du principe de falsification de modèles probabilistes, ainsi que sur la justification logique des notions de base de la théorie des tests (tel le niveau d’un test). Nous montrons ensuite que certaines des méthodes statistiques et économétriques les plus utilisées sont fondamentalement inappropriées pour les problèmes et modèles considérés, tandis que de nombreuses hypothèses, pour lesquelles des procédures de test sont communément proposées, ne sont en fait pas du tout testables. De telles situations conduisent à des problèmes statistiques mal posés. Nous analysons quelques cas particuliers de tels problèmes : (1) la construction d’intervalles de confiance dans le cadre de modèles structurels qui posent des problèmes d’identification; (2) la construction de tests pour des hypothèses non paramétriques, incluant la construction de procédures robustes à l’hétéroscédasticité, à la non-normalité ou à la spécification dynamique. Nous indiquons que ces difficultés proviennent souvent de l’ambition d’affaiblir les conditions de régularité nécessaires à toute analyse statistique ainsi que d’une utilisation inappropriée de résultats de théorie distributionnelle asymptotique. Enfin, nous soulignons l’importance de formuler des hypothèses et modèles testables, et de proposer des techniques économétriques dont les propriétés sont démontrables dans les échantillons finis.
„Natürlich habe ich mich [...] unausgesetzt mit Mathematik beschäftigt, umso mehr als ich sie für meine erkenntnistheoretisch-philosophischen Studien brauchte, denn ohne Mathematik lässt sich kaum mehr philosophieren.“, schreibt Hermann Broch 1948, ein Schriftsteller, der ca. zehn Jahre zuvor von sich selbst sogar behauptete, das Mathematische sei eine seiner stärksten Begabungen.rnDiesem Hinweis, die Bedeutung der Mathematik für das Brochsche Werk näher zu untersuchen, wurde bis jetzt in der Forschung kaum Folge geleistet. Besonders in Bezug auf sein Spätwerk Die Schuldlosen fehlen solche Betrachtungen ganz, sie scheinen jedoch unentbehrlich für die Entschlüsselung dieses Romans zu sein, der oft zu Unrecht als Nebenarbeit abgewertet wurde, weil ihm „mit gängigen literaturwissenschaftlichen Kategorien […] nicht beizukommen ist“ (Koopmann, 1994). rnDa dieser Aspekt insbesondere mit Blick auf Die Schuldlosen ein Forschungsdesiderat darstellt, war das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, Brochs mathematische Studien genauer nachzuvollziehen und vor diesem Hintergrund eine Neuperspektivierung der Schuldlosen zu leisten. Damit wird eine Grundlage geschaffen, die einen adäquaten Zugang zur Struktur dieses Romans eröffnet.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Nach einer Untersuchung von Brochs theoretischen Betrachtungen anhand ausgewählter Essays folgt die Interpretation der Schuldlosen aus diesem mathematischen Blickwinkel. Es wird deutlich, dass Brochs Poetik eng mit seinen mathematischen Anschauungen verquickt ist, und somit nachgewiesen, dass sich die spezielle Bauform des Romans wie auch seine besondere Form des Erzählens tatsächlich aus dem mathematischen Denken des Autors ableiten lassen. Broch nutzt insbesondere die mathematische Annäherung an das Unendliche für seine Versuche einer literarischen Erfassung der komplexen Wirklichkeit seiner Zeit. Dabei spielen nicht nur Elemente der fraktalen Geometrie eine zentrale Rolle, sondern auch Brochs eigener Hinweis, es handele sich „um eine Art Novellenroman“ (KW 13/1, 243). Denn tatsächlich ergibt sich aus den poetologischen Forderungen Brochs und ihren Umsetzungen im Roman die Gattung des Novellenromans, wie gezeigt wird. Dabei ist von besonderer Bedeutung, dass Broch dem Mythos eine ähnliche Rolle in der Literatur zuspricht wie der Mathematik in den Wissenschaften allgemein.rnMit seinem Roman Die Schuldlosen hat Hermann Broch Neuland betreten, indem er versuchte, durch seine mathematische Poetik die komplexe Wirklichkeit seiner Epoche abzubilden. Denn „die Ganzheit der Welt ist nicht erfaßbar, indem man deren Atome einzelweise einfängt, sondern nur, indem man deren Grundzüge und deren wesentliche – ja, man möchte sagen, deren mathematische Struktur aufzeigt“ (Broch).
Experimental modal analysis techniques are applied to characterize the planar dynamic behavior of two spur planetary gears. Rotational and translational vibrations of the sun gear, carrier, and planet gears are measured. Experimentally obtained natural frequencies, mode shapes, and dynamic response are compared to the results from lumped-parameter and finite element models. Two qualitatively different classes of mode shapes in distinct frequency ranges are observed in the experiments and confirmed by the lumped-parameter model, which considers the accessory shafts and fixtures in the system to capture all of the natural frequencies and modes. The finite element model estimates the high-frequency modes that have significant tooth mesh deflection without considering the shafts and fixtures. The lumped-parameter and finite element models accurately predict the natural frequencies and modal properties established by experimentation. Rotational, translational, and planet mode types presented in published mathematical studies are confirmed experimentally. The number and types of modes in the low-frequency and high-frequency bands depend on the degrees of freedom in the central members and planet gears, respectively. The accuracy of natural frequency prediction is improved when the planet bearings have differing stiffnesses in the tangential and radial directions, consistent with the bearing load direction. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This thesis describes an investigation of methods by which both repetitive and non-repetitive electrical transients in an HVDC converter station may be controlled for minimum overall cost. Several methods of inrush control are proposed and studied. The preferred method, whose development is reported in this thesis, would utilize two magnetic materials, one of which is assumed to be lossless and the other has controlled eddy-current losses. Mathematical studies are performed to assess the optimum characteristics of these materials, such that inrush current is suitably controlled for a minimum saturation flux requirement. Subsequent evaluation of the cost of hardware and capitalized losses of the proposed inrush control, indicate that a cost reduction of approximately 50% is achieved, in comparison with the inrush control hardware for the Sellindge converter station. Further mathematical studies are carried out to prove the adequacy of the proposed inrush control characteristics for controlling voltage and current transients during both repetitive and non-repetitive operating conditions. The results of these proving studies indicate that no change in the proposed characteristics is required to ensure that integrity of the thyristors is maintained.
This paper presents a comparative population dynamics study of three closely related species of buttercups (Ranunculus repens, R. acris, and R. bulbosus). The study is based on an investigation of the behaviour of the seeds in soil under field conditions and a continuous monitoring of survival and reproduction of some 9000 individual plants over a period of 21/2 years in a coastal grassland in North Wales. The data were analysed with the help of an extension of Leslie's matrix method which makes possible an simultaneous treatment of vegetative and sexual reproduction. It was found that R. repens (a) depends more heavily on vegetative as compared with sexual reproduction, (b) shows indications of negatively density-dependent population regulation, and (c) exhibits little variation in population growth rates from site to site and from one year to the next. In contrast, R. bulbosus (a) depends exclusively on sexual reproduction, (b) shows indications of a positively density-dependent population behaviour, and (c) exhibits great variation in population growth rates from site to site and from one year to the next. R. acris exhibits an intermediate behaviour in all these respects. It is suggested that the attributes of R. repens are those expected of a species inhabiting a stable environment, while R. bulbosus exhibits some of the characteristics of a fugitive species.
We deal with the optimization of the production of branched sheet metal products. New forming techniques for sheet metal give rise to a wide variety of possible profiles and possible ways of production. In particular, we show how the problem of producing a given profile geometry can be modeled as a discrete optimization problem. We provide a theoretical analysis of the model in order to improve its solution time. In this context we give the complete convex hull description of some substructures of the underlying polyhedron. Moreover, we introduce a new class of facet-defining inequalities that represent connectivity constraints for the profile and show how these inequalities can be separated in polynomial time. Finally, we present numerical results for various test instances, both real-world and academic examples.
Diploma de Estudios Avanzados y Tesis de Máster
Chlamydia screening is recommended to prevent pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). A systematic review was conducted to determine how the natural history of Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection and progression to PID have been described in mathematical modeling studies.
In this thesis various mathematical methods of studying the transient and dynamic stabiIity of practical power systems are presented. Certain long established methods are reviewed and refinements of some proposed. New methods are presented which remove some of the difficulties encountered in applying the powerful stability theories based on the concepts of Liapunov. Chapter 1 is concerned with numerical solution of the transient stability problem. Following a review and comparison of synchronous machine models the superiority of a particular model from the point of view of combined computing time and accuracy is demonstrated. A digital computer program incorporating all the synchronous machine models discussed, and an induction machine model, is described and results of a practical multi-machine transient stability study are presented. Chapter 2 reviews certain concepts and theorems due to Liapunov. In Chapter 3 transient stability regions of single, two and multi~machine systems are investigated through the use of energy type Liapunov functions. The treatment removes several mathematical difficulties encountered in earlier applications of the method. In Chapter 4 a simple criterion for the steady state stability of a multi-machine system is developed and compared with established criteria and a state space approach. In Chapters 5, 6 and 7 dynamic stability and small signal dynamic response are studied through a state space representation of the system. In Chapter 5 the state space equations are derived for single machine systems. An example is provided in which the dynamic stability limit curves are plotted for various synchronous machine representations. In Chapter 6 the state space approach is extended to multi~machine systems. To draw conclusions concerning dynamic stability or dynamic response the system eigenvalues must be properly interpreted, and a discussion concerning correct interpretation is included. Chapter 7 presents a discussion of the optimisation of power system small sjgnal performance through the use of Liapunov functions.