63 resultados para Maslow


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Estudiar o iniciar un camino de estudio del colegio como lugar cuasi constante de vivienda (internado), o como lugar de estudio, formación y diversión (externado). Estudiar la motivación a nivel escolar, a partir de las exploraciones realizadas por Herzberg en la industria. 1011 chicos de edades comprendidas entre los 13 y 18 años, que realizan sus estudios en colegios pertenecientes a la misma congregación religiosa y a diferentes ciudades españolas. Parte teórica: estudian la formación y desarrollo de la personalidad. Hacen una breve descripción de las características más sobresalientes en la personalidad del adolescente. Describen la influencia de la carencia paterna y las características del internamiento. Presentan las teorías de la motivación de Maslow y Herzberg. Parte empírica: aplican encuestas y detectan los factores de ambiente a que alude Herzberg y los factores motivacionales. Ordenan las necesidades y observan cuales tienen importancia como motivadores. Dividen las necesidades siguiendo las categorías de Maslow en dos tipos: necesidades externas (fisiológicas, de seguridad, sociales) e internas (de estima, de autonomía, de autorrealización). Encuesta abierta, encuesta de Porter, adaptación del modelo de Cram. Porcentajes, gráfica de coordenadas por porcentajes, análisis cualitativo, medias, comparación de medias (T de Student), análisis multivariante de varianza, diagramas circulares. A/ La ciudad tiene una importancia significativa a la hora de considerar las necesidades externas e internas. B/ Existe una diferencia de actitud entre los chicos externos e internos en cuanto a la importancia de necesidades externas. Existe una influencia significativa del nivel del curso en la no satisfacción e importancia de las necesidades externas y de la importancia de las internas. Hay diferencia significativa entre el factor interacción externado e internado y nivel de curso, a la hora de estimar el grado de satisfacción de necesidades internas y externas, así como con la importamcia concedida a la internas. No se puede concluir que exista una jerarquización de las necesidades, se puede afirmar que sí para las inferiores pero no para las superiores. Satisfechas ambas necesidades (internas y externas), y puesto que se concede más importancia a las internas son las que realmente actuan como factores motivacionales. Hay una forma diferente de satisfacer y valorar las necesidades según el nivel de curso.


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Estudiar la Psicología humanística de Maslow. Analiza la Psicología humanística para conocer su origen, sus características y representantes principales, después estudia la relación existente entre la Psicología y la Ciencia, la motivación humana y el hombre autodesarrollado. Y finaliza explicando las incidencias del pensamiento Maslow en la educación. 1) La originalidad del pensamiento de Maslow radica en la superación, por una síntesis teórica y crítica del Psicoanálisis y del Conductismo. Síntesis y crítica porque no es un mero producto ecléctico de ambos, pero tampoco su negación radical. Ello es posible porque se sitúa en una nueva perspectiva, sólidamente afirmada en la filosofía existencialista que le sirve de base y proporciona los supuestos fundamentales. 2) En el campo de la pedagogía, son estimulantes las hipótesis de Maslow sobre la indeterminación del hombre, ya que la única posibilidad de educación o de modificación de una personalidad patológica en el campo de la clínica, radica en que el hombre sea dueño propio y pueda orientar su vida de una manera personal, autónoma y creativa hacia metas futuras. Si no es así, la educación, la terapia e incluso el desarrollo, quedan reducidos a unos condicionamientos más o menos mitigados, más allá de la libertad e incluso la dignidad. 3) Es necesario devolver al hombre la verdadera dimensión de su ser, y hoy, cuando descubrimos que las ciencias en si mismas no son garantía de nada, es desde la Psicología, desde donde se puede afrontar esta tarea con más probabilidades de éxito, siempre con una sólida colaboración interdisciplinar. 1) Considerar al hombre en su totalidad, desde la consideración holística de Maslow, supone estudiar todos aquellos problemas y cuestiones que son relevantes y que importa conocer aunque sean de difícil tratamiento. Una Psicología así concebida, puede ser ciertamente de más ayuda para el hombre normal, que se pregunta a sí mismo por el significado de sus dilemas, para la educación y para todas aquellas tareas, en las que es necesario un conocimiento del hombre. Por ello, es necesario reclamar a la Psicología unos métodos propios, aptos para los problemas que deban considerarse.


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Evaluar las clases de necesidades y valores que los individuos consideran importantes al tomar decisiones relativas a su trabajo. 143 individuos (alumnos de Psicología). Análisis estadístico descriptivo que utiliza medidas de tendencia central y medidas de dispersión para tratar de confirmar la hipótesis de Maslow de escalonamiento en la satisfacción de las necesidades. Variables dependientes: motivaciones (fisiológicas, de seguridad, de posesión y amor, de estima, de autorrealización, de aparición escalonada). Aspectos relativos a trabajo (abandono de un trabajo, compensaciones de un trabajo, aceptación o no de un ascenso, aumento de la productividad, evaluación de un trabajo, estado de ánimo y motivación respecto de una situación determinada de un trabajo). Variables intervinientes (socio-demográficas), curso, edad, sexo, especialidad, nivel de ingresos estimado, tipo de empleo previsto. Encuesta de opinión tomada de un cuestionario de Jay Hall, basado en la teoría motivacional de Maslow. Estadísticos: medias, desviaciones típicas, T de student y la razón crítica Z. Las decisiones sobre los diferentes aspectos relativos a un trabajo las realizan los sujetos de la muestra, respondiendo fundamentalmente a necesidades de autorrealización y de posesión y amor. La reacción motivacional menos característica de estos alumnos es la correspondiente a las necesidades de seguridad, fisiológicas y de estima. No se confirma la hipótesis de Maslow de escalonamiento en la satisfacción de las necesidades, que se consideran como básicas y fundamentales a todos los individuos.


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Analizar la obra de Abraham Maslow desde el punto de la educación y valores morales. El ser humano tiene la capacidad de poder integrar en si mismo, en su personalidad, su presente, su pasado y su futuro, evitando así distorsiones en la personalidad. Consideramos así el ser como una totalidad. Este ser humano vive inmerso dentro de un medio del cual recibe influencia y al cual proyecta sus respuestas, todo esto de una manera motivada, en la cual hay que incluir un propósito y los valores, los cuales junto con una buena percepción de si mismo pueden lograr el desarrollo total de las capacidades del ser.


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This paper examines the literature on understanding and measuring consumer motivation and the application of these theories and procedures to understanding and researching tourist motivation. The application of consumer motivation theory to tourism is considered especially relevant, because motivation is considered a critical variable in the tourist decision-making process.

When understanding and predicting consumer and tourist behaviour, some measures are considered superior to others and this will be examined in this paper. Also many measures of motivation are often used as one of the segmentation bases for tourist and other consumer markets, thereby indicating a strong relationship between motivation and market segmentation, also to be discussed in this paper.

The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to investigate what standards or consensus for determining consumer motivation have emerged in the academic marketing literature, (2) to review the theoretical knowledge about approaches and procedures for determining and measuring consumer motivation in general and their application to understanding tourist motivation (3) to suggest implications for future research of consumer motivation in a tourism context.


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In project management today, sustainability considerations are becoming increasingly necessary as an inclusion into project discovery, design and delivery phase methodologies. However, sustainability cannot always be tacked on to traditional project management approaches and still achieve the best project outcomes. Throw in the particular considerations for a culturally specific project, as for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and the traditional project management approach is at risk of not meeting the needs of stakeholders or their engagement. In this presentation, we will briefly demonstrate how from beginning with sustainability considerations and integrating both project management principles and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander va lu es that QUT's Oodgeroo Unit is actioning a 'means to ends' integration approach for stakeholder engagement in two national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander projects. The iterative discovery and design of the federally Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) funded Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education Social Marketing Strategy (Strategy) and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education Portal (Portal) projects is being informed through a 'means' to 'ends' user- and design -led project management approach for inclusivity, visioning, and participation informing these projects for susta inable national deliverables. This approach draws upon the integration of Sustain ability Development Pillars and Project Management Pillars with the contextual lens of our proposed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pillars as the underpinning methodology of the Strategy and Portal Project's Communication and Collaboration Plan and approach with stakeholders. These th ree Pillars are integrated further through participatory consideration and inclu sion of comparative models: Daly's Sustainability Triangle, Walker's Object Design, Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs, Olsen's Four Layers of Communication,Project Management In stitute's (PMI's) Integrated Framework for Organisational Project Management, with the Aborig inal and Torres Strait Islander six core research ethics values. This presentation invites participants to join us in envisioning the 'ultimate means' of Environment, Del ivery and Sovereignty, through Economy, Design and Self-determination to the 'ultimate ends' of Social, Discove ry and Cultural Safety principles through stakeholder engagement.


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A presente dissertação tem por objeto elaborar um relato histórico da emergência da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa (ACP) no Brasil, com especial observância ao eixo Rio-São Paulo nas décadas de 1950, 1960 e 1970. A ACP faz parte da chamada Psicologia Humanista, um movimento inicialmente organizado pelo psicólogo norte-americano Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) na década de 1950, que contou com a forte participação de Carl Rogers (1902-1987), também psicólogo norte-americano, e fundador da atualmente denominada Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa. A trajetória profissional de Rogers foi marcada pelos acontecimentos de sua época, como a crise econômica americana da década de 1930, a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Guerra Fria e os conflitos globais por questões étnicas, religiosas e raciais. Para uma melhor compreensão do desenvolvimento da ACP, este foi narrado em conjunto com a história dos principais acontecimentos políticos, econômicos e culturais dos EUA, buscando construir uma narrativa situada historicamente. O mesmo foi feito em relação à história da ACP no Brasil, nas décadas de 1950 a 1970, ressaltando-se o objetivo dos governantes nacionais de transformar o Brasil em uma grande nação em termos culturais e educacionais, para isso se valendo da criação de diversas instituições voltadas às crianças, adolescentes e jovens adultos, para seu atendimento psicológico, educacional, orientação profissional e aprimoramento técnico. A instauração da ditadura civil-militar iniciada em 1964, o processo de regulamentação da profissão de psicólogo e a criação dos primeiros cursos de psicologia no Brasil são destaque. Registrar a história da ACP no Brasil é uma tarefa que se justifica dado o contingente de profissionais que atuam neste referencial teórico e para incentivar a pesquisa em história da psicologia. A metodologia de trabalho adotada foi a revisão bibliográfica e o relato oral instrumentalizado por entrevistas com profissionais de destacada relevância na história da ACP no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo. Este estudo tem como marco final a vinda de Carl Rogers e sua equipe em 1977 ao Brasil para a realização do I Encontro Brasileiro Centrado na Pessoa (Arcozelo I), o que possibilitou a reunião, o reconhecimento mútuo e a troca de experiências entre os profissionais brasileiros, fechando desta forma o período da emergência da ACP no Brasil e favoreceu uma nova fase de desenvolvimento por todo o país.


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The students academic performance is a key aspect for all agents involved in a higher education quality program. However, there is no unanimity on how to measure it. Some professionals choose assessing only cognitive aspects while others lean towards assessing the acquisition of certain skills. The need to train increasingly adapted professionals in order to respond to the companies’ demands and being able to compete internationally in a global labour market requires a kind of training that goes beyond memorizing. Critical and logical thinking are amongst written language skills demanded in the field of Social Sciences. The objective of this study is to empirically demonstrate the impact of voluntary assignments on the academic performance of students. Our hypothesis is that students who complete high quality voluntary assignments are those more motivated and, therefore, those with higher grades. An experiment with students from the "Financial Accounting II" during the academic year of 2012/13 at the Business and Economics School of the UCM was carried out. A series of voluntary assessments involving the preparation of accounting essays were proposed in order to develop skills and competencies as a complement to the lessons included in the curriculum of the subject. At the end of the course, the carrying-out or not of the essay together with its critical, reflective quality and style, were compared. Our findings show a relationship between the voluntarily presented papers of quality and the final grade obtained throughout the course. These results show that the students intrinsic motivation is a key element in their academic performance. On the other hand, the teachers role focuses on being a motivating element through the learning process.


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Orientado por: Professor Doutor Eduardo Sá e Silva Co-Orientado por: Professor Doutor José Pedro T. Fernandes Júri Presidente: Professora Doutora Cristina Melo Vogais: Professora Doutora Paula Odete Fernandes Professor Doutor Eduardo Sá e Silva Professor Doutor José Pedro T. Fernandes


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This qualitative research study used grounded theory methodology to explore the settlement experiences and changes in professional identity, self esteem and health status of foreign-trained physicians (FTPs) who resettled in Canada and were not able to practice their profession. Seventeen foreign-trained physicians completed a pre-survey and rated their health status, quality of life, self esteem and stress before and after coming to Canada. They also rated changes in their experiences of violence and trauma, inclusion and belonging, and racism and discrimination. Eight FTPs from the survey sample were interviewed in semi-structured qualitative interviews to explore their experiences with the loss of their professional medical identities and attempts to regain them during resettlement. This study found that without their medical license and identity, this group of FTPs could not fully restore their professional, social, and economic status and this affected their self esteem and health status. The core theme of the loss of professional identity and attempts to regain it while being underemployed were connected with the multifaceted challenges of resettlement which created experiences of lowered selfesteem, and increased stress, anxiety and depression. They identified the re-licensing process (cost, time, energy, few residency positions, and low success rate) as the major barrier to a full and successful settlement and re-establishment of their identities. Grounded research was used to develop General Resettlement Process Model and a Physician Re-licensing Model outlining the tasks and steps for the successfiil general resettlement of all newcomers to Canada with additional process steps to be accomplished by foreign-trained physicians. Maslow's Theory of Needs was expanded to include the re-establishment of professional identity for this group to re-establish levels of safety, security, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization. Foreign-trained physicians had established prior professional medical identities, self-esteem, recognition, social status, purpose and meaning and bring needed human capital and skills to Canada. However, without identifying and addressing the barriers to their full inclusion in Canadian society, the health of this population may deteriorate and the health system of the host country may miss out on their needed contributions.


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This study explores how new university teachers develop a teaching identity. Despite the significance ofteaching, which usually comprises 40% of a Canadian academic's workload, few new professors have any formal preparation for that aspect of their role. Discipline-specific education for postsecondary professors is a well-defined path; graduates applying for faculty positions will have the terminal degree to attest to their knowledge and skill conducting research in the discipline. While teaching is usually given the same workload balance as research, it is not clear how professors create themselves as teaching professionals. Drawing on Kelly's (1955) personal construct theory and Kegan's (1982, 1994) model ofdevelopmental constructivism through differentiation and integration, this study used a phenomenographic framework~(Marton, 1986, 1994; Trigwell & Prosser, 1996) to investigate the question of how new faculty members construe their identity as university teachers. Further, my own role development as researcher was used as an additional lens through which to view the study results. The study focused particularly on the challenges and supports to teaching role development and outlines recommendations the participants made for supporting other newcomers. In addition, the variations and similarities in the results suggest a developmental model to conceptions ofteaching roles, one in which teaching, research, and service roles are viewed as more integrated over time. Developing a teacher identity was seen as a progression on a hierarchical model similar to Maslow's (1968) hierarchy of needs.


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Fourteen nursing s tudents enrolled in a community coll ege were chosen by purposeful se lection to be i nterviewed in a qualitative survey. A proposed mode l of Learner Motivation Development was examined . The mode l describes four stages of motivati on development progression across the lifespan: I Survival (infancy to childhood), I I Expl oration (childhood to adolescence), III Identification (pre- adulthood), and IV Reflection ( adulthood ). This r esearch examined the last two stages. The criteria used to categorize the students within the fr amework were bas ed on human development theories as described by Maslow (1954) and Erikson (1950). The concept of critica l thinking proposed by Brookfield (1987) and the ideas of transformative learning expressed by Mezirow (1991) were also incorporated. The researcher' s criteria , antici pated behaviours and characteri stics, were used to ana lyze the students' responses to open-ended questions. The central theme of the research was based on the assumption that motivation to learn is intrinsic and inherent in pre-adult and adult learners. Six pre-adults and two adults met the descriptors set for stage III Identification. Five adults and one pre-adult met the criteria for stage IV Reflection. The impact of life e xperiences and maturation were clearly demonstrated.


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This study examined the use of mindfulness meditation in educator growth and professional development. The purpose was to create recommendations for an effective mindfulness meditation practice for educators. To this end, as the researcher is an educator as well as an experienced mindfulness meditation practitioner, the research methodology was self-study through narrative inquiry. The exploration of mindfulness meditation on the researcher’s personal and professional development was viewed through the lenses of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Mezirow’s transformational learning theory. These theories provided an analytical framework that guided this research. Themes were drawn from the exploration and connected with academic literature. The results were a mindfulness meditation framework for educators that is based on the Socratic Method, and utilizes the conceptual frameworks of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Mezirow’s transformational learning theory.


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In the process of urbanization, natural and semi-natural landscapes are increasingly cherished as open space and recreational resource. Urban rivers are part of this kind of resource and thus play an important role in managing urban resilience and health. Employing the example of Tianjin, this doctoral dissertation research aims at learning to understand how to plan and design for the interface zones between urban water courses and for the land areas adjacent to such water courses. This research also aims at learning how to link waterfront space with other urban space in order to make a recreational space system for the benefit of people. Five questions of this dissertation are: 1) what is the role of rivers in spatial and open space planning? 2) What are the human needs regarding outdoor open space? 3) How do river and water front spatial structures affect people's recreational activities? 4) How to define the recreational service of urban river and waterfront open space? 5) How might answering these question change planning and design of urban open space? Quantitative and qualitative empirical approaches were combined in this study for which literature review and theoretical explorations provide the basis. Empirical investigations were conducted in the city of Tianjin. The quantitative approach includes conducting 267 quantitative interviews, and the qualitative approach includes carrying out field observations and mappings. GIS served to support analysis and visualization of empirical information that was generated through this study. By responding to the five research questions, findings and lessons include the following: 1) In the course of time rivers have gained importance in all levels and scales of spatial planning and decision making. Regarding the development of ecological networks, mainly at national scale, rivers are considered significant linear elements. Regarding regional and comprehensive development, river basins and watersheds are often considered as the structural link for strategic ecological, economic, social and recreational planning. For purposes of urban planning, particularly regarding recreational services in cities, the distribution of urban open spaces often follows the structure of river systems. 2) For the purpose of classifying human recreational needs that relate to outdoor open space Maslow's hierarchy of human needs serves as theoretical basis. The classes include geographical, safety, physiological, social and aesthetic need. These classes serve as references while analyzing river and waterfront open space and other kinds of open space. 3) Regarding the question how river and waterfront spatial structures might affect people's recreational activities, eight different landscape units were identified and compared in the case study area. Considering the thermal conditions of Tianjin, one of these landscape units was identified as affording the optimal spatial arrangement which mostly meets recreational needs. The size and the shape of open space, and the plants present in an open space have been observed as being most relevant regarding recreational activities. 4) Regarding the recreational service of urban river and waterfront open space the results of this research suggest that the recreational service is felt less intensively as the distances between water 183 front and open space user’s places of residence are increasing. As a method for estimating this ‘Service Distance Effect’ the following formula may be used: Y = a*ebx. In this equation Y means the ‘Service Distance’ between homes and open space, and X means the percentage of the people who live within this service distance. Coefficient "a" represents the distance of the residential area nearest to the water front. The coefficient "b" is a comprehensive capability index that refers to the size of the available and suitable recreational area. 5) Answers found to the questions above have implications for the planning and design of urban open space. The results from the quantitative study of recreational services of waterfront open space were applied to the assessment of river-based open space systems. It is recommended that such assessments might be done employing the network analysis function available with any GIS. In addition, several practical planning and designing suggestions are made that would help remedy any insufficient base for satisfying recreational needs. The understanding of recreational need is considered helpful for the proposing planning and designing ideas and for the changing of urban landscapes. In the course of time Tianjin's urban water system has shrunk considerably. At the same time rivers and water courses have shaped Tianjin's urban structure in noticeable ways. In the process of urbanization water has become increasingly important to the citizens and their everyday recreations. Much needs to be changed in order to improve recreational opportunities and to better provide for a livable city, most importantly when considering the increasing number of old people. Suggestions made that are based on results of this study, might be implemented in Tianjin. They are 1) to promote the quality of the waterfront open space and to make all linear waterfront area accessible recreational spaces. Then, 2), it is advisable to advocate the concept of green streets and to combine green streets with river open space in order to form an everyday recreational network. And 3) any sound urban everyday recreational service made cannot rely on only urban rivers; the whole urban structure needs to be improved, including adding small open space and optimize the form of urban communities, finally producing a multi-functional urban recreational network.