1000 resultados para Markowitz Model


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[ES] Desde su aparición, el modelo de Markowitz ha sido un referente teórico fundamental en la selección de carteras de valores, dando lugar a múltiples desarrollos y derivaciones. Sin embargo, su utilización en la práctica entre gestores de carteras y analistas de inversiones no ha sido tan amplia como podría esperarse de su éxito teórico. Con este trabajo pretendemos demostrar que el modelo de Markowitz puede ser de gran utilidad en la práctica. A través de un estudio empírico queremos verificar si el modelo de Markowitz es capaz de proporcionar carteras que nos ofrezcan una mayor rentabilidad y un menor riesgo que la cartera representada por los índices IBEX-35 e IGBM. Así mismo, pretendemos comprobar la supuesta eficiencia de estos índices como representantes de la cartera de mercado teórica.


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Despite the extensive literature in finding new models to replace the Markowitz model or trying to increase the accuracy of its input estimations, there is less studies about the impact on the results of using different optimization algorithms. This paper aims to add some research to this field by comparing the performance of two optimization algorithms in drawing the Markowitz Efficient Frontier and in real world investment strategies. Second order cone programming is a faster algorithm, appears to be more efficient, but is impossible to assert which algorithm is better. Quadratic Programming often shows superior performance in real investment strategies.


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This dissertation consists of four separate but closely related studies which investigate different aspects of share price behavior on the Taiwan Stock Exchange over the period 1980-89: 1.The benefits of diversification available to investors using the Markowitz model and the Single Model Index. 2. The applicability of the CAPM to the TSE over the decade. 3. Regularities in proce sequences. 4. Market reaction to the announcements of stock dividends, right issues and combinations of both.


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A abordagem de Modelos Baseados em Agentes é utilizada para trabalhar problemas complexos, em que se busca obter resultados partindo da análise e construção de componentes e das interações entre si. Os resultados observados a partir das simulações são agregados da combinação entre ações e interferências que ocorrem no nível microscópico do modelo. Conduzindo, desta forma, a uma simulação do micro para o macro. Os mercados financeiros são sistemas perfeitos para o uso destes modelos por preencherem a todos os seus requisitos. Este trabalho implementa um Modelo de Mercado Financeiro Baseado em Agentes constituído por diversos agentes que interagem entre si através de um Núcleo de Negociação que atua com dois ativos e conta com o auxílio de formadores de mercado para promover a liquidez dos mercados, conforme se verifica em mercados reais. Para operação deste modelo, foram desenvolvidos dois tipos de agentes que administram, simultaneamente, carteiras com os dois ativos. O primeiro tipo usa o modelo de Markowitz, enquanto o segundo usa técnicas de análise de spread entre ativos. Outra contribuição deste modelo é a análise sobre o uso de função objetivo sobre os retornos dos ativos, no lugar das análises sobre os preços.


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The work consists of analyzing the risk management of investments by applying statistical concepts, economic and mathematical models considering the assets on the market on renowned financial institution. The assessment of these risks becomes increasingly interesting in view of minimizing your losses thus maximizing your chances of gains in both markets boom as extreme uncertainty, even with the sudden changes of scenery. Introducing concepts of investment funds, as well as the classification of the types of funds as funds management and equity, its guidelines, the concept of market investment funds. The types of assets comprising the investment funds, their taxation rules beyond the incidents that market widely used by investors and skilled people, both physical and legal, who keep their resources in this modality. With the historical data collected yields of investment funds of the Bank of Brazil, is an accomplished inflation adjustment and calculated the mean and variance for the verification of the model of Markowitz efficient frontier, a method used as investment analysis. This scan is used Matlab to obtain the set (or border) efficient portfolios. Once verified such data, there will be a critique of the Markowitz model as a quadratic programming and more coherent risk measures currently studied as VaR and CVaR minimizing the expected error, approaching our studies of current research. It is found that such studies have much to be explored, since there are many discussions about how effectively measure risk investments such as its characteristic and behavior, using a time series and volatility


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This paper discussed the model of Nash bargaining (NASH, 1950, 1953), which its arbitration function is invariant for the linear transformations. A more robust model was proposed with respect to the incommensurable effect. The result obtained by the optimization process was not influenced by the units or the amplitude values of these measures. The risk and the return is measured in portfolios of assets and defined a risk metric, return and a method to handle the risk and return. For this, we made a review on the main characteristics of Brazilian industry funds and their evolution over the past years, in addition to treating on the risk in the financial market, the importance of portfolio selection and the Markowitz Model. Are made closing remarks, an analysis of the results, some suggests, concerns and how such concerns can be improved and / or explored in future studies


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El Mercado de Renta Variable en Colombia sigue estando en desarrollo, así como la confianza de los inversionistas a la hora de tomar decisiones de elección de portafolios óptimos de inversión, los cuales le brinden la maximización de los retornos esperados a un mínimo riesgo. Por lo anterior esta investigación explora y conoce más a fondo los sectores que conforman el mercado accionario y determina cual es más rentable que otro, a través del modelo propuesto por Harry Markowitz y teniendo en cuenta los avances a la teoría hecha por Sharpe a través del índice de Sharpe y Betas. Entre los sectores que conforman El Mercado de Renta Variable en Colombia está el Financiero, Materiales, Energía, Consumo Básico Servicios e Industrial; los cuales siguen la misma tendencia bajista que el Índice del Colcap, el cual en los últimos años está rentando negativamente. Por lo tanto con esta investigación el lector e inversionista cuenta con herramientas que aplican el modelo de Markowitz para vislumbrar de acuerdo a datos históricos, los sectores en los cuales se recomienda invertir y en los que por el contrario de acuerdo a la tendencia de debe desistir. Sin embargo, se aclara que esta investigación se basa en datos históricos, tendencias y cálculos matemáticos que pueden diferenciarse de la realidad actual, dado que por aspectos coyunturales económicos, políticos o sociales puede verse afectadas las rentabilidades de las acciones y sectores en los que decida invertir las personas.


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Mestrado em Finanças


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Markowitz showed that assets can be combined to produce an 'Efficient' portfolio that will give the highest level of portfolio return for any level of portfolio risk, as measured by the variance or standard deviation. These portfolios can then be connected to generate what is termed an 'Efficient Frontier' (EF). In this paper we discuss the calculation of the Efficient Frontier for combinations of assets, again using the spreadsheet Optimiser. To illustrate the derivation of the Efficient Frontier, we use the data from the Investment Property Databank Long Term Index of Investment Returns for the period 1971 to 1993. Many investors might require a certain specific level of holding or a restriction on holdings in at least some of the assets. Such additional constraints may be readily incorporated into the model to generate a constrained EF with upper and/or lower bounds. This can then be compared with the unconstrained EF to see whether the reduction in return is acceptable. To see the effect that these additional constraints may have, we adopt a fairly typical pension fund profile, with no more than 20% of the total held in Property. The paper shows that it is now relatively easy to use the Optimiser available in at least one spreadsheet (EXCEL) to calculate efficient portfolios for various levels of risk and return, both constrained and unconstrained, so as to be able to generate any number of Efficient Frontiers.


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Ensifer meliloti WSM1022 is an aerobic, motile, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod that can exist as a soil saprophyte or as a legume microsymbiont of Medicago. WSM1022 was isolated in 1987 from a nodule recovered from the roots of the annual Medicago orbicularis growing on the Cyclades Island of Naxos in Greece. WSM1022 is highly effective at fixing nitrogen with M. truncatula and other annual species such as M. tornata and M. littoralis and is also highly effective with the perennial M. sativa (alfalfa or lucerne). In common with other characterized E. meliloti strains, WSM1022 will nodulate but fixes poorly with M. polymorpha and M. sphaerocarpos and does not nodulate M. murex. Here we describe the features of E. meliloti WSM1022, together with genome sequence information and its annotation. The 6,649,661 bp high-quality-draft genome is arranged into 121 scaffolds of 125 contigs containing 6,323 protein-coding genes and 75 RNA-only encoding genes, and is one of 100 rhizobial genomes sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encyclopedia for Bacteria and Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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Examina o modelo de seleção de portfólios desenvolvido por Markowitz, principalmente no que concerne: as suas relações com a teoria da utilidade de Von Neumann-Morgenstern; aos algo ritmos de solução do problema de Programação Quadrática paramétrica dele decorrente; a simplificação proporcionada pelo Modelo Diagonal de Sharpe. Mostra que a existência de um título sem risco permite a especificação do Teorema da Separação e a simplificação do problema de seleção de portfólios. Analisa o modelo denominado por CAPM, de equilíbrio no Mercado de Capitais sob condições de incerteza, comparando os processos dedutivos empregados por Lintner e Mossin. Examina as implicações decorrentes do relaxamento dos pressupostos subjacentes ã esse modelo de equilíbrio geral, principalmente a teoria do portfólio Zero-Beta desenvolvida por Black.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)