881 resultados para Marginal microleakage diagnosis (Odontology)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
Objective: the goal of the present study was to evaluate the microleakage on the cementum/dentin and enamel surfaces in Class 11 restorations, using different kinds of resin composite (microhybrid, flowable, and compactable). Method and materials: Forty human caries-free molars were extracted and selected. Eighty Class 11 standardized cavities were made in the cervical wall at the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) and at the mesial and distal surfaces. The teeth were divided into four groups: G1 - adhesive system + microhybrid resin composite Z100; G2 - adhesive system + compactable resin composite Prodigy Condensable; G3 - adhesive system + flowable resin composite Revolution + Z1 00 resin composite; G4 - adhesive system + Revolution fluid resin + compactable resin composite Prodigy Condensable. The adhesive system used in this study was Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus. The specimens were thermocycled in baths of 5degreesC and 55degreesC for 1,000 cycles and immersed in 50% silver nitrate solution. The specimens then were sectioned and evaluated on degree of dye penetration. Results: the results were evaluated using the nonparametric Kruskall-Wallis test, which showed a statistically significant difference between groups G1 and G4, G2 and G4, and G3 and G4. Conclusions: None of the materials was able to eliminate the marginal microleakage at the cervical wall; the application of a low-viscosity resin composite combined with a compactable resin composite significantly decreased the microleakage.
Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of Image Tool Software 3.0 (ITS 3.0) to detect marginal microleakage using the stereomicroscope as the validation criterion and ITS 3.0 as the tool under study.Materials and Methods: Class V cavities were prepared at the cementoenamel junction of 61 bovine incisors, and 53 halves of them were used. Using the stereomicroscope, microleakage was classified dichotomously: presence or absence. Next, ITS 3.0 was used to obtain measurements of the microleakage, so that 0.75 was taken as the cut-off point, and values equal to or greater than 0.75 indicated its presence, while values between 0.00 and 0.75 indicated its absence. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated by point and given as 95% confidence interval (95% CI).Results: The accuracy of the ITS 3.0 was verified with a sensitivity of 0.95 (95% CI: 0.89 to 1.00) and a specificity of 0.92 (95% CI: 0.84 to 0.99).Conclusion: Digital diagnosis of marginal microleakage using ITS 3.0 was sensitive and specific.
Objective: The goal of the present study was to evaluate the microleakage on the cementum/dentin and enamel surfaces in Class II restorations, using different kinds of resin composite (microhybrid, flowable, and compactable). Method and materials: Forty human caries-free molars were extracted and selected. Eighty Class II standardized cavities were made in the cervical wall at the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) and at the mesial and distal surfaces. The teeth were divided into four groups: G1 - adhesive system + microhybrid resin composite Z100; G2 - adhesive system + compactable resin composite Prodigy Condensable; G3 - adhesive system + flowable resin composite Revolution + Z100 resin composite; G4 - adhesive system + Revolution fluid resin + compactable resin composite Prodigy Condensable. The adhesive system used in this study was Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus. The specimens were thermocycled in baths of 5°C and 55°C for 1,000 cycles and immersed in 50% silver nitrate solution. The specimens then were sectioned and evaluated on degree of dye penetration. Results: The results were evaluated using the nonparametric Kruskall-Wallis test, which showed a statistically significant difference between groups G1 and G4, G2 and G4, and G3 and G4. Conclusions: None of the materials was able to eliminate the marginal microleakage at the cervical wall; the application of a low-viscosity resin composite combined with a compactable resin composite significantly decreased the microleakage.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
The aim of this study was to investigate the reliability of visual and digital methods to assess marginal microleakage in vitro. Materials and Methods: Typical Class V preparations were made in bovine teeth and filled with composite resin. After dye penetration (0.5% basic fuchsin), teeth were sectioned and the 53 obtained fragments were assessed according to visual (stereomicroscope) and digital methods (Image Tool Software ® -ITS) (University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio Dental School, USA). Two calibrated examiners (A and B) evaluated dye penetration, by means of a stereomicroscope with ×20 magnification (scores), and by the ITS (millimeters). The intra- and inter-examiner agreement was estimated according to Kappa statistics (κ), and intraclass correlation coefficient (ρ). Results: In relation to the visual method, the intra-examiner agreement was almost perfect (κA = 0.87) and substantial (κB = 0.76), respectively to the examiner A and B. The inter-examiner agreement showed an almost perfect reliability (κ = 0.84). For the digital method, the intra-examiner agreement was almost perfect for both examiners and equal to ρ = 0.99, and so was the inter-examiner agreement value. Conclusion: Visual (stereomicroscope) and digital methods (ITS) showed high levels of intra- and inter-examiner reproducibility when marginal microleakage was assessed.
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os resultados da microinfiltração marginal obtidos por diferentes meios de aquisição de imagens e métodos de mensuração da penetração de prata em restaurações de resina composta classe V, in vitro. Dezoito pré-molares humanos hígidos, recém extraídos, foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com o tipo de instrumento para preparação cavitária utilizado. Grupo 1: ponta diamantada número 3100, em alta rotação. Grupo 2: broca carbide número 330, em alta rotação. Grupo 3: ponta CVDentus código 82137, em aparelho de ultrassom. Foram realizados preparos cavitários padronizados (3x4x2mm) classe V nas faces vestibular e lingual de todos os dentes, com margens oclusais em esmalte e cervicais em dentina/cemento. As cavidades foram restauradas com o sistema adesivo Solobond M (VOCO) e resina composta Grandio (VOCO), a qual foi inserida e fotoativada em três incrementos. Os corpos de prova ficaram imersos em água destilada por 24h a 37oC; receberam acabamento e polimento com discos SofLex (3M) e foram novamente armazenados em água destilada, por sete dias. Posteriormente, as superfícies dentárias foram coberta com duas camadas de esmalte para unhas vermelho, exceto as áreas adjacentes às restaurações. Os espécimes ficaram imersos em solução aquosa de nitrato de prata a 50% por 24h e em solução fotorreveladora por 2h e foram seccionados no sentido vestíbulo-lingual, passando pelo centro das restaurações, com disco diamantado em baixa rotação. As amostras foram polidas em politriz horizontal e analisadas por diferentes métodos. À extensão da microinfiltração foi atribuído escores de 0 a 3 através de análises por meio de estereomicroscópio tradicional e com leds e microscópio ótico. As imagens obtidas na lupa com leds e no microscópio ótico tiveram as áreas infiltradas medidas através do software AxioVision. O teste χ2 de McNemar-Bowker revelou concordância estatística entre estereomicroscópio tradicional e o com leds (p=0,809) durante análises semiquantitativas. Porém, houve diferenças significantes entre microscópio ótico e estereomicroscópios (p<0,001). Houve boa correlação entre análises semiquantitativas e quantitativas de acordo com o teste de Spearmann (p<0,001). O teste de Kruskall-Wallis não revelou diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p=0,174) entre os grupos experimentais na análise quantitativa por microscópio ótico, em esmalte. Ao contrário do que se observa com a mesma em lupa (p<0,001). Conclui-se que o método de atribuição de escores comumente aplicado com a lupa nos estudos da microinfiltração marginal é uma opção confiável para análise da microinfiltração.