310 resultados para Mango hilacha


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La elaboración de este trabajo de grado es la continuación del Proyecto de MUNICIPIO SALUDABLE Y POLO DE DESARROLLO LOCAL CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS EMPRESARIALES PARA LA PERDURABILIDAD – CEEP”, El fin de este documento es dar solución a los inconvenientes presentados a lo largo de la cadena, a través de un análisis y posterior diagnostico en el mercado del mango en el Municipio de Mesitas del Colegio, enfocándose principalmente en el planteamiento del diseño de un centro de acopio para la c (Sanchez, 2007)Concentración, procesamiento y conservación del mango hilacha y sus derivados. Es indispensable mantener una buena infraestructura para optimizar los procesos y de esta forma conservar durante todo el año inventario para abastecer el mercado e igualmente eliminar los intermediarios quienes realizaban labores a partir del momento en el que proveedor entregaba la fruta disminuyendo los beneficios económicos que la actividad genera para los productores. Para este trabajo es necesaria la recopilación de la información a través de diferentes fuentes pero siempre de la mano de la asociación de productores de mango de mesitas de colegio quienes son los principales actores del mercado y de los investigadores de la Universidad Del rosario quienes dirigen el proyecto.


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Osmotic dehydration is becoming more popular as a complementary treatment in the processing of dehydrated foods, since it presents some advantages such as minimising heat damage to the colour and flavour, inhibiting enzymatic browning and thus dispensing the addition of sulphite and, mainly, reducing energy costs. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of using inverted sugar and sucrose syrups as osmotic agents in the dehydration of mango. The conditions used in the dehydration process were: syrup/fruit ratio of 3:1 (v/w); temperature of 45ºC and constant stirring. The in natura and osmo-dehydrated fruits were evaluated in relation to pH, moisture content, water activity (a w) and soluble solids (ºBrix). Solids incorporation and loss in mass after the dehydration process were also determined. The sensory acceptance of the in natura and osmo-dehydrated fruits was determined for the attributes of aroma, flavour, texture and overall acceptance using a hedonic scale. Osmotic dehydration resulted in a reduction in moisture content and water activity, an increase in Brix and maintenance of the pH. The treatment with inverted sugar syrup resulted in more significant alterations in moisture content, a w, Brix, solids incorporation and loss in mass than the treatment with sucrose syrup. Mangos osmo-dehydrated with inverted sugar (55.3% inversion rate) syrup obtained acceptance similar to in natura mangos, this treatment being considered the most adequate for dehydration purposes.


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Interval-censored survival data, in which the event of interest is not observed exactly but is only known to occur within some time interval, occur very frequently. In some situations, event times might be censored into different, possibly overlapping intervals of variable widths; however, in other situations, information is available for all units at the same observed visit time. In the latter cases, interval-censored data are termed grouped survival data. Here we present alternative approaches for analyzing interval-censored data. We illustrate these techniques using a survival data set involving mango tree lifetimes. This study is an example of grouped survival data.


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BACKGROUND: Ascorbic acid is a very important compound for plants. It has essential functions, mainly as an antioxidant and growth regulator. Ascorbic acid biosynthesis has been extensively studied, but studies in fruits are very limited. In this work we studied the influence of five enzymes involved in synthesis (L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase, GalLDH, EC, oxidation (ascorbate oxidase, EC, and ascorbate peroxidase, APX, EC and recycling (monodehydroascorbate reductase, EC, and dehydroascorbate reductase, DHAR, EC on changes in ascorbic acid content during development and ripening of mangoes (Mangifera indica L. cv. Keitt) and during the ripening of white pulp guavas (Psidium guayava L. cv. Paloma). RESULTS: It was found that there was a balance between the activities of GalLDH, APX and DHAR, both in mangoes and guavas. CONCLUSIONS: Equilibrium between the enzymatic activities of synthesis, catabolism and recycling is important for the regulation of ascorbic acid content in mango and guava. These results have contributed to understanding some of the changes that occur in ascorbic acid levels during fruit ripening. (C) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The starch content of unripe mango Keitt is around 7% (FW), and it is converted to soluble sugars during the ripening of the detached fruit. Despite the importance of starch-to-soluble sugar metabolism for mango quality, little literature is found on this subject and none concerning the physical aspects of starch degradation. This manuscript presents some changes in the physical aspects of the starch granule during ripening, as analyzed by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). According to the analysis, unripe Keitt-mango-starch being spherical in shape and measuring around 15,mu m, has A-type X-ray diffraction pattern with a degree of crystallinity around 21% with slight changes after 8 days of ripening. AFM images of the surface of the granules showed ultra microstructures, which are in agreement with a blocklet-based organization of the granules. The AFM-contrast image of growing layers covering the granule showed fibril-like structures, having 20 nm in diameter, transversally connecting the layer to the granule. The appearance of the partially degraded granules and the pattern of degradation were similar to those observed as a result of amylase activity, suggesting a hydrolytic pathway for the degradation of starch from mango cultivar Keitt. These results provide clues to a better understanding of starch degradation in fruits.


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During mango ripening, soluble sugars that account for mango sweetening are accumulated through carbon supplied by both photosynthesis and starch degradation. The cultivar Keitt has a characteristic dependence on sugar accumulation during starch degradation, which takes place during ripening, only a few days after detachment from the tree. Most knowledge about starch degradation is based on seeds and leaves currently used as models. However, information about the mango fruit is scarce. This work presents the evaluation of alpha- and beta-amylases in the starch granule surface during fruit development and ripening. Extractable proteins were assayed for amylase activity and detected by immunofluorescence microscopy and correlated to gene expression. The results suggest that both amylases are involved in starch degradation during mango ripening, probably under the dependence of another signal triggered by the detachment from the mother-plant.


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The potential for the ethylene binding inhibitor, 1-methylcyclopropene, to delay ripening of 'Hass' avocado, 'African Pride' custard apple, 'Kensington Pride' mango and 'Solo' papaya was examined. Fruit were gassed with 25 muL/L 1-methylcyclopropene for 14 h at 20 degreesC, followed by treatment with 100 muL/L ethylene for 24 h, and then ripened at 20 degreesC. Ethylene treatment alone generally halved the number of days for fruit to reach the ripe stage, compared with untreated fruit. 1-Methylcyclopropene treatment alone increased the number of days to ripening by 4.4 days (40% increase), 3.4 days (58%), 5.1 days (37%) and 15.6 days (325%) for avocado, custard apple, mango and papaya, respectively, compared with untreated fruit. Applying 1-methylcyclopropene to the fruit before ethylene prevented the accelerated ripening normally associated with ethylene treatment, so that the number of days to ripening for fruit treated with 1-methylcyclopropene plus ethylene was similar to the number of days to ripening for fruit treated with 1-methylcyclopropene alone. 1-Methylcyclopropene treatment was associated with slightly higher severity of external blemishes in papaya and custard apple, slightly higher rots severity in avocado, custard apple and papaya, and at least double the severity of stem rots in mango, relative to fruit not treated with 1-methylcyclopropene. Thus, 1-methylcyclopropene treatment has the potential to reduce the risk of premature ripening of avocado, custard apple, mango and papaya fruit due to accidental exposure to ethylene. However, additional precautions may be necessary to reduce disease severity associated with 1-methylcyclopropene treatment.


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This study investigated treatment of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit with 2 host defence-promoting compounds for suppression of anthracnose disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides). Cultivar 'Kensington Pride' fruit were treated at concentrations of up to 1000 mg/L with either potassium phosphonate or salicylic acid. Applications were by various combinations of pre- and postharvest dips and vacuum infiltration. Postharvest treatments at up to 2000 mg/L salicylic acid were evaluated in a second fruiting season. Fruit were either uninoculated or inoculated with the fungal pathogen. Colour, firmness and disease-severity were assessed during shelf life at 23 degreesC. There were no significant (P>0.05) effects of potassium phosphonate or salicylic acid on anthracnose disease severity in the first season. Moreover, phosphonate or salicylic acid treatment did not significantly affect fruit colour or firmness changes. There were significant (P


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The effects of conditioning and hot water treatments on immature and mature 'Kensington' mangoes were examined. A hot water treatment of 47 degreesC fruit core temperature held for 15 min increased weight loss (50%), fruit softness (15%), disrupted starch hydrolysis and interacted with maturity to reduce the skin yellowness (40-51%) of early harvested fruit. Immature fruit were more susceptible to hot water treatment-induced skin scalding, starch layer and starch spot injuries and disease. Conditioning fruit at 40 degreesC for up to 16 h before hot water treatment accelerated fruit ripening, as reflected in higher total soluble solids and lower titratable acidity levels. As fruit maturity increased, the tolerance to hot water treatment-induced skin scalding and the retention of starch layers and starch spots increased and susceptibility to lenticel spotting decreased. A conditioning treatment of either 22 degrees or 40 degreesC before hot water treatment could prevent the appearance of cavities at all maturity levels. The 40 degreesC conditioning temperature was found to be more effective in increasing fruit heat tolerance than the 22 degreesC treatment; the longer the time of conditioning at 40 degreesC, the more effective the treatment (16 v. 4 h). For maximum fruit quality, particularly for export markets, it is recommended that mature fruit are selected and conditioned before hot water treatment to reduce the risk of heat damage.


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The in vitro efficacy of several fungicides against Botryosphaeria dothidea (syn. Dothiorella dominicana) and their in vivo efficacy in controlling mango cv. Kensington Pride stem-end rot on partial-pressure infiltration v. dip treatment of green mature fruit was evaluated. In vitro sensitivity of B. dothidea to Benlate (benomyl), Sportak (prochloraz) and Scala (pyrimethanil) at 10 dilutions of the manufacturer's recommended rate was first determined at typical cold (13degreesC) and shelf (23degreesC) storage temperatures. The effectiveness of partial-pressure infiltration and conventional hot (52degreesC) or cold (26degreesC) dipping of fruit after harvest was then evaluated using the commercially recommended rate for each fungicide. In vitro, Benlate and Sportak prevented the growth of B. dothidea at both storage temperatures and at all concentrations, while Scala partially controlled growth of the pathogen. Benlate was the most effective fungicide for stem-end rot control. Sportak and Scala resulted in stem-end rot control when applied by partial-pressure infiltration, but not as dips. Partial-pressure infiltration holds promise for enhancing the efficacy of otherwise less effective but alternative fungicides for control of stem-end rot diseases.


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Changes in carbohydrate metabolism of 'Kensington' mango fruit from 2 major production regions in Queensland were measured after conditioning fruit with hot air at 40degreesC for 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 h or at 22degreesC for 16 h (control) followed by hot-water treatment at either 45degreesC fruit-core temperature for 30 min or 47degreesC fruit-core temperature held for 15 min. Advancing physiological maturity of 'Kensington' mango fruit was correlated with increased starch concentration within the mesocarp. An alpha-amylase inhibitor was present in unripe 'Kensington' mesocarp. alpha-Amylase activity was promoted by conditioning fruit at 40degreesC for 8 h, and this enhanced enzyme activity persisted until the fruit were ripe. Consequently, starch degradation was accelerated and the concentration of total soluble solids was higher in fruit conditioned at 40degreesC for 8 h than in fruit left at the lower temperature of 22degreesC for 16 h or not conditioned. Immediately on removal of fruit from hot-water treatment, activities of alpha-amylase and phosphorylase were inhibited. This inhibition was correlated with higher starch concentration and starch layer and starch spot injuries in these fruit. A positive correlation was also found between increased sucrose concentration and greater starch loss in 40degreesC conditioned 'Kensington' fruit. It is proposed that increased sugar concentration in the mesocarp increased the level of fruit heat tolerance.


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Polyembryonic seeds are characterized by the development of over one embryo in the same seed, which can be zygotic and nucellar. The objective of this work was to identify the genetic origin, whether zygotic or nucellar, of seedlings of polyembryonic seeds of 'Ubá' mango tree using ISSR markers, and relating them with the vigor of the seedlings. Thus, mangos were harvested in Visconde do Rio Branco (accession 102) and Ubá (accessions 112, 138, 152 and 159), whose seeds were germinated in plastic trays filled with washed sand. Fifty days after sowing, seedlings from five seeds of each one of the accessions 102, 112, 138, 159 and from 10 seeds of the accession 152, were analyzed. These sseedlings were characterized and evaluated for plant height, stem circumference and mass of fresh aerial part and the most vigorous seedling was the one displaying at least two of these traits higher than the other seedlings from seed. Leaves were collected for genomic DNA extraction, which was amplified using seven ISSR primers previously selected based on the amplification profile and considering the number and resolution of fragments. Zygotic seedlings were found in 18 seeds, which were the most vigorous in six seeds. The results evidenced the existence of genetic variability in orchards using seedlings grown from seeds, because the farmer usually uses the most vigorous ones, assuming that this is of nucellar origin. These results also indicate that the most vigorous seedling are not always nucellar, inasmuch as of 20% of the total seeds evaluated, the zygotic seedling was the most vigorous.


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Este trabalho foi efectuado com o apoio da Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia com o Centro de Engenharia dos Biossistemas (CEER


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Mangoes, cv. Imperial, were exposed, in post harvest, to the following methods of ripening: 1) sawdust burning; 2) alcohol vaporization; 3) calcium carbide (acetylene), 4) vapour of ethylene; and, 5) immersion in ethefon. All methods resulted in acceleration of ripening, when compared to controls. Calcium carbide, ethelene and ethefon were the best, methods. Alcohol vaporization also showed good results sawdust burning method showing low efficiency.


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Mature fruits of mango 'Paheri' were treated immediately after harvest with ethefon at 0 - 250 - 500 - 1.000 and 2.000 ppm. Fruit ripening was accelerated by all treatments , the time to maturity being reduced from 48 to 72 hours, when compared with controls. Maturation was evaluated, by external colour of fruits, soluble solids and acid contents.