977 resultados para Mangifera indica L


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Near-ripe ‘Kensington Pride’ mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit with green skin colour generally return lower wholesale and retail prices. Pre-harvest management, especially nitrogen (N) nutrition, appears to be a major causal factor. To obtain an understanding of the extent of the problem in the Burdekin district (dry tropics; the major production area in Australia), green mature ‘Kensington Pride’ mango fruit were harvested from ten orchards and ripened at 20 ± 0.5 O C. Of these orchards, 70% produced fruit with more than 25% of the skin surface area green when ripe. The following year, the effect of N application on skin colour and other quality attributes was investigated on three orchards, one with a high green (HG) skin problem and two with a low green (LG) skin problem. N was applied at pre-flowering and at panicle emergence at the rate of 0,75,150,300 g per tree (soil applied) or 50 g per tree as foliar N for the HG orchard, and 0,150,300,450 g per tree (soil applied) or 50 g per tree (foliar) for the LG orchards. In all orchards the proportion of green colour on the ripe fruit was significantly (P<0.05) higher with soil applications of 150 g N or more per tree. Foliar sprays resulted in a higher proportion of green colour than the highest soil treatment in the HG orchard, but not in the LG orchards. Anthracnose disease severity was significantly (P<0.05) higher with 300 g of N per tree or foliar treatment in the HG orchard, compared with no additional N. Thus, N can reduce mango fruit quality by increasing green colour and anthracnose disease in ripe fruit.


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'Honey Gold' mango is a relatively new cultivar in Australia, with an appealing skin colour and a sweet fibre-free flesh. However, fruit can develop 'under-skin browning' (USB), which appears several days after packing as a distinct 'bruise'-like discolouration under the epidermis and can affect large areas of the fruit surface. We investigated the anatomy of USB and the impact of post-harvest fruit handling conditions on the disorder. Starch accumulated around the resin canals and discoloured cells in the affected area, with no visible change to the cuticle or epidermis. Delays of 1 d at ambient temperature (27 degrees - 35 degrees C) before packing, and 2 d at 18 degrees - 20 degrees C (after packing), before placing fruit at 12 degrees - 14 degrees C and road transportation, reduced the incidence of USB by 83% compared to placing fruit at 12 degrees - 14 degrees C within 13 h of picking. The incidence of USB was 88 100% higher in fruit that were cooled to 12 degrees - 14 degrees C within 13 h of picking, then commercially road-freighted for 4 d at 12 degrees - 14 degrees C, than in fruit held under similar temperature conditions, but not road-freighted. Wrapping each fruit in bubble-wrap to minimise direct contact with other fruit, with the plastic insert, or with the cardboard tray, reduced the incidence of USB by 84% after road-freight compared to not using bubble-wrap. These results suggest that USB is a unique disorder of mango skin associated with a rapid post-harvest reduction in temperature, from high ambient temperatures to 12 degrees - 14 degrees C, and with physical damage during road-freight.


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Plant phytochemicals are increasingly recognised as sources of bioactive molecules which may have potential benefit in many health conditions. In mangoes, peel extracts from different cultivars exhibit varying effects on adipogenesis in the 3T3-L1 adipocyte cell line. In this study, the effects of preparative HPLC fractions of methanol peel extracts from Irwin, Nam Doc Mai and Kensington Pride mangoes were evaluated. Fraction 1 contained the most hydrophilic components while subsequent fractions contained increasingly more hydrophobic components. High content imaging was used to assess mango peel fraction effects on lipid accumulation, nuclei count and nuclear area in differentiating 3T3-L1 cells. For all three mango cultivars, the more hydrophilic peel fractions 1-3 inhibited lipid accumulation with greater potency than the more hydrophobic peel fractions 4. For all three cultivars, the more lipophilic fraction 4 had concentrations that enhanced lipid accumulation greater than fractions 1-3 as assessed by lipid droplet integrated intensity. The potency of this fraction 4 varied significantly between cultivars. Using mass spectrometry, five long chain free fatty acids were detected in fraction 4; these were not present in any other peel extract fractions. Total levels varied between cultivars, with Irwin fraction 4 containing the highest levels of these free fatty acids. Lipophilic components appear to be responsible for the lipid accumulation promoting effects of some mango extracts and are the likely cause of the diverse effects of peel extracts from different mango cultivars on lipid accumulation.


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Entre el 14 de octubre de 2005 al 27 de octubre 2005 se realizó un diagnóstico sobre la aplicación de Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas (BPA) en la finca La Rodiana y la Finca El Paraíso. en las cuales se encuentran establecidas una plantación de mango (Mangifera índica L.). Ambas fincas se encuentran en el departamento de Granada. Nicaragua. Para realizar este estudio se utilizó el formato oficial que el Ministerio Agropecuario Forestal (MAGFOR) emplea para este tipo de diagnostico. Dicho instrumento contiene 15 secciones y por cada sección un número variable de preguntas. Este instrumento esta diseñado para determinar la situación actual de cada una de las unidades de producción en lo relativo al cumplimiento de los requisitos mínimos obligatorios establecidos por el estado nicaragüense para otorgar una certificación de BP A. Una vez levantada la información se hizo una verificación in situ de la misma al observar directamente las condiciones en las fincas 1 y 2. Una vez levantada y verificada está información. se procedió a procesar la información. tabulando la misma y estableciendo el grado (en términos porcentuales) de cumplimiento por cada sección. así como el cumplimiento promedio de cada sección. La finca La Rodiana obtuvo un porcentaje de cumplimiento de 26 % y la finca El Paraiso obtuvo un porcentaje de cumplimiento de 30 %. Ninguna de las fincas en estudio alcanzo el mínimo (80 %) para optar a la certificación de BPA Los resultados del diagnóstico indican que en general, los encargados de la fincas tiene poca o nula capacitación técnica y conocimientos para la implementación de las BP A. Se recomienda capacitar a los encargado de la finca y a sus trabajadores permanentes en los temas: a. Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas, b. Agrotecnia del cultivo de mango y c. Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) con énfasis en el cultivo de mango. Los encargados de las fincas en conjunto con los dueños de las mismas deben de formular un plan de medidas correctivas para alcanzar la certificación BPA definido en relación a las medidas a aplicar y los periodos de tiempo para su cumplimiento. También se recomienda que los dueños de las fincas hagan gestiones para financiar la implementación de las medidas correctivas para alcanzar la certificación de las BPA's.


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O sucesso de um pomar comercial de fruteiras está ligado principalmente à qualidade da muda, aos cuidados com o plantio e manejo da cultura. A muda, na verdade, representa o insumo inicial mais importante e para o qual o produtor deve ser bastante criterioso e cuidadoso para que escolha mudas de qualidade e garanta o sucesso do empreendimento. O agricultor deve procurar viveiristas credenciados que comercializem mudas certificadas ou fiscalizadas, apresentando um padrão adequado, recomendado pela pesquisa. Para tanto, deve atentar para altura, diâmetro do caule, número de emissões foliares, tipo de enxertia, tipo de embalagem e estado vegetativo, entre outros.


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Losses in the mango commercialization process in Brazil has reduced its offer to the consumer. The present study aims at determining these losses in different purchase sites of the retail market, its causes and suggestions for reducing them. Twenty two retail points, including supermarkets, greengroceries and free fair were selected in Botucatu, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The total amount commercialized was 114 ton/year. The following average losses were verified for each mango variety: 'Tommy Atkins'(11, 5%), Haden (12, 4%) and 12, 7% for other varieties. The total loss in retail market reached US$ 25.231,00 corresponding to 14 tons. The average loss percentage observed is compatible with previous studies running in other cities. The results suggest the need of better management, the exposure of the fruit to the consumer, technology in the transportation of the fruits and most appropriate storage for maintaining the quality and the reduction of losses. The results show the need of higher investment in technical personnel reskilling in fruit and vegetable sector.


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A malformação da mangueira causada pelo fungo Fusarium subglutinans Wollenweb & Reinking é provavelmente a doença que mais causa prejuízos à produção de manga no Brasil e em outros países produtores. Esse fungo foi isolado de uma planta-matriz da cultivar Tommy Atkins com avançados sintomas da doença, purificado e preparado para ser inoculado em 15 cultivares de manga nacionais e importadas. Inicialmente, foram inoculadas, em julho de 2000, 10 cultivares: Bourbon IAC - 100, Coração-de-Boi, Keitt, Parvin, Primor de Amoreira, Sensation, Smith, Surpresa, Tommy Atkins e Van Dyke. O segundo grupo foi inoculado em dezembro de 2000, com as cultivares: Adams, Bhadauran, Palmer, Princesa e Zill, e repetiu-se a inoculação com outras mudas das cultivares Primor de Amoreira, Sensation e Tommy Atkins, com a finalidade de se compararem as duas épocas de inoculação. Através dos dados obtidos com as plantas avaliadas nas duas épocas de inoculação, após 11 meses de observações, realizou-se o teste de médias Z para comparar a proporção de plantas doentes entre as cultivares, podendo-se concluir, com os resultados obtidos, que as cultivares Bhadauran, Palmer, Parvin, Sensation, Surpresa, Van Dyke e Zill apresentam menor porcentagem de plantas com sintomas de malformação ou menor progressão de sintomas em relação às outras cultivares inoculadas, para as condições de ambiente protegido em que foram realizados os ensaios.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The density, heat capacity and thermal conductivity of mango pulp (Mangifera indica L. cv. Tommy Atkins) were determined at moisture contents of between 0.9 and 0.52 kg kg(-1) (w.b.) and temperatures of between 20 and 80 degrees C. The experimental data were satisfactorily fitted (explained variation values >99.1%) as functions of the moisture content and temperature by using multivariate linear models. In the range of conditions considered, the moisture content exhibits a greater influence on the studied properties than temperature. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O elevado percentual de perdas na comercialização de manga no Brasil faz com que apenas parcela da produção chegue à mesa do consumidor. O presente trabalho determinou, em equipamentos de varejo da cidade de Botucatu - SP, as perdas de manga, suas causas e emitir sugestões para a redução das mesmas. Foram selecionados 22 equipamentos entre supermercados, quitanda/sacolões e feiras livres. O volume estimado de manga comercializada neste município foi 114 t/ano. Verificaram-se as seguintes perdas médias por variedade de manga: 11,5% para 'Tommy Atkins', 12,4% para 'Haden' e 12,7% para as outras variedades. O valor total anual destas perdas no comércio varejista da cidade, em 2007, atingiu R$ 49.200,00 (US$ 25.231,00), correspondente a 14 toneladas. Os percentuais médios de perda mostram grande semelhança quando comparados a estudos realizados em outras localidades. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a necessidade de melhor gestão de estoques, de exposição da fruta para o consumidor e uso de tecnologia no transporte e armazenagem para a manutenção da qualidade e redução das perdas. Conclui-se também pela necessidade de maiores investimentos em capacitação técnica dos encarregados do setor de frutas e hortaliças.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effects of Vimang((R)), an aqueous extract of the stem bark of Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaccae), on cell migration in an experimental model of asthma was investigated. In vivo treatment of Toxocara canis-infected BALB/c mice for 18 days with 50 mg/kg Vimang((R)) reduced eosinophil migration into the bronchoalveolar space and peritoneal cavity. Also, eosinophil generation in bone marrow and blood eosinophilia were inhibited in infected mice treated with Vimang((R)). This reduction was associated with inhibition of IL-5 production in serum and eotaxin in lung homogenates. In all these cases the effects of Vimang((R)) were more selective than those observed with dexamethasone. Moreover, Virnang((R)) treatment is not toxic for the animals, as demonstrated by the normal body weight increase during infection. These data confirm the potent anti-inflammatory effect of Vimang R and support its potential use as an alternative therapeutic drug to the treatment of eosinophilic disorders including those caused by nematodes and allergic diseases. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aiming at evaluating the use of those byproducts on ruminant feeding an experiment has been carried out in the Forage Research department (www.npf.ufc.br), in order to evaluate the effects of addition of increasing levels of mango processing byproducts (MB) in Elephant grass silages. Twenty experimental silos made of PVC pipe (100 x 340 mm), in a completely randomized design with 5 levels of addition (0; 5; 10; 15; and 20%) of MB and 4 replications. Upon 32 days of ensilage, samples were collected for determination of levels of dry Matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ethereal extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), hemicelluloses (HC), ammonia nitrogen (N-NH3), and pH values. Data were evaluated by analyses of variance and regression analyses using the F test at the 5% level. The levels of DM and CP increased of 0.50 and 0.03 percentage units, respectively, for every 1% of MB added. The levels of NDF and ADF decreased of 0.51 and 0.24 percentage units, respectively, for every 1% of MB added. The levels of N-NH3 decreased from 4 to 23 percentage units while pH values remained constant (p>0.05), with average values of 3.29. Addition of 20% of MB improved silages chemical composition by promoting an increase in the levels of MS and reduction in the levels of fiber.