993 resultados para Management Shock
Reconversão docente: o trabalho flexível na educação um estudo a partir das reformas em Minas Gerais
Esta tese analisa as mudanças no trabalho docente tendo como objeto particular de pesquisa o estado de Minas Gerais. A escolha se deve ao protagonismo e , em certa medida, pioneirismo das burguesia mineira no ajuste conservador realizado no Brasil recente. Neste percurso de investigação foram analisadas três gerações de reformas chamadas Choque de Gestão, Estado para Resultados, Estado em Rede ou Gestão para a Cidadania. A abordagem específica sobre as implicações das mudanças sobre o trabalho docente teve como fontes os Planos de Cargos e Salários, as Lei 100 que criou a modalidade efetivado como forma distinta (e inconstitucional) de inserção precária, a reforma no regime de previdência estadual. As mudanças no currículo, como expressão particular das reformas no âmbito da formação humana, foram analisadas em primeiro lugar como mediação do processo de trabalho docente. Estas transformações conduziram a pesquisa para a constatação de que observamos o fenômeno da reconversão docente, da modelagem do trabalhador flexível na educação básica, sendo parte indissociável deste processo a precarização do trabalho e o aprofundamento da proletarização do professor. A pesquisa também indicou as formas que a apropriação do fundo público assume a partir do Choque de Gestão e o caráter regressivo destas políticas não só para o trabalhador em educação, mas para o conjunto dos chamados direitos sociais. Na construção teórica que conduziu a pesquisa utilizamos o método materialista histórico e dialético, a concepção de Estado como relação entre as classes, o trabalho como práxis social. A tese traz como contribuição uma profunda reflexão sobre o trabalho em geral e o trabalho docente em particular com a construção de duas categorias complementares de análise: a apropriação de mais anti-valor e a subsunção real espelhada. Esta sendo a expropriação que atinge diretamente quem trabalha no setor público, expressão da apropriação privada do bem público na parte que caberia ao trabalhador do setor, expropriado de suas condições de subsistência e porque do ponto de vista mais geral, reflete o processo realizado no setor diretamente produtivo sendo a face complementar tanto da acumulação quanto da universalização das formas de trabalho e de sociabilidade capitalista
A partir dos processos de reforma gerencial colocados em prática em âmbito mundial, desencadearam-se propostas de reformas seguindo esta mesma lógica, também em nível estadual. O programa Choque de Gestão, implementado no Estado de Minas Gerais, é um exemplo deste tipo de proposta e merece destaque por ser avaliado de maneira bastante positiva na literatura especializada, servindo de base para a criação de processos semelhantes em outros estados do País. Neste sentido, o objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar em que medida o programa Choque de Gestão, do Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais, compreende as diferentes dimensões de desempenho, segundo o modelo do paradigma multidimensional de Benno Sander. Este autor propõe um conceito mais amplo de desempenho, que possui como critério os seguintes conceitos: eficiência, entendido como a capacidade de produzir mais com menos recursos; eficácia, tratado pelo autor como a capacidade de alcançar os objetivos estabelecidos; efetividade, entendido como a capacidade de atender às demandas da sociedade; e relevância, pensado como um critério que mede o desempenho a partir da importância ou da pertinência, sendo facilitado por um processo administrativo participativo e democrático. A partir dos conceitos de racionalidade instrumental, baseada no cálculo utilitário das conseqüências, e substantiva, pautada em valores, apresentados por Guerreiro Ramos (1989), pensam-se os critérios de eficiência e eficácia como critérios instrumentais, e os de efetividade e relevância, como critérios substantivos. Optou-se pela pesquisa qualitativa e os dados foram analisados por meio do método de análise argumentativa. Para a realização da análise, foram utilizadas as categorias de substantividade e instrumentalidade, e foram criados indicadores, com base no referencial teórico, de acordo com as categorias trabalhadas. Por meio destes indicadores, analisou-se o documento Plano Mineiro de Desenvolvimento Integrado (PMDI), que consiste no planejamento de longo prazo do programa Choque de Gestão. A partir da análise realizada, pode-se observar, principalmente, que o conceito de desenvolvimento orientador do PMDI está impregnado de elementos substantivos, como a preocupação com a qualidade de vida ou com o atendimento das demandas sociais e, por isso, guia-se por uma visão de futuro que representa um Estado em que estão presentes as duas categorias aqui trabalhadas. Entretanto, o conceito de desempenho em que está pautado, engloba aspectos predominantemente instrumentais, já que se acredita que para que a administração pública mineira melhore seu desempenho basta que ela adote medidas como a redução de custos ou o foco em resultados. Por isso, conclui-se que o conceito de desempenho em que se pauta o programa Choque de Gestão não compreende as diferentes dimensões de desempenho de forma equilibrada.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar em que medida o Instituto de Criminalística, órgão da administração pública direta de Minas Gerais, alinhou a sua gestão administrativa e de pessoal às diretrizes do Choque de Gestão. Decorridos oito anos desde o início da implantação dessa política pública, a questão cabe averiguação a fim de se saber o quanto dos novos ideais foram disseminados e assimilados em uma das instituições a qual essa política se comprometera a modernizar. Ao abordar a medida da relação existente entre o Choque de Gestão e o Instituto de Criminalística, este estudo visou compreender quantos velhos paradigmas foram quebrados e quantos novos conceitos foram assimilados para fazer a administração pública voltar-se para quem de fato foi criada e a quem deve servir: o povo. Para subsidiar as pesquisas, este estudo abrangeu uma análise dos referenciais teóricos que faceiam as questões relevantes à Nova Administração Pública e impactaram diretamente a concepção do Choque de Gestão, mas levando em conta os referenciais próprios dessa política. A pesquisa de campo consistiu de uma abordagem do fenômeno em seu palco de acontecimento, feita por meio de observação-participante, de entrevistas e questionários junto aos principais atores do cenário pesquisado: servidores e gestores de linha e clientes. Os resultados mostraram que, inobstante, o Choque de Gestão apresentar-se como um plano estruturado e bem intencionado, a sua proposta de transformação ainda não causou ressonância naquela ponta do serviço público, posto que diversos conceitos propalados por essa política confrontam-se com antigos valores, derivados de práticas anteriores. Sendo assim, acredita-se que a efetivação das diretrizes do Choque de Gestão está condicionada à adesão dos gestores e servidores de linha a essas propostas e, para tanto, as instâncias superiores de governo deverão agir para garantir essa adesão.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
OBJECTIVE: To provide an update to the original Surviving Sepsis Campaign clinical management guidelines, "Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock," published in 2004. DESIGN: Modified Delphi method with a consensus conference of 55 international experts, several subsequent meetings of subgroups and key individuals, teleconferences, and electronic-based discussion among subgroups and among the entire committee. This process was conducted independently of any industry funding. METHODS: We used the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system to guide assessment of quality of evidence from high (A) to very low (D) and to determine the strength of recommendations. A strong recommendation (1) indicates that an intervention's desirable effects clearly outweigh its undesirable effects (risk, burden, cost) or clearly do not. Weak recommendations (2) indicate that the tradeoff between desirable and undesirable effects is less clear. The grade of strong or weak is considered of greater clinical importance than a difference in letter level of quality of evidence. In areas without complete agreement, a formal process of resolution was developed and applied. Recommendations are grouped into those directly targeting severe sepsis, recommendations targeting general care of the critically ill patient that are considered high priority in severe sepsis, and pediatric considerations. RESULTS: Key recommendations, listed by category, include early goal-directed resuscitation of the septic patient during the first 6 hrs after recognition (1C); blood cultures before antibiotic therapy (1C); imaging studies performed promptly to confirm potential source of infection (1C); administration of broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy within 1 hr of diagnosis of septic shock (1B) and severe sepsis without septic shock (1D); reassessment of antibiotic therapy with microbiology and clinical data to narrow coverage, when appropriate (1C); a usual 7-10 days of antibiotic therapy guided by clinical response (1D); source control with attention to the balance of risks and benefits of the chosen method (1C); administration of either crystalloid or colloid fluid resuscitation (1B); fluid challenge to restore mean circulating filling pressure (1C); reduction in rate of fluid administration with rising filing pressures and no improvement in tissue perfusion (1D); vasopressor preference for norepinephrine or dopamine to maintain an initial target of mean arterial pressure > or = 65 mm Hg (1C); dobutamine inotropic therapy when cardiac output remains low despite fluid resuscitation and combined inotropic/vasopressor therapy (1C); stress-dose steroid therapy given only in septic shock after blood pressure is identified to be poorly responsive to fluid and vasopressor therapy (2C); recombinant activated protein C in patients with severe sepsis and clinical assessment of high risk for death (2B except 2C for postoperative patients). In the absence of tissue hypoperfusion, coronary artery disease, or acute hemorrhage, target a hemoglobin of 7-9 g/dL (1B); a low tidal volume (1B) and limitation of inspiratory plateau pressure strategy (1C) for acute lung injury (ALI)/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); application of at least a minimal amount of positive end-expiratory pressure in acute lung injury (1C); head of bed elevation in mechanically ventilated patients unless contraindicated (1B); avoiding routine use of pulmonary artery catheters in ALI/ARDS (1A); to decrease days of mechanical ventilation and ICU length of stay, a conservative fluid strategy for patients with established ALI/ARDS who are not in shock (1C); protocols for weaning and sedation/analgesia (1B); using either intermittent bolus sedation or continuous infusion sedation with daily interruptions or lightening (1B); avoidance of neuromuscular blockers, if at all possible (1B); institution of glycemic control (1B), targeting a blood glucose < 150 mg/dL after initial stabilization (2C); equivalency of continuous veno-veno hemofiltration or intermittent hemodialysis (2B); prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis (1A); use of stress ulcer prophylaxis to prevent upper gastrointestinal bleeding using H2 blockers (1A) or proton pump inhibitors (1B); and consideration of limitation of support where appropriate (1D). Recommendations specific to pediatric severe sepsis include greater use of physical examination therapeutic end points (2C); dopamine as the first drug of choice for hypotension (2C); steroids only in children with suspected or proven adrenal insufficiency (2C); and a recommendation against the use of recombinant activated protein C in children (1B). CONCLUSIONS: There was strong agreement among a large cohort of international experts regarding many level 1 recommendations for the best current care of patients with severe sepsis. Evidenced-based recommendations regarding the acute management of sepsis and septic shock are the first step toward improved outcomes for this important group of critically ill patients.
The aim of this survey was to investigate clinicians' current approach to the haemodynamic management and resuscitation endpoints in septic shock.
Trauma is a leading cause of death worldwide, and is thus a major public health concern. Improving current resuscitation strategies may help to reduce morbidity and mortality from trauma, and clinical research plays an important role in addressing these issues. This thesis is a secondary analysis of data that was collected for a randomized clinical trial being conducted at Ben Taub General Hospital. The trial is designed to compare a hypotensive resuscitation strategy to standard fluid resuscitation for the early treatment of trauma patients in hemorrhagic shock. This thesis examines the clinical outcomes from the first 90 subjects enrolled in the study, with the primary aim of assessing the safety of hypotensive resuscitation within the trauma population. ^ Patients in hemorrhagic shock who required emergent surgery were randomized to one of two arms of the study. Those in the experimental (LMAP) arm were managed with a hypotensive resuscitation strategy in which the target mean arterial pressure was 50mmHg. Those in the control (HMAP) arm were managed with standard fluid resuscitation to a target mean arterial pressure of 65mmHg. Patients were followed for 30 days. Mortality, post-operative complications, and other clinical data were prospectively gathered by the Ben Taub surgical staff and then secondarily analyzed for the purpose of this thesis.^ Subjects in the LMAP group had significantly lower early post-operative mortality compared to those in the HMAP group. 30-day mortality was also lower in the LMAP group, although this did not reach statistical significance. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups with regards to development of ischemic, hematologic or infectious complications, length of hospitalization, length of ICU stay or duration of mechanical ventilation. ^ Based upon the data presented in this thesis, it appears that hypotensive resuscitation is a safe strategy for use in the trauma population. Specifically, hypotensive resuscitation reduced the risk of early post-operative death from coagulopathic bleeding and did not result in an increased risk of ischemic or other post-operative complications. The preliminary results described in this thesis provide convincing evidence support the continued investigation and use of hypotensive resuscitation in a trauma setting.^
This PhD thesis is an empirical research project in the field of modern Polish history. The thesis focuses on Solidarity, the Network and the idea of workers’ self-management. In addition, the thesis is based on an in-depth analysis of Solidarity archival material. The Solidarity trade union was born in August 1980 after talks between the communist government and strike leaders at the Gdansk Lenin Shipyards. In 1981 a group called the Network rose up, due to cooperation between Poland’s great industrial factory plants. The Network grew out of Solidarity; it was made up of Solidarity activists, and the group acted as an economic partner to the union. The Network was the base of a grass-roots, nationwide workers’ self-management movement. Solidarity and the self-management movement were crushed by the imposition of Martial Law in December 1981. Solidarity revived itself immediately, and the union created an underground society. The Network also revived in the underground, and it continued to promote self-management activity where this was possible. When Solidarity regained its legal status in April 1989, workers’ self-management no longer had the same importance in the union. Solidarity’s new politico-economic strategy focused on free markets, foreign investment and privatization. This research project ends in July 1990, when the new Solidarity-backed government enacted a privatization law. The government decided to transform the property ownership structure through a centralized privatization process, which was a blow for supporters of workers’ self-management. This PhD thesis provides new insight into the evolution of the Solidarity union from 1980-1990 by analyzing the fate of workers’ self-management. This project also examines the role of the Network throughout the 1980s. There is analysis of the important link between workers’ self-management and the core ideas of Solidarity. In addition, the link between political and economic reform is an important theme in this research project. The Network was aware that authentic workers’ self-management required reforms to the authoritarian political system. Workers’ self-management competed against other politico-economic ideas during the 1980s in Poland. The outcome of this competition between different reform concepts has shaped modern-day Polish politics, economics and society.
Management of acute heart failure is an important consideration in critical care. Mechanical support of the failing heart is crucial for improving health outcomes. The most common Australasian application of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP) is in the setting of cardiogenic shock. High end users of IABP (>37/annum) demonstrate significantly lower mortality for cardiogenic shock managed with IABP (p <0.001) in contrast to hospitals which employ limited IABP (<4/annum). This underscores the importance of proficiency in managing patient receiving IABP support. Nurses play a crucial role in carding for patients with acute heart failure. This paper summarises care considerations for management of the IABP.
Animal models of critical illness are vital in biomedical research. They provide possibilities for the investigation of pathophysiological processes that may not otherwise be possible in humans. In order to be clinically applicable, the model should simulate the critical care situation realistically, including anaesthesia, monitoring, sampling, utilising appropriate personnel skill mix, and therapeutic interventions. There are limited data documenting the constitution of ideal technologically advanced large animal critical care practices and all the processes of the animal model. In this paper, we describe the procedure of animal preparation, anaesthesia induction and maintenance, physiologic monitoring, data capture, point-of-care technology, and animal aftercare that has been successfully used to study several novel ovine models of critical illness. The relevant investigations are on respiratory failure due to smoke inhalation, transfusion related acute lung injury, endotoxin-induced proteogenomic alterations, haemorrhagic shock, septic shock, brain death, cerebral microcirculation, and artificial heart studies. We have demonstrated the functionality of monitoring practices during anaesthesia required to provide a platform for undertaking systematic investigations in complex ovine models of critical illness.
OBJECTIVES: 1. To determine whether incomplete rigor mortis resolution and 'cold shock' play a role in development of tough fish syndrome (TFS) in tropical Saddletail snapper. 2. To identify links between TFS and specific physiological factors in tropical Saddletail snapper. 3. Communicate findings and recommendations to stakeholders and assist with implementation of any changes to fishing or handling practices required.
This research examines the impact of ecommerce on sales and rental values and on the future space and ownership/leasing requirements of UK retailers for 2000-2005. The independent study, commissioned by BCSC (and funded by BCSC Educational Trust with support from the RICS Education Trust), included a major postal survey, follow-up interviews, a retail focus group, and shopper survey and case study of Cyberton, a town in the South East of England. The study was conducted by the Research Department of The College of Estate Management between June and December 2000.
Background: the purpose this study was to investigate the relationship of anti-myosin and anti-heat shock protein immunoglobulin G (IgG) serum antibodies to the original heart disease of cardiac transplant recipients, and also to rejection and patient survival after cardiac transplantation.Methods: Anti-myosin and anti-heat shock protein (anti-hsp) IgG antibodies were evaluated in pre-transplant sera from 41 adult cardiac allograft recipients and in sequential post-transplant serum samples from 11 recipients, collected at the time of routine endomyocardial biopsies during the first 6 months after transplantation. In addition, the levels of these antibodies were determined from the sera of 28 healthy blood donors.Results: Higher anti-myosin antibody levels were observed in pre-transplant sera than in sera from normal controls. Moreover, patients with chronic Chagas heart disease showed higher anti-myosin levels than patients with ischemic heart disease, and also higher levels, although not statistically significant, than patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Higher anti-hsp levels were also observed in patients compared with healthy controls, but no significant differences were detected among,the different types of heart diseases. Higher pre-transplant anti-myosin, but not anti-hsp, levels were associated with lower 2-year post-transplant survival. In the post-transplant period, higher anti-myosin IgG levels were detected in sera collected during acute rejection than in sera collected during the rejection-free period, whereas anti-hsp IgG levels showed no difference between these periods.Conclusions: the present findings are of interest for post-transplant management and, in addition, suggest a pathogenic role for anti-myosin antibodies in cardiac transplant rejection, as has been proposed in experimental models of cardiac transplantation.
Background. Renal transplantation remains the optimal treatment of patients with end-stage renal disease. Urinary lithiasis represents an unusual urologic complication in renal transplantation, with an incidence of <1%. Today, recipients of kidneys from deceased donors are more likely to receive grafts with undiagnosed lithiasis, which does not occur in patients from living donors, owing to screening with computerized tomography. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence, diagnosis, and therapeutic management of renal lithiasis in transplanted kidneys at a single institution. Methods. We reviewed the medical records for 1,313 patients who underwent kidney transplantation from February 1968 to February 2011. Results. Among the grafts, 17 patients (1.29%) had nephrolithiasis: 9 women and 8 men. Ages ranged from 32 to 63 years (mean = 45.6 years). Fifteen patients received kidneys from cadaveric and only 2 from living related donors. Two stones, both located inside the ureter, were identified during transplant surgery (11.7%). Three instances of lithiasis were incidentally diagnosed by ultrasound during graft evaluation, within 7 days after surgery (17.6%); all 3 were in the calyces. The 12 remaining patients had the stones diagnosed later (70.58%): 6 in the calyces, 3 in the renal pelvis, and 3 inside the ureter. Conclusions. Urinary lithiasis is a rare complication in renal transplantation. In most patients the condition occurs without pain. The diagnosis and treatment options for graft urolithiasis are similar to those patients with nephrofithiasis in the general population. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) was the most common treatment method.
Maintaining an adequate tissue oxygen delivery (DO(2)) and consumption (VO(2)) is crucial in the treatment of septic patients. A fall in V0(2) is associated with a higher mortality. The early recognition of shock or tissue hypo perfusion impacts on patient prognosis. In occasions, hypovolemia or important regional oxygen debts are not recognized, since macro homodynamic variables have been compensated. In this situation, the use of metabolic hypo perfusion markers such as lactate, central venous oxygen saturation and gastric goniometry, can be helpful. However, interpretation of these markers should be cautious and always considering the overall clinical status of the patient. In the initial stages of sepsis, the dependency of V0(2) on DO(2) predominates as histopathological mechanism of multiple organic failure. In late stages, other factors predominate as determinants of multiple organic failure and mortality, such as hyper or hypo immune response, microcirculatory alterations and cytopathic hypoxia.