984 resultados para Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)


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Este estudo é uma análise do processo de geração de valor ao acionista do Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade (PNQ) e do Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA), feita através do estudo de caso das métricas financeiras utilizadas por oito empresas vencedoras destes prêmios em 2002 e 2003. Objetivo: Identificar consistências e complementaridades entre o PNQ e o MBNQA e objetivos financeiros de geração de valor ao acionista, verificando se as métricas utilizadas pelas oito empresas são consistentes com estes conceitos. Método: Estudo de caso das métricas financeiras utilizadas em 2002 e 2003 por três empresas vencedoras do PNQ e por cinco empresas vencedoras do MBNQA, comparando-as com métricas financeiras recomendados pela bibliografia de finanças na área de geração de valor ao acionista. Resultados: As empresas monitoraram indicadores operacionais importantes (direcionadores de valor), mas a maior parte das métricas financeiras utilizadas está mais ligada a medidas contábeis e de performance passada do que a métricas de geração de valor ao acionista. Conclusão: Verificou-se que as métricas financeiras utilizadas pelas oito empresas não estão consistentes com os conceitos de finanças na área de geração de valor ao acionista e não permitem a correta medição do seu processo de geração de valor. Por outro lado, o fato do PNQ e do MBNQA levarem ao acompanhamento sistemático de indicadores direcionadores de valor, a revisões periódicas destes indicadores e a busca de melhorias e alinhamento com a estratégia da empresa é positivo, podendo gerar bons resultados para as empresas. A utilização conjunta da metodologia do PNQ e do MBNQA com a disciplina de finanças tem grande potencial de gerar valor para os acionistas.


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Over the last decad , the paradigm of Total Quality Management (TQM) has been successfully forged in our business world. TQM may be defined as something that is both complex and ambiguous; nevertheless, some key elements or principles can be mentioned which are common to all of them: customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, commitment and leadership on the part of top management, involvement and support on the part of employees, teamwork, measurement via indicators and feedback. There are, in short, two main reasons for it having spread so widely: on the one hand, the successful diffusion of ISO 9000 standards for the implementation and certification of quality management systems, standards that have been associated to the TQM paradigm, and, on the other, the also successful diffusion of self evaluation models such as the EFQM promoted by the European Foundation for Quality Management and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in the USA, promoted by the Foundation for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. However, the quality movement is not without its problems as far as its mid and long term development is concerned. In this book some research findings related to these issues are presented.


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El propósito de este trabajo de investigación teórica, es lograr basados en el estudio de variables del entorno empresarial, como lo son los modelos de negocio, comportamiento, cultura y complejidad organizacional, estructurar un artículo que invite a la reflexión sobre la incidencia del comportamiento de los líderes para con los modelos de gestión. Con base en la información recolectada, se observan patrones funcionales en el comportamiento de las organizaciones, derivados de los modelos de comportamiento de quienes las dirigen. Las implicaciones podrían ser calificadas de favorables o desfavorables, si se les asocia como condición relevante en la perdurabilidad de las mismas en el tiempo.


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With the advent of globalisation companies all around the world must improve their performance in order to survive. The threats are coming from everywhere, and in different ways, such as low cost products, high quality products, new technologies, and new products. Different companies in different countries are using various techniques and using quality criteria items to strive for excellence. Continuous improvement techniques are used to enable companies to improve their operations. Therefore, companies are using techniques such as TQM, Kaizen, Six-Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, and quality award criteria items such as Customer Focus, Human Resources, Information & Analysis, and Process Management. The purpose of this paper is to compare the use of these techniques and criteria items in two countries, Mexico and the United Kingdom, which differ in culture and industrial structure. In terms of the use of continuous improvement tools and techniques, Mexico formally started to deal with continuous improvement by creating its National Quality Award soon after the Americans began the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The United Kingdom formally started by using the European Quality Award (EQA), modified and renamed as the EFQM Excellence Model. The methodology used in this study was to undertake a literature review of the subject matter and to study some general applications around the world. A questionnaire survey was then designed and a survey undertaken based on the same scale, about the same sample size, and the about the same industrial sector within the two countries. The survey presents a brief definition of each of the constructs to facilitate understanding of the questions. The analysis of the data was then conducted with the assistance of a statistical software package. The survey results indicate both similarities and differences in the strengths and weaknesses of the companies in the two countries. One outcome of the analysis is that it enables the companies to use the results to benchmark themselves and thus act to reinforce their strengths and to reduce their weaknesses.