991 resultados para Macroeconomic indicators


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In recent years, thanks to developments in information technology, large-dimensional datasets have been increasingly available. Researchers now have access to thousands of economic series and the information contained in them can be used to create accurate forecasts and to test economic theories. To exploit this large amount of information, researchers and policymakers need an appropriate econometric model.Usual time series models, vector autoregression for example, cannot incorporate more than a few variables. There are two ways to solve this problem: use variable selection procedures or gather the information contained in the series to create an index model. This thesis focuses on one of the most widespread index model, the dynamic factor model (the theory behind this model, based on previous literature, is the core of the first part of this study), and its use in forecasting Finnish macroeconomic indicators (which is the focus of the second part of the thesis). In particular, I forecast economic activity indicators (e.g. GDP) and price indicators (e.g. consumer price index), from 3 large Finnish datasets. The first dataset contains a large series of aggregated data obtained from the Statistics Finland database. The second dataset is composed by economic indicators from Bank of Finland. The last dataset is formed by disaggregated data from Statistic Finland, which I call micro dataset. The forecasts are computed following a two steps procedure: in the first step I estimate a set of common factors from the original dataset. The second step consists in formulating forecasting equations including the factors extracted previously. The predictions are evaluated using relative mean squared forecast error, where the benchmark model is a univariate autoregressive model. The results are dataset-dependent. The forecasts based on factor models are very accurate for the first dataset (the Statistics Finland one), while they are considerably worse for the Bank of Finland dataset. The forecasts derived from the micro dataset are still good, but less accurate than the ones obtained in the first case. This work leads to multiple research developments. The results here obtained can be replicated for longer datasets. The non-aggregated data can be represented in an even more disaggregated form (firm level). Finally, the use of the micro data, one of the major contributions of this thesis, can be useful in the imputation of missing values and the creation of flash estimates of macroeconomic indicator (nowcasting).


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Background. There are a large number of factors mediating suicide. Many studies have searched for a direct causal relationship between economic hardship and suicide, however, findings have been varied.

Method. Suicide data was obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics for the period between January 1968 and August 2002. These were correlated with a suite of macroeconomic data including housing loan interest rates, unemployment rates, days lost to industrial disputes, Consumer Price Index, gross domestic product, and the Consumer Sentiment Index.

A total of 51 845 males and 16 327 females committed suicide between these dates. There were significant associations between suicide rates and eleven macroeconomic indicators for both genders in at least one age range. Data was divided into male and female and five age ranges and pooled ages. Analyses were conducted on these 132 datasets resulting in 80 significant findings. The data was generally stronger for indices measuring economic performance than indices measuring consumers’ perceptions of the state of the economy. A striking difference between male and female trends was seen. Generally, male suicide rates increased with markers of economic adversity, while the opposite pattern was seen in females. There were significantly different patterns in age-stratified data, with for example higher housing loan interest rates having a positive association with suicide in younger people and a negative association in older age groups.

Conclusion. Macroeconomic trends are significantly associated with suicide. The patterns in males and females are very different, and there are further substantial age-related differences.


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The paper is a new element in a series of studies analyzing macroeconomic inventory behavior by use of multi-country data. In this paper, seven hypotheses are tested with positive result. These hypotheses include subjects like relations of inventories with growth and with some other macroeconomic indicators of the use of GDP and the long-term tendencies of global inventory formations. Multivariate statistical analysis is used for evaluation.


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We consider growth and welfare effects of lifetime-uncertainty in an economy with human capital-led endogenous growth. We argue that lifetime uncertainty reduces private incentives to invest in both physical and human capital. Using an overlapping generations framework with finite-lived households we analyze the relevance of government expenditure on health and education to counter such growth-reducing forces. We focus on three different models that differ with respect to the mode of financing of education: (i) both private and public spending, (ii) only public spending, and (iii) only private spending. Results show that models (i) and (iii) outperform model (ii) with respect to long-term growth rates of per capita income, welfare levels and other important macroeconomic indicators. Theoretical predictions of model rankings for these macroeconomic indicators are also supported by observed stylized facts.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização, sob orientação de Maria Clara Dias Pinto Ribeiro


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Mental health constitutes a significant share of the global burden of disease. It is shaped to a great extent by socioeconomic factors and is vulnerable to external shocks. The recent financial crisis brought about stressors prone to trigger and aggravate mental illnesses. This project presents a micro analysis of the effect of the economic crisis on mental health in eleven European countries, through the estimation of individual health production functions accounting for socioeconomic controls and macroeconomic indicators. We find that mental health has deteriorated since 2007, even though the development of depression episodes is unchanged. Additionally, his variation can be partially attributed to economic recession and budgetary cuts in health spending.


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The reforms in Indian banking sector since 1991 is deliberated mostly in terms of the significant measures that were implemented in order to develop a more vibrant, healthy, stable and efficient banking sector in India. The effect of a highly regulated banking environment on asset quality, productivity and performance of banks necessitated the reform process and resulted the incorporation of prudential norms for income recognition, asset classification and provisioning and capital adequacy norms, in line with international best practices. The improvements in asset quality and a reduction in non-performing assets were the primary objective enunciated in the reform measures. In this context, the present research critically evaluates the trend in movement of nonperforming assets of public sector banks in India during the period 2000-01 to 2011-12, thereby facilitates an evaluation of the effectiveness of NPA management in the post-millennium period. The non-performing assets is not a function of loan/advance alone, but is influenced by other bank performance indicators and also by the macroeconomic variables. In addition to explaining the trend in the movement of NPA, this research also explained the moderating and mediating role of various bank performance and macroeconomic indicators on incidence of NPA


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Hoy en día, la competitividad del sector logístico de un país constituye una de las bases para capitalizar las nuevas oportunidades de negocio que actualmente ofrecen los mercados internacionales. Sin embargo, la compleja infraestructura de Colombia sumado a las extensas cadenas de suministro de algunos de los principales sectores que conforman la economía nacional, no solo han afectado el desempeño del sector logístico colombiano, sino también han impedido que numerosas empresas colombianas logren aprovechar los 13 acuerdos comerciales vigentes entre Colombia y más de 50 países del continente americano y europeo. Este es el caso del sector farmacéutico colombiano, donde la complejidad del sector logístico nacional ha impedido en algunos casos, cumplir con los requerimientos del cliente, optimizar los tiempos de respuesta y disminuir los costos de distribución demandados por la industria. En este contexto, la investigación que nos compete describe de manera inicial y a través de indicadores macroeconómicos, la realidad del sector farmacéutico a nivel nacional e internacional. Posteriormente, los indicadores de productividad y competitividad de la industria farmacéutica nacional son abordados mediante el análisis de todas las actividades demandadas por cada uno de los eslabones que conforman la cadena de suministros del sector. Adicionalmente, el estudio comprende las problemáticas actuales del sector farmacéutico nacional y un caso de estudio relacionado con los costos que demandaría la exportación de un producto farmacéutico hacia el mercado internacional. Finalmente, mediante la opinión directa de 20 laboratorios farmacéuticos nacionales e internacionales, la presente investigación le brinda al lector un acercamiento hacia la realidad que atraviesa la industria farmacéutica colombiana en cuanto a la competitividad de sus procesos logísticos.


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El proyecto busca mostrar oportunidades para las PYMES (Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas) colombianas de posibles proveedores de materias primas de calidad, resaltando los productos más solicitados y de mejor calidad provenientes de los países que conforman el Triángulo del Norte, aprovechando las preferencias de importación gracias al Tratado de Libre Comercio que existe entre Colombia y el TN. Dentro de este estudio se expondrá el perfil de importación de cada Departamento colombiano de productos provenientes de los países del Triángulo del Norte: El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras. El trabajo se divide en cuatro partes. En la primera se expondrá el proceso de negociación del TLC entre Colombia y el Triángulo del Norte, la importancia y el potencial de este mercado para la realización de negocios. En la segunda se analizará la evolución de las importaciones de cada Departamento colombiano de productos provenientes de cada país integrante del Triángulo del Norte, con la información extraída de la base de datos WISER TRADE. En esta se muestran de manera detallada los productos importados provenientes del Triángulo del Norte, así como los principales proveedores de estos bienes para cada Departamento. En la tercera se presentan los beneficios de importar artículos procedentes del Triángulo del Norte y un modelo detallado de cómo realizar negocios con ellos, proyecto de importaciones, entidades que ayudan a facilitar el proceso de importaciones y cargos arancelarios. Finalmente, se encuentran las conclusiones y recomendaciones para cualquier agente interesado en importar desde el Triángulo del Norte a Colombia.


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This article investigates the impact of oil price volatility on six major emerging economies in Asia using time-series cross-section and time-series econometric techniques. To assess the robustness of the findings, we further implement such heterogeneous panel data estimation methods as Mean Group (MG), Common Correlated Effects Mean Group (CCEMG) and Augmented Mean Group (AMG) estimators to allow for cross-sectional dependence. The empirical results reveal that oil price volatility has a detrimental effect on these emerging economies. In the short run, oil price volatility influenced output growth in China and affected both GDP growth and inflation in India. In the Philippines, oil price volatility impacted on inflation, but in Indonesia, it impacted on both GDP growth and inflation before and after the Asian financial crisis. In Malaysia, oil price volatility impacted on GDP growth, although there is notably little feedback from the opposite side. For Thailand, oil price volatility influenced output growth prior to the Asian financial crisis, but the impact disappeared after the crisis. It appears that oil subsidization by the Thai Government via introduction of the oil fund played a significant role in improving the economic performance by lessening the adverse effects of oil price volatility on macroeconomic indicators.


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The Real Plan has succeeded in stabilizing the Brazilian inflation. The consumer price inflation has been reduced from 11260 percent per year, in June 1994, to an estimate of 8 percent in 1997. The lower inflation resulted in a remarkable income distribution, and in an increased private consumption. The plan managed to control the inflationary effects of the increased demand with some traditional measures: A more liberalized economy, a moving (and overvalued) exchange rate band, high interest rate differentials, and a tight domestic credit policy. The government has, so far failed to accomplish the fiscal adjustment. The price stabilization has largely depended on the current account deficit. However, macroeconomic indicators do not present reasons for concern about the current account sustainability, in the medium-run. The economy may be trapped in a low-growth vicious cycle, represented by a stop-and-go trend, due to the two-way endogencity between domestic saving and growth. Economic growth depends on policies in increase the public sector saving, to secure the privatization of the State enterprises, and to promote investments. The major problem for the government action is, as always, in the political sphere. Approximately 80 percent of the Central Government net revenue are allocated to the social sectors. Consequently, the fiscal reform will hue to deal with the problem of re-designing the public sector’s intervention in the social area. Most probably, it will be inevitable to cut the social area budget. This is politically unpleasant.


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Os conceitos de Governança Corporativa não são novos, mas a gravidade de impactos financeiros gerados por escândalos corporativos estimula as empresas a adotarem melhores níveis de governança. Investidores profissionais se dispõem a pagar um ágio para investir em empresas com altos padrões de governança e que garantam um ambiente corporativo favorável ao retorno do seu investimento. A liquidez na qual o mundo viveu nos últimos anos propiciou um volume cada vez maior de recursos; não apenas para o Brasil, mas para grande parte dos mercados emergentes; para os mercados de capitais locais e em investimentos diretos. Esse capital, em grande parte externo, necessita de transparência, regulamentação e outros requerimentos de modo a reduzir os riscos relacionados às empresas alvo. Com base nas expectativas de mercado de indicadores macroeconômicos disponibilizadas pelo Sistema de Expectativas de Mercado do Banco Central do Brasil e nas informações fornecidas pela Bovespa e seus índices de mercado Ibovespa e IGC, este trabalho buscou uma associação entre variações nestas expectativas e valorização ou desvalorização da média de capitalização bursátil e índice de bolsa - Ibovespa e IGC. Observou-se que tanto o Ibovespa quanto o IGC e a média de capitalização bursátil da Bovespa e Ibovespa estão sujeitos as mesmas influências de variáveis macroeconômicas nacionais, mas em magnitudes diferentes. Entretanto, fez-se como exceção a média de capitalização bursátil do IGC, que sofreu influência de expectativas macroeconômicas diferentes dos demais. 6


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We use a factor-augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR) to estimate the impact of monetary policy shocks on the cross-section of stock returns. Our FAVAR combines unobserved factors extracted from a large set of nancial and macroeconomic indicators with the Federal Funds rate. We nd that monetary policy shocks have heterogeneous e ects on the crosssection of stock returns. These e ects are very well explained by the degree of external nance dependence, as well as by other sectoral characteristics.