990 resultados para Macro Economical Crisis


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Variáveis macroecômicas que interferem na economia e contágio decorrente de crises mundiais é o tema que preocupa os estudiosos da área financeira. Desde 1980, que é o período deste estudo, a bolsa de valores traz volumosos lucros nas ações das companhias de capital aberto, ao mesmo tempo em que assusta os investidores, devido ao comportamento volátil de seus resultados. O escopo deste trabalho é o de identificar se existe uma relação entre o comportamento das variáveis macroeconômicas e o resultado obtido pelas empresas nacionais, ocasionada pelo comportamento das crises macroeconômicas. Efetuada a análise de Componentes Principais, conclui-se que as variáveis macroeconômicas têm importância fundamental no desempenho que determina o índice de retorno BOVESPA.(AU)


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Variáveis macroecômicas que interferem na economia e contágio decorrente de crises mundiais é o tema que preocupa os estudiosos da área financeira. Desde 1980, que é o período deste estudo, a bolsa de valores traz volumosos lucros nas ações das companhias de capital aberto, ao mesmo tempo em que assusta os investidores, devido ao comportamento volátil de seus resultados. O escopo deste trabalho é o de identificar se existe uma relação entre o comportamento das variáveis macroeconômicas e o resultado obtido pelas empresas nacionais, ocasionada pelo comportamento das crises macroeconômicas. Efetuada a análise de Componentes Principais, conclui-se que as variáveis macroeconômicas têm importância fundamental no desempenho que determina o índice de retorno BOVESPA.(AU)


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Variáveis macroecômicas que interferem na economia e contágio decorrente de crises mundiais é o tema que preocupa os estudiosos da área financeira. Desde 1980, que é o período deste estudo, a bolsa de valores traz volumosos lucros nas ações das companhias de capital aberto, ao mesmo tempo em que assusta os investidores, devido ao comportamento volátil de seus resultados. O escopo deste trabalho é o de identificar se existe uma relação entre o comportamento das variáveis macroeconômicas e o resultado obtido pelas empresas nacionais, ocasionada pelo comportamento das crises macroeconômicas. Efetuada a análise de Componentes Principais, conclui-se que as variáveis macroeconômicas têm importância fundamental no desempenho que determina o índice de retorno BOVESPA.(AU)


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Using the Global Financial Crisis as a natural experiment, we investigate how a major macro-economic crisis affects nascent (i.e., pre-operational) ventures. We hypothesize adverse effects on behaviors, behavioral plans, and expectations for the future, and that these effects would be more pronounced in ventures that are more innovative and/or more relying on loan funding. Overall, we find very limited support for our hypotheses. Our conclusion is that the main reason for the surprising absence of detrimental effects is that a large majority of nascent ventures are mostly affected by a relatively narrow, immediate task environment rather than directly by the fluctuations of the macro-economy.


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La época actual de crisis económica ha conllevado una crisis de tipo político también, que tiene como consecuencia una perdida de confianza por parte de los ciudadanos hacia las instituciones y los partidos tradicionales, que supuestamente actuarían como garantes de sus intereses. En Italia y España, dos países que se encuentran en situaciones parecidas, esto ha llevado al surgimiento de dos movimientos que han sabido explotar muchas de las herramientas que la comunicación política ofrece hoy en día, llegando a una considerable popularidad. Podemos y Movimento 5Stelle representan dentro de la comunicación política una autentica revolución y marcan para ella una era completamente nueva.


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In this Master's thesis I go through the principals of the good governance. I apply these principals to the Nicaraguan context and especially in two rural municipalities in Chontales department. I clarify the development of the space of participation in Nicaraguan municipal level. I start my examination from the period when Somoza dictatorship ended and first open elections were held, and I end it to the municipal eleccions held in November 2008. These elections were robbed in 33 municipalities and because of this there started a crisis in Nicaragua and among the actors of development cooperation. As a methods of research I use two types of interview in the thesis, the interviews for the citizens and interviews for the experts. These interviews answer to my questions of the methods of participation. I also review the level of the trust of a citizen to an authority by asking if s/he voted in the municipal eleccions in November 2008. Furthermore, I define the work of municipal government in the point of view of the citizen. I also find out if a citizen wants to take more part in the decision making in her/his municipal. I have classified the types of citizens by the interviews I made. Due to this classification I explain how many people actually have opportunity to participate the dialogue of the municipal decision making and how many can follow the activity of the municipal governance. The result is that after the elections in November 2008 only one typed group can freely take part in the dialogue. This does not apply the principals of good governance, especially in subterms of participation and transparency. The incidents after the municipal elections have affected strongly on the co-operation of Finland and Nicaragua. Because of the fault of the elections Finland like the other co-operative countries brought down the directly paid budget support. This has caused a great economical crisis in Nicaragua which the covering will take a long time. The Master's thesis is a case study of two rural municipalities called Santo Tómas and Villa Sandino. Santo Tómas has a sandinista municipal government which is not legitimate. In Villa Sandino the government is liberal and legitimate.


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This paper is part of a collaborative project being undertaken by the three leading universities of Brussels, VUB, ULB and USL-B supported by Innnoviris. The project called Media Clusters Brussels - MCB - started in October 2014 with the goal to analyze the development of a Media Park around the two public broadcasters at the site of Reyers in Brussels being host of a media cluster in the capital city. Not only policymakers but also many authors recognized in the last decade that the media industry is characterized from a geographical point of view by a heavy concentration to a limited number of large cities, where media clusters have emerged (Karlsson & Picard, 2011). The common assumption about media clusters is that locating inside a regional agglomeration of related actors brings advantages for these firms. Especially, the interrelations and interactions between the actors on a social level matter for the shape and efficiency of the agglomerations (Picard, 2008). However, even though the importance of the actors and their interrelations has been a common assumption, many authors solely focus on the macro-economical aspects of the clusters. Within this paper, we propose to realize a socio-economical analysis of media clusters to make informed decisions in the development and so, bring the social (human) factor back into scope. Therefore, this article focuses on the development of a novel valuable framework, the so-called 7P framework with a multilevel and interdisciplinary approach, which includes three aspects, which have been identified as emerging success-factors of media clusters: partnerships, (media) professionals and positive spillovers.


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Face à l’émergence de la culture numérique, le marché de l’image subit depuis plusieurs années une série de mutations : obsolescence de l’argentique, difficultés des services photos de la presse écrite. Quel écho donnent les artistes, photographes ou écrivains, à cet état de crise avant tout économique du fait photographique? Assisterait-on vraiment à la mort du photographique? Cet article propose de mesurer l’impact de la révolution numérique à travers le prisme des photofictions de Joan Fontcuberta. Rejetant aussi bien les interprétations téléologiques qu’apocalyptiques de cette transition technologique, Joan Fontcuberta prend acte d’une désindexation du fait photographique, et signe une oeuvre résolument photolittéraire.


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Different studies has aimed the understanding of the causes that lead some cities, regions or territories to develop themselves, whereas others remain stagnant or get back. One starts from the presupposed that the development results from the standard of social territorial organization, this one capable to provoke collective territorial innovations, as a result of the institucional density, that is, from the local capacity to constitute relations in chain. The present análisis is centered in the municipality of Sarandi/RS/ Brasil, that from the nineties has enterprised a trajectory of uncomum development. From a serious situation of social economical crisis in the previous decades, its social economical and institutional actors, in a way of chain, were capable to reason a collection of initiatives that resulted in the structure of a microcluster in the department of clothes industry, counting today around 50 companies and the institutions of support minimally necessaries.


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Both the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century have been characterized as a period of major political, economic, social and cultural transformations. Two of the major consequences of the political-economical crisis of the end of last century are the restructuring of capitalist production, and the consolidation of neoliberalism as a worldwide phenomenon. This new world political-economical scenario has influenced, in a dialectic way, the contemporary urban development. In that sense, "new" spatial processes and new paradigms in both urban management and urban planning have gained shape. In this context of urban transformations, the central areas of western cities, also known as historic centers, are being increasingly (re)valued. Since the Second World War, the historic centers urban areas which have great infrastructure and symbolic relevance had been undergoing a process of evasion of population and activities, undeniably linked to the neglect of government authorities. However, in recent decades, the question of historic centers rehabilitation has acquired a growing interest, academically and in political agendas. The object of this dissertation is to focus on how the government of each Brazil and Portugal has dealt with the issue of historic center rehabilitation through programs of urban rehabilitation


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La tesi si propone di ricostruire la struttura attuale dell'autonomia finanziaria degli enti locali italiani, e in particolare le regioni italiane, alla luce delle riforme legislative e costituzionali approvate dal Parlamento italiano negli ultimi anni (come ad esempio il bilancio riforma costituzionale equilibrata del 2012). Lo studio si concentra sulla situazione italiana alla luce dei vincoli europei introdotti nel corso degli anni, da quelli contenuti nel Trattato di Maastricht a quelli derivati dalla crisi economica e finanziaria. L'obiettivo è quello di verificare se le scelte del legislatore italiano possano dirsi coerenti con il processo di unione politica europea e quali conseguenze abbiano avuto sulla garanzia dei diritti. In particolare, lo studio si concentra sulla garanzia dei diritti sociali nel contesto politico ed economico attuale, a livello europeo e nazionale, con particolare attenzione al diritto alla salute.