246 resultados para Maastrichtian


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A new species of terrestrial gastropod - Anadromus penai sp. nov. (Fam. Anadromidae) - is described from a set of composite moulds collected in reddish silts and clays of Campanian-Maastrichtian age, found in the lower pan of the Taveiro Formation (Taveiro, Coimbra, West Central Portugal). The known occurrences of this new species are restricted to the type locality. The main differences from other contemporaneous Anadromidae are the profuse spiral sculpture of the body-whorl, with 20-22 sub-equal, close, and regular ribs.


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This study reviews the stratigraphy, palaeobiogeography and palaeoecology of some important Albian-Maastrichtian pelagic calcispheres: Bonetocardiella conoidea, Pithonella ovalis, P. perlonga, P. sphaerica and P. trejoi. It also presents a significant new data set on these organisms from the western South Atlantic Ocean. The group reached its acme simultaneously all over the world during the highest Cretaceous sea level in late Albian to Coniacian times. A strong association also existed between the maximum temperature and the salinity of the Tethyan water mass and the climax of these opportunistic microfossils. Their remarkable presence along the Brazilian and west African margins during the Albian, in association with other typical Tethyan pelagic biotic elements, indicates that during this period the northern South Atlantic was a long, narrow arm of the Tethys Sea. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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An abrupt global warming of 3-4°C occurred near the end of the Maastrichtian at 65.45-65.10 Ma. The environmental effects of this warm event are here documented based on stable isotopes and quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera at the South Atlantic DSDP Site 525A. Stable isotopes of individual species mark a rapid increase in temperature and a reduction in the vertical water mass stratification that is accompanied by a decrease in niche habitats, reduced species diversity and/or abundance, smaller species morphologies or dwarfing, and reduced photosymbiotic activity. During the warm event, the relative abundance of a large number of species decreased, including tropical-subtropical affiliated species, whereas typical mid-latitude species retained high abundances. This indicates that climate warming did not create favorable conditions for all tropical-subtropical species at mid-latitudes and did not cause a massive retreat in the local mid-latitude population. A noticeable exception is the ecological generalist Heterohelix dentata Stenestad that dominated during the cool intervals, but significantly decreased during the warm event. However, dwarfing is the most striking response to the abrupt warming and occurred in various species of different morphologies and lineages (e.g. biserial, trochospiral, keeled globotruncanids). Dwarfing is a typical reaction to environmental stress conditions and was likely the result of increased reproduction rates. Similarly, photosymbiotic activity appears to have been reduced significantly during the maximum warming, as indicated by decreased delta13C values. The foraminiferal response to climate change is thus multifaceted resulting in decreased species diversity, decreased species populations, increased competition due to reduced niche habitats, dwarfing and reduced photosymbiotic activity.


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The lengthy warm, stable climate of the Cretaceous terminated in the Campanian with a cooling trend, interrupted in the early and latest Maastrichtian by two events of global warming, at ~70-68 Ma and at 65.78-65.57 Ma. These climatic oscillations had a profound effect on pelagic ecosystems, especially on planktic foraminiferal populations. Here we compare biotic responses in the tropical-subtropical (Tethyan) open ocean and mesotrophic (Zin Valley, Israel) and oligotrophic (Tunisia) slopes, which correlate directly with global warming and cooling. The two warming events coincide with blooms of Guembelitria, an extreme opportunist genus best known as the main survivor of the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) catastrophe. In the Maastrichtian, Guembelitria bloomed in the uppermost surface water above shelf and slope environments but failed to reach the open ocean as it did at K-Pg. The coldest interval of the late Maastrichtian (~68-65.78 Ma) is marked by an acme of the otherwise rare species Gansserina gansseri, a deep-dwelling keeled globotruncanid. The G. gansseri acme event can be traced from the deep ocean even onto the Tethyan slope, marking copious production and circulation of cold intermediate water. This acme is abruptly terminated by extinction of the species, a dramatic reversal attributed to a short-term global warming episode. This extinction corresponds precisely with the second bloom of Guembelitria that began ~300 kyr prior to the K-Pg event. The antithetical relationship between blooming of Guembelitria and the G. gansseri acme reflects planktic foraminiferal sensitivity to warm-cool-warm-cool climatic oscillations marking the end of the Cretaceous.


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Stratigraphic, faunal and isotopic analyses of the Maastrichtian at DSDP sites 525A and 21 in the South Atlantic reveal a planktic foraminiferal fauna characterized by two major events, an early late Maastrichtian diversification and end-Maastrichtian mass extinction. Both events are accompanied by major changes in climate and productivity. The diversification event which occurred in two steps between 70.5 and 69.1 Ma increased species richness by a total of 43% and coincided with the onset of major cooling in surface and bottom waters and increased surface productivity. The onset of the terminal decline in Maastrichtian species richness began at 67.5 Ma and the first significant decline in surface productivity occurred at 66.2 Ma, coincident maximum cooling to 13°C in surface waters and the reduction of the surface-to-deep temperature gradient to less than 5°C. Major climatic and moderate productivity changes mark the mass extinction and the last 500 kyr of the Maastrichtian. Between 200 and 400 kyr before the K-T boundary surface and deep waters warmed rapidly by 3-4°C and cooled again during the last 100 kyr of the Maastrichtian. Surface productivity decreased only moderately across the K-T boundary. Species richness began to decline during the late Maastrichtian cooling and by K-T boundary time, the mass extinction had claimed 66% of the species. Viewed within the context of Maastrichtian climate and productivity changes, the K-T mass extinction could have resulted from extreme environmental stress even without the addition of an extraterrestrial impact.


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Depth habitats of 56 late Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal species from cool and warm climate modes were determined based on stable isotope analyses of deep-sea samples from the equatorial Pacific DSDP Sites 577A and 463, and South Atlantic DSDP Site 525A. The following conclusions can be reached: Planoglobulina multicamerata (De Klasz) and Heterohelix rajagopalani (Govindan) occupied the deepest plankton habitats, followed by Abathomphalus mayaroensis (Bolli), Globotruncanella havanensis (Voorwijk), Gublerina cuvillieri Kikoine, and Laeviheterohelix glabrans (Cushman) also at subthermocline depth. Most keeled globotruncanids, and possibly Globigerinelliodes and Racemiguembelina species, lived at or within the thermocline layer. Heterohelix globulosa (Ehrenberg) and Rugoglobigerina, Pseudotextularia and Planoglobulina occupied the subsurface depth of the mixed layer, and Pseudoguembelina species inhabited the surface mixed layer. However, depth ranking of some species varied depending on warm or cool climate modes, and late Campanian or Maastrichtian age. For example, most keeled globotruncanids occupied similar shallow subsurface habitats as Rugoglobigerina during the warm late Campanian, but occupied the deeper thermocline layer during cool climatic intervals. Two distinct types of "vital effect" mechanisms reflecting photosymbiosis and respiration effects can be recognized by the exceptional delta13C signals of some species. (1) Photosymbiosis is implied by the repetitive pattern of relatively enriched delta13C values of Racemiguembelina (strongest), Planoglobulina, Rosita and Rugoglobigerina species, Pseudoguembelina excolata (weakest). (2) Enriched respiration 12C products are recognized in A. mayaroensis, Gublerina acuta De Klasz, and Heterohelix planata (Cushman). Isotopic trends between samples suggest that photosymbiotic activities varied between localities or during different climate modes, and may have ceased under certain environmental conditions. The appearance of most photosymbiotic species in the late Maastrichtian suggests oligotrophic conditions associated with increased water-mass stratification.


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Late Campanian through Maastrichtian sea-level changes are examined based on lithology, macrofossils and benthic foraminifera at the Elles and El Kef sections in Tunisia. Six major sea-level regressions are identified during the late Campanian (74.4-74.2 Ma, 74.0-72.5 Ma), the Campanian-Maastrichtian transition (72.2-70.3 Ma), early Maastrichtian (69.6-69.3 Ma, 68.9-68.3 Ma), and late Maastrichtian (~65.5 Ma). Correlation of the Maastrichtian sea-level regressions with the oxygen isotope record of DSDP Site 525 in the middle latitude South Atlantic reveals that they coincide with episodes of high latitude cooling and appear to be of eustatic origin.


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An integrated framework of magnetostratigraphy, calcareous microfossil bio-events, cyclostratigraphy and d13C stratigraphy is established for the upper Campanian-Maastrichtian of ODP Hole 762C (Exmouth Plateau, Northwestern Australian margin). Bulk-carbonate d13C events and nannofossil bio-events have been recorded and plotted against magnetostratigraphy, and provided absolute ages using the results of the cyclostratigraphic study and the recent astronomical calibration of the Maastrichtian. Thirteen carbon-isotope events and 40 nannofossil bio-events are recognized and calibrated with cyclostratigraphy, as well as 14 previously published foraminifer events, thus constituting a solid basis for large-scale correlations. Results show that this site is characterized by a nearly continuous sedimentation from the upper Campanian to the K-Pg boundary, except for a 500 kyr gap in magnetochron C31n. Correlation of the age-calibrated d13C profile of ODP Hole 762C to the d13C profile of the Tercis les Bains section, Global Stratotype Section and Point of the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary (CMB), allowed a precise recognition and dating of this stage boundary at 72.15 ± 0.05 Ma. This accounts for a total duration of 6.15 ± 0.05 Ma for the Maastrichtian stage. Correlation of the boundary level with northwest Germany shows that the CMB as defined at the GSSP is ~800 kyr younger than the CMB as defined by Belemnite zonation in the Boreal realm. ODP Hole 762C is the first section to bear at the same time an excellent recovery of sediments throughout the upper Campanian-Maastrichtian, a precise and well-defined magnetostratigraphy, a high-resolution record of carbon isotope events and calcareous plankton biostratigraphy, and a cyclostratigraphic study tied to the La2010a astronomical solution. This section is thus proposed as an excellent reference for the upper Campanian-Maastrichtian in the Indian Ocean.