Stratigraphy of the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary in ODP Hole 122-762C

Autoria(s): Thibault, Nicolas; Husson, Dorothée; Harlou, Rikke; Gardin, Silvia; Galbrun, Bruno; Huret, Emilia; Minoletti, Fabrice

LATITUDE: -19.887000 * LONGITUDE: 112.254000 * DATE/TIME START: 1988-07-27T03:25:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1988-08-05T08:30:00




An integrated framework of magnetostratigraphy, calcareous microfossil bio-events, cyclostratigraphy and d13C stratigraphy is established for the upper Campanian-Maastrichtian of ODP Hole 762C (Exmouth Plateau, Northwestern Australian margin). Bulk-carbonate d13C events and nannofossil bio-events have been recorded and plotted against magnetostratigraphy, and provided absolute ages using the results of the cyclostratigraphic study and the recent astronomical calibration of the Maastrichtian. Thirteen carbon-isotope events and 40 nannofossil bio-events are recognized and calibrated with cyclostratigraphy, as well as 14 previously published foraminifer events, thus constituting a solid basis for large-scale correlations. Results show that this site is characterized by a nearly continuous sedimentation from the upper Campanian to the K-Pg boundary, except for a 500 kyr gap in magnetochron C31n. Correlation of the age-calibrated d13C profile of ODP Hole 762C to the d13C profile of the Tercis les Bains section, Global Stratotype Section and Point of the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary (CMB), allowed a precise recognition and dating of this stage boundary at 72.15 ± 0.05 Ma. This accounts for a total duration of 6.15 ± 0.05 Ma for the Maastrichtian stage. Correlation of the boundary level with northwest Germany shows that the CMB as defined at the GSSP is ~800 kyr younger than the CMB as defined by Belemnite zonation in the Boreal realm. ODP Hole 762C is the first section to bear at the same time an excellent recovery of sediments throughout the upper Campanian-Maastrichtian, a precise and well-defined magnetostratigraphy, a high-resolution record of carbon isotope events and calcareous plankton biostratigraphy, and a cyclostratigraphic study tied to the La2010a astronomical solution. This section is thus proposed as an excellent reference for the upper Campanian-Maastrichtian in the Indian Ocean.


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Supplement to: Thibault, Nicolas; Husson, Dorothée; Harlou, Rikke; Gardin, Silvia; Galbrun, Bruno; Huret, Emilia; Minoletti, Fabrice (2012): Astronomical calibration of upper Campanian-Maastrichtian carbon isotope events and calcareous plankton biostratigraphy in the Indian Ocean (ODP Hole 762C): Implication for the age of the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 337-338, 52-71, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.03.027

Palavras-Chave #100 ka cycles; 100 kyr cycles; 122-762C; 405 kyr cycles; A. brooksii; A. octoradiata; Age, error; Age, maximum/old; Age, minimum/young; Age e; Age max; Age min; Age model; Age model, optional; Age model opt; Ageprof dat des; Ageprofile Datum Description; Ahmuellerella octoradiata; Amphizygus brooksii; B. constans; B. coronum; B. magnum; B. parca constricta; B. parca parca; based on K/Pg at 65.59 Ma; based on K/Pg at 66 Ma; big; Biscutum constans; Biscutum coronum; Biscutum magnum; Broinsonia parca constricta; Broinsonia parca parca; C. aculeus; C. daniae; C. gallica; C. indiensis; C. kamptneri; C. nieliae; C. obscurus; Calculites obscurus; carbon-isotope; Ceratolithoides aculeus; Ceratolithoides indiensis; Ceratolithoides kamptneri; Chronozone; Comment; Cribrocorona gallica; Cribrosphaerella daniae; curved spine; Cycle descr; Cycle description; Cylindralithus nieliae; D. ignotus; d13C carb; delta 13C, carbonate; Depth; Depth, adjusted; Depth, adjusted bottom; Depth, adjusted top; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; depth [mbsf]; Depth adj; Depth adj bot; Depth adj top; Depth bot; Depth top; Description; Discorhabdus ignotus; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Duration; E. angustus; E. eximius; E. parallelus; Eiffellithus angustus; Eiffellithus eximius; Eiffellithus parallelus; Error, absolute; Error a; FO = first occurrence, LO = last occurrence; genus questionable; Grey; Greyscale value; GTS2004; Incl; Inclination; Isotopic event; Joides Resolution; K/Pg at 66 Ma; L. cayeuxii; L. praequadratus; L. quadratus; Label; Label 2; Leg122; Lithraphidites praequadratus; Lithraphidites quadratus; Lucianorhabdus cayeuxii; M. murus; M. praemurus; M. prinsii; M. quaternarius; M = moderate, P = poor; mbsf; medium-rayed; Micula murus; Micula praemurus; Micula prinsii; Monomarginatus quaternarius; N. corystus; N. frequens; Nannofossils indeterminata; Nannofossils preservation; Nannos indet; Nannos preserv; Nephrolithus corystus; Nephrolithus frequens; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; Option 2 (Husson et al., 2011); P. copulatus; P. mgayae; P. quadrata; P. vietus; Paleomagnetic Interpretation; Petrarhabdus copulatus; Petrarhabdus vietus; Prediscosphaera mgayae; Pseudomicula quadrata; Q. gartneri; Q. svabenickae; Quadrum gartneri; Quadrum svabenickae; R. anthophorus; R. elegans; R. levis; Reference; Reference/source; reference (Husson et al., 2011); Reinhardtites anthophorus; Reinhardtites elegans; Reinhardtites levis; S. coangustatus; s.l.; s.s.; Sample code/label; Sample code/label 2; short-rayed; Site; small; South Indian Ridge, South Indian Ocean; Stage; standradized, VPDB; Stoverius coangustatus; T. hallii; T. orionatus; T. stemmerikii; Tortolithus hallii; Tranolithus orionatus; Tranolithus stemmerikii; U. gothicus; U. trifidus; Uniplanarius gothicus; Uniplanarius trifidus; W. manivitae; Watznaueria manivitae; with K/Pg at 66 Ma; Z. bicrescenticus; Z. diplogrammus; Z. erectus; Zeugrhabdotus bicrescenticus; Zeugrhabdotus diplogrammus; Zeugrhabdotus erectus
