996 resultados para MOLECULAR HOSTS


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Selectivity is demonstrated in a supramolecular host:guest system using a receptor with a non-linear binding site. For the "open" receptor 1 strong binding for both flexible and rigid guests was observed. Receptor 2, with a "blocked" binding site, also bound flexible guests effectively but its affinity for rigid guests was 50 fold lower.


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This study presents morphological and molecular data on hookworms from the Australian fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus (Schreber) currently identified in Australian waters as Uncinaria hamiltoni Baylis, 1933. Additional specimens from the Australian sea lion Neophoca cinerea (Péron) and the New Zealand fur seal Arctocephalus forsteri (Lesson) from Australia, and the Southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina (Linnaeus) from Antarctica, were included. Using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), hookworms from A. p. doriferus, N. cinerea and A. forsteri were found to be genetically similar but distinct from Uncinaria spp. found in M. leonina from Antarctica, as well as from Zalophus californianus (Lesson) and Callorhinus ursinus (Linnaeus) from California. Few morphological differences were detected between these taxa.


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Background Chlamydia pecorum is an obligate intracellular bacterium and the causative agent of reproductive and ocular disease in several animal hosts including koalas, sheep, cattle and goats. C. pecorum strains detected in koalas are genetically diverse, raising interesting questions about the origin and transmission of this species within koala hosts. While the ompA gene remains the most widely-used target in C. pecorum typing studies, it is generally recognised that surface protein encoding genes are not suited for phylogenetic analysis and it is becoming increasingly apparent that the ompA gene locus is not congruent with the phylogeny of the C. pecorum genome. Using the recently sequenced C. pecorum genome sequence (E58), we analysed 10 genes, including ompA, to evaluate the use of ompA as a molecular marker in the study of koala C. pecorum genetic diversity. Results Three genes (incA, ORF663, tarP) were found to contain sufficient nucleotide diversity and discriminatory power for detailed analysis and were used, with ompA, to genotype 24 C. pecorum PCR-positive koala samples from four populations. The most robust representation of the phylogeny of these samples was achieved through concatenation of all four gene sequences, enabling the recreation of a "true" phylogenetic signal. OmpA and incA were of limited value as fine-detailed genetic markers as they were unable to confer accurate phylogenetic distinctions between samples. On the other hand, the tarP and ORF663 genes were identified as useful "neutral" and "contingency" markers respectively, to represent the broad evolutionary history and intra-species genetic diversity of koala C. pecorum. Furthermore, the concatenation of ompA, incA and ORF663 sequences highlighted the monophyletic nature of koala C. pecorum infections by demonstrating a single evolutionary trajectory for koala hosts that is distinct from that seen in non-koala hosts. Conclusions While the continued use of ompA as a fine-detailed molecular marker for epidemiological analysis appears justified, the tarP and ORF663 genes also appear to be valuable markers of phylogenetic or biogeographic divisions at the C. pecorum intra-species level. This research has significant implications for future typing studies to understand the phylogeny, genetic diversity, and epidemiology of C. pecorum infections in the koala and other animal species.


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Interferon gamma (IFNγ) is a key Th1 cytokine, with a principal role in the immune response against intracellular organisms such as Chlamydia. Along with being responsible for significant morbidity in human populations, Chlamydia is also responsible for wide spread infection and disease in many animal hosts, with reports that many Australian koala subpopulations are endemically infected. An understanding of the role played by IFNγ in koala chlamydial diseases is important for the establishment of better prophylactic and therapeutic approaches against chlamydial infection in this host. A limited number of IFNγ sequences have been published from marsupials and no immune reagents to measure expression have been developed. Through preliminary analysis of the koala transcriptome, we have identified the full coding sequence of the koala IFNγ gene. Transcripts were identified in spleen and lymph node tissue samples. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that koala IFNγ is closely related to other marsupial IFNγ sequences and more distantly related to eutherian mammals. To begin to characterise the role of this important cytokine in the koala's response to chlamydial infection, we developed a quantitative real time PCR assay and applied it to a small cohort of koalas with and without active chlamydial disease, revealing significant differences in expression patterns between the groups. Description of the IFNγ sequence from the koala will not only assist in understanding this species' response to its most important pathogen but will also provide further insight into the evolution of the marsupial immune system


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Chlamydia pecorum is a significant pathogen of domestic livestock and wildlife. We have developed a C. pecorum-specific multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) scheme to examine the genetic diversity of and relationships between Australian sheep, cattle, and koala isolates. An MLSA of seven concatenated housekeeping gene fragments was performed using 35 isolates, including 18 livestock isolates (11 Australian sheep, one Australian cow, and six U.S. livestock isolates) and 17 Australian koala isolates. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the koala isolates formed a distinct clade, with limited clustering with C. pecorum isolates from Australian sheep. We identified 11 MLSA sequence types (STs) among Australian C. pecorum isolates, 10 of them novel, with koala and sheep sharing at least one identical ST (designated ST2013Aa). ST23, previously identified in global C. pecorum livestock isolates, was observed here in a subset of Australian bovine and sheep isolates. Most notably, ST23 was found in association with multiple disease states and hosts, providing insights into the transmission of this pathogen between livestock hosts. The complexity of the epidemiology of this disease was further highlighted by the observation that at least two examples of sheep were infected with different C. pecorum STs in the eyes and gastrointestinal tract. We have demonstrated the feasibility of our MLSA scheme for understanding the host relationship that exists between Australian C. pecorum strains and provide the first molecular epidemiological data on infections in Australian livestock hosts.


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Cellular and molecular interactions of rhabdoviruses with their plant hosts and insect vectors.


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Monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant infecting mastreviruses threaten various agricultural systems throughout Africa, Eurasia and Australasia. In Australia three distinct mastrevirus species are known to infect dicotyledonous hosts such as chickpea, bean and tobacco. Amongst 34 new "dicot-infecting" mastrevirus full genome sequences obtained from these hosts we discovered one new species, four new strains, and various variants of previously described mastrevirus species. Besides providing additional support for the hypothesis that evolutionary processes operating during dicot-infecting mastrevirus evolution (such as patterns of pervasive homologous and non-homologous recombination, and strong purifying selection acting on all genes) have mostly mirrored those found in their monocot-infecting counterparts, we find that the Australian dicot-infecting viruses display patterns of phylogeographic clustering reminiscent of those displayed by monocot infecting mastrevirus species such as Panicum streak virus and Maize streak virus.


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Endoraecium is a genus of rust fungi that infects several species of Acacia in Australia, South-East Asia and Hawaii. This study investigated the systematics of Endoraecium from 55 specimens in Australia based on a combined morphological and molecular approach. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted on partitioned datasets of loci from ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA. The recovered molecular phylogeny supported a recently published taxonomy based on morphology and host range that divided Endoraecium digitatum into five species. Spore morphology is synapomorphic and there is evidence Endoraecium co-evolved with its Acacia hosts. The broad host ranges of E. digitatum, E. parvum, E. phyllodiorum and E. violae-faustiae are revised in light of this study, and nine new species of Endoraecium are described from Australia based on host taxonomy, morphology and phylogenetic concordance.


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Many Gram-negative bacteria pathogenic to plants and animals possess type III secretion systems that are used to cause disease. Effector proteins are injected into host cells using the type III secretion machineries. Despite vigorous studies, the nature of the secretion signal for type III secreted proteins still remains elusive. Both mRNA and proteinaceous signals have been proposed. Findings on coupling of translation to secretion by the type III secretion systems are also still contradictory. This study dealt with the secretion signal of HrpA from Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato. HrpA is the major component of the type III secretion system-associated Hrp pilus and a substrate for the type III secretion systems. The secretion signal was shown to reside in the first 15 codons or amino acids, a location typical for type III secretion signals. Translation of HrpA in the absence of a functional type III secretion system was established, but it does not exclude the possibility of coupling of translation to secretion when the secretion apparatus is present. The hrpA transcripts from various unrelated plant pathogenic bacteria were shown to be extremely stable. The biological relevance of this observation is unknown, but possible explanations include the high prevalence of HrpA protein, an mRNA secretion signal or timing of secretion. The hrpA mRNAs are stable over a wide range of temperatures, in the absence of translating ribosomes and even in the heterologous host Escherichia coli. The untranslated regions (UTRs) of hrpA transcripts from at least 20 pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae are highly homologous, whilst their coding regions exhibit low similarity. The stable nature of hrpA messenger RNAs is likely to be due to the folding of their 5 and 3 UTRs. In silico the UTRs seem to form stem-loop structures, the hairpin structures in the 3 UTRs being rich in guanidine and cytosine residues. The stable nature of the hrpA transcript redirected the studies to the stabilization of heterologous transcripts and to the use of stable messenger RNAs in recombinant protein production. Fragments of the hrpA transcript can be used to confer stability on heterologous transcripts from several sources of bacterial and eukaryotic origin, and to elevate the levels of production of the corresponding recombinant proteins several folds. hrpA transcript stabilizing elements can be used for improving the yields of recombinant proteins even in Escherichia coli, one of the most commonly used industrial protein production hosts.


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Viruses are biological entities able to replicate only within their host cells. Accordingly, entry into the host is a crucial step of the virus life-cycle. The focus of this study was the entry of bacterial membrane-containing viruses into their host cells. In order to reach the site of replication, the cytoplasm of the host, bacterial viruses have to traverse the host cell envelope, which consists of several distinct layers. Lipid membrane is a common feature among animal viruses but not so frequently observed in bacteriophages. There are three families of icosahedral bacteriophages that contain lipid membranes. These viruses belong to families Cystoviridae, Tectiviridae, and Corticoviridae. During the course of this study the entry mechanisms of phages representing the three viral families were investigated. We employed a range of microbiological, biochemical, molecular biology and microscopy techniques that allowed us to dissect phage entry into discrete steps: receptor binding, penetration through the outer membrane, crossing the peptidoglycan layer and interaction with the cytoplasmic membrane. We determined that bacteriophages belonging to the Cystoviridae, Tectiviridae, and Corticoviridae viral families use completely different strategies to penetrate into their host cells.


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Proteolysis is important in bacterial pathogenesis and colonization of animal and plant hosts. In this work I have investigated the functions of the bacterial outer membrane proteases, omptins, of Yersinia pestis and Salmonella enterica. Y. pestis is a zoonotic pathogen that causes plague and has evolved from gastroenteritis-causing Yersinia pseudotuberculosis about 13 000 years ago. S. enterica causes gastroenteritis and typhoid fever in humans. Omptins are transmembrane β-barrels with ten antiparallel β-strands and five surface-exposed loops. The loops are important in substrate recognition, and variation in the loop sequences leads to different substrate selectivities between omptins, which makes omptins an ideal platform to investigate functional adaptation and to alter their polypeptide substrate preferences. The omptins Pla of Y. pestis and PgtE of S. enterica are 75% identical in their amino acid sequences. Pla is a multifunctional protein with proteolytic and non-proteolytic functions, and it increases bacterial penetration and proliferation in the host. Functions of PgtE increase migration of S. enterica in vivo and bacterial survival in mouse macrophages, thus enhancing bacterial spread within the host. Mammalian plasminogen/fibrinolytic system maintains the balance between coagulation and fibrinolysis and participates in several cellular processes, e.g., cell migration and degradation of extracellular matrix proteins. This system consists of activation cascades, which are strictly controlled by several regulators, such as plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), α2-antiplasmin (α2AP), and thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI). This work reveals novel interactions of the omptins of Y. pestis and S. enterica with the regulators of the plasminogen/fibrinolytic system: Pla and PgtE inactivate PAI-1 by cleavage at the reactive site peptide bond, and degrade TAFI, preventing its activation to TAFIa. Structure-function relationship studies with Pla showed that threonine 259 of Pla is crucial in plasminogen activation, as it prevents degradation of the plasmin catalytic domain by the omptin and thus maintains plasmin stability. In this work I constructed chimeric proteins between Pla and Epo of Erwinia pyrifoliae that share 78% sequence identity to find out which amino acids and regions in Pla are important for its functions. Epo is neither a plasminogen activator nor an invasin, but it degrades α2AP and PAI-1. Cumulative substitutions towards Pla sequence turned Epo into a Pla-like protein. In addition to threonine 259, loops 3 and 5 are critical in plasminogen activation by Pla. Turning Epo into an invasin required substitution of 31 residues located at the extracellular side of the Epo protein above the lipid bilayer, and also of the β1-strand in the N-terminal transmembrane region of the protein. These studies give an example of how omptins adapt to novel functions that advantage their host bacteria in different ecological niches.


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The host-guest chemistry of most inorganic layered solids is limited to ion-exchange reactions. The guest species are either cations or anions to compensate for the charge deficit, either positive or negative, of the inorganic layers. Here, we outline a strategy to include neutral molecules like ortho- and para-chloranil, that are known to be good acceptors in donor-acceptor or charge-transfer complexes, within the galleries of a layered solid. We have succeeded in including neutral ortho- and para-chloranil molecules within the galleries of an Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) by using charge-transfer interactions with preintercalated p-aminobenzoate ions as the driving force. The p-aminobenzoate ions are introduced in the Mg-Al LDH via ion exchange. The intercalated LDH can adsorb ortho- and para-chloranil from chloroform solutions by forming charge-transfer complexes with the p-aminobenzoate anions present in the galleries. We use X-ray diffraction, spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics simulations to establish the nature of interactions and arrangement of the charge-transfer complex within the galleries of the layered double hydroxide.


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T-protein, an aminomethyltransferase, represents one of the four components of glycine cleavage system (GCS) and catalyzes the transfer of methylene group from H-protein intermediate to tetrahydrofolate (THF) forming N-5, N-10-methylene THF (CH2-THF) with the release of ammonia. The malaria parasite genome encodes T-, H- and L-proteins, but not P-protein which is a glycine decarboxylase generating the aminomethylene group. A putative GCS has been considered to be functional in the parasite mitochondrion despite the absence of a detectable P-protein homologue. In the present study, the mitochondrial localization of T-protein in the malaria parasite was confirmed by immunofluorescence and its essentiality in the entire parasite life cycle was studied by targeting the T-protein locus in Plasmodium berghei (Pb). PbT knock out parasites did not show any growth defect in asexual, sexual and liver stages indicating that the T-protein is dispensable for parasite survival in vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. The absence of P-protein homologue and the non-essentiality of T protein suggest the possible redundancy of GCS activity in the malaria parasite. Nevertheless, the H- and L-proteins of GCS could be essential for malaria parasite because of their involvement in alpha-lcetoacid dehydrogenase reactions. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Os bastonetes Gram positivos irregulares (BGPIs) compõem um grupo de espécies bacterianas com ampla diversidade fenotípica e que podem estar presente no meio ambiente, na microbiota humana e de animais. A identificação acurada de BGPIs em nível de gênero e espécie empregando métodos bioquímicos convencionais é bastante limitada, sendo recomendado, portanto, o uso de técnicas moleculares. No presente estudo, foram identificadas amostras de BGPIs oriundas de espécimes clínicos de humanos, de produtos farmacêuticos e de áreas limpas através da análise de sequencias do gene 16S rRNA e de outros genes conservados (housekeeping genes). Os resultados obtidos pelo sequenciamento dos genes 16S rRNA e rpoB demonstraram C. striatum multi-resistente (MDR) como responsável por surto epidêmico em ambiente hospitalar da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Quinze cepas de C. striatum foram isoladas em cultura pura a partir de secreção traqueal de pacientes adultos submetidos a procedimentos de entubação endotraqueal. A análise por eletroforese em gel de campo pulsado (PFGE) indicou a presença de quatro perfis moleculares, incluindo dois clones relacionados com cepas MDR (PFGE I e II). Os dados demonstram a predominância de PFGE I entre cepas MDR isoladas de unidades de terapia intensiva e enfermarias cirúrgicas. Uma potencial ligação causal entre a morte e a infecção por C. striatum MDR (PFGE tipos I e II) foi observada em cinco casos. Adicionalmente, acreditamos que este seja o primeiro estudo de identificação de espécies de Nocardia relacionadas com infecções humanas pela análise da sequencia multilocus (MLSA) no Brasil. Diferente dos dados observados na literatura (1970 a 2013) e obtidos pelos testes fenotípicos convencionais, a caracterização molecular de quatro lócus (gyrB-16S-secA1-hsp65) permitiu a identificação das espécies N. nova, N. cyriacigeorgica, N. asiatica e N. exalbida/gamkensis relacionadas com quadros de nocardiose em humanos. Cepas de N. nova isoladas de diferentes materiais clínicos de um único paciente apresentaram padrões de susceptibilidade antimicrobianos idênticos e dois perfis PFGE, indicando a possibilidade de quadros de co-infecção por N. nova em humanos. Em outra etapa da investigação, amostras de BGPIs obtidos de ambientes de salas limpas que não puderam ser identificadas por critérios convencionais foram submetidas a análise da sequência do gene 16S rRNA e caracterizadas 95,83% em nível de gênero e 35,42% em espécies. Para gêneros mais encontrados no estudo, foram analisados os genes rpoB e recA de dezessete cepas de Microbacterium e utilizado o MLSA para a identificação de sete cepas identificadas como Streptomyces. Os ensaios permitiram a identificação de três cepas de Microbacterium e de uma única amostra de Streptomyces ao nível de espécie. A análise da sequencia do gene rpoB também se mostrou eficaz na identificação de espécies de cepas de Corynebacterium. Finalmente, para as cepas ambientais pertencentes à classe Actinobacteria os dados morfológicos, bioquímicos e genotípicos permitiram documentar a cepa 3117BRRJ como representante de uma nova espécie do gênero Nocardioides, para o qual o nome Nocardioides brasiliensis sp. nov. e as cepas 3712BRRJ e 3371BRRJ como representante de um novo gênero e espécie para o qual o nome Guaraldella brasiliensis nov. foi proposto.