47 resultados para MEGAKARYOCYTES
Background and Objectives. Megakalyocytes undergo a unique cell cycle by which they replicate their complete genome many times in the absence of cytokinesis, In the search for regulators of the endomitotic cell cycle, we previously produced mice transgenic for cyclin D3 to identify this cyclin as able to enhance ploidy and to increase the number of differentiated cells in the megakaryocytic lineage. Of the D-type cyclins, cyclin D3 and to a much lesser extent cyclin D1, are present in megakaryocytes undergoing endomitosis and these cyclins are, respectively, markedly and moderately upregulated following exposure to the ploidy-promoting factor, Mpl-ligand. Our objective was to explore whether cyclin D1 can mimic the effect of cyclin D3 on ploidy in megakalyocytes.
Since megakaryocytes are the cellular precursors of platelets we have investigated whether they share responses to platelet agonists, in particular collagen. Although previous studies have reported responses to thrombin in non-human megakaryocytes, through studies of single cell calcium responses and protein tyrosine-phosphorylation we demonstrate for the first time that both isolated human megakaryocytes and CD41/61-positive megakaryocytes derived in culture from CD34+ cells share responses to the platelet agonists collagen, collagen-related peptide and thrombin. The responses to either collagen or CRP were seen only in the most mature megakaryocytes and not in megakaryocyte-like cell lines, suggesting that the response to collagen is a characteristic developed late during megakaryocyte differentiation. These primary cells offer the opportunity to use many molecular and cellular techniques to study and manipulate signalling events in response to platelet receptor agonists, which cannot be performed in the small, anucleate platelet itself.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Experiments were undertaken to assess the role of amifostine in the activation of latent TGFbeta1 and in the smad proteins cascade (smad 2/3, smad4, smad7), focusing on megakaryocytes, in the bone marrow irradiated in vivo. Non-irradiated megakaryocytes were negative for active TGFbeta1. Immunopositivity to active TGFbeta1 was detected in megakaryocytes 10 days after irradiation in amifostine- treated and untreated marrows. Smad 2/3 and smad 4 were strongly positive in the nucleus of megakaryocytes 10 days after irradiation. At the same time, a predominant hypocellular bone marrow with foci of hematopoiesis was observed with few megakaryocytes. An increase in the number of reticulin fibers was also seen. In amifostine-treated marrows, smad 2/3 and smad4 were not detected in the nucleus but were positive in the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes 10 days after irradiation. Coincidentally, bone marrows were cellular with megakaryocytes. Smad7 immunoexpression was detected in the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes in the non-irradiated, amifostine-treated and in the irradiated, amifostine-treated marrows. Data indicate that amifostine does not prevent latent TGFbeta1 activation in irradiated megakaryocytes. While TGFbeta1 signal transduction occurs in megakaryocytes in untreated bone marrows, it is inhibited in megakaryocytes in amifostine-treated marrows due to the induction of smad 7 activation. This is the first report showing smad 7 activation by amifostine. Our results also suggest a role for TGFbeta1 as an inhibitor of megakaryocytes in vivo. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The main targets of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are CD4 receptors of CD4+ lymphocytes and many other cells such as monocytes/macrophages, megakaryocytes, peripheral blood dendritic cells, follicular dendritic cells (DC), epidermal Langerhans cells, and astrocytes. Infection and killing of CD4+ lymphocytes or false reaction of the body to HIV infection and the spontaneous apoptosis of CD4+ lymphocytes decrease CD4+ lymphocyte counts leading to immunosuppression, further disease progression, and appearance of opportunistic infections and malignancies. Oral manifestations are considered to be among the first signs of HIV infection. Enhanced degradation of extracellular matrix and basement membrane components in oral diseases including periodontitis is caused by Zn-dependent enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). The levels and degrees of activation of MMP-1, -2, -3, -7, -8, -9, -25, -26, tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMP)-1 and -2, and myeloperoxidase (MPO) and collagenolytic/gelatinolytic activities, and also Ig A, -G, and -M, total protein, and albumin levels in a two-year follow-up were studied from salivary samples. The expression of MMP-7, -8, -9, -25, and -26 immunoreactivities in gingival tissue specimens were studied. Healthy HIV-negative subjects served as controls. All studied clinical periodontal parameters and microbiological evaluation of the periodontopathogens showed that periodontal health of the HIV-positive patients was moderately decreased in comparison to the healthy controls. The levels of Candida in the periodontal pockets and salivary MPO increased with the severity of HIV infection. Immunoreactivities and levels of MMPs and TIMPs, and MMP activities (collagenase, gelatinase) were enhanced in the HIV-positive patient salivary samples relative to the healthy controls regardless of the phase of HIV infection. However, these parameters did not reflect periodontal status in a similar way as in the generally healthy periodontitis patients. Salivary total protein, albumin, IgA, -G, and -M levels were significantly higher in all phases of HIV infection compared to the controls, and salivary total protein, IgG and IgM levels remained higher after two years follow-up, partly correlating with the disease progression and which may reflect the leakage of serum components into the mouth and thus a decreased mucosal barrier. Salivary analyses of MMPs and TIMPs with immunohistochemical analyses showed that HIV infection could predispose to periodontal destruction when compared with healthy controls or the body s defence reactions associated with HIV infection may have been reflected or mediated by MMPs.
Stanniocalcin-1 (STC-1) is a 56 kD homodimeric protein which was originally identified in bony fish, where it regulates calcium/phosphate homeostasis and protects against toxic hypercalcemia. STC-1 was considered unique to fish until the cloning of cDNA for human STC-1 in 1995 and mouse Stc-1 in 1996. STC-1 is conserved through evolution with human and salmon STC-1 sharing 60% identity and 80% similarity. The surprisingly high homology between mammalian and fish STC-1 and the protective actions of STC-1 in terminally differentiated neurons, originally reported by my colleagues, prompted me to further study the role of STC-1 in cell stress and differentiation. One purpose was to determine whether there is an inter-relationship between terminally differentiated cells and STC-1 expression. The study revealed an accumulation of STC-1 in mature megakaryocytes and adipocytes, i.e. postmitotic cells with limited or lost proliferative capacity. Still proliferating uninduced cells were negative for STC-1 mRNA and protein, whereas differentiating cells accumulated STC-1 in their cytoplasm. Interestingly, in liposarcomas the grade inversely correlated with STC-1 expression. Another aim was to study how STC-1 gene expression is regulated. Given that IL-6 is a cytokine with neuroprotective actions, by unknown mechanisms, we examined whether IL-6 regulates STC-1 gene expression. Treatment of human neural Paju cells with IL-6 induced a dose-dependent upregulation of STC-1 mRNA levels. This induction of STC-1 expression by IL-6 occurred mainly through the MAPK signaling pathway. Furthermore, I studied the role of IL-6-mediated STC-1 expression as a mechanism of cytoprotection conferred by hypoxic preconditioning (HOPC) in brain and heart. My findings show that Stc-1 was upregulated in brain after hypoxia treatment. In the brain of IL-6 deficient mice, however, no upregulation of Stc-1 expression was evident. After induced brain injury the STC-1 response in brains of IL-6 transgenic mice, with IL-6 overexpression in astroglial cells, was stronger than in brains of WT mice. These results indicate that IL-6-mediated expression of STC-1 is one molecular mechanism of HOPC-induced tolerance to brain ischemia. The protection conferred by HOPC in heart occurs during a bimodal time course comprising early and delayed preconditioning. Interestingly, my results showed that the expression of Stc-1 in heart was upregulated in a biphasic manner during HOPC. IL-6 deficient mice did not, however, show a similar biphasic manner of Stc-1 upregulation as did WT mice. Instead, only an early upregulation of Stc-1 expression was evident. The results suggest that the upregulation of Stc-1 during the delayed preconditioning is IL-6-dependent. The upregulated expression of Stc-1 during the early preconditioning, however, is only partly IL-6-dependent and possibly also directly mediated by HIF-1. These findings suggest that STC-1 is a pro-survival protein for terminally differentiated cells and that STC-1 expression may in fact be regulated by stress. In addition, I show that STC-1 gene upregulation, mediated in part by IL-6, is a new mechanism of protection conferred by HOPC in brain and heart. Because of its importance for fundamental biological processes, such as differentiation and cytoprotection, STC-1 may have therapeutic implications for management of stroke, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and obesity.
Essential thrombocythaemia (ET) is a myeloproliferative disease (MPD) characterized by thrombocytosis, i.e. a constant elevation of platelet count. Thrombocytosis may appear in MPDs (ET, polycythaemia vera, chronic myeloid leukaemia, myelofibrosis) and as a reactive phenomenon. The differential diagnosis of thrombocytosis is important, because the clinical course, need of therapy, and prognosis are different in patients with MPDs and in those with reactive thrombocytosis. ET patients may remain asymptomatic for years, but serious thrombohaemorrhagic and pregnancy-related complications may occur. The complications are difficult to predict. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the diagnostic findings, clinical course, and prognostic factors of ET. The present retrospective study consists of 170 ET patients. Two thirds had a platelet count < 1000 x 109/l. The diagnosis was supported by an increased number of megakaryocytes with an abnormal morphology in a bone marrow aspirate, aggregation defects in platelet function studies, and the presence of spontaneous erythroid and/or megakaryocytic colony formation in in vitro cultures of haematopoietic progenitors. About 70 % of the patients had spontaneous colony formation, while about 30 % had a normal growth pattern. Only a fifth of the patients remained asymptomatic. Half had a major thrombohaemorrhagic complication. The proportion of the patients suffering from thrombosis was as high as 45 %. About a fifth had major bleedings. Half of the patients had microvascular symptoms. Age over 60 years increased the risk of major bleedings, but the occurrence of thrombotic complications was similar in all age groups. Male gender, smoking in female patients, the presence of any spontaneous colony formation, and the presence of spontaneous megakaryocytic colony formation in younger patients were identified as risk factors for thrombosis. Pregnant ET patients had an increased risk of complications. Forty-five per cent of the pregnancies were complicated and 38 % of them ended in stillbirth. Treatment with acetylsalicylic acid alone or in combination with platelet lowering drugs improved the outcome of the pregnancy. The present findings about risk factors in ET as well as treatment outcome in the pregnancies of ET patients should be taken into account when planning treatment strategies for Finnish patients.
Apesar de significativos avanços obtidos no estudo da esquistossomose mansônica, as relações existentes entre esquistossomose e má-nutrição ainda não se acham completamente esclarecidas. Sendo a fase de lactação um período de vida de extrema importância para o indivíduo, alterações metabólicas na gestante podem afetar diretamente o desenvolvimento do feto sugerindo uma programação (imprinting) no metabolismo deste indivíduo em resposta adaptativa aos fatores ambientais encontrados em períodos iniciais de desenvolvimento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características do baço na fase aguda da infecção esquistossomótica de camundongos programados metabolicamente por restrição calórica e restrição protéica. Os baços dos animais eutanasiados na 9 semana de infecção foram submetidos a cortes histológicos (5m) e corados com hematoxilina-eosina. Foi realizada avaliação histopatológica, análise morfométrica e estereologia. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando-se o programa Graph Pad Instat. Foi observada desorganização estrutural da polpa branca e da polpa vermelha nos grupos programados, independente da presença de infecção. Animais infectados apresentaram hiperplasia e hipertrofia da polpa branca e maior quantidade de pigmentos dispersos no tecido esplênico, bem como a presença de eosinófilos no interior de estruturas vasculares. A polpa branca dos grupos infectados tanto de restrição calórica quanto de restrição protéica apresentaram medidas morfométricas maiores quando comparados aos grupos não infectados. Os resultados estereológicos mostraram que o grupo de restrição calórica infectado apresentou menor densidade de volume de polpa vermelha, enquanto não houve diferenças significativas na densidade de volume de polpa branca. Megacariócitos foram vistos em maior quantidade nos grupos infectados, com ênfase no grupo de restrição protéica. Estes dados sugerem que a programação pela desnutrição materna na lactação e a infecção esquistossomótica provocam desorganização do tecido esplênico.
Identification of common sub-sequences for a group of functionally related DNA sequences can shed light on the role of such elements in cell-specific gene expression. In the megakaryocytic lineage, no one single unique transcription factor was described as linage specific, raising the possibility that a cluster of gene promoter sequences presents a unique signature. Here, the megakaryocytic gene promoter group, which consists of both human and mouse 5' non-coding regions, served as a case study. A methodology for group-combinatorial search has been implemented as a customized software platform. It extracts the longest common sequences for a group of related DNA sequences and allows for single gaps of varying length, as well as double- and multiple-gap sequences. The results point to common DNA sequences in a group of genes that is selectively expressed in megakaryocytes, and which does not appear in a large group of control, random and specific sequences. This suggests a role for a combination of these sequences in cell-specific gene expression in the megakaryocytic lineage. The data also point to an intrinsic cross-species difference in the organization of 5' non-coding sequences within the mammalian genomes. This methodology may be used for the identification of regulatory sequences in other lineages.
Thrombin-activable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) is a carboxypeptidase B-like pro-enzyme that, once activated, attenuates fibrinolysis. TAFIa also possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Although liver is the main source of plasma TAFI, platelet-derived TAFI has also been reported. An alternatively spliced TAFI variant resulted from the skipping of exon 6 and a 52-base deletion in exon 10 of CPB2 mRNA (∆6+10) was described to be brain specific. This TAFI variant is reputed to possess a secretase-like activity that cleaves β-amyloid precursor protein to form β-amyloid, a process involved in the onset of Alzheimer's disease. In this thesis, we report the identification of CPB2 mRNA and TAFI protein in various vascular and inflammatory cells. Specifically, we describe the expression of CPB2 mRNA in the megakaryocytic cell lines MEG-01 and Dami, the monocytic cell line THP-1, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. TAFI protein was detected in differentiated Dami and THP-1 cells. We next describe the effect of external stimuli such as phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) on CPB2 expression in Dami and THP-1 cells. We found that PMA treatment increases both CPB2 mRNA abundance and promoter activity in Dami cells, and decreases both CPB2 mRNA abundance and promoter activity in THP-1 cells. Deletion analysis of the CPB2 promoter indicated cell-type specific regulation of CPB2 gene expression. Finally, we evaluated the expression of alternatively spliced CPB2 mRNA variants in hepatic and non hepatic cells. We found that exon 6 skipping variants are expressed in all cell types of interest. The variant previously reported to be brain specific was also found to be expressed in platelets. We found that the alternatively spliced TAFI variants accumulated inside the cells in a non-secretable, hypoglycosylated form and showed no carboxypeptidase activity. Taken together, this thesis provides further evidence supporting the hypothesis that platelet-derived TAFI is originated from CPB2 gene expression in megakaryocytes. Moreover, our data imply a potential for site-specific anti-inflammatory control provided by macrophage-derived TAFI. Alternative splicing of the CPB2 mRNA may give rise to variants with an intracellular role, perhaps as a peptidase chaperone, and may modulate the synthesis of secretable TAFI.