994 resultados para MECHANICAL VALIDATION
To analyse mechanotransduction resulting from tensile loading under defined conditions, various devices for in vitro cell stimulation have been developed. This work aimed to determine the strain distribution on the membrane of a commercially available device and its consistency with rising cycle numbers, as well as the amount of strain transferred to adherent cells. The strains and their behaviour within the stimulation device were determined using digital image correlation (DIC). The strain transferred to cells was measured on eGFP-transfected bone marrow-derived cells imaged with a fluorescence microscope. The analysis was performed by determining the coordinates of prominent positions on the cells, calculating vectors between the coordinates and their length changes with increasing applied tensile strain. The stimulation device was found to apply homogeneous (mean of standard deviations approx. 2% of mean strain) and reproducible strains in the central well area. However, on average, only half of the applied strain was transferred to the bone marrow-derived cells. Furthermore, the strain measured within the device increased significantly with an increasing number of cycles while the membrane's Young's modulus decreased, indicating permanent changes in the material during extended use. Thus, strain magnitudes do not match the system readout and results require careful interpretation, especially at high cycle numbers.
Surface treatment interferes with the primary stability of dental implants because it promotes a chemical and micromorphological change on the surface and thus stimulates osseointegration. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different surface treatments on primary stability by analyzing insertion torque (IT) and pullout force (PF). Eight samples of implants with different surface treatments (TS - external hexagon with acid surface treatment; and MS - external hexagon, machined surface), all 3.75 mm in diameter x 11.5 mm in length, were inserted into segments of artificial bones. The IT of each sample was measured by an electronic torquemeter, and then the pullout test was done with a universal testing machine. The results were subjected to ANOVA (p < 0.05), followed by Tukey's test (p < 0.05). The IT results showed no statistically significant difference, since the sizes of the implants used were very similar, and the bone used was not highly resistant. The PF values (N) were, respectively, TS = 403.75 +/- 189.80 and MS = 276.38 +/- 110.05. The implants were shown to be different in terms of the variables of maximum force (F = 4.401, p = 0.0120), elasticity in maximum flexion (F = 3.672, p = 0.024), and relative stiffness (F = 4.60, p = 0.01). In this study, external hexagonal implants with acid surface treatment showed the highest values of pullout strength and better stability, which provide greater indication for their use.
El análisis de estructuras mediante modelos de elementos finitos representa una de las metodologías más utilizadas y aceptadas en la industria moderna. Para el análisis de estructuras tubulares de grandes dimensiones similares a las sobrestructuras de autobuses y autocares, los elementos de tipo viga son comúnmente utilizados y recomendados debido a que permiten obtener resultados satisfactorios con recursos computacionales reducidos. No obstante, los elementos de tipo viga presentan importante desventaja ya que las uniones modeladas presentan un comportamiento infinitamente rígido, esto determina un comportamiento mas rígido en las estructuras modeladas lo que se traduce en fuentes de error para las simulaciones estructurales (hasta un 60%). Mediante el modelado de uniones tubulares utilizando elementos de tipo área o volumen, se pueden obtener modelos más realistas, ya que las características topológicas de la unión propiamente dicha pueden ser reproducidas con un mayor nivel de detalle. Evitándose de esta manera los inconvenientes de los elementos de tipo viga. A pesar de esto, la modelización de estructuras tubulares de grandes dimensiones con elementos de tipo área o volumen representa una alternativa poco atractiva debido a la complejidad del proceso de modelados y al gran número de elementos resultantes lo que implica la necesidad de grandes recursos computacionales. El principal objetivo del trabajo de investigación presentado, fue el de obtener un nuevo tipo de elemento capaz de proporcionar estimaciones más exactas en el comportamiento de las uniones modeladas, al mismo tiempo manteniendo la simplicidad del procesos de modelado propio de los elementos de tipo viga regular. Con el fin de alcanzar los objetivos planteados, fueron realizadas diferentes metodologías e investigaciones. En base a las investigaciones realizadas, se obtuvo un modelo de unión viga alternativa en el cual se introdujeron un total seis elementos elásticos al nivel de la unión mediante los cuales es posible adaptar el comportamiento local de la misma. Adicionalmente, para la estimación de las rigideces correspondientes a los elementos elásticos se desarrollaron dos metodologías, una primera basada en la caracterización del comportamiento estático de uniones simples y una segunda basada en la caracterización del comportamiento dinámico a través de análisis modales. Las mejoras obtenidas mediante la implementación del modelo de unión alternativa fueron analizadas mediante simulaciones y validación experimental en una estructura tubular compleja representativa de sobrestructuras de autobuses y autocares. En base a los análisis comparativos realizados con la uniones simples modeladas y los experimentos de validación, se determinó que las uniones modeladas con elementos de tipo viga son entre un 5-60% más rígidas que uniones equivalentes modeladas con elementos área o volumen. También se determinó que las uniones área y volumen modeladas son entre un 5 a un 10% mas rígidas en comparación a uniones reales fabricadas. En los análisis realizados en la estructura tubular compleja, se obtuvieron mejoras importantes mediante la implementación del modelo de unión alternativa, las estimaciones del modelo viga se mejoraron desde un 49% hasta aproximadamente un 14%. ABSTRACT The analysis of structures with finite elements models represents one of the most utilized an accepted technique in the modern industry. For the analysis of large tubular structures similar to buses and coaches upper structures, beam type elements are utilized and recommended due to the fact that these elements provide satisfactory results at relatively reduced computational performances. However, the beam type elements have a main disadvantage determined by the fact that the modeled joints have an infinite rigid behavior, this shortcoming determines a stiffer behavior of the modeled structures which translates into error sources for the structural simulations (up to 60%). By modeling tubular junctions with shell and volume elements, more realistic models can be obtained, because the topological characteristics of the junction at the joint level can be reproduced more accurately. This way, the shortcoming that the beam type elements present can be solved. Despite this fact, modeling large tubular structures with shell or volume type elements represents an unattractive alternative due to the complexity of the modeling process and the large number of elements that result which imply the necessity of vast computational performances. The main objective of the research presented in this thesis was to develop a new beam type element that would be able to provide more accurate estimations for the local behavior of the modeled junctions at the same time maintaining the simplicity of the modeling process the regular beam type elements have. In order to reach the established objectives of the research activities, a series of different methodologies and investigations have been necessary. From these investigations an alternative beam T-junction model was obtained, in which a total of six elastic elements at the joint level were introduced, the elastic elements allowed us to adapt the local behavior of the modeled junctions. Additionally, for the estimation of the stiffness values corresponding to the elastic elements two methodologies were developed, one based on the T-junction’s static behavior and a second one based on the T-junction’s dynamic behavior by means of modal analysis. The improvements achieved throughout the implementation of this alternative T-junction model were analyzed though mechanical validation in a complex tubular structures that had a representative configuration for buses and coaches upper structures. From the comparative analyses of the finite element modeled T-junctions and mechanical experimental analysis, was determined that the beam type modeled T-junctions have a stiffer behavior compared to equivalent shell and volume modeled T-junctions with average differences ranging from 5-60% based on the profile configurations. It was also determined that the shell and volume models have a stiffer behavior compared to real T-junctions varying from 5 to 10% depending on the profile configurations. Based on the analysis of the complex tubular structure, significant improvements were obtained by the implementation of the alternative beam T-junction model, the model estimations were improved from a 49% to approximately 14%.
Abstract Background The purpose of this study was the development of a valid and reliable “Mechanical and Inflammatory Low Back Pain Index” (MIL) for assessment of non-specific low back pain (NSLBP). This 7-item tool assists practitioners in determining whether symptoms are predominantly mechanical or inflammatory. Methods Participants (n = 170, 96 females, age = 38 ± 14 years-old) with NSLP were referred to two Spanish physiotherapy clinics and completed the MIL and the following measures: the Roland Morris Questionnaire (RMQ), SF-12 and “Backache Index” (BAI) physical assessment test. For test-retest reliability, 37 consecutive patients were assessed at baseline and three days later during a non-treatment period. Face and content validity, practical characteristics, factor analysis, internal consistency, discriminant validity and convergent validity were assessed from the full sample. Results A total of 27 potential items that had been identified for inclusion were subsequently reduced to 11 by an expert panel. Four items were then removed due to cross-loading under confirmatory factor analysis where a two-factor model yielded a good fit to the data (χ2 = 14.80, df = 13, p = 0.37, CFI = 0.98, and RMSEA = 0.029). The internal consistency was moderate (α = 0.68 for MLBP; 0.72 for ILBP), test-retest reliability high (ICC = 0.91; 95%CI = 0.88-0.93) and discriminant validity good for either MLBP (AUC = 0.74) and ILBP (AUC = 0.92). Convergent validity was demonstrated through similar but weak correlations between the ILBP and both the RMQ and BAI (r = 0.34, p < 0.001) and the MLBP and BAI (r = 0.38, p < 0.001). Conclusions The MIL is a valid and reliable clinical tool for patients with NSLBP that discriminates between mechanical and inflammatory LBP. Keywords: Low back pain; Psychometrics properties; Pain measurement; Screening tool; Inflammatory; Mechanical
Quantifying the stiffness properties of soft tissues is essential for the diagnosis of many cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. In these pathologies it is widely agreed that the arterial wall stiffness is an indicator of vulnerability. The present paper focuses on the carotid artery and proposes a new inversion methodology for deriving the stiffness properties of the wall from cine-MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) data. We address this problem by setting-up a cost function defined as the distance between the modeled pixel signals and the measured ones. Minimizing this cost function yields the unknown stiffness properties of both the arterial wall and the surrounding tissues. The sensitivity of the identified properties to various sources of uncertainty is studied. Validation of the method is performed on a rubber phantom. The elastic modulus identified using the developed methodology lies within a mean error of 9.6%. It is then applied to two young healthy subjects as a proof of practical feasibility, with identified values of 625 kPa and 587 kPa for one of the carotid of each subject.
Abstract: New product design challenges, related to customer needs, product usage and environments, face companies when they expand their product offerings to new markets; Some of the main challenges are: the lack of quantifiable information, product experience and field data. Designing reliable products under such challenges requires flexible reliability assessment processes that can capture the variables and parameters affecting the product overall reliability and allow different design scenarios to be assessed. These challenges also suggest a mechanistic (Physics of Failure-PoF) reliability approach would be a suitable framework to be used for reliability assessment. Mechanistic Reliability recognizes the primary factors affecting design reliability. This research views the designed entity as a “system of components required to deliver specific operations”; it addresses the above mentioned challenges by; Firstly: developing a design synthesis that allows a descriptive operations/ system components relationships to be realized; Secondly: developing component’s mathematical damage models that evaluate components Time to Failure (TTF) distributions given: 1) the descriptive design model, 2) customer usage knowledge and 3) design material properties; Lastly: developing a procedure that integrates components’ damage models to assess the mechanical system’s reliability over time. Analytical and numerical simulation models were developed to capture the relationships between operations and components, the mathematical damage models and the assessment of system’s reliability. The process was able to affect the design form during the conceptual design phase by providing stress goals to meet component’s reliability target. The process was able to numerically assess the reliability of a system based on component’s mechanistic TTF distributions, besides affecting the design of the component during the design embodiment phase. The process was used to assess the reliability of an internal combustion engine manifold during design phase; results were compared to reliability field data and found to produce conservative reliability results. The research focused on mechanical systems, affected by independent mechanical failure mechanisms that are influenced by the design process. Assembly and manufacturing stresses and defects’ influences are not a focus of this research.
COD discharges out of processes have increased in line with elevating brightness demands for mechanical pulp and papers. The share of lignin-like substances in COD discharges is on average 75%. In this thesis, a plant dynamic model was created and validated as a means to predict COD loading and discharges out of a mill. The assays were carried out in one paper mill integrate producing mechanical printing papers. The objective in the modeling of plant dynamics was to predict day averages of COD load and discharges out of mills. This means that online data, like 1) the level of large storage towers of pulp and white water 2) pulp dosages, 3) production rates and 4) internal white water flows and discharges were used to create transients into the balances of solids and white water, referred to as “plant dynamics”. A conversion coefficient was verified between TOC and COD. The conversion coefficient was used for predicting the flows from TOC to COD to the waste water treatment plant. The COD load was modeled with similar uncertainty as in reference TOC sampling. The water balance of waste water treatment was validated by the reference concentration of COD. The difference of COD predictions against references was within the same deviation of TOC-predictions. The modeled yield losses and retention values of TOC in pulping and bleaching processes and the modeled fixing of colloidal TOC to solids between the pulping plant and the aeration basin in the waste water treatment plant were similar to references presented in literature. The valid water balances of the waste water treatment plant and the reduction model of lignin-like substances produced a valid prediction of COD discharges out of the mill. A 30% increase in the release of lignin-like substances in the form of production problems was observed in pulping and bleaching processes. The same increase was observed in COD discharges out of waste water treatment. In the prediction of annual COD discharge, it was noticed that the reduction of lignin has a wide deviation from year to year and from one mill to another. This made it difficult to compare the parameters of COD discharges validated in plant dynamic simulation with another mill producing mechanical printing papers. However, a trend of moving from unbleached towards high-brightness TMP in COD discharges was valid.
To validate a model for investigating the effects of analgesic drugs on mechanical, thermal and electrical stimulation testing. To investigate repeatability, sensitivity and specificity of nociceptive tests. Randomised experiment with 2 observers in 2 phases. Mechanical (M), thermal (TL) and electrical (E) stimuli were applied to the dorsal metacarpus (M-left and TL-right) and coronary band of the left thoracic limb (E) and a thoracic thermal stimulus (TT) was applied caudal to the withers in 8 horses (405 ± 43 kg). Stimuli intensities were increased until a clear avoidance response was detected without exceeding 20 N (M), 60°C (TL and TT) and 15 V (E). For each set of tests, 3 real stimuli and one sham stimulus were applied (32 per animal) using a blinded, randomised, crossover design repeated after 6 months. A distribution frequency and, for each stimulus, Chi-square and McNemar tests compared both the proportion of positive responses detected by 2 observers and the 2 study phases. The κ coefficients estimated interobserver agreement in determining endpoints. Sensitivity (384 tests) and specificity (128 tests) were evaluated for each nociceptive stimulus to assess the evaluators' accuracy in detecting real and sham stimuli. Nociceptive thresholds were 3.1 ± 2 N (M), 8.1 ± 3.8 V (E), 51.4 ± 5.5°C (TL) and 55.2 ± 5.3°C (TT). The level of agreement after all tests, M, E, TL and TT, was 90, 100, 84, 98 and 75%, respectively. Sensitivity was 89, 100, 89, 98 and 70% and specificity 92, 97, 88, 91 and 94%, respectively. The high interobserver agreement, sensitivity and specificity suggest that M, E and TL tests are valid for pain studies in horses and are suitable tools for investigating antinociceptive effects of analgesics in horses.
The validation of Computed Tomography (CT) based 3D models takes an integral part in studies involving 3D models of bones. This is of particular importance when such models are used for Finite Element studies. The validation of 3D models typically involves the generation of a reference model representing the bones outer surface. Several different devices have been utilised for digitising a bone’s outer surface such as mechanical 3D digitising arms, mechanical 3D contact scanners, electro-magnetic tracking devices and 3D laser scanners. However, none of these devices is capable of digitising a bone’s internal surfaces, such as the medullary canal of a long bone. Therefore, this study investigated the use of a 3D contact scanner, in conjunction with a microCT scanner, for generating a reference standard for validating the internal and external surfaces of a CT based 3D model of an ovine femur. One fresh ovine limb was scanned using a clinical CT scanner (Phillips, Brilliance 64) with a pixel size of 0.4 mm2 and slice spacing of 0.5 mm. Then the limb was dissected to obtain the soft tissue free bone while care was taken to protect the bone’s surface. A desktop mechanical 3D contact scanner (Roland DG Corporation, MDX 20, Japan) was used to digitise the surface of the denuded bone. The scanner was used with the resolution of 0.3 × 0.3 × 0.025 mm. The digitised surfaces were reconstructed into a 3D model using reverse engineering techniques in Rapidform (Inus Technology, Korea). After digitisation, the distal and proximal parts of the bone were removed such that the shaft could be scanned with a microCT (µCT40, Scanco Medical, Switzerland) scanner. The shaft, with the bone marrow removed, was immersed in water and scanned with a voxel size of 0.03 mm3. The bone contours were extracted from the image data utilising the Canny edge filter in Matlab (The Mathswork).. The extracted bone contours were reconstructed into 3D models using Amira 5.1 (Visage Imaging, Germany). The 3D models of the bone’s outer surface reconstructed from CT and microCT data were compared against the 3D model generated using the contact scanner. The 3D model of the inner canal reconstructed from the microCT data was compared against the 3D models reconstructed from the clinical CT scanner data. The disparity between the surface geometries of two models was calculated in Rapidform and recorded as average distance with standard deviation. The comparison of the 3D model of the whole bone generated from the clinical CT data with the reference model generated a mean error of 0.19±0.16 mm while the shaft was more accurate(0.08±0.06 mm) than the proximal (0.26±0.18 mm) and distal (0.22±0.16 mm) parts. The comparison between the outer 3D model generated from the microCT data and the contact scanner model generated a mean error of 0.10±0.03 mm indicating that the microCT generated models are sufficiently accurate for validation of 3D models generated from other methods. The comparison of the inner models generated from microCT data with that of clinical CT data generated an error of 0.09±0.07 mm Utilising a mechanical contact scanner in conjunction with a microCT scanner enabled to validate the outer surface of a CT based 3D model of an ovine femur as well as the surface of the model’s medullary canal.
From Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle to the Duke Kahanamoku Aquatic Complex; we develop the theory and generate implementable time efficient trajectories for a test-bed autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). This paper is the beginning of the journey from theory to implementation. We begin by considering pure motion trajectories and move into a rectangular trajectory which is a concatenation of pure surge and pure sway. These trajectories are tested using our numerical model and demonstrated by our AUV in the pool. In this paper we demonstrate that the above motions are realizable through our method, and we gain confidence in our numerical model. We conclude that using our current techniques, implementation of time efficient trajectories is likely to succeed.
A new decision-making tool that will assist designers in the selection of appropriate daylighting solutions for buildings in tropical locations has been previously proposed by the authors. Through an evaluation matrix that prioritizes the parameters that best respond to the needs of tropical climates (e.g. reducing solar gain and protection from glare) the tool determines the most appropriate devices for specific climate and building inputs. The tool is effective in demonstrating the broad benefits and limitations of the different daylight strategies for buildings in the tropics. However for thorough analysis and calibration of the tool, validation is necessary. This paper presents a first step in the validation process. RADIANCE simulations were conducted to compare simulation performance with the performance predicted by the tool. To this end, an office building case study in subtropical Brisbane, Australia, and five different daylighting devices including openings, light guiding systems and light transport systems were simulated. Illuminance, light uniformity, daylight penetration and glare analysis were assessed for each device. The results indicate the tool can appropriately rank and recommend daylighting strategies based on specific building inputs for tropical and subtropical regions, making it a useful resource for designers.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are widely used in mechanical engineering. Although achieving a high level of confidence in numerical modelling is of crucial importance in the field of turbomachinery, verification and validation of CFD simulations are very tricky especially for complex flows encountered in radial turbines. Comprehensive studies of radial machines are available in the literature. Unfortunately, none of them include enough detailed geometric data to be properly reproduced and so cannot be considered for academic research and validation purposes. As a consequence, design improvements of such configurations are difficult. Moreover, it seems that well-developed analyses of radial turbines are used in commercial software but are not available in the open literature especially at high pressure ratios. It is the purpose of this paper to provide a fully open set of data to reproduce the exact geometry of the high pressure ratio single stage radial-inflow turbine used in the Sundstrand Power Systems T-100 Multipurpose Small Power Unit. First, preliminary one-dimensional meanline design and analysis are performed using the commercial software RITAL from Concepts-NREC in order to establish a complete reference test case available for turbomachinery code validation. The proposed design of the existing turbine is then carefully and successfully checked against the geometrical and experimental data partially published in the literature. Then, three-dimensional Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes simulations are conducted by means of the Axcent-PushButton CFDR CFD software. The effect of the tip clearance gap is investigated in detail for a wide range of operating conditions. The results confirm that the 3D geometry is correctly reproduced. It also reveals that the turbine is shocked while designed to give a high-subsonic flow and highlight the importance of the diffuser.