900 resultados para MECANISMO REED


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Sobre la base de la problemtica del fenmeno de cambio climtico y potencial de los bosques para contribuir a la mitigacin del mismo, el objetivo de este estudio es analizar si el mecanismo REDD+, puede constituir una alternativa viable en el Ecuador para la reduccin de la tasa de deforestacin, la mitigacin del cambio climtico y el desarrollo local. Para el efecto, se analizar el contexto internacional del mecanismo REDD+ y el proceso que Ecuador lleva adelante para implementar dicho mecanismo. Particularmente, se profundiza en los aspectos de gobernanza y financiamiento para la implementacin de REDD+. Sobre la base del caso ecuatoriano se pueden derivar lecciones interesantes para la implementacin de REDD+ en otros pases que enfrentan contextos similares, en trminos de la estructura de gobernanza y mecanismos de financiamiento. Adems, Ecuador es un ejemplo interesante sobre un enfoque de gobernanza hibrido con mltiples niveles de implementacin pero a la vez el rol prominente del gobierno en cuanto a los mecanismos financieros y mecanismo de distribucin de beneficios. Los resultados de la investigacin muestran que la implementacin del mecanismo REDD+ a mltiples niveles es fundamental y necesaria para el xito de la poltica en los pases. El liderazgo del gobierno en la fase de diseo es clave para asegurar una escala de implementacin a nivel nacional, de manera que se contribuya a metas ms amplias, tanto ambientales como de desarrollo. Sin embargo, un proceso inclusivo donde los actores no gubernamentales formen parte de los procesos y la fase de implementacin es fundamental para garantizar la sostenibilidad de REDD+.


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Wing length is a key character for essential behaviours related to bird flight such as migration and foraging. In the present study, we initiate the search for the genes underlying wing length in birds by studying a long-distance migrant, the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). In this species wing length is an evolutionary interesting trait with pronounced latitudinal gradient and sex-specific selection regimes in local populations. We performed a quantitative trait locus (QTL) scan for wing length in great reed warblers using phenotypic, genotypic, pedigree and linkage map data from our long-term study population in Sweden. We applied the linkage analysis mapping method implemented in GRIDQTL (a new web-based software) and detected a genome-wide significant QTL for wing length on chromosome 2, to our knowledge, the first detected QTL in wild birds. The QTL extended over 25 cM and accounted for a substantial part (37%) of the phenotypic variance of the trait. A genome scan for tarsus length (a bodysize-related trait) did not show any signal, implying that the wing-length QTL on chromosome 2 was not associated with body size. Our results provide a first important step into understanding the genetic architecture of avian wing length, and give opportunities to study the evolutionary dynamics of wing length at the locus level. This journal is 2010 The Royal Society.


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Obituary on the death of Lou Reed, member of The Velvet Underground and acclaimed solo artist.


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The authors report the design and construction of a very simple vibrating reed apparatus with automatic frequency locking capability where the resonance frequency and the internal friction can be recorded continuously as a function of temperature. The apparatus is particularly suitable for studies down to liquid helium temperatures or below.


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Canonical forms for m-valued functions referred to as m-Reed-Muller canonical (m-RMC) forms that are a generalization of RMC forms of two-valued functions are proposed. m-RMC forms are based on the operations ?m (addition mod m) and .m (multiplication mod m) and do not, as in the cases of the generalizations proposed in the literature, require an m-valued function for m not a power of a prime, to be expressed by a canonical form for M-valued functions, where M > m is a power of a prime. Methods of obtaining the m-RMC forms from the truth vector or the sum of products representation of an m-valued function are discussed. Using a generalization of the Boolean difference to m-valued logic, series expansions for m-valued functions are derived.


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A nonexhaustive procedure for obtaining minimal Reed-Muller canonical (RMC) forms of switching functions is presented. This procedure is a modification of a procedure presented earlier in the literature and enables derivation of an upper bound on the number of RMC forms to be derived to choose a minimal one. It is shown that the task of obtaining minimal RMC forms is simplified in the case of symmetric functions and self-dual functions.


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The generalized Reed-Muller expansions of a switching function are generated using a single Boolean matrix and step-by-step shifting of the principal column.


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The constraint complexity of a graphical realization of a linear code is the maximum dimension of the local constraint codes in the realization. The treewidth of a linear code is the least constraint complexity of any of its cycle-free graphical realizations. This notion provides a useful parameterization of the maximum-likelihood decoding complexity for linear codes. In this paper, we show the surprising fact that for maximum distance separable codes and Reed-Muller codes, treewidth equals trelliswidth, which, for a code, is defined to be the least constraint complexity (or branch complexity) of any of its trellis realizations. From this, we obtain exact expressions for the treewidth of these codes, which constitute the only known explicit expressions for the treewidth of algebraic codes.


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The treewidth of a linear code is the least constraint complexity of any of its cycle-free graphical realizations. This notion provides a useful parametrization of the maximum-likelihood decoding complexity for linear codes. In this paper, we compute exact expressions for the treewidth of maximum distance separable codes, and first- and second-order Reed-Muller codes. These results constitute the only known explicit expressions for the treewidth of algebraic codes.


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Consultoria Legislativa - rea XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organizao Territorial e Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.


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Analisa a questo da politizao do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) diante do mecanismo de escolha de seus ministros. Examina os tribunais constitucionais de quatro pases do mundo - Estados Unidos, Alemanha, Portugal e Chile - e, bem assim, o mecanismo de escolha de seus membros.


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QuickBird high resolution (2.8 m) satellite imagery was evaluated for distinguishing giant reed ( Arundo donax L.) infestations along the Rio Grande in southwest Texas. (PDF has 5 pages.)


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Ejemplar dedicado a: "La ecmene romana: espacios de integracin y exclusin".