254 resultados para MEA


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Pedro de S. Francisco nasceu em Marzagào, na África, em data desconhecida, e morreu em 1638. O religioso franciscano foi mestre em Teologia e Provincial da sua Ordem. Segundo Inocêncio, na ‘Explicação do salmo cincoenta’, o autor analisa e comenta extensamente cada um dos versos do salmo Miserere mei Dei e afirma, ainda, que "são raros os exemplares deste livro, em que (corno diz o censor Jorge Cabral, que o reviu por ordem do Santo Ofício) resplandece a erudição, doutrina, piedade e sabedoria do autor". O impressor da obra, Pedro Craesbeeck, nasceu em Antuérpia, onde aprendeu a arte da impressão na famosa Oficina de Cristóvão Plantino. Mudou-se para Portugal por volta de 1592, onde fundou uma verdadeira dinastia de impressores célebres que ali trabalharam nos séculos XV e XVI. Responsável pela impressão de obras de grande beleza tipográfica. Pedro Craesbeeck tornou-se impressor régio, conforme consta em alvará de 28 de maio de r620. Seus trabalhos foram editados no período de 1597 a 1632.


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The miscibility of monoethanolamine (MEA) in five superbase ionic liquids (ILs), namely the trihexyl-tetradecylphosphonium benzotriazolide ([P66614][Bentriz]), trihexyl-tetradecylphosphonium benzimidazolide ([P66614][Benzim]), trihexyl-tetradecylphosphonium 1,2,3-triazolide ([P66614][123Triz]), trihexyl-tetradecylphosphonium 1,2,4-triazolide ([P66614][124Triz]), and trihexyl-tetradecylphosphonium imidazolide ([P66614][Im]) was determined at 295.15 K using 1H NMR spectroscopy. The solubility of carbon dioxide (CO2) in equimolar (IL + MEA) mixtures was then studied experimentally using a gravimetric technique at 295.15 K and 0.1 MPa. The effect of MEA on the CO2 capture ability of these ILs was investigated together with the viscosity of these systems in the presence or absence of CO2 to evaluate their practical application in CO2 capture processes. The effect of the presence of MEA on the rate of CO2 uptake was also studied. The study showed that the MEA can enhance CO2 absorption over the ideal values in the case of [P66614][123Triz] and [P66614][Bentriz] while in the other systems the mixtures behave ideally. A comparison of the effect of MEA addition with the addition of water to these superbase ILs showed that similar trends were observed in each case for the individual ILs studied.


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[Bible. A.T. Psaumes (français). Extrait. 18.. ?]


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While monethanolamine has shown great potential as a solvent for the capture of carbon dioxide, impurities can build within the solution over time, leading to increased viscosity and corrosivity. Classically, these impurities are removed by a combination of neutralization and either thermal reclamation, ion exchange or electrodialysis. In this work, we evaluate the use of nanofiltration to concentrate the heat stable salts within the solution prior to such reclamation. This allows the recirculating solvent to operate with low concentrations of these impurities, while providing a low volume, concentrated solution for reclamation. Results show that nanofiltration can reject greater than 80% of the heat stable anions, while allowing the monoethanolamine to permeate through the membrane, for return to the process. Rejection of the MEA itself is less than 7%. The nanofiltration operation is only effective on lean solvent with CO2 loadings of less than 0.2 and neutralization would be required upstream to deprotonate the amine. The two membranes tested (Koch MPF-34 and MPF-36) appeared stable to exposure to the solvent for over four months.


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