977 resultados para MAGNETIC-FIELD STRUCTURE
In this paper, we present multiband optical polarimetric observations of the very-high energy blazar PKS 2155-304 made simultaneously with a HESS/Fermi high-energy campaign in 2008, when the source was found to be in a low state. The intense daily coverage of the data set allowed us to study in detail the temporal evolution of the emission, and we found that the particle acceleration time-scales are decoupled from the changes in the polarimetric properties of the source. We present a model in which the optical polarimetric emission originates at the polarized mm-wave core and propose an explanation for the lack of correlation between the photometric and polarimetric fluxes. The optical emission is consistent with an inhomogeneous synchrotron source in which the large-scale field is locally organized by a shock in which particle acceleration takes place. Finally, we use these optical polarimetric observations of PKS 2155-304 at a low state to propose an origin for the quiescent gamma-ray flux of the object, in an attempt to provide clues for the source of its recently established persistent TeV emission.
We investigate the effect of a secondary star magnetic field on the accretion disc dynamics of dwarf novae. Simulations have been carried out with a particle code and a dipolar magnetic field structure. The magnetic field acts to remove angular momentum from the disc material, increasing the inward mass flow. This makes the accretion disc more centrally condensed, causing a reduction in the recurrence time for dwarf nova outbursts. We have produced Doppler tomograms and light curves which may be compared with observations. These tomograms are significantly different from those produced in the absence of a magnetic field on the secondary. We derive an upper limit to the magnetic moment of the secondary star in UGem of mu_2<2x10^32 A m^2. The magnetic truncation of the accretion disc produces resonance phenomena similar to those seen in the superoutbursts of SUUMa systems. While these have not been observed for systems like UGem, observations of the SUUMa systems provide us with a useful diagnostic of the disc-field interaction. We are able to place an upper limit on the magnetic moment of the secondary in ZCha of mu_2<1x10^30 A m^2.
Context. The rotational evolution of isolated neutron stars is dominated by the magnetic field anchored to the solid crust of the star. Assuming that the core field evolves on much longer timescales, the crustal field evolves mainly though Ohmic dissipation and the Hall drift, and it may be subject to relatively rapid changes with remarkable effects on the observed timing properties. Aims. We investigate whether changes of the magnetic field structure and strength during the star evolution may have observable consequences in the braking index n. This is the most sensitive quantity to reflect small variations of the timing properties that are caused by magnetic field rearrangements. Methods. We performed axisymmetric, long-term simulations of the magneto-thermal evolution of neutron stars with state-of-the-art microphysical inputs to calculate the evolution of the braking index. Relatively rapid magnetic field modifications can be expected only in the crust of neutron stars, where we focus our study. Results. We find that the effect of the magnetic field evolution on the braking index can be divided into three qualitatively different stages depending on the age and the internal temperature: a first stage that may be different for standard pulsars (with n ~ 3) or low field neutron stars that accreted fallback matter during the supernova explosion (systematically n < 3); in a second stage, the evolution is governed by almost pure Ohmic field decay, and a braking index n > 3 is expected; in the third stage, at late times, when the interior temperature has dropped to very low values, Hall oscillatory modes in the neutron star crust result in braking indices of a high absolute value and both positive and negative signs. Conclusions. Current magneto-thermal evolution models predict a large contribution to the timing noise and, in particular, to the braking index, from temporal variations of the magnetic field. Models with strong (≳ 1014 G) multipolar or toroidal components, even with a weak (~1012 G) dipolar field are consistent with the observed trend of the timing properties.
We study the longitudinal and transverse spin dynamical structure factors of the spin-1/2 XXX chain at finite magnetic field h, focusing in particular on the singularities at excitation energies in the vicinity of the lower thresholds. While the static properties of the model can be studied within a Fermi-liquid like description in terms of pseudoparticles, our derivation of the dynamical properties relies on the introduction of a form of the ‘pseudofermion dynamical theory’ (PDT) of the 1D Hubbard model suitably modified for the spin-only XXX chain and other models with two pseudoparticle Fermi points. Specifically, we derive the exact momentum and spin-density dependences of the exponents ζτ(k) controlling the singularities for both the longitudinal  and transverse (τ = t) dynamical structure factors for the whole momentum range  , in the thermodynamic limit. This requires the numerical solution of the integral equations that define the phase shifts in these exponents expressions. We discuss the relation to neutron scattering and suggest new experiments on spin-chain compounds using a carefully oriented crystal to test our predictions.
We have investigated edge modes of different multipolarity sustained by quantum antidots at zero magnetic field. The ground state of the antidot is described within a local-density-functional formalism. Two sum rules, which are exact within this formalism, have been derived and used to evaluate the energy of edge collective modes as a function of the surface density and the size of the antidot.
We have investigated edge modes of different multipolarity sustained by quantum antidots at zero magnetic field. The ground state of the antidot is described within a local-density-functional formalism. Two sum rules, which are exact within this formalism, have been derived and used to evaluate the energy of edge collective modes as a function of the surface density and the size of the antidot.
Very high field (29)Si-NMR measurements using a fully (29)Si-enriched URu(2)Si(2) single crystal were carried out in order to microscopically investigate the hidden order (HO) state and adjacent magnetic phases in the high field limit. At the lowest measured temperature of 0.4 K, a clear anomaly reflecting a Fermi surface instability near 22 T inside the HO state is detected by the (29)Si shift, (29)K(c). Moreover, a strong enhancement of (29)K(c) develops near a critical field H(c) ≃ 35.6 T, and the ^{29}Si-NMR signal disappears suddenly at H(c), indicating the total suppression of the HO state. Nevertheless, a weak and shifted (29)Si-NMR signal reappears for fields higher than H(c) at 4.2 K, providing evidence for a magnetic structure within the magnetic phase caused by the Ising-type anisotropy of the uranium ordered moments.
The ground states of a few electrons confined in two vertically coupled quantum rings in the presence of an external magnetic field are studied systematically within the current spin-density functional theory. Electron-electron interactions combined with inter-ring tunneling affect the electronic structure and the persistent current. For small values of the external magnetic field, we recover the zero magnetic field molecular quantum ring ground state configurations. Increasing the magnetic field many angular momentum, spin, and isospin transitions are predicted to occur in the ground state. We show that these transitions follow certain rules, which are governed by the parity of the number of electrons, the single-particle picture, Hund's rules, and many-body effects. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3223360]
The magnetocaloric effect that originates from the martensitic transition in the ferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Gashape-memory alloy is studied. We show that this effect is controlled by the magnetostructural coupling at boththe martensitic variant and magnetic domain length scales. A large entropy change induced by moderatemagnetic fields is obtained for alloys in which the magnetic moment of the two structural phases is not verydifferent. We also show that this entropy change is not associated with the entropy difference between themartensitic and the parent phase arising from the change in the crystallographic structure which has beenfound to be independent of the magnetic field within this range of fields.
Within local-spin-density functional theory, we have investigated the ¿dissociation¿ of few-electron circular vertical semiconductor double quantum ring artificial molecules at zero magnetic field as a function of interring distance. In a first step, the molecules are constituted by two identical quantum rings. When the rings are quantum mechanically strongly coupled, the electronic states are substantially delocalized, and the addition energy spectra of the artificial molecule resemble those of a single quantum ring in the few-electron limit. When the rings are quantum mechanically weakly coupled, the electronic states in the molecule are substantially localized in one ring or the other, although the rings can be electrostatically coupled. The effect of a slight mismatch introduced in the molecules from nominally identical quantum wells, or from changes in the inner radius of the constituent rings, induces localization by offsetting the energy levels in the quantum rings. This plays a crucial role in the appearance of the addition spectra as a function of coupling strength particularly in the weak coupling limit.
The transport and magnetotransport properties of the metallic and ferromagnetic SrRuO3 (SRO) and the metallic and paramagnetic LaNiO3 (LNO) epitaxial thin films have been investigated in fields up to 55 T at temperatures down to 1.8 K . At low temperatures both samples display a well-defined resistivity minimum. We argue that this behavior is due to the increasing relevance of quantum corrections to the conductivity (QCC) as temperature is lowered; this effect being particularly relevant in these oxides due to their short mean free path. However, it is not straightforward to discriminate between contributions of weak localization and renormalization of electron-electron interactions to the QCC through temperature dependence alone. We have taken advantage of the distinct effect of a magnetic field on both mechanisms to demonstrate that in ferromagnetic SRO the weak-localization contribution is suppressed by the large internal field leaving only renormalized electron-electron interactions, whereas in the nonmagnetic LNO thin films the weak-localization term is relevant.
The magnetocaloric effect that originates from the martensitic transition in the ferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Gashape-memory alloy is studied. We show that this effect is controlled by the magnetostructural coupling at boththe martensitic variant and magnetic domain length scales. A large entropy change induced by moderatemagnetic fields is obtained for alloys in which the magnetic moment of the two structural phases is not verydifferent. We also show that this entropy change is not associated with the entropy difference between themartensitic and the parent phase arising from the change in the crystallographic structure which has beenfound to be independent of the magnetic field within this range of fields.
Multi-centre data repositories like the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) offer a unique research platform, but pose questions concerning comparability of results when using a range of imaging protocols and data processing algorithms. The variability is mainly due to the non-quantitative character of the widely used structural T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images. Although the stability of the main effect of Alzheimer's disease (AD) on brain structure across platforms and field strength has been addressed in previous studies using multi-site MR images, there are only sparse empirically-based recommendations for processing and analysis of pooled multi-centre structural MR data acquired at different magnetic field strengths (MFS). Aiming to minimise potential systematic bias when using ADNI data we investigate the specific contributions of spatial registration strategies and the impact of MFS on voxel-based morphometry in AD. We perform a whole-brain analysis within the framework of Statistical Parametric Mapping, testing for main effects of various diffeomorphic spatial registration strategies, of MFS and their interaction with disease status. Beyond the confirmation of medial temporal lobe volume loss in AD, we detect a significant impact of spatial registration strategy on estimation of AD related atrophy. Additionally, we report a significant effect of MFS on the assessment of brain anatomy (i) in the cerebellum, (ii) the precentral gyrus and (iii) the thalamus bilaterally, showing no interaction with the disease status. We provide empirical evidence in support of pooling data in multi-centre VBM studies irrespective of disease status or MFS.
The magnetocaloric effect that originates from the martensitic transition in the ferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Ga shape-memory alloy is studied. We show that this effect is controlled by the magnetostructural coupling at both the martensitic variant and magnetic domain length scales. A large entropy change induced by moderate magnetic fields is obtained for alloys in which the magnetic moment of the two structural phases is not very different. We also show that this entropy change is not associated with the entropy difference between the martensitic and the parent phase arising from the change in the crystallographic structure which has been found to be independent of the magnetic field within this range of fields.
Within local-spin-density functional theory, we have investigated the ¿dissociation¿ of few-electron circular vertical semiconductor double quantum ring artificial molecules at zero magnetic field as a function of interring distance. In a first step, the molecules are constituted by two identical quantum rings. When the rings are quantum mechanically strongly coupled, the electronic states are substantially delocalized, and the addition energy spectra of the artificial molecule resemble those of a single quantum ring in the few-electron limit. When the rings are quantum mechanically weakly coupled, the electronic states in the molecule are substantially localized in one ring or the other, although the rings can be electrostatically coupled. The effect of a slight mismatch introduced in the molecules from nominally identical quantum wells, or from changes in the inner radius of the constituent rings, induces localization by offsetting the energy levels in the quantum rings. This plays a crucial role in the appearance of the addition spectra as a function of coupling strength particularly in the weak coupling limit.