936 resultados para MAG filler wire welding
Hitsauksen tuottavuuteen vaikuttavat hitsausmäärä, käytetyt prosessit ja laatu. Työn teoriaosuudessa tutustutaan hitsauksen tuottavuuteen sekä suunnittelullisesta että valmistuksellisesta näkökulmasta. Hitsauksen laadulliset asiat, kuten laatustandardit ja vaatimukset käydään läpi keskittyen standardin SFS-EN ISO 3834 kattaviin laatuvaatimuksiin. Rikkomaton ja rikkova aineenkoetus ja yleisimmät hitsausvirheet esitetään yleisellä tasolla. Hitsausprosesseista esitetään MIG/MAG- ja MAG-täytelankahitsauksen sekä pulssihitsauksen perusteet. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan pulssihitsauksen soveltuvuutta sähkögeneraattorin staattoripaketin eripariliitoksen hitsaukseen ja kykyä parantaa sekä tuottavuutta että laatua. Tutkimus perustuu koehitsauksiin ja niiden perusteella tehtyihin johtopäätöksiin. Lisäksi pohditaan sisätuulettimien hitsauksen kehittämistä ja annetaan kehitysehdotus valmistusprosessista. Koehitsauksien perusteella pulssihitsaus on hyvä prosessiparannus staattoripakettien hitsaukseen. Kohdistettu valokaari ja alhaisempi lämmöntuonti verrattuna perinteiseen MAG-hitsaukseen sekä hitsauksen yksinkertaisuus tuovat etuja eripariliitoksen hitsauksen laatuun. Kustannuslaskelmien myötä hitsausprosessin muutoksen odotetaan tuovan kustannussäästöjä. Hitsauslaadun parantuessa ja jälkityöstön määrän vähentyessä hitsausprosessin muutos on kannattava.
High reflectivity and high thermal conductivity, high vapour pressure of alloyingelements as well as low liquid surface tension and low ionisation potential, make laser welding of aluminium and its alloys a demanding task.Problems that occur during welding are mainly process instabilities of the keyhole and the melt pool, increased plasma formation above the melt pool and loss of alloying elements. These problems lead to unwanted metallurgical defects like hot cracks and porosity in the weld bead andother problems concerning the shape and appearance of the weld bead. In order to minimise the defects and improve the weld quality, the process and beam parameters need to be carefully adjusted along with a consideration concerning the use of filler wire for the welding process. In this work the welding of 3,0 mm thick grade 5083 aluminium alloy plates using a 3,0 kW Nd:YAG laser with grade 5183 filler wire addition is investigated. The plates were welded as butt joints with air gap sizes 0,5 mm, 0,7mm and 1,0 mm. The analysis of the weld beads obtained from the weldedsamples showed that the least imperfections were produced with 0,7 mm air gaps at moderate welding speeds. The analysis also covered the calculation of the melting efficiency and the study of the shape of the weld bead. The melting efficiency was on average around 20 % for the melting process of the welded plates. The weld beads showed the characteristic V-shape of a laser weld and retained this shape during the whole series of experiments.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää tandem-MAG-hitsausmenetelmän soveltuvuus isojen levylakanoiden valmistamiseen. Päätavoitteena oli selvittää suurimmat saavutettavat hitsausnopeudet sekä railonvalmistukselle asetettavat vaatimukset kahdella laivanrakennusteräksellä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin omia hitsauskokeita ja liitokset testattiin luokitusseurojen vaatimusten mukaisesti. Selvitettiin myös syntyvät hitsausmuodonmuutokset sekä edut ja rajoitukset verrattuna laserhitsaukseen. Lisäksi laadittiin ei-synergiselle pulssihitsauslaitteistolle suuntaa-antava synergiakäyrä tätä sovellusta varten hitsauskokeiden perusteella. Tandem-MAG-hitsaus osoittautui erittäin kilpailukykyiseksi hitsausmenetelmäksi sovelluksessa. Magneettisen puhalluksen havaittiin olevan merkittävä häiriötekijä tällä menetelmällä hitsattaessa.
The Arctic region becoming very active area of the industrial developments since it may contain approximately 15-25% of the hydrocarbon and other valuable natural resources which are in great demand nowadays. Harsh operation conditions make the Arctic region difficult to access due to low temperatures which can drop below -50 °C in winter and various additional loads. As a result, newer and modified metallic materials are implemented which can cause certain problems in welding them properly. Steel is still the most widely used material in the Arctic regions due to high mechanical properties, cheapness and manufacturability. Moreover, with recent steel manufacturing development it is possible to make up to 1100 MPa yield strength microalloyed high strength steel which can be operated at temperatures -60 °C possessing reasonable weldability, ductility and suitable impact toughness which is the most crucial property for the Arctic usability. For many years, the arc welding was the most dominant joining method of the metallic materials. Recently, other joining methods are successfully implemented into welding manufacturing due to growing industrial demands and one of them is the laser-arc hybrid welding. The laser-arc hybrid welding successfully combines the advantages and eliminates the disadvantages of the both joining methods therefore produce less distortions, reduce the need of edge preparation, generates narrower heat-affected zone, and increase welding speed or productivity significantly. Moreover, due to easy implementation of the filler wire, accordingly the mechanical properties of the joints can be manipulated in order to produce suitable quality. Moreover, with laser-arc hybrid welding it is possible to achieve matching weld metal compared to the base material even with the low alloying welding wires without excessive softening of the HAZ in the high strength steels. As a result, the laser-arc welding methods can be the most desired and dominating welding technology nowadays, and which is already operating in automotive and shipbuilding industries with a great success. However, in the future it can be extended to offshore, pipe-laying, and heavy equipment industries for arctic environment. CO2 and Nd:YAG laser sources in combination with gas metal arc source have been used widely in the past two decades. Recently, the fiber laser sources offered high power outputs with excellent beam quality, very high electrical efficiency, low maintenance expenses, and higher mobility due to fiber optics. As a result, fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers even more extended advantages and applications. However, the information about fiber or disk laser-arc hybrid welding is very limited. The objectives of the Master’s thesis are concentrated on the study of fiber laser-MAG hybrid welding parameters in order to understand resulting mechanical properties and quality of the welds. In this work only ferrous materials are reviewed. The qualitative methodological approach has been used to achieve the objectives. This study demonstrates that laser-arc hybrid welding is suitable for welding of many types, thicknesses and strength of steels with acceptable mechanical properties along very high productivity. New developments of the fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers extended capabilities over CO2 laser combined with the arc. This work can be used as guideline in hybrid welding technology with comprehensive study the effect of welding parameter on joint quality.
Länsimaisen työn hinta luo jatkuvan paineen hitsauksen tuottavuuden parantamiseen. MIG/MAG-hitsauksen tuottavuutta voidaan parantaa tehostamalla hitsausprosessia, vähentämällä hitsien lukumäärää ja pienentämällä hitsiaineen tarvetta. Eri virtalähdevalmistajat tuovat markkinoille hitsausprosesseja hitsauksen tehostamiseen, joilla pystytään korvata vähemmän tuottavia hitsaustyövaiheita. Hitsien lukumäärän vähentäminen on rakenteen suunnitteluun liittyvä tekijä ja hitsiaineen tarpeen pienentäminen voidaan toteuttaa railogeometrian muutoksilla tai tuotteen sopivalla suunnittelulla. Diplomityössä on tutkittu 30 mm paksujen S355 rakenneteräsputkien hitsauksen tuottavuuden kasvattamista käyttäen nykyaikaisia modifioituja kaarihitsausprosesseja ja railotilavuutta pienentämällä. Työssä vertailtiin 30o ja 60o railokulmalla tehtyjä liitoksia. Railogeometrian muutoksen lisäksi diplomityössä vertailtiin eri menetelmien tehokkuutta putken pohjapalon hitsauksessa.
In shipbuilding industry welding of primer coated and tack welded steel products cause different issues. Primer coated steel products are commonly used at shipyards to ensure corrosion free storage of products in outdoor conditions. However usage of primer can cause imperfections to welds. To prevent porosity primed steel products are usually welded with tubular welding wires. Tack welds cause commonly interferences in mechanized welding when over welded, which increases costs related to welding due to increased need of preparing and repairing. The aim of this study is to research possibilities of advanced solid wire MAG-welding processes to deal with these two previously mentioned problems. This study concentrates to examine possibilities of MAG-welding, pulse MAG-welding, double pulse MAG-welding, RapidArc and ForceArc processes. Large amount of experiments were made to find out the produced porosity and the ability to over weld tack welds with each process in different circumstances. In welding of primed steel products porosity is caused mainly by hydrogen, CO, CO2, nitrous gases and zinc fumes. It was found in experiments that porosity of MAG-welding can be greatly decreased by using pulse MAG-welding instead. Also reduction of welding speed, usage of air gap and usage of solid wire product with higher amount of alloying elements reduces porosity. Researched advanced MAG-welding processes did not have an improvement into over welding of tack welds. With studied throat thicknesses and welding positions conventional MAG-welding managed better over welding of tack welds than the four studied advanced MAG-welding processes. Studied solid wire MAG-welding processes would be best suited at shipyard for mechanized welding in welding position PB. In welding positions PD and PG tubular welding wires are clearly more productive.
The mechanical properties of aluminium alloys are strongly influenced by the alloying elements and their concentration. In the case of aluminium alloy EN AW-6060 the main alloying elements are magnesium and silicon. The first goal of this thesis was to determine stability, repeatability and sensitivity as figures of merit of the in-situ melt identification technique. In this study the emissions from the laser welding process were monitored with a spectrometer. With the information produced by the spectrometer, quantitative analysis was conducted to determine the figures of merit. The quantitative analysis concentrated on magnesium and aluminium emissions and their relation. The results showed that the stability of absolute intensities was low, but the normalized magnesium emissions were quite stable. The repeatability of monitoring magnesium emissions was high (about 90 %). Sensitivity of the in-situ melt identification technique was also high. As small as 0.5 % change in magnesium content was detected by the spectrometer. The second goal of this study was to determine the loss of mass during deep penetration laser welding. The amount of magnesium in the material was measured before and after laser welding to determine the loss of magnesium. This study was conducted for aluminium alloy with nominal magnesium content of 0-10 % and for standard material EN AW-6060 that was welded with filler wire AlMg5. It was found that while the magnesium concentration in the material changed, the loss of magnesium remained fairly even. Also by feeding filler wire, the behaviour was similar. Thirdly, the reason why silicon had not been detected in the emission spectrum needed to be explained. Literature research showed that the amount of energy required for silicon to excite is considerably higher compared to magnesium. The energy input in the used welding process is insufficient to excite the silicon atoms.
Keyhole welding, meaning that the laser beam forms a vapour cavity inside the steel, is one of the two types of laser welding processes and currently it is used in few industrial applications. Modern high power solid state lasers are becoming more used generally, but not all process fundamentals and phenomena of the process are well known and understanding of these helps to improve quality of final products. This study concentrates on the process fundamentals and the behaviour of the keyhole welding process by the means of real time high speed x-ray videography. One of the problem areas in laser welding has been mixing of the filler wire into the weld; the phenomena are explained and also one possible solution for this problem is presented in this study. The argument of this thesis is that the keyhole laser welding process has three keyhole modes that behave differently. These modes are trap, cylinder and kaleidoscope. Two of these have sub-modes, in which the keyhole behaves similarly but the molten pool changes behaviour and geometry of the resulting weld is different. X-ray videography was used to visualize the actual keyhole side view profile during the welding process. Several methods were applied to analyse and compile high speed x-ray video data to achieve a clearer image of the keyhole side view. Averaging was used to measure the keyhole side view outline, which was used to reconstruct a 3D-model of the actual keyhole. This 3D-model was taken as basis for calculation of the vapour volume inside of the keyhole for each laser parameter combination and joint geometry. Four different joint geometries were tested, partial penetration bead on plate and I-butt joint and full penetration bead on plate and I-butt joint. The comparison was performed with selected pairs and also compared all combinations together.
A study has been made of the effects of welding and material variables on the occurrence of porosity in tungsten inert gas arc welding of copper. The experiments were based on a statistical design and variables included, welding current, welding speed, arc atmosphere composition, inert gas flow rate, weld preparation, and base material. The extent of weld metal porosity was assessed by density measurement and its morphology by X-ray radiography and metallography. In conjunction with this the copper-steam reaction has been investigated under conditions of controlled atmosphere arc melting. The welding experiments have shown that the extent of steam porosity is increased by increased water vapour content of the arc atmosphere, increased oxygen content of the base material and decreased welding speed. The arc melting experiments have shown that the steam reaction occurs in the body of the weld pool and proceeds to an apparent equi1ibrium state appropriate to to its temperature, the hydrogen and oxygen being supplied by the dissociation of water vapour in the arc atmosphere. It has been shown conclusively that nitrogen porosity can occur in the tungsten inert gas arc welding of copper and that this porosity can be eliminated by using filler wires containing small amounts of aluminum and titanium. Since it has been shown to be much more difficult to produce sound butt welds than melt runs it has been concluded that the porosity associated with joint fit up is due to nitrogen entrained into tho arc atmosphere. Clearly atmospheric entrainment would also, to a much lesser extent, involve water vapour. From a practical welding point of view it has thus been postulated that use of a filler wire containing small amounts of aluminum and/or titanium would eliminate both forms of porosity since these elements are both strongJy deoxidising and denitriding.
MIG/MAG-hitsaukselle tyypillinen ominaispiirre, valokaaren itsesäätyvyys, saavutetaan vakiojännitelähdettä käyttämällä. Valokaaren sisäisen säätömekanismin ansiosta kaarenpituus pysyy vakiona, vaikka hitsauspolttimen ja työkappaleen välinen etäisyys vaihtelisi hitsauksen aikana. Vakiojännitelähteen käyttäminen aiheuttaa kuitenkin kaaritehon vaihtelua vapaalankapituuden muuttuessa. Vapaalangan kasvaessa liian pitkäksi kaariteho laskee niin alas, ettei se enää riitä sulattamaan tarpeeksi perusainetta railon kyljissä. Tämän seurauksena hitsausliitokseen syntyy erilaisia liittymävirheitä. Käsinhitsauksessa vapaalangan pituus saattaa polttimen epävakaasta kuljetuksesta johtuen vaihdella erityisesti kokemattomilla hitsaajilla. Mekanisoidussa ja automatisoidussa hitsauksessa railojen mitta- ja muotopoikkeamat aiheuttavat vapaalankapituuden vaihtelua. Poikkeamia syntyy kaikissa hitsausrailojen esivalmistusvaiheissa. Lisäksi lämmöntuonnin aiheuttamat muodonmuutokset kappaleissa lisäävät poikkeamia railonsovituksessa hitsauksen aikana. Ongelma on useimmiten ratkaistavissa railonseurantaa käyttämällä. Railonseurantajärjestelmät ovat kuitenkin kalliita, eivätkä ne toimi luotettavasti kaikissa olosuhteissa. Diplomityössä tutkittiin uutta MIG/MAG-hitsauksen reaaliaikaiseen tunkeuman hallintaan kehitettyä säätöjärjestelmää. Työn tavoitteina olivat säätöjärjestelmän luotettavan toiminnan takaavien reunaehtojen ja kosketussuutinetäisyyden suositusrajojen määrittäminen. Tavoitteiden täyttämiseksi työn kokeellisessa osiossa suoritettiin laaja hitsauskokeiden sarja, jossa hitsattavina materiaaleina käytettiin seostamatonta ja runsasseosteista terästä.
The need for reduced intrinsic weight of structures and vehicles in the transportation industry has made aluminium research of interest. Aluminium has properties that are favourable for structural engineering, including good strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance and machinability. It can be easily recycled saving energy used in smelting as compared to steel. Its alloys can have ultimate tensile strength of up to 750 MPa, which is comparable to steel. Aluminium alloys are generally weldable, however welding of high strength alloys like the 7xxx series pose considerable challenges. This paper presents research on the weldability of high strength aluminium alloys, principally the 7xxx series. The weldability with various weld processes including MIG, TIG, and FSW, is discussed in addition to consideration of joint types, weld defects and recommendations for minimizing or preventing weld defects. Experimental research was carried out on 7025-T6 and AW-7020 alloys. Samples were welded, and weld cross sections utilized in weld metallurgy studies. Mechanical tests were carried out including hardness tests and tensile tests. In addition, testing was done for the presence of Al2O3 on exposed aluminium alloy. It was observed that at constant weld heat input using a pulsed MIG system, the welding speed had little or no effect on the weld hardness. However, the grain size increased as the filler wire feed rate, welding current and welding speed increased. High heat input resulted in lower hardness of the weld profile. Weld preheating was detrimental to AW- 7020 welds; however, artificial aging was beneficial. Acceptable welds were attained with pulsed MIG without the removal of the Al2O3 layer prior to welding. The Al2O3 oxide layer was found to have different compositions in different aluminium alloys. These findings contribute useful additional information to the knowledge base of aluminium welding. The application of the findings of this study in welding will help reduce weld cost and improve high strength aluminium structure productivity by removing the need for pre-weld cleaning. Better understanding of aluminium weld metallurgy equips weld engineers with information for better aluminium weld design.
Hitsauksen mekanisoinnilla ja erityisesti kevytmekanisoinnilla saavutetaan melko pienin kustannuksin suuria etuja tuottavuudessa, laadussa ja työergonomiassa. Mekanisoinnin avulla voidaan saavuttaa soveltuvissa kohteissa hitsauksen kaariaikasuhteen kaksinkertaistuminen esim. 10 %:sta 20 %:iin. Tämä voi tarkoittaa kohteen kokonaishitsaustyöajan puolittumista. Mekanisoinnin tehokas hyödyntäminen edellyttää kuitenkin, että laitteet ovat helppokäyttöisiä ja haluttuja hitsauksen apuvälineitä. Genesis-projekti, jonka on määrä valmistua syksyllä 2009, tuo uuden haasteen Aker Yardsin Turun telakalle. Aluksen aikaisempia laivoja suurempi koko aiheuttaa haasteita tilankäytölle ja kapasiteetin riittävyydelle. Lisäksi käytettävät rakenteet aiheuttavat tuotantoon erityisiä ongelmia, joihin tämän diplomityön puitteissa on etsitty soveltuvia mekanisointiratkaisuja. Diplomityössä mekanisointilaitehankinnoilla lisättiin telakan laitekantaa ja korvattiin vanhentuneita laitteita. Laitteiden käyttöönotossa tarkasteltiin laitteiden puutteita ja pyrittiin löytämään käytettävyyttä parantavia ratkaisuja. Tässä työssä esitellyillä parannuksilla käytössä oleviin laitteisiin ja työmenetelmiin hitsauksen mekanisoinnin käyttöä voitaisiin lisätä vielä merkittävästi.
For any international companies who wish to enter the Chinese market, quality is base on the fundamental. The companies are coming to realize the importance of quality gradually, thus companies have been put the quality problems on the agenda. The competitiveness of companies comes from quality. Quality is the key to success, and it can decide that the companies can be accepted or eliminated by the market. Due to the obvious benefits, the demand of the method of how to achieve high quality of product keeps growing. During achieving the high quality process, the main troubles come from the impact between Eastern and Western culture. Chinese culture which is different with Western one have lasted as long as five thousand years. Such a culture deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people, and effected generation after generation of Chinese people's working style and ways of thinking. This thesis determines how to find a good fit point between Eastern and Western culture. Doing right thing by the right way. The nature of improving quality is improving management level in fact. "How to manage, who should be managed", the thesis explains the basic and best option to achieve those. It describes three-dimension-style management to monitoring the working process. This kind of management style can inspect production process from horizontal and vertical direction. In this management way, it defines effective evaluation system to every subcontractor, and makes the companies to achieve the ultimate goal - satisfy quality. Because of the importance of human factor, the thesis determines the range of training of the inspector and welder due to the current situation of China. The results show that in order to reach reliable training effective evaluation, not only the quality of the human but also the ultimate goal of product quality.
In any welding process is of utmost importance by welders and responsible qualities of the area understand the process and the variables involved in it, in order to have maximum efficiency in welding both in terms of quality as the final cost , never forgetting, of course, the process conditions which the welder or welding operator shall be submitted. Therefore, we sought to understand the variables relevant to the welding process and develop an EPS (Welding Procedure Specification) as ASME IX for cored wire welding process (FCAW Specification AWS) with shielding gas and automated process for base material ASTM a 131, with 5/16 thick, using a single pass weld, for conditions with pre-and post-heating and the destructive testing for verification and analysis of the resulting weld bead
The main objective of this work was to evaluate the hypothesis that the greater transfer stability leads also to less volume of fumes. Using an Ar + 25%CO2 blend as shielding gas and maintaining constant the average current, wire feed speed and welding speed, bead-on-plate welds were carried out with plain carbon steel solid wire. The welding voltage was scanned to progressively vary the transfer stability. Using two conditions of low stability and one with high stability, fume generation was evaluated by means of the AWS F1.2:2006 standard. The influence of these conditions on fume morphology and composition was also verified. A condition with greater transfer stability does not generate less fume quantity, despite the fact that this condition produces fewer spatters. Other factors such as short-circuit current, arcing time, droplet diameters and arc length are the likely governing factors, but in an interrelated way. Metal transfer stability does not influence either the composition or the size/morphology of fume particulates. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.