1000 resultados para Músicas para Crianças
A composição musical é um tema de muito interesse para a computação evolucionária dentro da área da inteligência artificial. É uma área que tem sofrido vários desenvolvimentos ao longo dos últimos anos pois o interesse em que hajam computadores que façam obras musicais é deveras aliciante. Este trabalho tem por objectivo realizar mais um passo nesse sentido. Assim, foi desenvolvida uma aplicação informática que realiza composições musicais de dois géneros distintos: Músicas Infantis e Músicas Blues. A aplicação foi implementada com recurso aos Algoritmos Genéticos, que são os algoritmos evolucionários mais populares da área da computação evolucionária. O trabalho foi estruturado em duas fases de desenvolvimento. Na primeira fase, realizou-se um levantamento estatístico sobre as características específicas de cada um dos géneros musicais. Analisaram-se quinze músicas de cada género musical, com o intuito de se chegar a uma proporção do uso que cada nota tem em cada um dos casos. Na segunda fase, desenvolveu-se o software que compõe as músicas com implementação de um algoritmo genético. Além disso, foi também desenvolvida uma interface gráfica que permite ao utilizador a escolha do género musical que pretende compor. O algoritmo genético começa por gerar uma população inicial de potenciais soluções de acordo com a escolha do utilizador, realizando, de seguida, o ciclo que caracteriza o algoritmo genético. A população inicial é constituída por soluções que seguem as regras que foram implementadas de acordo com os dados recolhidos ao longo da primeira fase. Foi também implementada uma interface de avaliação, através da qual, o utilizador pode ouvir cada uma das músicas para posterior avaliação em termos de fitness. O estado de evolução do algoritmo é apresentado, numa segunda interface, a qual facilita a clareza e justiça na avaliação ao longo de todo o processo. Esta última apresenta informação sobre a média das fitness da geração anterior e actual, sendo assim possível ter uma noção da evolução do algoritmo, no sentido de se obterem resultados satisfatórios no que diz respeito às composições musicais.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar como sabor e música exercem efeito sobre o estado de ânimo de crianças. Participaram 83 crianças de 5 a 10 anos de idade e de ambos os sexos. A tarefa dos participantes consistiu em experimentar o sabor de soluções doce e amarga na ausência de música e na presença de músicas pré-qualificadas como alegres e tristes, e depois, julgar o estado de ânimo decorrente da experimentação. O julgamento do estado de ânimo das crianças se modificou quando o sabor era amargo e as músicas eram alegres, caso em que o estado de ânimo se alterou de triste para alegre; quando o sabor era doce e as músicas tristes, o estado de ânimo passou de alegre para triste. Futuros trabalhos podem observar crianças realizando tarefas que apresentem contextos de alimentos reais associados à estimulação musical.
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Musicais, na especialidade de Ensino e Psicologia da Música
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Pro-social behaviors are seen regularly throughout our daily lives, as we often witness people giving alms, helping a neighbor move, donating blood, or taking care of a friend's children, among others. From an evolutionary perspective, such behaviors occur because they have a high adaptive value to our species, precisely due to our high degree of dependence on group living for survival. Probably, for this same reason, since children have shown a preference for prosocial behaviors over antisocial behaviors, this preference becomes more visible as we grow. However, children with symptoms of conduct disorder show a pattern of aggressive, impulsive and more selfish behaviors than children without such symptoms. Furthermore, these children also experience environments in which antisocial behaviors are more frequent and intense compared to the general population. Priming experiments are one way of measuring the influence of simple environmental cues on our behavior. For example, driving faster when listening to music, religious people help more on religious elements, like the bible, and children are more cooperative after playing games of an educational nature. Thus, the objectives of the current study were to: evaluate whether there is any difference in generosity, through sharing behavior, among children with and without symptoms of conduct disorder; analyze the influence of prosocial priming on sharing behavior on children with and without symptoms of conduct disorder; and finally, analyze from an evolutionary perspective, the reasons given by children with and without symptoms of conduct disorder for sharing or not sharing with their best friend in a classroom environment. To address this question, the teachers of these children were asked to respond to an inventory that was designed to signal the presence or absence of symptoms of conduct disorder. Children identified as having or not having symptoms of conduct disorder could then undergo an experimental (with priming) or control (no priming) condition. Under the experimental condition, the children were asked to watch two short videos showing scenes of helping and sharing among peers, to perform a distraction activity, and finally to chose two of four different materials presented by the researcher and decide how much of these two materials they would like to share with their best friend in the classroom. Then the children were asked about their reasons for sharing or not sharing. Children subjected to the control condition performed the same activities as in the xi experimental condition, but did not watch the video first. The results showed a notable difference in the effect of priming in accordance with the child's stage of development; a difference in the amount of material donated to a best friend by children with and without symptoms of conduct disorder, and a change in this observed difference with the influence of pro-social priming; and finally, a convergence in the thinking of children regarding their reasons for sharing with evolutionary theory. The results of this study also indicate the importance of individual factors, developmental stage, environmental and evolutionary conditions in the pro-social behavior of children with and without symptoms of conduct disorder.
We studied 271 children under age of 15 with diagnosis of acute bacterial meningencephalitis treated at Medical School in Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, between 1980 and 1990. The patients were divided in two groups: 1) those who had not received previous antibiotics treatment (NTP), with 153 cases; and 2), those who had received previous antibiotics treatment (PT), with 118 cases. The etiological agent was more frequently identified in NPT group, while ventriculitis was more frequent in PT group. Mortality rate accounted for 19,5% of all cases, and 29.7% of children under 12 months of age. Acute meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae was frequently followed by increased mortality. Convulsive disorders and hemiparesis predominante among children under 12 months of age. On the neurosurgical point of view, ventriculitis, subdural hygroma, hydrocephalus, subdural empyema and brain abscess were identified and treated
This reaserch analysed the developmental stage of fourth grade (primary school) children in ability of writting argumentative texts joint with their context. The reason of this reaserch is the lack of new studies in linguistical area and high ratio of unable students to make this kind of text. It will be showed the analysis of making text by public schools children for three months. These data were analysed trying identify argumentative operators, the kinds of arguments used and the stage of the argumentative ability of these children. The study showed that the introduction of argumentative text in first grades give them more chances of succeed, preparing these pupils in their finishing high school. This fact obviously will make easier the development of their critical point of view, helping the students to think about their living social reality.
This article analyses the emergence and development of social policies for children and adolescents attendance that are in line with the development process of the Brazilian social protection system, focusing on some of the main representations attributed to childhood, according to the historical and political periods. It seeks to present the notion of childhood instituted under the constitution of the Brazilian welfare state, in such a way as to place it within the broader context of the historical and political transformations that involved the emergence and consolidation of the social policies directed towards children and adolescents in Brazil in the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st.
This article analyzes food insecurity and hunger in Brazilian families with children under five years of age. This was a nationally representative cross-sectional study using data from the National Demographic and Health Survey on Women and Children (PNDS-2006), in which the outcome variable was moderate to severe food insecurity, measured by the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA). Prevalence estimates and prevalence ratios were generated with 95% confidence intervals. The results showed a high prevalence of moderate to severe food insecurity, concentrated in the North and Northeast regions (30.7%), in economic classes D and E (34%), and in beneficiaries of conditional cash transfer programs (36.5%). Multivariate analysis showed that the socioeconomic relative risks (beneficiaries of conditional cash transfers), regional relative risks (North and Northeast regions), and economic relative risks (classes D and E) were 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4, respectively. Aggregation of the three risks showed 48% of families with moderate to severe food insecurity, meaning that adults and children were going hungry during the three months preceding the survey.
This research intended to investigate the use of diazepam in conjunction with behavioral strategies to manage uncooperative behavior of child dental patients. The 6 participants received dental treatment during 9 sessions. Using a double-blind design, children received placebo or diazepam and at the same time were submitted to behavior management produces (distraction, explanation, reinforcement and set rule and limits). All sessions were recorded in video-tapes biped in 15 seconds intervals, in which observers recorded child's (crying, body and/or head movements, escape and avoidance) and dentist's behavior. The results indicated that diazepam, considering the used dose, was only effective with one subject. The other participants didn't permit the treatment and showed an increase in their resistance. The behavioral preparation strategies for dental treatment should have been more precisely planned in order to help the child to face the real dental treatment conditions mainly in the first sessions avoiding to reinforce inappropriate behaviors.
Concept formation depends on language and thought, that promote the integration of information coming from the senses. It is postulated that changes in the person, the objects and events to be known suggest flexible models of concept teaching. It is assumed that the same considerations apply to teaching concepts to blind pupils. Specificities of this process are discussed, including the role of touch as resource, although not as a direct substitute to vision, and the notion of representation as a basis for the elaboration of pedagogical resources for the blind student.
The objective of this study was to analyze the point of view of parents in relation to the cochlear implant, their level of information concerning the implant, its risks and benefits, and their expectations towards their children's future. Ten parents of deaf children candidate for the cochlear implant at Unicamp's Clinical Hospital were interviewed. Based on a qualitative approach, a content analysis showed that the majority of parents seek the cure for deafness, and consequently, the acquisition of speech with the cochlear implant. For these families, the cochlear implant is seen both as the solution to their children's deafness and as a path for a better future. It has been evidenced that during the acquisition of knowledge about the implant, parents experienced anxiety and anguish when faced with the risks and benefits of the procedure, and the need to choose between performing and not performing the cochlear implant.
This article aims at discussing about the foreign language teaching to young learners, taking the principles of the Sociocultural Theory (Vygotksy, 1978) and of the Communicative Approach (Almeida Filho, 1993, 2005) related to Primary English teaching (Cameron, 2001; Brewster, Ellis & Girard, 2002) as a theoretical references. Considerations about the importance of language learning in childhood will be made, as well as about the role of the grammar, oral language and mother tongue in the process. Likewise, the importance of Teacher Education will be briefly approached. This work is ended with the discussion about some possible procedures in the language teaching processes followed by a brief presentation of possible guidelines based on the bakhtinian notion of discourse genres.
The present investigation evaluated the effects of diazepam used to manage uncooperative behavior of child dental patients. Six participants received placebo or diazepam (0,3 mg/kg weight) before formal dental treatment at total 54 sessions that were all recorded in videotapes. The analysis of recorded child (crying, body and/or head movements, escape and avoidance) and dentist's behavior management procedures (distraction, explanation, positive reinforcement) indicates no differences by using a double-blind Wilcoxon design (p>0.05). It is suggested the necessity of methodological refinement in studies that combine psychological and pharmacological handling strategies.
The recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) can improve weight gain, physical growth, clinical and lung in cystic fibrosis (CF). However, the routine use, although promising, is not established in the literature. The objective of this study was to assess the benefits of rhGH in children and adolescents with CF. We conducted a systematic review in the database PubMed, Lilacs, SciELO and Cochrane, in the period 2000-2010, using the keywords: cystic fibrosis, growth hormone, children and adolescents. We found 77 articles and included 11 randomized controlled trials, with 290 children and adolescents with CF. The short-term use (1-24 months) of rhGH improved the height, weight, growth rate, bone mineral content and components of pulmonary function. Adverse effects, like diabetes, were not observed in the studies. The short-term use of rhGH improved growth and body composition in patients with CF.