34 resultados para Lygodium microphyllum


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The biology and phenology of the eriophyid mite, Floracarus perrepae Knihinicki and Boczek,a potential biological control agent of Lygodium microphyllum (Cav.) R. Br., was studied in its native range - Queensland, Australia. F. perrepae forms leaf roll galls oil tile subpinnae of L. microphyllum. It has a simple biology, with females and males produced throughout the year. Tile Population was female biased at 10.5 to 1. The immature development time was 8.9 ± 0.1 and 7.0 ± 0.1 days; adult longevity was 30.6 ± 1.6 and 19.4 ± 1.2 days and mean fecundity per female was 54.5 ± 3.2 and 38.5 ± 1.6 eggs at 21 and 26 ° C, all respectively. Field studies showed that tile mite was active year round, with populations peaking when temperatures were cool and soil moisture levels were highest. Two species of predatory mites, Tarsonemus sp. and a species of Tydeidae, along with the pathogen Hirsutella thompsonii, had significant effects oil all life stages of F. perrepae. Despite high levels of predators and the pathogen, F. perrepae caused consistent damage to L. microphyllum at all the field sites over the entire 2 years of the study.


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The ultrastructure of the mite Floracarus perrepae was investigated in relation to its host, Lygodium microphyllum, the Old World climbing fern. Floracarus perrepae has been suggested as a means of biological control for the fern, which is an aggressive weed in tropical areas. Feeding by the mite induces a change in the size of epidermal cells, and cell division is stimulated by mite feeding, causing the leaf margin to curl over into a roll with two to three windings. The enlarged epidermal layer greatly increases its cytoplasmic contents, which become a nutritive tissue for the mite and its progeny. Damage by the mite ultimately debilitates the fern. The structure and depth of stylet penetration by the mite, and the thickness of the epidermal cell wall of L. microphyllum, do not appear to account for the mite's differential ability to induce leaf rolling in its co-adapted host from south-east Queensland but not in the invasive genotype of the fern in Florida. F


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The state of Florida has one of the most severe exotic species invasion problems in the United States, but little is known about their influence on soil biogeochemistry. My dissertation research includes a cross-continental field study in Australia, Florida, and greenhouse and growth chamber experiments, focused on the soil-plant interactions of one of the most problematic weeds introduced in south Florida, Lygodium microphyllum (Old World climbing fern). Analysis of field samples from the ferns introduced and their native range indicate that L microphyllum is highly dependent on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for phosphorus uptake and biomass accumulation. Relationship with AMF is stronger in relatively dry conditions, which are commonly found in some Florida sites, compared to more common wet sites where the fern is found in its native Australia. In the field, L. microphyllum is found to thrive in a wide range of soil pH, texture, and nutrient conditions, with strongly acidic soils in Australia and slightly acidic soils in Florida. Soils with pH 5.5 - 6.5 provide the most optimal growth conditions for L. microphyllum, and the growth declines significantly at soil pH 8.0, indicating that further reduction could happen in more alkaline soils. Comparison of invaded and uninvaded soil characteristics demonstrates that L. microphyllum can change the belowground soil environment, with more conspicuous impact on nutrient-poor sandy soils, to its own benefit by enhancing the soil nutrient status. Additionally, the nitrogen concentration in the leaves, which has a significant influence in the relative growth rate and photosynthesis, was significantly higher in Florida plants compared to Australian plants. Given that L. microphyllum allocates up to 40% of the total biomass to rhizomes, which aid in rapid regeneration after burning, cutting or chemical spray, hence management techniques targeting the rhizomes look promising. Over all, my results reveal for the first time that soil pH, texture, and AMF are major factors facilitating the invasive success of L. mcirophyllum. Finally, herbicide treatments targeting rhizomes will most likely become the widely used technique to control invasiveness of L. microphyllum in the future. However, a complete understanding of the soil ecosystem is necessary before adding any chemicals to the soil to achieve a successful long-term invasive species management strategy.


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We developed a conceptual ecological model (CEM) for invasive species to help understand the role invasive exotics have in ecosystem ecology and their impacts on restoration activities. Our model, which can be applied to any invasive species, grew from the eco-regional conceptual models developed for Everglades restoration. These models identify ecological drivers, stressors, effects and attributes; we integrated the unique aspects of exotic species invasions and effects into this conceptual hierarchy. We used the model to help identify important aspects of invasion in the development of an invasive exotic plant ecological indicator, which is described a companion paper in this special issue journal. A key aspect of the CEM is that it is a general ecological model that can be tailored to specific cases and species, as the details of any invasion are unique to that invasive species. Our model encompasses the temporal and spatial changes that characterize invasion, identifying the general conditions that allow a species to become invasive in a de novo environment; it then enumerates the possible effects exotic species may have collectively and individually at varying scales and for different ecosystem properties, once a species becomes invasive. The model provides suites of characteristics and processes, as well as hypothesized causal relationships to consider when thinking about the effects or potential effects of an invasive exotic and how restoration efforts will affect these characteristics and processes. In order to illustrate how to use the model as a blueprint for applying a similar approach to other invasive species and ecosystems, we give two examples of using this conceptual model to evaluate the status of two south Florida invasive exotic plant species (melaleuca and Old World climbing fern) and consider potential impacts of these invasive species on restoration.


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The Gulf of Carpentaria is an epicontinental sea (maximum depth 70 m) between Australia and New Guinea, bordered to the east by Torres Strait (currently 12 m deep) and to the west by the Arafura Sill (53 m below present sea level). Throughout the Quaternary, during times of low sea-level, the Gulf was separated from the open waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, forming Lake Carpentaria, an isolation basin, perched above contemporaneous sea-level with outlet channels to the Arafura Sea. A preliminary interpretation is presented of the palaeoenvironments recorded in six sediment cores collected by the IMAGES program in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The longest core (approx. 15 m) spans the past 130 ka and includes a record of sea-level/lake-level changes, with particular complexity between 80 and 40 ka when sea-level repeatedly breached and withdrew from Gulf/Lake Carpentaria. Evidence from biotic remains (foraminifers, ostracods, pollen), sedimentology and geochemistry clearly identifies a final marine transgression at about 9.7 ka (radiocarbon years). Before this transgression, Lake Carpentaria was surrounded by grassland, was near full, and may have had a surface area approaching 600 km-300 km and a depth of about 15 m. The earlier rise in sea-level which accompanied the Marine Isotopic Stage 6/5 transgression at about 130 ka is constrained by sedimentological and biotic evidence and dated by optical- and thermoluminescence and amino acid racemisation methods.


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In the present work the toxic activity of extracts of Eupatorium microphyllum L.F. was evaluated on 4th instar larvae of the mosquito Aedes aegypti (Linneaus), under laboratory conditions. Aqueous extracts were utilized in concentrations of 500 mg L-1, 1,500 mg L-1 and 2,500 mg L-1 and acetone in concentrations of 10 mg L-1, 20 mg L-1, 30 mg L-1, 40 mg L-1and 50 mg L-1. The bioassays were carried out for triplicate each one with 20 larvae, exposed for 24 hours to 150 mL of solution. In all the bioassays were employed control groups. In the evaluation of the acetone extracts, a negative control was employed to avoid that the mortality of the larvae to occur on account of the solvent. The Aqueous extracts showed low moderate action in the mortality of larvae, less than 20%. On the contrary, the action of the acetone extracts was observed to 10 and 20 mg L-1with 15% of mortality, while to 30 and 40 mg L-1 were registered 22 to 38% of mortality. However, to 50 mg L-1 the mortality was of 95.4% with highly significant statistical results. The concentrations of the acetone extracts showed to be the most efficient for the control of the mosquitoes selected. Both types of extracts showed toxic effect in larvae of A. aegypti, nevertheless, greater effect in the acetone extracts was observed relating to the aqueous extracts of E. microphyllum, which constitutes a viable alternative in the search of new larvicides from composed natural.


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首先回顾了以往苏铁研究,在此基础上,对苏铁的区系地理、苏铁中种皮形态、台湾苏铁的模式产地与海南苏铁的名实问题、从叶绿体DNA matK序列及应用Trn L(UAA)序列资料分析苏铁目系统发育关系等方面进行了深入的研究。 提出了我国西南及印度支那地区和澳大利亚及太平洋岛屿为现代苏铁两大分布中心,前者是苏铁科的演化中心,而后者是次生的分化中心。首次提出钉羊齿(Rhaphidopteris)可能是现代苏铁科近祖的观点。 首次系统研究了27种苏铁属植物中种皮的形态,据此把苏铁属种子分为苏铁型、台湾苏铁型、韦德苏铁型、拳叶苏铁型、斯曼苏铁型及粉种苏铁型等6个类型。对苏铁亚属中种皮纹饰的演化趋势以及其与种间亲缘关系进行了探讨。 对台湾苏铁(Cycas taiwaniana)的模式产地进行了深入的考证,认为其来自福建厦门一带的栽培植株,而非其他学者认为的广东汕头或台湾高雄。海南苏铁(C.hainanensis)应作为台湾苏铁的异名处理。 描述了苏铁科一新亚属奥苏铁亚属Subgen. Media,二新组台湾苏铁组Sect. Taiwanianae及韦德苏铁组Sect. Wadeanae。 分子研究表明托叶铁属(Stangeria)与波温铁属(Bowenia)并不构成一个单系类群;大泽米铁属(Macroz以mia)与非洲铁属(Encephalartos)关系最近,而与鳞叶铁属(Lepidozamia)稍远。 其次,在园林规划方面,对广东省江门市白水带风景区的森林植被进行深入的研究,在此基础上开展了白水带植物景观规划与植被改造规划。在跨越林学与园林两大学科方面做了开拓性的尝试,大气势、大手笔营造森林植物景观。以小班为单位进行规划,植被改造依据植物群落演替原理,模拟南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林,将种类贫乏、结构简单的人工林逐步改造为种类丰富、结构复杂的异龄复层混交林。首次以四季不同种类的花色变化的大范围森林景观来营造南亚热带平常并不明显的季相变化;而专类园的规划注意生态与景观的结合,从植物的生态学特性、群落学特性和景观要求出发进行配置,从而克服一般北京植物园注重品种收集,按分类系统或地理分布来布置而轻视植物生态习性与景观效果的通病。对现有的海金沙(Lygodium Japonicum)等层片或单优群落加以整理形成自然且景观优美的特色层片以及以江门的乡土植物与优秀外引植物营造独木成林、万雀迎宾、层峦叠嶂、孔雀开屏、仙鹤望天等景观的规划思想为国内首创;在国内首先提出规划建设热带雨林、冷色北京植物园、佛教北京植物园、国树国花园等专类园。 在白水带规划的同时,就江门市的人居环境进行了深入的调研。对国内城市生态环境建设普遍存在的一些倾向与问题进行了反思,在总结江门城市环境建设得失的基础上提出了营造可持续发展的人居环境七个方面的战略性意见。


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本文是对中国管口苔属(Solenostoma Mitt.)植物种类的初步整理和研究。共记载3亚属、44种及1变种,其中有24个新组合,如下:Solenostoma (L.) subulatum (Evans) Wang, S. (L.) atrovirens (Schleich) Wang, S. (L.) grossitextum (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) fusiformis (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) lanigerum (Mitt.) Wang, S. (S.) pseudocyclops (Inoue) Wang, S. (S.) subrubrum (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) pyriflorum var.minutissimum (Amak.) Wang, S. (S.) sinensis (Nich.) Wang, S. (S.) faurianum (Beauvd) Wang, S. (S.) cyclops (HAtt.) Wang, S. (S.) apressifolium (Mitt.) Wang, S. (S.) schaulianum (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) Japonicum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) tetragonum (Lindb.) Wang, S. (P.) rosulans (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) thermarum (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) hattorianum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rupicolum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rubripunctatum (Hatt.) Wang, S. (P.) hasskarlianum (Nees) Wang, S. (P.) setulosum (Herzog) Wang, S. (P.) truncatum (Nees) Wang, S. (P.) tsukushiensis (Amak.) Wang, 其中有14种及1变种为中国分布新纪录,如下:Solenostoma (L.) grossitextum (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) fusiformis (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) faurianum (Beauvd.) Wang, S. (S.) cyclops (Hatt.) Wang, S. (S.) pusillum (Jens) Steph., S. (S.) pyriflorum var. minutissimum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rubripunctatum (Hatt.) Wang, S. (P.) thermarum (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) rosulans (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) hyalinum (Lyell) Mitt., S. (P.) radicellosum Mitt, S. (P.) Japonicum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) tsukushiensis (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) hatterianum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rupicolum (Amak.) Wang, 其中还有6种中国特有种,如下:Solenostoma (L.) subulatum (Evans) Wang, S. (P.) flagellalioides Gao, S. (P.) microphyllum Gao, S. (P.) orbicularifolium Gao, S. (P.) setulosum (Herzog) Wang, S. (S.) sinensis (Nich.) Wang。本文还对管口苔属(Solenostoma Mitt.)的研究历史作了回顾。对中国管口苔属各分类群的鉴别特征、产地和地理分布作了叙述,对区系成份做了分析。并对前人工作中的某些问题进行了讨论,提出了自己的看法。


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此文是中国蕨类植物孢子形态研究的第一部分。首次利用扫描电镜对国产海金沙科Lygodiaceae海金沙属Lygodium 1 0种植物的孢子形态进行了观察 ,并利用透射电镜对孢壁的结构进行了研究。此外 ,还对采自国外的另外 1 0种海金沙属植物的孢子进行了比较观察。海金沙属孢子为三裂缝 ,少数为单裂缝 ,其表面纹饰可分为 4种类型 :①瘤状纹饰 ,海金沙属多数种类的孢子具此类型 ;②表面平滑 ,L .palmatum、L .subareolatum、L .yunnanense、L.volubile等属此类型 ;③疣状纹饰 ,L.dimorphum、L.digita tum、L .kingii等属此类型 ;④网穴状纹饰 ,L .scandens,L .reticulatum等属此类型。网状纹饰类型的孢子表面轮廓是由外壁形成 ,其余类型的孢子表面轮廓由周壁形成。此文还对海金沙属的孢子特征及其在分类上的意义进行了探讨


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对贵阳地区一生境内不同生长条件(石生苔藓、无树冠、不同树冠类型以及同种树冠不同树冠厚度)下的细叶小羽藓(Haplocladium microphyllum(Hedw.)Broth)碳氮同位素进行了研究。不同生境的苔藓铲δ^13C和δ^15N值具有相似的变化趋势和明显的相关关系。石生苔藓δ^13C和δ^15N值比土生苔藓偏高指示了其相对干燥和受到干沉降控制的生境;树冠下方光照条件差、湿度高、缺少干沉降氮的输入是苔藓δ^13C和δ^15N值偏低的主要原因;而树冠类型、叶片形态、叶面性质造成树冠对大气沉降氮吸收能力的不同是三种树冠下方苔藓氮同位素组成差异的潜在因素。此外,同一树冠(桂花树Osmanthus fiagrans Lour.)下方苔藓的氮含量和碳氮同位素平均组成与树冠厚度呈线性关系。尤其是δ^15N的响应很好地反映了吸收过程中树冠厚度对大气沉降氮源同位素组成的控制作用。结果表明。苔藓δ^13C值能很好地指示苔藓的生境差异和生理响应(如光合作用能力和氮需求等);而δ^15N值在示踪氮源和反映不同树冠吸收过程的同位素分馏效应方面更具有优势,二者的相关关系是环境因素相互作用的重要线索。此外,细叶小羽藓Haplocladium microphyllum(Hedw.)Broth具有高效利用大气沉降氮和分布广泛等特点,可进一步应用于该地区大气氮沉降的指示或监测研究.


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对细叶小羽藓(Haplocladium microphyllum)新老组织及其根际土壤的碳氮含量和同位素组成进行了分析,探讨了苔藓衰老过程控制元素和同位素变化的机制以及苔藓对土壤的贡献。同种组织碳氮含量之间的相关性反映了苔藓固碳能力和氮需求的相互联系。新生组织碳氮含量明显高于衰老组织且存在相关性,反映了苔藓衰老过程体内碳氮物质向新生组织迁移的生理特征。两种组织之间同位素组成(δ^13C和δ^15N)没有明显差异,说明组织间的物质迁移没有产生明显的同位素分馏,其原因可能在于细叶小羽藓形态结构简单,体内物质迁移对碳氮同位素组成的影响较小。相反,苔藓组织与根际土壤之间的有机碳/氮信息没有相关性,这可能与苔藓植物长期滞留营养物质、缓慢的分解和成土速度有关,反映了该研究区苔藓层对土壤碳氮累积的贡献较小.