985 resultados para Lolium spp.


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Diagnosing herbicide-resistant weed populations is the first step for herbicide resistance management. Monitoring the nature, distribution, and abundance of the resistant plants in fields demands efficient and effective screening tests. Different glyphosate resistant populations of Lolium multiflorum (VA) and L. rigidum (C) were used in assays for testing their effectiveness to detect herbicide resistance. According to a Petri dish bioassay 7 days after treatment (DAT), the VA and the C populations were 27 and 31 times more resistant to glyphosate than the susceptible populations, L. multiflorum (SM) and L. rigidum (SR), respectively. On a whole-plant bioassay (21 DAT), the VA and the C populations were 6 and 11 times more resistant to glyphosate than their respective susceptible populations. The susceptible populations accumulated 2.5 and 1.4-fold more shikimic acid 48 hours after treatment (HAT), than the resistant VA and C. Glyphosate gradually inhibited net photosynthesis in all populations but at 48-72 HAT the resistant plants recovered, whereas no recovery was detected in susceptible populations. All assays were capable of detecting the resistant populations and this may be useful for farmers and consultants as an effective tool to reduce the spread of the resistant populations through quicker implementation of alternative weed management practices. However, they differed in time, costs and equipments necessaries for successfully carrying on the tests. Regarding costs, the cheapest ones were Petri dish and whole-plant bioassays, but they are time-consuming methods as the major constraints are the collection of seeds from the field and at least some weeks to evaluate the resistance. The shikimic acid and net photosynthesis assays were the quickest ones but they demand sophisticated equipments which could restrict its use.


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Descrevem-se os dados epidemiológicos, sinais clínicos e lesões da intoxicação espontânea e experimental por nitrato e nitrito em bovinos alimentados com pastagens de Avena sativa (aveia) e/ou Lolium spp (azevém). A enfermidade ocorre em diferentes regiões do Estado de Santa Catarina, quando as pastagens tem crescimento exuberante, após receberem quantidades excessivas de adubo químico e/ou orgânico, principalmente quando ocorrem condições climáticas de seca e posteriormente chuva. Os animais em contato com essas pastagens desenvolvem rapidamente mucosas de coloração marrom, taquipnéia, andar cambaleante, micção frequente, timpanismo, decúbito lateral e morte em poucos minutos, ou recuperação algumas horas após. Na necropsia de quatro animais que adoeceram espontaneamente, as principais alterações encontradas foram a coloração marrom das mucosas, a cor escura do sangue (cor de chocolate) e a coloração vermelho intensa da musculatura esquelética e do miocárdio esquerdo. A reprodução experimental da doença foi realizada em sete bovinos, com pastagens de quatro propriedades onde ocorreu adoença. Aveia e/ou azevém verdes e sob a forma de feno foram administradas aos bovinos. Destes bovinos quatro morreram, dois adoeceram e se recuperam, um naturalmente e outro com a aplicação de azul de metileno a 1%, na dose de 2mg/kg/peso vivo, e um bovino não apresentou alterações. Os sinais clínicos observados e as lesões nos animais que adoeceram e morreram foram idênticos aos casos naturais. Alterações microscópicas não foram observadas nos casos naturais e experimentais. O teste da difenilamina nas amostras de pastagens onde ocorreram os surtos resultou positivo em todas as propriedades. A análise bromatológica realizada em amostras coletadas de várias propriedades em que ocorreram surtos revelou de 0,30 a 3,36% de nitrato na matéria seca. A enfermidade caracterizou-se principalmente por respiração ofegante, sangue de coloração escura, mucosas de coloração marrom e morte rápida dos bovinos e está relacionada á ingestão de pastagens de aveia e/ou azevém super adubados, que acumularam alto teor de nitrato, após um período de chuvas precedido de seca.


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Populações de azevém resistente aos inibidores da enzima ALS têm aumentado rapidamente nos campos cultivados. Para o manejo da resistência, são necessários estudos de herança da resistência, os quais permitem entender a evolução da resistência, a estrutura genética da população e a dinâmica de adaptação dos biótipos resistentes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o tipo de herança, o número de genes envolvidos e o grau de resistência dos biótipos de azevém, homozigotos e heterozigotos, resistentes ao iodosulfuron. A partir da seleção dos biótipos homozigoto resistente (R) e homozigoto suscetível (S), foram realizados cruzamentos (R x S) para obtenção de plantas F1, e estas, cruzadas para obtenção da F2, e realizaram-se retrocruzamentos entre plantas F1 e os respectivos genitores masculinos e femininos resistentes (RCr) e sensíveis (RCs). As sementes F1, F2, RCr, RCs e dos genitores foram semeadas em bandejas e avaliadas, com aplicação do iodosulfuron, quanto à sua suscetibilidade ou resistência. Plantas F1 e dos genitores foram tratadas com doses crescentes do herbicida. A avaliação de controle dessas plantas pelo iodosulfuron foi feito por meio de notas (0 a 100), referentes aos sintomas de intoxicação e pela massa da matéria seca da parte aérea acumulada. Os genitores masculino ou feminino transmitiram a característica para a prole, sendo esta 100% resistente, indicando gene de resistência dominante. A geração F2 apresentou segregação 3:1 resistente/suscetível, confirmando a característica de dominância. O teste de dominância das plantas F1 evidenciou que as plantas homozigotas resistentes e as heterozigotas apresentam grau de resistência semelhante. Conclui-se que a resistência do azevém ao iodosulfuron é codificada por gene dominante nuclear com dominância completa.


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Four experiments conducted over three seasons (2002-05) at the Crops Research Unit, University of Reading, investigated effects of canopy management of autumn sown oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera var. biennis (DC.) Metzg.) on competition with grass weeds. Emphasis was placed on the effect of the crop on the weeds. Rape canopy size was manipulated using sowing date, seed rate and the application of autumn fertilizer. Lolium multiflorum Lam., L. x boucheanum Kunth and Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. were sown as indicative grass weeds. The effects of sowing date, seed rate and autumn nitrogen on crop competitive ability were correlated with rape biomass and fractional interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) by the rape floral layer, to the extent that by spring there was good evidence of crop: weed replacement. An increase in seed rate up to the highest plant densities tested increased both rape biomass and competitiveness, e.g. in 2002/3, L. multiflorum head density was reduced from 539 to 245 heads/m(2) and spikelet density from 13 170 to 5960 spikelets/m(2) when rape plant density was increased from 16 to 81 plants/m(2). Spikelets/head of Lolium spp. was little affected by rape seed rate, but the length of heads of A. myosuroides was reduced by 9 % when plant density was increased from 29-51 plants/m(2). Autumn nitrogen increased rape biomass and reduced L. multiflorum head density (415 and 336 heads/m(2) without and with autumn nitrogen, respectively) and spikelet density (9990 and 8220 spikelets/m(2) without and with autumn nitrogen, respectively). The number of spikelets/head was not significantly affected by autumn nitrogen. Early sowing could increase biomass and competitiveness, but poor crop establishment sometimes overrode the effect. Where crop and weed establishment was similar for both sowing dates, a 2-week delay (i.e. early September to mid-September) increased L. multiflorum head density from 226 to 633 heads/m(2) and spikelet density from 5780 to 15 060 spikelets/m(2).


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Four experiments conducted over three seasons (2002–05) at the Crops Research Unit, University of Reading, investigated effects of canopy management of autumn sown oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera var. biennis (DC.) Metzg.) on competition with grass weeds. Emphasis was placed on the effect of the crop on the weeds. Rape canopy size was manipulated using sowing date, seed rate and the application of autumn fertilizer. Lolium multiflorum Lam., L.rboucheanum Kunth and Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. were sown as indicative grass weeds. The effects of sowing date, seed rate and autumn nitrogen on crop competitive ability were correlated with rape biomass and fractional interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) by the rape floral layer, to the extent that by spring there was good evidence of crop: weed replacement. An increase in seed rate up to the highest plant densities tested increased both rape biomass and competitiveness, e.g. in 2002/3, L. multiflorum head density was reduced from 539 to 245 heads/m2 and spikelet density from 13 170 to 5960 spikelets/m2 when rape plant density was increased from 16 to 81 plants/m2. Spikelets/head of Lolium spp. was little affected by rape seed rate, but the length of heads of A. myosuroides was reduced by 9%when plant density was increased from 29–51 plants/m2. Autumn nitrogen increased rape biomass and reduced L. multiflorum head density (415 and 336 heads/m2 without and with autumn nitrogen, respectively) and spikelet density (9990 and 8220 spikelets/m2 without and with autumn nitrogen, respectively). The number of spikelets/head was not significantly affected by autumn nitrogen. Early sowing could increase biomass and competitiveness, but poor crop establishment sometimes overrode the effect. Where crop and weed establishment was similar for both sowing dates, a 2-week delay (i.e. early September to mid-September) increased L. multiflorum head density from 226 to 633 heads/m2 and spikelet density from 5780 to 15 060 spikelets/m2.


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Four experiments conducted over three seasons (2002-05) at the Crops Research Unit, University of Reading, investigated effects of canopy management of autumn sown oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera var. biennis (DC.) Metzg.) on competition with grass weeds. Emphasis was placed on the effect of the crop on the weeds. Rape canopy size was manipulated using sowing date, seed rate and the application of autumn fertilizer. Lolium multiflorum Lam., L. x boucheanum Kunth and Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. were sown as indicative grass weeds. The effects of sowing date, seed rate and autumn nitrogen on crop competitive ability were correlated with rape biomass and fractional interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) by the rape floral layer, to the extent that by spring there was good evidence of crop: weed replacement. An increase in seed rate up to the highest plant densities tested increased both rape biomass and competitiveness, e.g. in 2002/3, L. multiflorum head density was reduced from 539 to 245 heads/m(2) and spikelet density from 13 170 to 5960 spikelets/m(2) when rape plant density was increased from 16 to 81 plants/m(2). Spikelets/head of Lolium spp. was little affected by rape seed rate, but the length of heads of A. myosuroides was reduced by 9 % when plant density was increased from 29-51 plants/m(2). Autumn nitrogen increased rape biomass and reduced L. multiflorum head density (415 and 336 heads/m(2) without and with autumn nitrogen, respectively) and spikelet density (9990 and 8220 spikelets/m(2) without and with autumn nitrogen, respectively). The number of spikelets/head was not significantly affected by autumn nitrogen. Early sowing could increase biomass and competitiveness, but poor crop establishment sometimes overrode the effect. Where crop and weed establishment was similar for both sowing dates, a 2-week delay (i.e. early September to mid-September) increased L. multiflorum head density from 226 to 633 heads/m(2) and spikelet density from 5780 to 15 060 spikelets/m(2).


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Neste trabalho estudou-se a eficiência dos herbicidas Herbipec 500 FL (s.a. Clortolurão) e Dopler Super (s.a. Diclofope-Metilo+Fenoxaprope-P-Etilo+Mefenepir-Dietilo) no controlo, em pós-emergência de infestantes Monocotiledóneas, e na produção de grão e suas componentes, na cultura do trigo mole em sementeira directa, combinando doses inferiores às recomendadas pelos fabricantes. Os ensaios decorreram nos anos agrícolas de 2006/2007 e 2007/2008, na Herdade do Louseiro no concelho de Évora e na Herdade da Revilheira no concelho de Reguengos de Monsaraz, respectivamente. Na experimentação efectuou-se o estudo dos dois herbicidas, com 3 níveis cada, correspondentes a nove tratamentos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições cada. Verificou-se uma maior eficiência no controlo das plantas infestantes de Lolium rigidum Gaud. e de Juncus bufonius L. e, consequentemente, um maior número de grãos e uma produção de grão de trigo elevada com 2 litros ha-l de Herbipec 500 FL e 0,5 litro ha-1 de Dopler Super. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work was to study the efficiency of the herbicides Herbipec 500 FL (a.i. chlorotoluron) and Dopler Super (a.i. diclofop-methyl + fenoxaprop-P-ethyl + mefenpyr-diethyl) to control grass weeds at post-emergence in no-till bread wheat and consequently to do the evaluation of potential grain yield combining reduced doses to the recommended ones by the manufacturers. The trials were carried out over two growing seasons (2006/2007 and 2007/2008) on the farm "Revilheira" and on a private farm "Louseiro", both in the district of Évora. Trials to study effects of three doses of a two herbicides, with three levels each, corresponding to nine treatments were executed. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications each. The results showed a great efficiency and grain yield wheat with the mixture with 2 l ha-1 Herbipec 500 FL and 0,5 1 ha-1 Dopler Super to controlling Lolium spp. and Juncus bufonius L..


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O trabalho teve como objetivos, identificar e quantificar os fungos associados a sementes de azevém, comparar a incidência em diferentes meios de cultura, e determinar o número de escleródios de Claviceps purpurea presentes em amostras de sementes. Foram analisadas 37 amostras de sementes de azevém provenientes de municípios do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paraná. As sementes foram plaqueadas em três meios de cultura: BDA, semi-seletivo de Reis e semi-seletivo de Segalin & Reis, analisando-se a incidência dos fungos. Para detecção de C. purpurea, foram pesados 100g de sementes por amostra e, através de exame visual, foi determinado o número de escleródios. Os fungos detectados foram Alternaria alternata, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Drechslera spp., D. siccans, Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium spp., Aspergillus spp. e Penicillium sp. A incidência de A. alternata variou de 0,0% a 33,7% e freqüência de 89,2% nas amostras analisadas. Para B. sorokiniana a incidência foi de 0,0% a 2,2% e frequência de 62,2%, Drechslera spp., apresentou incidência de 0,0% a 40,3% e frequência de 78,4%. D. siccans a incidência foi de 0,1% a 20,0% e frequência de 100%.Para Fusarium spp., e F. graminearum a incidência foi de 0,0% a 31,0% e 0,0% a 11,3% e frequência de 81,1% e 64,9%, de 0,0% a 43,7% de incidência e 94,6% de frequência para Aspergillus spp. e Penicillium sp. com incidência entre 0,0% a 51,7% e frequência de 91,9%, respectivamente. O fungo C. purpurea foi encontrado em 81,1% das amostras em estudo.


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Foram levantadas informações sobre a qualidade da semente de azevém utilizadas no Rio Grande do Sul e produzida no próprio Estado ou em outras uni dades da Federação e mesmo em outros Países, nos anos de 1978 e 1979. Estas informações foram obtidas através de fichas e Boletins de Análise de Sementes dos Laboratórios de Análise de Sementes (LAS) do Rio Grande do Sul. Em 1978 analisou-se 2.319 t de azevém sendo 74% da semente oriunda do Rio Grande do Sul e 26% introduzida, enquanto que das 4.772 t analisadas em 1979 99,6% são do Rio Grande do Sul e 0,4% são introduzidas. O percentual de sementes de azevém, produzidas no Estado, contaminadas com sementes nocivas foi de 61,5% em 1978 e de 60,0% em 1979; e o de sementes int roduzidas no Estado foi de 45,6% em 1978 e de 29,4%em 1979. Foi observado que ent re as sementes originárias do RS destacaram -se com maior ocorrênci a em 1978 as espécies nocivas de Silene gallica, Setaria geniculata, Anthemis cotula, Digitaria adscendens e Echinochloa spp, enquanto que nas sementes int roduzidas desta caram-se Sida spp e Rumex spp; em 1979, na semente oriunda do Estado desta caram-se Amaranthus spp, Silene gallica e Setaria geniculata, enquanto que nas sementes introduzidas a maior ocorrência foi de Setaria geniculata, Echinochloa spp e Solanum spp.


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Os aleloquímicos podem sofrer modificações em diversos tipos de substrato, tanto incorporados quanto na superfície do solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de palha de culturas de cobertura, quando incorporadas ou mantidas na superfície do solo, sobre a emergência e o desenvolvimento inicial de Digitaria spp. (milhã, capim-colchão e capim-de-roça). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em bloco ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial com os seguintes fatores: (A) - manejo das coberturas (incorporado e na superfície do solo); (B) culturas de cobertura de solo (canola, nabo forrageiro, trevo-vesiculoso e azevém); e (C) níveis de palha (0, 1, 2, 4, 6 e 10 t ha-1). Com o aumento dos níveis de palha de canola e nabo forrageiro incorporados ao solo, há em geral aumento na redução das variáveis IVE e porcentagem de emergência de milhã. A presença de palha de azevém na superfície do solo reduz o crescimento de milhã, comparativamente à incorporação, sendo necessário ao menos 6 t ha-1 de palha.


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Corynebacterium species (spp.) are among the most frequently isolated pathogens associated with subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. However, simple, fast, and reliable methods for the identification of species of the genus Corynebacterium are not currently available. This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization/mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for identifying Corynebacterium spp. isolated from the mammary glands of dairy cows. Corynebacterium spp. were isolated from milk samples via microbiological culture (n=180) and were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Using MALDI-TOF MS methodology, 161 Corynebacterium spp. isolates (89.4%) were correctly identified at the species level, whereas 12 isolates (6.7%) were identified at the genus level. Most isolates that were identified at the species level with 16 S rRNA gene sequencing were identified as Corynebacterium bovis (n=156; 86.7%) were also identified as C. bovis with MALDI-TOF MS. Five Corynebacterium spp. isolates (2.8%) were not correctly identified at the species level with MALDI-TOF MS and 2 isolates (1.1%) were considered unidentified because despite having MALDI-TOF MS scores >2, only the genus level was correctly identified. Therefore, MALDI-TOF MS could serve as an alternative method for species-level diagnoses of bovine intramammary infections caused by Corynebacterium spp.


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Traira (Hoplias malabaricus) is a neotropical fish that is widely distributed in freshwater environments in South America. In the present study, we documented the occurrence of metacercariae of Austrodiplostomum spp. (Diplostomidae) in the eyes and cranial cavity of H. malabaricus and described parasite-induced behavioral changes in the host. The fish were collected from the upper São Francisco River, in the Serra da Canastra mountain range, Minas Gerais, transported alive to the laboratory, observed for 2 weeks, and subsequently examined for parasites. Of the 35 fish examined, 28 (80 %) had free metacercariae in the vitreous humor (mean intensity=95.4; mean abundance=76.3), and 24 (68.57 %) had free metacercariae in the cranial cavity, mainly concentrated below the floor of the brain, at the height of the ophthalmic lobe (mean intensity=12.91; mean abundance=8.85). Specimens of H. malabaricus with a high intensity of infection in the brain displayed changes in swimming behavior.


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Passiflora species are distributed throughout Latin America, and Brazil and Colombia serve as the centers of diversity for this genus. We performed cross-species amplification to evaluate 109 microsatellite loci in 14 Passiflora species and estimated the diversity and genetic structure of Passiflora cincinnata, Passiflora setaceae and Passiflora edulis. A total of 127 accessions, including 85 accessions of P. edulis, a commercial species, and 42 accessions of 13 wild species, were examined. The cross-species amplification was effective for obtaining microsatellite loci (average cross-amplification of 70%). The average number of alleles per locus (five) was relatively low, and the average diversity ranged from 0.52 in P. cincinnata to 0.32 in P. setacea. The Bayesian analyses indicated that the P. cincinnata and P. setacea accessions were distributed into two groups, and the P. edulis accessions were distributed into five groups. Private alleles were identified, and suggestions for core collections are presented. Further collections are necessary, and the information generated may be useful for breeding and conservation.


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Bartonella species are blood-borne, re-emerging organisms, capable of causing prolonged infection with diverse disease manifestations, from asymptomatic bacteremia to chronic debilitating disease and death. This pathogen can survive for over a month in stored blood. However, its prevalence among blood donors is unknown, and screening of blood supplies for this pathogen is not routinely performed. We investigated Bartonella spp. prevalence in 500 blood donors from Campinas, Brazil, based on a cross-sectional design. Blood samples were inoculated into an enrichment liquid growth medium and sub-inoculated onto blood agar. Liquid culture samples and Gram-negative isolates were tested using a genus specific ITS PCR with amplicons sequenced for species identification. Bartonella henselae and Bartonella quintana antibodies were assayed by indirect immunofluorescence. B. henselae was isolated from six donors (1.2%). Sixteen donors (3.2%) were Bartonella-PCR positive after culture in liquid or on solid media, with 15 donors infected with B. henselae and one donor infected with Bartonella clarridgeiae. Antibodies against B. henselae or B. quintana were found in 16% and 32% of 500 blood donors, respectively. Serology was not associated with infection, with only three of 16 Bartonella-infected subjects seropositive for B. henselae or B. quintana. Bartonella DNA was present in the bloodstream of approximately one out of 30 donors from a major blood bank in South America. Negative serology does not rule out Bartonella spp. infection in healthy subjects. Using a combination of liquid and solid cultures, PCR, and DNA sequencing, this study documents for the first time that Bartonella spp. bacteremia occurs in asymptomatic blood donors. Our findings support further evaluation of Bartonella spp. transmission which can occur through blood transfusions.


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This study investigated the presence of the Treponema species in longstanding endodontic retreatment-resistant lesions of teeth with apical periodontitis, the association of this species with clinical/radiographic features, and the association among the different target species. Microbial samples of apical lesions were collected from twenty-five adult patients referred to endodontic surgery after unsuccessful root canal retreatment. Nested-PCR and conventional PCR were used for Treponema detection. Twenty-three periradicular tissue samples showed detectable levels of bacterial DNA. Treponema species were detected in 28% (7/25) of the cases. The most frequently detected species were T. socranskii (6/25), followed by T. maltophilum (3/25), T. amylovorum (3/25), T. lecithinolyticum (3/25), T. denticola (3/25), T. pectinovorum (2/25) and T. medium (2/25). T. vicentii was not detected in any sample. Positive statistical association was found between T. socranskii and T. denticola, and between T. maltophilum and T. lecithinolyticum . No association was detected between the presence of any target microorganism and the clinical or radiographic features. Treponema spp. are present, in a low percentage, in longstanding apical lesions from teeth with endodontic retreatment failure.