998 resultados para Logic forms


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This paper outlines the approach adopted by the PLSI research group at University of Alicante in the PASCAL-2006 second Recognising Textual Entailment challenge. Our system is composed of several components. On the one hand, the first component performs the derivation of the logic forms of the text/hypothesis pairs and, on the other hand, the second component provides us with a similarity score given by the semantic relations between the derived logic forms. In order to obtain this score we apply several measures of similitude and relatedness based on the structure and content of WordNet.


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This paper describes a CL-SR system that employs two different techniques: the first one is based on NLP rules that consist on applying logic forms to the topic processing while the second one basically consists on applying the IR-n statistical search engine to the spoken document collection. The application of logic forms to the topics allows to increase the weight of topic terms according to a set of syntactic rules. Thus, the weights of the topic terms are used by IR-n system in the information retrieval process.


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Logic based Pattern Recognition extends the well known similarity models, where the distance measure is the base instrument for recognition. Initial part (1) of current publication in iTECH-06 reduces the logic based recognition models to the reduced disjunctive normal forms of partially defined Boolean functions. This step appears as a way to alternative pattern recognition instruments through combining metric and logic hypotheses and features, leading to studies of logic forms, hypotheses, hierarchies of hypotheses and effective algorithmic solutions. Current part (2) provides probabilistic conclusions on effective recognition by logic means in a model environment of binary attributes.


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Paraconsistent logics are non-classical logics which allow non-trivial and consistent reasoning about inconsistent axioms. They have been pro- posed as a formal basis for handling inconsistent data, as commonly arise in human enterprises, and as methods for fuzzy reasoning, with applica- tions in Artificial Intelligence and the control of complex systems. Formalisations of paraconsistent logics usually require heroic mathe- matical efforts to provide a consistent axiomatisation of an inconsistent system. Here we use transreal arithmetic, which is known to be consis- tent, to arithmetise a paraconsistent logic. This is theoretically simple and should lead to efficient computer implementations. We introduce the metalogical principle of monotonicity which is a very simple way of making logics paraconsistent. Our logic has dialetheaic truth values which are both False and True. It allows contradictory propositions, allows variable contradictions, but blocks literal contradictions. Thus literal reasoning, in this logic, forms an on-the- y, syntactic partition of the propositions into internally consistent sets. We show how the set of all paraconsistent, possible worlds can be represented in a transreal space. During the development of our logic we discuss how other paraconsistent logics could be arithmetised in transreal arithmetic.


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The Answer Validation Exercise (AVE) is a pilot track within the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) 2006. The AVE competition provides an evaluation frame- work for answer validations in Question Answering (QA). In our participation in AVE, we propose a system that has been initially used for other task as Recognising Textual Entailment (RTE). The aim of our participation is to evaluate the improvement our system brings to QA. Moreover, due to the fact that these two task (AVE and RTE) have the same main idea, which is to find semantic implications between two fragments of text, our system has been able to be directly applied to the AVE competition. Our system is based on the representation of the texts by means of logic forms and the computation of semantic comparison between them. This comparison is carried out using two different approaches. The first one managed by a deeper study of the Word- Net relations, and the second uses the measure defined by Lin in order to compute the semantic similarity between the logic form predicates. Moreover, we have also designed a voting strategy between our system and the MLEnt system, also presented by the University of Alicante, with the aim of obtaining a joint execution of the two systems developed at the University of Alicante. Although the results obtained have not been very high, we consider that they are quite promising and this supports the fact that there is still a lot of work on researching in any kind of textual entailment.


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In this paper, the new features that IR-n system applies on the topic processing for CL-SR are described. This set of features are based on applying logic forms to topics with the aim of incrementing the weight of topic terms according to a set of syntactic rules.


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Comunicación presentada en Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2008), Aarhus, Denmark, September 17-19, 2008.


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Canonical forms for m-valued functions referred to as m-Reed-Muller canonical (m-RMC) forms that are a generalization of RMC forms of two-valued functions are proposed. m-RMC forms are based on the operations ?m (addition mod m) and .m (multiplication mod m) and do not, as in the cases of the generalizations proposed in the literature, require an m-valued function for m not a power of a prime, to be expressed by a canonical form for M-valued functions, where M > m is a power of a prime. Methods of obtaining the m-RMC forms from the truth vector or the sum of products representation of an m-valued function are discussed. Using a generalization of the Boolean difference to m-valued logic, series expansions for m-valued functions are derived.


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Bertrand Russell (1872 1970) introduced the English-speaking philosophical world to modern, mathematical logic and foundational study of mathematics. The present study concerns the conception of logic that underlies his early logicist philosophy of mathematics, formulated in The Principles of Mathematics (1903). In 1967, Jean van Heijenoort published a paper, Logic as Language and Logic as Calculus, in which he argued that the early development of modern logic (roughly the period 1879 1930) can be understood, when considered in the light of a distinction between two essentially different perspectives on logic. According to the view of logic as language, logic constitutes the general framework for all rational discourse, or meaningful use of language, whereas the conception of logic as calculus regards logic more as a symbolism which is subject to reinterpretation. The calculus-view paves the way for systematic metatheory, where logic itself becomes a subject of mathematical study (model-theory). Several scholars have interpreted Russell s views on logic with the help of the interpretative tool introduced by van Heijenoort,. They have commonly argued that Russell s is a clear-cut case of the view of logic as language. In the present study a detailed reconstruction of the view and its implications is provided, and it is argued that the interpretation is seriously misleading as to what he really thought about logic. I argue that Russell s conception is best understood by setting it in its proper philosophical context. This is constituted by Immanuel Kant s theory of mathematics. Kant had argued that purely conceptual thought basically, the logical forms recognised in Aristotelian logic cannot capture the content of mathematical judgments and reasonings. Mathematical cognition is not grounded in logic but in space and time as the pure forms of intuition. As against this view, Russell argued that once logic is developed into a proper tool which can be applied to mathematical theories, Kant s views turn out to be completely wrong. In the present work the view is defended that Russell s logicist philosophy of mathematics, or the view that mathematics is really only logic, is based on what I term the Bolzanian account of logic . According to this conception, (i) the distinction between form and content is not explanatory in logic; (ii) the propositions of logic have genuine content; (iii) this content is conferred upon them by special entities, logical constants . The Bolzanian account, it is argued, is both historically important and throws genuine light on Russell s conception of logic.


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This article adapts and expands a recent model of ethnic competition by exploring its implications over a long period spanning crucial stages in the modernisation of the political system. It illustrates the model by reference to developments in Northern Ireland since its modern party system was launched in the 1880s. This offers an exceptionally clear example of the interaction of central elements of the model: the initial bedding down of a system of bipartisan ethnic competition, with two parties having a remarkable capacity to resist ethnic outbidding; the fragmentation of this system following the introduction of a set of major institutional forms that facilitated ethnic outbidding; and the continuing resilience of ethnically based parties in warding off challenges from groups seeking to prioritise other political dimensions. The model's implications are tested against a comprehensive collection of ecological and survey data.


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This article examines the role played by ideas and their thinkers in Christopher Hill's histories of the English Revolution. Hill protested against a reductionist economic determinism with no place for the intrinsic power of ideas, but his account of ideas gave them a progressive logic parallel to, if not always easy to link with, that of economic development, and threatened to divorce them from their muddled and imperfect thinkers. This account of the logic of ideas had a striking impact on the way in which the more mainstream radicals of the English Revolution appeared in Hill's work, with both the Levellers and James Harrington being half assimilated to, and half pushed aside in favor of, the more thoroughgoing economic radicals who expressed, in however ragged a way, the intrinsic potential of their ideas. However, Hill's writings also betray a surprising attraction to religious over secular forms of radicalism.