970 resultados para Locality preserving projection


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Even if the class label information is unknown, side information represents some equivalence constraints between pairs of patterns, indicating whether pairs originate from the same class. Exploiting side information, we develop algorithms to preserve both the intra-class and inter-class local structures. This new type of locality preserving projection (LPP), called LPP with side information (LPPSI), preserves the data's local structure in the sense that the close, similar training patterns will be kept close, whilst the close but dissimilar ones are separated. Our algorithms balance these conflicting requirements, and we further improve this technique using kernel methods. Experiments conducted on popular face databases demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms LPP. Further, we show that the performance of our algorithm with partial side information (that is, using only small amount of pair-wise similarity/dissimilarity information during training) is comparable with that when using full side information. We conclude that exploiting side information by preserving both similar and dissimilar local structures of the data significantly improves performance.


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Two Dimensional Locality Preserving Projection (2D-LPP) is a recent extension of LPP, a popular face recognition algorithm. It has been shown that 2D-LPP performs better than PCA, 2D-PCA and LPP. However, the computational cost of 2D-LPP is high. This paper proposes a novel algorithm called Ridge Regression for Two Dimensional Locality Preserving Projection (RR- 2DLPP), which is an extension of 2D-LPP with the use of ridge regression. RR-2DLPP is comparable to 2DLPP in performance whilst having a lower computational cost. The experimental results on three benchmark face data sets - the ORL, Yale and FERET databases - demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of RR-2DLPP compared with other face recognition algorithms such as PCA, LPP, SR, 2D-PCA and 2D-LPP.


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Understanding neural functions requires knowledge from analysing electrophysiological data. The process of assigning spikes of a multichannel signal into clusters, called spike sorting, is one of the important problems in such analysis. There have been various automated spike sorting techniques with both advantages and disadvantages regarding accuracy and computational costs. Therefore, developing spike sorting methods that are highly accurate and computationally inexpensive is always a challenge in the biomedical engineering practice.


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Recent advances suggest that encoding images through Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices and then interpreting such matrices as points on Riemannian manifolds can lead to increased classification performance. Taking into account manifold geometry is typically done via (1) embedding the manifolds in tangent spaces, or (2) embedding into Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHS). While embedding into tangent spaces allows the use of existing Euclidean-based learning algorithms, manifold shape is only approximated which can cause loss of discriminatory information. The RKHS approach retains more of the manifold structure, but may require non-trivial effort to kernelise Euclidean-based learning algorithms. In contrast to the above approaches, in this paper we offer a novel solution that allows SPD matrices to be used with unmodified Euclidean-based learning algorithms, with the true manifold shape well-preserved. Specifically, we propose to project SPD matrices using a set of random projection hyperplanes over RKHS into a random projection space, which leads to representing each matrix as a vector of projection coefficients. Experiments on face recognition, person re-identification and texture classification show that the proposed approach outperforms several recent methods, such as Tensor Sparse Coding, Histogram Plus Epitome, Riemannian Locality Preserving Projection and Relational Divergence Classification.


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This paper proposes a novel human recognition method in video, which combines human face and gait traits
using a dynamic multi-modal biometrics fusion scheme. The Fisherface approach is adopted to extract face
features, while for gait features, Locality Preserving Projection (LPP) is used to achieve low-dimensional
manifold embedding of the temporal silhouette data derived from image sequences. Face and gait features are
fused dynamically at feature level based on a distance-driven fusion method. Encouraging experimental results
are achieved on the video sequences containing 20 people, which show that dynamically fused features produce
a more discriminating power than any individual biometric as well as integrated features built on common static
fusion schemes.


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Spike sorting plays an important role in analysing electrophysiological data and understanding neural functions. Developing spike sorting methods that are highly accurate and computationally inexpensive is always a challenge in the biomedical engineering practice. This paper proposes an automatic unsupervised spike sorting method using the landmark-based spectral clustering (LSC) method in connection with features extracted by the locality preserving projection (LPP) technique. Gap statistics is employed to evaluate the number of clusters before the LSC can be performed. Experimental results show that LPP spike features are more discriminative than those of the popular wavelet transformation (WT). Accordingly, the proposed method LPP-LSC demonstrates a significant dominance compared to the existing method that is the combination between WT feature extraction and the superparamagnetic clustering. LPP and LSC are both linear algorithms that help reduce computational burden and thus their combination can be applied into realtime spike analysis.


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Orthogonal neighborhood-preserving projection (ONPP) is a recently developed orthogonal linear algorithm for overcoming the out-of-sample problem existing in the well-known manifold learning algorithm, i.e., locally linear embedding. It has been shown that ONPP is a strong analyzer of high-dimensional data. However, when applied to classification problems in a supervised setting, ONPP only focuses on the intraclass geometrical information while ignores the interaction of samples from different classes. To enhance the performance of ONPP in classification, a new algorithm termed discriminative ONPP (DONPP) is proposed in this paper. DONPP 1) takes into account both intraclass and interclass geometries; 2) considers the neighborhood information of interclass relationships; and 3) follows the orthogonality property of ONPP. Furthermore, DONPP is extended to the semisupervised case, i.e., semisupervised DONPP (SDONPP). This uses unlabeled samples to improve the classification accuracy of the original DONPP. Empirical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of both DONPP and SDONPP.


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Locality to other nodes on a peer-to-peer overlay network can be established by means of a set of landmarks shared among the participating nodes. Each node independently collects a set of latency measures to landmark nodes, which are used as a multi-dimensional feature vector. Each peer node uses the feature vector to generate a unique scalar index which is correlated to its topological locality. A popular dimensionality reduction technique is the space filling Hilbert’s curve, as it possesses good locality preserving properties. However, there exists little comparison between Hilbert’s curve and other techniques for dimensionality reduction. This work carries out a quantitative analysis of their properties. Linear and non-linear techniques for scaling the landmark vectors to a single dimension are investigated. Hilbert’s curve, Sammon’s mapping and Principal Component Analysis have been used to generate a 1d space with locality preserving properties. This work provides empirical evidence to support the use of Hilbert’s curve in the context of locality preservation when generating peer identifiers by means of landmark vector analysis. A comparative analysis is carried out with an artificial 2d network model and with a realistic network topology model with a typical power-law distribution of node connectivity in the Internet. Nearest neighbour analysis confirms Hilbert’s curve to be very effective in both artificial and realistic network topologies. Nevertheless, the results in the realistic network model show that there is scope for improvements and better techniques to preserve locality information are required.


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The adulteration of extra virgin olive oil with other vegetable oils is a certain problem with economic and health consequences. Current official methods have been proved insufficient to detect such adulterations. One of the most concerning and undetectable adulterations with other vegetable oils is the addition of hazelnut oil. The main objective of this work was to develop a novel dimensionality reduction technique able to model oil mixtures as a part of an integrated pattern recognition solution. This final solution attempts to identify hazelnut oil adulterants in extra virgin olive oil at low percentages based on spectroscopic chemical fingerprints. The proposed Continuous Locality Preserving Projections (CLPP) technique allows the modelling of the continuous nature of the produced in house admixtures as data series instead of discrete points. This methodology has potential to be extended to other mixtures and adulterations of food products. The maintenance of the continuous structure of the data manifold lets the better visualization of this examined classification problem and facilitates a more accurate utilisation of the manifold for detecting the adulterants.


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Background: In many experimental pipelines, clustering of multidimensional biological datasets is used to detect hidden structures in unlabelled input data. Taverna is a popular workflow management system that is used to design and execute scientific workflows and aid in silico experimentation. The availability of fast unsupervised methods for clustering and visualization in the Taverna platform is important to support a data-driven scientific discovery in complex and explorative bioinformatics applications. Results: This work presents a Taverna plugin, the Biological Data Interactive Clustering Explorer (BioDICE), that performs clustering of high-dimensional biological data and provides a nonlinear, topology preserving projection for the visualization of the input data and their similarities. The core algorithm in the BioDICE plugin is Fast Learning Self Organizing Map (FLSOM), which is an improved variant of the Self Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm. The plugin generates an interactive 2D map that allows the visual exploration of multidimensional data and the identification of groups of similar objects. The effectiveness of the plugin is demonstrated on a case study related to chemical compounds. Conclusions: The number and variety of available tools and its extensibility have made Taverna a popular choice for the development of scientific data workflows. This work presents a novel plugin, BioDICE, which adds a data-driven knowledge discovery component to Taverna. BioDICE provides an effective and powerful clustering tool, which can be adopted for the explorative analysis of biological datasets.


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The main objective of this work was to develop a novel dimensionality reduction technique as a part of an integrated pattern recognition solution capable of identifying adulterants such as hazelnut oil in extra virgin olive oil at low percentages based on spectroscopic chemical fingerprints. A novel Continuous Locality Preserving Projections (CLPP) technique is proposed which allows the modelling of the continuous nature of the produced in-house admixtures as data series instead of discrete points. The maintenance of the continuous structure of the data manifold enables the better visualisation of this examined classification problem and facilitates the more accurate utilisation of the manifold for detecting the adulterants. The performance of the proposed technique is validated with two different spectroscopic techniques (Raman and Fourier transform infrared, FT-IR). In all cases studied, CLPP accompanied by k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) algorithm was found to outperform any other state-of-the-art pattern recognition techniques.


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The development of techniques for scaling up classifiers so that they can be applied to problems with large datasets of training examples is one of the objectives of data mining. Recently, AdaBoost has become popular among machine learning community thanks to its promising results across a variety of applications. However, training AdaBoost on large datasets is a major problem, especially when the dimensionality of the data is very high. This paper discusses the effect of high dimensionality on the training process of AdaBoost. Two preprocessing options to reduce dimensionality, namely the principal component analysis and random projection are briefly examined. Random projection subject to a probabilistic length preserving transformation is explored further as a computationally light preprocessing step. The experimental results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed training process for handling high dimensional large datasets.


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This paper extends a state projection method for structure preserving model reduction to situations where only a weaker notion of system structure is available. This weaker notion of structure, identifying the causal relationship between manifest variables of the system, is especially relevant is settings such as systems biology, where a clear partition of state variables into distinct subsystems may be unknown, or not even exist. The resulting technique, like similar approaches, does not provide theoretical performance guarantees, so an extensive computational study is conducted, and it is observed to work fairly well in practice. Moreover, conditions characterizing structurally minimal realizations and sufficient conditions characterizing edge loss resulting from the reduction process, are presented. ©2009 IEEE.


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We developed a direct partitioning method to construct a seamless discrete global grid system (DGGS) with any resolution based on a two-dimensional projected plane and the earth ellipsoid. This DGGS is composed of congruent square grids over the projected plane and irregular ellipsoidal quadrilaterals on the ellipsoidal surface. A new equal area projection named the parallels plane (PP) projection derived from the expansion of the central meridian and parallels has been employed to perform the transformation between the planar squares and the corresponding ellipsoidal grids. The horizontal sides of the grids are parts of the parallel circles and the vertical sides are complex ellipsoidal curves, which can be obtained by the inverse expression of the PP projection. The partition strategies, transformation equations, geometric characteristics and distortions for this DGGS have been discussed. Our analysis proves that the DGGS is area-preserving while length distortions only occur on the vertical sides off the central meridian. Angular and length distortions positively correlate to the increase in latitudes and the spanning of longitudes away from a chosen central meridian. This direct partition only generates a small number of broken grids that can be treated individually.


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G.R. BURTON and R.J. DOUGLAS, Uniqueness of the polar factorisation and projection of a vector-valued mapping. Ann. I.H. Poincare ? A.N. 20 (2003), 405-418.