1000 resultados para Littérature victorienne
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
That study attempted to elaborate the problematic of [Leigh Hunt's] position within the London literary and political scene between the years 1805 and1828, the contributions he made to British literature and journalism, and his public standing at the end of the romantic period. Since Hunt's life is obviously too complex to be rendered fully in any single study, the idea was not to attempt an exhaustive history, but rather to present a starting point for further inquiry into Hunt's career as a writer and public figure under the reign of Queen Victoria. [...]
On the basis of two indecidable texts (Thomas Clerc, “Paris, musée du XXIe siècle. Le dixième arrondissement”, Gallimard 2007 and Philippe Vasset, “Un livre blanc”, Fayard 2007), we will reflect on new approaches to the city in contemporary French litterature. Clerc and Vasset, in their respective texts, suggest considering litterature as a series of practices connected with the exploration of the city (Clerc) and of the urban area (Vasset) according to the idea of an arbitrary itinerary. The image of the city whose space, subject to a permanent process of museifi cation, is constantly considered to be a work of art (Clerc) contrasts with a project of viewing the deserted areas of the city and of its surroundings as an infinite collection of “artistic installations” created in daily life (Vasset). Clerc’s and Vasset’s artistic mentality leads them to the fascination with “works of involuntary art”, both concrete signs and tangible proof of the transitional period which they try to describe systematically, following, at the same time, the principles of an axonometric city map.
Anti-mullerian hormone, also called AMH, belongs to the large family of transforming growth factor P. Its role in the sexual differentiation of male fetus is now well known. Recently, AMH has been demonstrated to play an important role in the ovarian function. In fact, AMH seems to regulate the kinetics of follicular development, inhibiting the follicular recruitment and the follicular growth. Thus, this intra-gonadic cybernin could be a decisive determinant of the rapidity of follicular pool exhaustion. Today, some experimental data from the literature suggest that AMH could be a reliable marker of ovarian reserve. This review summarizes the present knowledge about AMH and its role in physiology but also in ovarian pathology.
Nabile Farès is a key author within postcolonial studies, due in particular to his uniquely expressive writing style. This article discusses writing style in his 1982 text, L’état perdu: précédé du discours pratique de l’immigré. Throughout the mainly French text, different alphabets are woven, alluding to the complexity of Algerian linguistic history and the importance of language in the construction and expression of identity. Meanwhile, the grammar and structure of the French language seems confused and at times illogical, raising further questions about use of a colonial language in a postcolonial context. Farès’s writing style is avant-garde in nature, and deliberate intertextuality with the Surrealists situates the text within an avant-garde tradition in the French language, developing new ideas surrounding the effect of this written genre in the aftermath of colonialism.
Ce mémoire fait découvrir Cécile Gagnon en traçant, dans le chapitre 1, un portrait détaillé des différents volets de sa carrière. D'abord illustratrice, Gagnon commence sa carrière d'écrivaine, dès 1961, en publiant son premier album, aux éditions du Pélican. Jusqu' à maintenant, Gagnon a publié 135 titres, dans 28 maisons d'édition, soit 97 titres au Québec et 38 livres en Europe. En plus de sa carrière d'illustratrice et d'écrivaine, Cécile Gagnon oeuvre aux comités de direction des revues Passe-Partout (1978-1979 et 1985) et Coulicou (1983-1988). Le deuxième chapitre met en relief ses actions et ses gestes posés à titre de pionnière dans le domaine des lettres. Nous identifions, dans le dernier chapitre, les raisons pour lesquelles Cécile Gagnon demeure méconnue du grand public. Tout d'abord, la littérature de jeunesse, au Québec, est considérée comme une paralittérature par rapport à la littérature générale. De plus, 60% des oeuvres de Gagnon ont été publiées par des maisons d'édition dites économiques, selon les axes d'Ignace Cau, qui privilégient la production de masse."--Résumé abrégé par UMI