862 resultados para Literary Representations


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This article proposes a methodology to address the urban evolutionary process, demonstrating how it is reflected in literature. It focuses on “literary space,” presented as a territory defined by the period setting or as evoked by the characters, which can be georeferenced and drawn on a map. It identifies the different locations of literary space in relation to urban development and the economic, political, and social context of the city. We suggest a new approach for mapping a relatively comprehensive body of literature by combining literary criticism, urban history, and geographic information systems (GIS). The home-range concept, used in animal ecology, has been adapted to reveal the size and location of literary space. This interdisciplinary methodology is applied in a case study to nineteenth- and twentieth-century novels involving the city of Lisbon. The developing concepts of cumulative literary space and common literary space introduce size calculations in addition to location and structure, previously developed by other researchers. Sequential and overlapping analyses of literary space throughout time have the advantage of presenting comparable and repeatable results for other researchers using a different body of literary works or studying another city. Results show how city changes shaped perceptions of the urban space as it was lived and experienced. A small core area, correspondent to a part of the city center, persists as literary space in all the novels analyzed. Furthermore, the literary space does not match the urban evolution. There is a time lag for embedding new urbanized areas in the imagined literary scenario.


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This article argues that the study of literary representations of landscapes can be aided and enriched by the application of digital geographic technologies. As an example, the article focuses on the methods and preliminary findings of LITESCAPE.PT—Atlas of Literary Landscapes of Mainland Portugal, an on-going project that aims to study literary representations of mainland Portugal and to explore their connections with social and environmental realities both in the past and in the present. LITESCAPE.PT integrates traditional reading practices and ‘distant reading’ approaches, along with collaborative work, relational databases, and geographic information systems (GIS) in order to classify and analyse excerpts from 350 works of Portuguese literature according to a set of ecological, socioeconomic, temporal and cultural themes. As we argue herein this combination of qualitative and quantitative methods—itself a response to the difficulty of obtaining external funding—can lead to (a) increased productivity, (b) the pursuit of new research goals, and (c) the creation of new knowledge about natural and cultural history. As proof of concept, the article presents two initial outcomes of the LITESCAPE.PT project: a case study documenting the evolving literary geography of Lisbon and a case study exploring the representation of wolves in Portuguese literature.


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Suggests that one's sense of one's self and one's sexuality may also have a close relationship to non-fiction texts about gay and lesbian cultures. Reliance of people's sense of being gay on literary representations; Popularity and authority of the book "Queer Theory," by Annamarie Jagose; Disagreements that characterize lesbian and gay historiography in Australia.


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Cette thèse est une étude des groupes subalternes en Amérique Latine qui se concentre principalement sur l’examen de la production littéraire que ces groupes ont inspirée mais aussi sur les tensions sociales, idéologiques et culturelles dérivées de leur présence au sein d’une nation. Ces groupes qu’on va identifier méthodologiquement comme étant des Groupes Subalternes sont apparus dans le panorama littéraire et politique d’une manière peu habituelle, plus par leur négativité en relation au projet moderne d’institutionnalisation positiviste que par les particularités de leur culture. Néanmoins, ils sont devenus, par la suite, le symbole iconographique de l’identité nationale de leurs pays respectifs. Ces groupes qui, par définition, étaient destinés à sombrer dans l’oubli historique sont devenus plus tard les protagonistes des «guiding fictions» de la formation d’une conscience d’unité nationale. Les textes qui seront examinés au cours de cette recherche sont ceux qui montrent de manière paradigmatique la réalité et les modes d’existence de ces populations qui ont été caractérisées par leur négativité par rapport aux normes de la pensée hégémonique moderne dans l’espace socio-culturelle et -politique de l’Amérique latine. Ces textes nous montrent une déviation dans l’évolution historico-discursive de la vision que les artisans idéologiques des États-nation naissants ont voulu imposer sur ces groupes vers la fin du XIX e. Dans cette étude, on analysera deux exemples paradigmatiques : celui de la communauté de Canudos au Brésil, à travers le texte « Os Sertões » d’Euclides Da Cunha, et celui des gauchos de l’Argentine, à travers l’examen du texte « El Martin Fierro » de Jose Hernandez. Dans la première partie de cette thèse on dessine, à grands traits, les repères historiques et socio-politiques des idéologies qui ont abouti au processus de modernisation de l’Amérique latine. On propose, au même temps, quelques concepts critiques vis-à-vis de l’analyse des groupes subalternes. Dans les chapitres suivants, on procède à une lecture attentive des textes mentionnés plus haut, tout en considérant, à la fois, la nécessité de cette analyse, la difficulté des problèmes et la nature de notre propos. On explique aussi la place qu’occupent les groupes subalternes dans la représentation littéraire de leur pays d’origine et l’impact qu’ils ont eu dans la formation de l’imaginaire national. En réfléchissant sur les données engendrées lors de l’analyse, la conclusion de la thèse aborde les conséquences épistémologique et idéologique provoquées par le régime discursif de l’État-nation latino-américain.


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Cette étude se penche sur les représentations des Néerlandais véhiculées par les chroniques missionnaires écrites par les religieux français de passage aux Antilles et sur la Côte Sauvage sud-américaine au XVIIe siècle et au début du XVIIIe siècle. En repérant et en analysant l’évolution de ces représentations, il appert que l’altérité néerlandaise était, entre 1640 et 1670, l’altérité européenne que les chroniqueurs religieux mettaient avantageusement de l’avant comme modèle de réussite économique et colonial pour modeler l’entreprise de colonisation française aux Antilles. C’est notamment le cas des écrits du dominicain Jean-Baptiste du Tertre (1654, 1667-1671), missionnaire bien au fait de l’altérité néerlandaise. Cependant, avec la marginalisation de la présence néerlandaise dans les Petites Antilles à la fin du xviie siècle, l’examen de la chronique de Jean-Baptiste Labat (1722) révèle que l’altérité néerlandaise a été remplacée par l’altérité anglaise lorsqu’il s’agit de proposer un modèle de réussite économique et colonial aux Français.


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La arquitectura de la Cooperación Internacional ha atravesado varios cambios. Entre ellos, el surgimiento de la Cooperación Sur-Sur dejó entrever el marcado interés de los países en desarrollo por hacer parte de la misma. En Brasil, el gobierno de Lula da Silva fue el gran promotor de esta cooperación, especialmente con aquellos países de habla portuguesa en África. En este contexto, la presente monografía pretende determinar de qué manera la construcción social de identidad incide en la dinámica de Cooperación Sur-Sur entre Brasil y los países lusófonos africanos. Mediante una perspectiva constructivista, se analiza el valor de diversos elementos sociales, culturales e históricos cuya interacción configuró determinadas percepciones entre Brasil y los países lusófonos africanos. Este proceso de interacción social permitió la consolidación de una identificación positiva entre ellos, fortaleciendo su acercamiento político y generando así un considerable aumento en el volumen y las temáticas de los proyectos de cooperación formulados de 2003 a 2010.


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Women's roles in religious history have been traditionally described in terms of their relation and value to men. The normative religious texts provide an androcentric perspective on the gender relationships within the early community, the growth of Judaism in "Jacob's House" and the monotheistic worship of God. Yet these literary representations omit an entire half of the experience of the Jewish community: the perspective and participation of women. As Judith Plaskow argues extensively in Standing Again at Sinai, women are defined not in her own terms or in her own voice, but by her relationship and value to men through the androcentric vocabulary of the Torah. This statement is textually illustrated by the authorial and editorial presentation of women and their place in ancient Israelite society in the Torah. As Judaism grew increasingly androcentric in its leadership, women were increasingly reduced to marginal figures in the community by authorial and editorial revisions. Yet the participation of women of ancient Israel is not lost. Instead, the presence of women is buried beneath the androcentric presentation of the early Judaic community, waiting to be excavated by historical and scriptural examination. The retelling of the past is influenced by the present; memory is not static but takes on different shapes depending on the focus of concentration. However, tradition greatly influences the interpretation of religious history as well. In the book of Genesis, the literature emphasizes the divine appointment of male figures such as Abraham the father of the covenant and Jacob who is renamed and claimed by God as "Israel," placing them at the center of Jewish history. As a result, the other figures in these biblical narratives are described in relation to the patriarchs, those male bearers of the covenant, by their service or their value to him. Women are at the bottom of this hierarchy. Although female figures of exceptional quality are noted in later chronicles, such as Ruth, Deborah and Miriam, it is the very nature of their exception that highlights the androcentric editorial focus of the Torah. I agree with Peggy Day, whose own scriptural examination in Gender and Difference in Ancient Israel, makes the important distinction between the literary representation and the reality of ancient Israelite culture: they are not coextensive nor equivalent. Although the text represents the culture of ancient Israel as male dominated from the time of Abraham, this presentation omits the perspective of half of the population-the women. By beginning at the point of realization that women did exist and were active in their culture, and placing aside the androcentric perspective of the text and its editors, the reality of women's place in ancient Israel may be determined. Through this new perspective, the women of the Torah will emerge as the archetypes of strength, leadership and spiritual insight to provide Jewish women of the present with female, ancestral role models and a foundation for their gender's heritage, a more complete understanding of the partial record of Jewish history recorded in the Torah. Those stories that appear as the exception of women's presence will unveil an exceptional presence. As Tamar Frankiel eloquently states in The Voice of Sarah, "the women we call our 'Mothers'-Sarah, Rivkah (Rebekah), Rachel, and Leah-are not merely mothers, any more than the 'Fathers'-Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-are merely fathers "(Frankiel 5).


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Judaism and Emotion breaks with stereotypes that, until recently, branded Judaism as a rigid religion of laws and prohibitions. Instead, authors from different fields of research discuss the subject of Judaism and emotion from various scholarly perspectives; they present an understanding of Judaism that does not exclude spirituality and emotions from Jewish thought. In doing so, the contributions account for the relation between the representation of emotion and the actual emotions that living and breathing human beings feel in their everyday lives. While scholars of rabbinic studies and theology take a historical-critical and socio-historical approach to the subject, musicologists and scholars of religious studies focus on the overall research question of how the literary representations of emotion in Judaism are related to ritual and musical performances within Jewish worship. They describe in a more holistic fashion how Judaism serves to integrate various aspects of social life. In doing so, they examine the dynamic interrelationship between Judaism, cognition, and culture.


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En el marco de los múltiples discursos que piensan la ciudad, la literatura es central en la constitución de nuevos imaginarios urbanos. La literatura argentina provee representaciones culturales de la ciudad de Buenos Aires que construyen sentidos fuertes y perdurables sobre la experiencia de vivir la ciudad y sobre los modos de percibirla. Así lo demuestra la textualización que de ella hacen tanto Roberto Arlt, como Leopoldo Marechal, Jorge Luis Borges y Ricardo Piglia, cuyos textos analizamos en este trabajo. A través de esas diferentes figuraciones literarias, se va tramando un diálogo intertextual porque describir una ciudad es, de alguna manera, revisitar las ciudades ya escritas para reinscribirlas en otras tradiciones, para corregirlas, para reinventarlas.


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European science policy (so-called Horizon 2020) is guided by Grand Societal Challenges (GSCs) with the explicit aim of shaping the future. In this paper we propose an innovative approach to the analysis and critique of Europe’s GSCs. The aim is to explore how speculative and creative fiction offer ways of embodying, telling, imagining, and symbolising ‘futures’, that can provide alternative frames and understandings to enrich the grand challenges of the 21st century, and the related rationale and agendas for ERA and H2020. We identify six ways in which filmic and literary representations can be considered creative foresight methods (i.e. through: creative input, detail, warning, reflection, critique, involvement) and can provide alternative perspectives on these central challenges, and warning signals for the science policy they inform. The inquiry involved the selection of 64 novels and movies engaging with notions of the future, produced over the last 150 years. Content analysis based on a standardised matrix of major themes and sub-domains, allows to build a hierarchy of themes and to identify major patterns of long-lasting concerns about humanity’s future. The study highlights how fiction sees oppression, inequality and a range of ethical issues linked to human and nature’s dignity as central to, and inseparable from innovation, technology and science. It concludes identifying warning signals in four major domains, arguing that these signals are compelling, and ought to be heard, not least because elements of such future have already escaped the imaginary world to make part of today’s experience. It identifies areas poorly defined or absent from Europe's science agenda, and argues for the need to increase research into human, social, political and cultural processes involved in techno-science endeavours.


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In the early 20th century, authors increasingly experimented with literary techniques striving towards two common aims: to illumine the inner life of their protagonists and to diverge from conventional forms of literary representations of reality. This shared endeavour was sparked by changes in society: industrialisation, developments in psychology, and the gradual decay of empires, such as the Victorian (1837–1901) and the Austro-Hungarian (1867–1918). Those developments yielded a sense of uncertainty and disorientation, which led to a so-called “turn [inwards]” in the arts (Micale 2). In this context, this essay examines Virginia Woolf’s (1882–1941) development of her literary technique by comparing To the Lighthouse (1927), written in free indirect discourse, with Arthur Schnitzler’s (1862–1932) Fräulein Else (1924), written in interior monologue. Instead of applying Freud’s theories of consciousness, I will demonstrate how empiricist psychology informed and partly helped shape the two narrative techniques by referring to Ernst Mach’s (1838–1916) idea of the unstable self, and William James’ (1842–1910) concept of the stream of consciousness. Furthermore, I will show that there is a continuous progression of literary ideas from Schnitzler’s Viennese fin-de-siècle connected to impressionism, towards Woolf’s Bloomsbury aesthetics connected to Paul Cézanne’s post-impressionist logic of sensations. In addition to that, I address how the women’s movement, starting in the end of the 19th century, inspired Woolf and Schnitzler to utilise their techniques as a means of revealing women’s restricted position in society. Methodologically, I will analyse the two novels’ narrative techniques applying close reading and by that point out their differences and similarities in connection to the above-mentioned theories as well as the two author’s literary approaches. I argue that this comparison demonstrates that modernist literary techniques of representing interiority evolved from interior monologue towards free indirect discourse. This progression also implicates that modernism can be seen as a continuum reaching back to the fin-de-siècle and culminating in the 1920s. 


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06