989 resultados para Linear filters


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The removal of noise and outliers from health signals is an important problem in jet engine health monitoring. Typically, health signals are time series of damage indicators, which can be sensor measurements or features derived from such measurements. Sharp or sudden changes in health signals can represent abrupt faults and long term deterioration in the system is typical of gradual faults. Simple linear filters tend to smooth out the sharp trend shifts in jet engine signals and are also not good for outlier removal. We propose new optimally designed nonlinear weighted recursive median filters for noise removal from typical health signals of jet engines. Signals for abrupt and gradual faults and with transient data are considered. Numerical results are obtained for a jet engine and show that preprocessing of health signals using the proposed filter significantly removes Gaussian noise and outliers and could therefore greatly improve the accuracy of diagnostic systems. [DOI: 10.1115/1.3200907].


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Filtering methods are explored for removing noise from data while preserving sharp edges that many indicate a trend shift in gas turbine measurements. Linear filters are found to be have problems with removing noise while preserving features in the signal. The nonlinear hybrid median filter is found to accurately reproduce the root signal from noisy data. Simulated faulty data and fault-free gas path measurement data are passed through median filters and health residuals for the data set are created. The health residual is a scalar norm of the gas path measurement deltas and is used to partition the faulty engine from the healthy engine using fuzzy sets. The fuzzy detection system is developed and tested with noisy data and with filtered data. It is found from tests with simulated fault-free and faulty data that fuzzy trend shift detection based on filtered data is very accurate with no false alarms and negligible missed alarms.


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The removal of noise and outliers from measurement signals is a major problem in jet engine health monitoring. Topical measurement signals found in most jet engines include low rotor speed, high rotor speed. fuel flow and exhaust gas temperature. Deviations in these measurements from a baseline 'good' engine are often called measurement deltas and the health signals used for fault detection, isolation, trending and data mining. Linear filters such as the FIR moving average filter and IIR exponential average filter are used in the industry to remove noise and outliers from the jet engine measurement deltas. However, the use of linear filters can lead to loss of critical features in the signal that can contain information about maintenance and repair events that could be used by fault isolation algorithms to determine engine condition or by data mining algorithms to learn valuable patterns in the data, Non-linear filters such as the median and weighted median hybrid filters offer the opportunity to remove noise and gross outliers from signals while preserving features. In this study. a comparison of traditional linear filters popular in the jet engine industry is made with the median filter and the subfilter weighted FIR median hybrid (SWFMH) filter. Results using simulated data with implanted faults shows that the SWFMH filter results in a noise reduction of over 60 per cent compared to only 20 per cent for FIR filters and 30 per cent for IIR filters. Preprocessing jet engine health signals using the SWFMH filter would greatly improve the accuracy of diagnostic systems. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Methods of filtering an n.m.r. spectrum which can improve the resolution by as much as a factor of ten are examined. They include linear filters based upon an information theory approach and non-linear filters based upon a statistical approach. The appropriate filter is determined by the nature of the problem. Once programmed on a digital computer they are both simple to use.

These filters are applied to some examples from 13C and 15N n.m.r. spectra.


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The present work deals with the A study of morphological opertors with applications. Morphology is now a.necessary tool for engineers involved with imaging applications. Morphological operations have been viewed as filters the properties of which have been well studied (Heijmans, 1994). Another well-known class of non-linear filters is the class of rank order filters (Pitas and Venetsanopoulos, 1990). Soft morphological filters are a combination of morphological and weighted rank order filters (Koskinen, et al., 1991, Kuosmanen and Astola, 1995). They have been introduced to improve the behaviour of traditional morphological filters in noisy environments. The idea was to slightly relax the typical morphological definitions in such a way that a degree of robustness is achieved, while most of the desirable properties of typical morphological operations are maintained. Soft morphological filters are less sensitive to additive noise and to small variations in object shape than typical morphological filters. They can remove positive and negative impulse noise, preserving at the same time small details in images. Currently, Mathematical Morphology allows processing images to enhance fuzzy areas, segment objects, detect edges and analyze structures. The techniques developed for binary images are a major step forward in the application of this theory to gray level images. One of these techniques is based on fuzzy logic and on the theory of fuzzy sets.Fuzzy sets have proved to be strongly advantageous when representing in accuracies, not only regarding the spatial localization of objects in an image but also the membership of a certain pixel to a given class. Such inaccuracies are inherent to real images either because of the presence of indefinite limits between the structures or objects to be segmented within the image due to noisy acquisitions or directly because they are inherent to the image formation methods.


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El documento examina el efecto de filtros de ajuste en el tamaño y poder de prueba de cointegración que usan los residuales como pruebas ADF y PP, mediante procedimientos MonteCarlo y una aplicación empírica. Nuestros resultados indican que el uso de filtros distorsiona el tamaño y reduce el poder de estas pruebas.


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A novel hybrid high power rectifier capable to achieve unity power factor is proposed in this paper. Single-phase SEPIC rectifiers are associated in parallel with each leg of three-phase 6-pulse diode rectifier resulting in a programmable input current waveform structure. In this paper it is described the principles of operation of the proposed converter with detailed simulation and experimental results. For a total harmonic distortion of the input line current (THDI) less than 2% the rated power of the SEPIC rectifiers is 33%. Therefore, power rating of the SEPIC parallel converters is a fraction of the output power, on the range of 20% to 33% of the nominal output power, making the proposed solution economically viable for high power installations, with fast pay back of the investment. Moreover, retrofits to existing installations are also possible with this proposed topology, since the parallel path can be easily controlled by integration with the already existing de-link. Experimental results are presented for a 3 kW implemented prototype, in order to verify the developed analysis.


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Apresentamos dois algoritmos automáticos, os quais se utilizam do método dos mínimos quadrados de Wiener-Hopf, para o cálculo de filtros lineares digitais para as transformadas seno, co-seno e de Hankel J0, J1 e J2. O primeiro, que otimiza os parâmetros: incremento das abscissas, abscissa inicial e o fator de deslocamento utilizados para os cálculos dos coeficientes dos filtros lineares digitais que são aferidos através de transformadas co-seno, seno e o segundo, que otimiza os parâmetros: incremento das abscissas e abscissa inicial utilizados para os cálculos dos coeficientes dos filtros lineares digitais que são aferidos através de transformadas de Hankel J0, J1 e J2. Esses algoritmos levaram às propostas de novos filtros lineares digitais de 19, 30 e 40 pontos para as transformadas co-seno e seno e de novos filtros otimizados de 37 , 27 e 19 pontos para as transformadas J0, J1 e J2, respectivamente. O desempenho dos novos filtros em relação aos filtros existentes na literatura geofísica é avaliado usando-se um modelo geofísico constituído por dois semi-espaços. Como fonte usou-se uma linha infinita de corrente entre os semi-espaços originando, desta forma, transformadas co-seno e seno. Verificou-se melhores desempenhos na maioria das simulações usando o novo filtro co-seno de 19 pontos em relação às simulações usando o filtro co-seno de 19 pontos existente na literatura. Verificou-se também a equivalência de desempenhos nas simulações usando o novo filtro seno de 19 pontos em relação às simulações usando o filtro seno de 20 pontos existente na literatura. Adicionalmente usou-se também como fonte um dipolo magnético vertical entre os semi-espaços originando desta forma, transformadas J0 e J1, verificando-se melhores desempenhos na maioria das simulações usando o novo filtro J1 de 27 pontos em relação ao filtro J1 de 47 pontos existente na literatura. Verificou-se também a equivalência de desempenhos na maioria das simulações usando o novo filtro J0 de 37 pontos em relação ao filtro J0 de 61 pontos existente na literatura. Usou-se também como fonte um dipolo magnético horizontal entre os semi-espaços, verificando-se um desempenho análogo ao que foi descrito anteriormente dos novos filtros de 37 e 27 pontos para as respectivas transformadas J0 e J1 em relação aos filtros de 61 e 47 pontos existentes na literatura, destas respectivas transformadas. Finalmente verificou-se a equivalência de desempenhos entre os novos filtros J0 de 37 pontos e J1 de 27 pontos em relação aos filtros de 61 e 47 pontos existentes na literatura destas transformadas, respectivamente, quando aplicados em modelos de sondagens elétricas verticais (Wenner e Schlumberger). A maioria dos nossos filtros contêm poucos coeficientes quando comparados àqueles geralmente usados na geofísica. Este aspecto é muito importante porque transformadas utilizando filtros lineares digitais são usadas maciçamente em problemas numéricos geofísicos.


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A aquisição experimental de sinais neuronais é um dos principais avanços da neurociência. Por meio de observações da corrente e do potencial elétricos em uma região cerebral, é possível entender os processos fisiológicos envolvidos na geração do potencial de ação, e produzir modelos matemáticos capazes de simular o comportamento de uma célula neuronal. Uma prática comum nesse tipo de experimento é obter leituras a partir de um arranjo de eletrodos posicionado em um meio compartilhado por diversos neurônios, o que resulta em uma mistura de sinais neuronais em uma mesma série temporal. Este trabalho propõe um modelo linear de tempo discreto para o sinal produzido durante o disparo do neurônio. Os coeficientes desse modelo são calculados utilizando-se amostras reais dos sinais neuronais obtidas in vivo. O processo de modelagem concebido emprega técnicas de identificação de sistemas e processamento de sinais, e é dissociado de considerações sobre o funcionamento biofísico da célula, fornecendo uma alternativa de baixa complexidade para a modelagem do disparo neuronal. Além disso, a representação por meio de sistemas lineares permite idealizar um sistema inverso, cuja função é recuperar o sinal original de cada neurônio ativo em uma mistura extracelular. Nesse contexto, são discutidas algumas soluções baseadas em filtros adaptativos para a simulação do sistema inverso, introduzindo uma nova abordagem para o problema de separação de spikes neuronais.


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It is widely supposed that things tend to look blurred when they are moving fast. Previous work has shown that this is true for sharp edges but, paradoxically, blurred edges look sharper when they are moving than when stationary. This is 'motion sharpening'. We show that blurred edges also look up to 50% sharper when they are presented briefly (8-24 ms) than at longer durations (100-500 ms) without motion. This argues strongly against high-level models of sharpening based specifically on compensation for motion blur. It also argues against a recent, low-level, linear filter model that requires motion to produce sharpening. No linear filter model can explain our finding that sharpening was similar for sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal gratings, since linear filters can never distort sine waves. We also conclude that the idea of a 'default' assumption of sharpness is not supported by experimental evidence. A possible source of sharpening is a nonlinearity in the contrast response of early visual mechanisms to fast or transient temporal changes, perhaps based on the magnocellular (M-cell) pathway. Our finding that sharpening is not diminished at low contrast sets strong constraints on the nature of the nonlinearity.


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Communicating at a high data rate through the ocean is challenging. Such communications must be acoustic in order to travel long distances. The underwater acoustic channel has a long delay spread, which makes orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) an attractive communication scheme. However, the underwater acoustic channel is highly dynamic, which has the potential to introduce significant inter-carrier interference (ICI). This thesis explores a number of means for mitigating ICI in such communication systems. One method that is explored is directly adapted linear turbo ICI cancellation. This scheme uses linear filters in an iterative structure to cancel the interference. Also explored is on-off keyed (OOK) OFDM, which is a signal designed to avoid ICI.


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Hybrid system representations have been exploited in a number of challenging modelling situations, including situations where the original nonlinear dynamics are too complex (or too imprecisely known) to be directly filtered. Unfortunately, the question of how to best design suitable hybrid system models has not yet been fully addressed, particularly in the situations involving model uncertainty. This paper proposes a novel joint state-measurement relative entropy rate based approach for design of hybrid system filters in the presence of (parameterised) model uncertainty. We also present a design approach suitable for suboptimal hybrid system filters. The benefits of our proposed approaches are illustrated through design examples and simulation studies.