221 resultados para Lily Brayton


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Recognition is the aim of this account of an artist who is now remembered largely for her beauty, her wide iconic fame achieved by mass distribution of her image via photography and postcards, and her professional association with a internationally prominent producer who was also her husband. It is however a historically situated study, confining itself to readings of the kind of theatrical, social and cultural work performed by Brayton's presence in a rapidly-modernising Australia during the period between Federation in 1901 and the first World War, which event marks a disjuncture in the patterns of entertainment and cultural discourse in the new nation. Pre-war Australian theatre and vaudeville managements competed vigorously to secure the most acclaimed artists, seeing it as a kind of service and duty to boost their country's prestige along with their own coffers. Meanwhile, local playwrights and producers promoted a burgeoning repertoire of Australian dramas and films which played alongside the imported products in a complex network of cultural codes and affects.


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The article examines the early 20th century Australian actor, theater director, and writer Oscar Asche and how various aspects of his work are expressive of an aesthetic modernism. His theatrical productions with his wife Lily Brayton are discussed, as well as his solo projects like the highly acclaimed musical "Chu Chin Chow." Asche is described as a "vitalist."


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Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Brayton, Iowa for the period September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014


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This work was carried out in the laboratory of Fluid Dynamics, at Lappeenranta University of Technology during the years 1991-1996. The research was a part of larger high speed technology development research. First, there was the idea of making high speed machinery applications with the Brayton cycle. There was a clear need to deepen theknowledge of the cycle itself and to make a new approach in the field of the research. Also, the removal of water from the humid air seemed very interesting. The goal of this work was to study methods of designing high speed machinery to the reversed Brayton cycle, from theoretical principles to practical applications. The reversed Brayton cycle can be employed as an air dryer, a heat pump or a refrigerating machine. In this research the use of humid air as a working fluid has an environmental advantage, as well. A new calculation method for the Braytoncycle is developed. In this method especially the expansion process in the turbine is important because of the condensation of the water vapour in the humid air. This physical phenomena can have significant effects on the level of performance of the application. Also, the influence of calculating the process with actual, achievable process equipment efficiencies is essential for the development of the future machinery. The above theoretical calculations are confirmed with two different laboratory prototypes. The high speed machinery concept allows one to build an application with only one rotating shaft including all the major parts: the high speed motor, the compressor and the turbine wheel. The use of oil free bearings and high rotational speed outlines give several advantages compared to conventional machineries: light weight, compact structure, safe operation andhigher efficiency at a large operational region. There are always problems whentheory is applied to practice. The calibrations of pressure, temperature and humidity probes were made with care but still measurable errors were not negligible. Several different separators were examined and in all cases the content of the separated water was not exact. Due to the compact sizes and structures of the prototypes, the process measurement was slightly difficult. The experimental results agree well with the theoretical calculations. These experiments prove the operation of the process and lay a ground for the further development. The results of this work give very promising possibilities for the design of new, commercially competitive applications that use high speed machinery and the reversed Brayton cycle.


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Blueprint of proposed lily pond at DeVeaux Hall drawn by T. Wiley, Apr. 1916.


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Note regarding the phone tender from Newman Brothers for the lily pond, n.d.


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The dynamics of silence and remembrance in Australian writer Lily Brett’s autobiographic fiction Things Could Be Worse reflects the crisis of memory and understanding experienced by both first and second-generation Holocaust survivors within the diasporic space of contemporary Australia. It leads to issues of handling traumatic and transgenerational memory, the latter also known as postmemory (M. Hirsch), in the long aftermath of atrocities, and problematises the role of forgetting in shielding displaced identities against total dissolution of the self. This paper explores the mechanisms of remembrance and forgetting in L. Brett’s narrative by mainly focusing on two female characters, mother and daughter, whose coming to terms with (the necessary) silence, on the one hand, and articulated memories, on the other, reflects different modes of comprehending and eventually coping with individual trauma. By differentiating between several types of silence encountered in Brett’s prose (that of the voiceless victims, of survivors and their offspring, respectively), I argue that silence can equally voice and hush traumatic experience, that it is never empty, but invested with individual and collective meaning. Essentially, I contend that beside the (self-)damaging effects of silence, there are also beneficial consequences of it, in that it plays a crucial role in emplacing the displaced, rebuilding their shattered self, and contributing to their reintegration, survival and even partial healing.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A mathematical model is developed for an irreversible Brayton cycle with regeneration, inter-cooling and reheating. The irreversibility are from the thermal resistance in the heat exchangers, the pressure drops in pipes, the non-isentropic behavior in the adiabatic expansions and compressions and the heat leakage to the cold source. The cycle is optimized by maximizing the ecological function, which is achieved by the search for optimal values for the temperatures of the cycle and for the pressure ratios of the first stage compression and the first stage expansion. The advantages of using the regenerator, intercooler and reheater are presented by comparison with cycles that do not incorporate one or more of these processes. Optimization results are compared with those obtained by maximizing the power output and it is concluded that the point of maximum ecological function has major advantages with respect to the entropy generation rate and the thermal efficiency, at the cost of a small loss in power.


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Il presente lavoro propone una traduzione, corredata di commento introduttivo, del primo capitolo di “Die Frauenfrage: ihre geschichtliche Entwicklung und wirtschaftliche Seite” di Lily Braun, un’opera non ancora tradotta in italiano, in cui l’autrice tedesca (femminista e socialdemocratica, nata nel 1865) traccia una storia della condizione femminile e tenta non solo di decostruire, secondo una visione economicistica e materialistica della storia, il mito della “naturale” subordinazione della donna all’uomo, ma anche di combattere il pregiudizio socialista della “subalternità” della questione femminile rispetto alla lotta di classe. Il primo capitolo di “Die Frauenfrage” indaga la condizione femminile nell’antichità, partendo dalla preistoria, e analizza le forme famigliari primitive, lo sviluppo della monogamia, la nascita del patriarcato, la condizione della donna nell’Oriente antico, in Grecia (riservando particolare attenzione alle posizioni di Platone e di Aristotele sul ruolo della donna nella società), a Roma e presso i popoli barbari. Nel commento introduttivo, sono state fornite alcune notizie storiche essenziali sull’autrice, sull’opera e sulla temperie politica e culturale in cui è stata concepita, e sono stati messi in luce i principali problemi traduttivi incontrati durante il lavoro di preparazione: in particolare, problemi legati alla terminologia delle scienze umane (sociologia, antropologia, filosofia), alle peculiarità retorico-stilistiche e sintattiche della scrittura saggistica, al “dialogo” intertestuale (citazioni da testi antichi, allusioni colte) e alla scelta fra traduzione semantica e traduzione comunicativa.


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This critical/creative project considers Stéphane Mallarmé’s critical poems in his 1897 Divagations as an invitation to explore the notion of criticism and the relationship between the conceptual and the nonconceptual aspects of writing and thinking. Informed by Emmanuel Levinas’s ethics of the face, Walter Benjamin’s essay “The Task of theTranslator” and the myth of Orpheus, I consider ways to approach that which may not be said or thought by following Mallarmé’s method of combining poetry and criticism to create a wandering, unclassifiable text where we may imagine the nonconceptual as a remoteness, as the presence of an absence.


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F03384