1000 resultados para Liderança Situacional
A liderança constitui uma temática de suma importância para o gerenciamento da assistência de enfermagem prestada ao paciente/cliente. A proposta deste estudo consiste em apresentar os conceitos-chave do modelo de liderança desenvolvido por Hersey e Blanchard, denominado Liderança Situacional. Acreditamos que este modelo poderá trazer contribuições importantes no que tange a habilidade de liderar do enfermeiro.
O presente estudo teve como objetivos identificar a correspondência de opiniões entre o enfermeiro de centro cirúrgico e a equipe de enfermagem em relação ao estilo de liderança exercido pelo enfermeiro, e o estilo de liderança que este profissional deveria adotar em relação ao nível de maturidade do liderado. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, selecionamos a Liderança Situacional como referencial teórico e elaboramos instrumentos que foram submetidos a validações, aparente e de conteúdo. Os instrumentos foram aplicados em quinze enfermeiros, dois técnicos e treze auxiliares de enfermagem. Os resultados evidenciaram que o estilo de liderança mais exercido pelo enfermeiro foi o E3 (compartilhar). Quanto ao estilo de liderança que o enfermeiro deveria adotar em relação ao nível de maturidade do liderado, diante de atividades desenvolvidas na sala de operações, houve predomínio do estilo E4 (delegar), sugerindo que os liderados pesquisados apresentavam nível de maturidade alto (M4).
O presente estudo teve por objetivos avaliar a liderança exercida pelas enfermeiras com uso do coaching como ferramenta gerencial, identificar, mensurar e analisar a aquisição de competências percebidas pelas enfermeiras que atuam como coaches, Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, transversal, exploratório e de campo, com abordagem quantitativa. A Liderança Situacional foi selecionada como referencial teórico e o instrumento de pesquisa foi submetido a análises estatísticas e de conteúdo, aplicado em 111 enfermeiras líderes em um hospital geral, privado, de grande porte da cidade de São Paulo. Os resultados evidenciaram que houve incorporação de novos conhecimentos, confirmaram o modelo de Liderança Situacional ao reconhecer ser líder coach, tendo o estilo predominantemente orientado às tarefas e às pessoas, segundo a situação envolvida, e ainda, indicaram como habilidades preponderantes do coach: a comunicação, dar e receber feedback, dar e ganhar poder e exercer influência, que as atitudes refletiram o exercício o liderança coaching.
This study aimed to analyze the leadership style adopted by managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem on the theory of Hersey and Blanchard. This theory is called situational leadership ranks E1, E2, E3, E4 and the styles of leadership and maturity in parallel classes M1, M2, M3 and M4. This study examined the relationship of leadership styles with the maturity of work, identified the relationship of leadership styles as related to psychological maturity and job maturity and psychological maturity. The main objectives were to analyze and relate leadership styles with the maturity of the leaders and understand the phenomenon of leadership from the self-perception of those who lead the organizations studied. To achieve the objectives we used a questionnaire already validated the theory of situational leadership and applied in 320 non-governmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem The methodology was quantitative, descriptive and exploratory. The analysis was by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for univariate and bivariate form, applying the chi-square, the V Crammer and Spearman correlation. The data analysis shows safety, attested to the frequencies, and average margin of error and after application of the tests it was found that a relationship between the leadership style of work with the maturity and psychological maturity. The managers of nongovernmental organizations practicing various styles of leadership and focus on the quadrant of high maturity. It was diagnosed when the manager uses only one style of leadership was the predominance of E3 "share or support", which represents 24% of the sample. As uses two styles of leadership is the predominance of E3 and E2, which represents 76%. So the managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem, practicing a style of leadership support, sharing ideas for decision making using a democratic style
This study aimed to analyze the leadership style adopted by managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem on the theory of Hersey and Blanchard. This theory is called situational leadership ranks E1, E2, E3, E4 and the styles of leadership and maturity in parallel classes M1, M2, M3 and M4. This study examined the relationship of leadership styles with the maturity of work, identified the relationship of leadership styles as related to psychological maturity and job maturity and psychological maturity. The main objectives were to analyze and relate leadership styles with the maturity of the leaders and understand the phenomenon of leadership from the self-perception of those who lead the organizations studied. To achieve the objectives we used a questionnaire already validated the theory of situational leadership and applied in 320 non-governmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem The methodology was quantitative, descriptive and exploratory. The analysis was by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for univariate and bivariate form, applying the chi-square, the V Crammer and Spearman correlation. The data analysis shows safety, attested to the frequencies, and average margin of error and after application of the tests it was found that a relationship between the leadership style of work with the maturity and psychological maturity. The managers of nongovernmental organizations practicing various styles of leadership and focus on the quadrant of high maturity. It was diagnosed when the manager uses only one style of leadership was the predominance of E3 "share or support", which represents 24% of the sample. As uses two styles of leadership is the predominance of E3 and E2, which represents 76%. So the managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem, practicing a style of leadership support, sharing ideas for decision making using a democratic style
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica
This study aimed to analyze the leadership style adopted by managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem on the theory of Hersey and Blanchard. This theory is called situational leadership ranks E1, E2, E3, E4 and the styles of leadership and maturity in parallel classes M1, M2, M3 and M4. This study examined the relationship of leadership styles with the maturity of work, identified the relationship of leadership styles as related to psychological maturity and job maturity and psychological maturity. The main objectives were to analyze and relate leadership styles with the maturity of the leaders and understand the phenomenon of leadership from the self-perception of those who lead the organizations studied. To achieve the objectives we used a questionnaire already validated the theory of situational leadership and applied in 320 non-governmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem The methodology was quantitative, descriptive and exploratory. The analysis was by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for univariate and bivariate form, applying the chi-square, the V Crammer and Spearman correlation. The data analysis shows safety, attested to the frequencies, and average margin of error and after application of the tests it was found that a relationship between the leadership style of work with the maturity and psychological maturity. The managers of nongovernmental organizations practicing various styles of leadership and focus on the quadrant of high maturity. It was diagnosed when the manager uses only one style of leadership was the predominance of E3 "share or support", which represents 24% of the sample. As uses two styles of leadership is the predominance of E3 and E2, which represents 76%. So the managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem, practicing a style of leadership support, sharing ideas for decision making using a democratic style
The present work consists on the development and exploration of a knowledge mapping model. It is aimed in presenting and testing that model in an exploratory manner for the operationalization in theoretical terms and its practical application. For this proposal, it approaches ¿knowledge management¿ by three dimensions of management: processes control, results control and leadership. Assuming the inherently personal character of knowledge and admitting the impossibility for the management to command the individuals knowledge mental processes, this study states the possibility for management to control the organizations information processes, to state and to monitor the objectives and to lead people. Therefore, the developed tool searches to graphically represent the people¿s knowledge, which becomes, consequently, information. Also it evaluates the individual¿s maturity against the identified knowledge and prescribes, according to the Situational Leadership Theory, a style of leadership in compliance with the respective maturities. The knowledge map considered here translates the graphical representation of the relevant knowledge that is said to reach the objectives of the organization. That fact allows the results management for two reasons: first, the knowledge items are directly or indirectly connected to an objective and second, the knowledge map developed indicates a importance grade of the identified knowledge for the main objective stated. The research strategy adopted to explore the model of knowledge mapping and to test its applicability, also identifying its possible contributions and limitations, is the Actionresearch. Following the research strategy¿s prescribed stages, the knowledge map, as considered by this study, was applied in a software development company to hospitals, clinics and restaurants management which is called ¿Tergus Systems and Consulting¿. More precisely, the knowledge map was applied in the customer support company¿s area for hospitals. The research¿s empirical evidences had concluded that the model is applicable with low level of complexity, but with great demand of time. The more important contributions are related to the identification of the relevant knowledge to the department objectives in set with a prescription of the knowledge capture and transference necessities, as well as, the orientation for the appropriate leadership style for each subordinate related to the knowledge item in question.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientada pela Professora Doutora Maria Alexandra Pacheco Ribeiro da Costa
Psychological factors are gaining more space in sports, and increasingly common related professional psychology are inserted in the sporting context. Seeking a better understanding of the manifestations of leadership in football between technicians of different categories this study aimed to verify whether there is a preferred style of leadership among the football coaches and if there are differences between the leadership style ideal and real seconded by same. The methodology used the Search Specification (CERVO and BERVIAN, 2004) relying on the implementation of the Revised Leadership Scale for Sport (ELRE), ideal and real versions Profile, With the participation of twenty football coaches in the field (n = 20), working in teams of males in the City of São Bernardo do Campo - SP, and to process the data we calculated the Cronbach alpha to verify the reliability of the scale, and the average of the results relying on the software application SPSS version 17.0 for Windows. Of the total participants 30% have a degree in Physical Education and are inserted in the football an average of 8 years in different roles and the prevalence of autocratic decision-making model, with an alpha of 0.87 results in the ideal profile and the actual profile of alpha 0.86 , So the scale is stable and reliable. We conclude that the model of autocratic decision not differ very significantly compared to the model of democratic decision. Regarding the interaction with the group of technicians the situational model is highlighted in research showing that technicians take into account situational factors.
A organização necessita de um capital humano efetivamente disposto a contribuir com as suas estratégias e metas. Vários estudos já comprovaram que o comprometimento das pessoas influencia nos resultados. O que mais tem relação com o desempenho é o comprometimento afetivo. As lideranças, através dos seus estilos, podem também contribuir para gerar um desempenho e resultados melhores para as organizações. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a relação entre os estilos de liderança e o comprometimento organizacional afetivo. Utilizando o método quantitativo, instrumento para coleta de dados foi construído um questionário de autopreenchimento composto por três escalas que medem as variáveis da pesquisa. Os dados, todos de natureza numérica, formaram um banco eletrônico que foi analisado por meio de estatística descritiva e multivariadas do teste de correlação de Pearson do software SPSS, versão 19.0. A pesquisa foi realizada com 92 trabalhadores de uma empresa privada na cidade de São Paulo, utilizando a escala de Siqueira (2008) para medir o comprometimento organizacional afetivo dos trabalhadores e a escala de avaliação do estilo gerencial de Melo (2004) para identificar o perfil dos líderes destes trabalhadores na visão dos mesmos, porem com variações em função do tamanho da amostra, reveladas pelo valor do t de Student nos teste de Bootstrap. Foram analisadas as correlações entre os três estilos de liderança tarefa, relacionamento e situacional com o comprometimento organizacional afetivo. As análises revelaram fracas correlações entre os estilos de liderança e o comprometimento organizacional afetivo, sendo significativas (com erro inferior a 5%) as correlações do comprometimento com o estilo tarefa e com o estilo situacional, porém com variações em função do tamanho da amostra. Estes resultados contribuem para o aprimoramento dos processos de gestão de pessoas, sendo úteis para as áreas de Recursos Humanos de maneira geral, a fim de promover melhorias no desenvolvimento das lideranças e no comprometimento das pessoas através das políticas da organização.