968 resultados para Lewis Carroll


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This thesis in the field of translation studies focusses on the role of norms in the work of a literary translator. Norms are seen as guidelines for the translator; they also reflect the way the target audience either accepts or rejects the translation. Thus they are of an intersubjective nature. The theoretical background of the study is based on the views on norms of Andrew Chesterman and Gideon Toury. The writer makes use of her own editing and publishing experience, as well as her experience in translating Lewis Carroll, considering these in respect to theoretical views of norms and vice versa. The aim is also to bring to light some of the tacit knowledge related to translating, editing and publishing in Finland. The study has three angles. First, the writer introduces the norms of Finnish literary translation as gathered from her own working experience. The sources from which these norms arise and which affect them are briefly described. Six central translation norms emerge; they are described and exemplified through cases of Carroll translation. Secondly, a small-scale questionnaire study is presented. This was carried out in order to sound the normative views of other translators and to limit the role of subjectivity. The views of the informants largely support the set of norms presented by the writer, although the norms of quotability and harmony between translation and illustration do not arise. Instead, the answers give rise to a seventh, ethical norm, which is labelled the norm of integrity. Thirdly, there is a brief presentation of Lewis Carroll, his Alice books and their translation history in Finland. The retranslation hypothesis and the motives of retranslation are considered in the light of the work of Outi Paloposki and Kaisa Koskinen. The final part of the thesis plunges into actual translation work. It includes one and a half chapters of Through the Looking-Glass (Alicen seikkailut peilintakamaassa) as translated into Finnish by the writer. The translation commentary first discusses a number of recurring and general translation points; the running commentary then analyses 77 individual translation solutions and their justifications. The writer uses introspection as a way of reflecting on her own translation process, its decisive points and the role of norms therein. Keywords: Translation studies, Carroll, norms


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Se analiza la obra del autor inglés Lewis Carroll, en su obra titulada Alicia en el País de las Maravillas. Se considera que se trata no sólo de un maravilloso cuento para niños sino también de una obra maestra del lenguaje del absurdo. El libro describe las aventuras de una niña pequeña, Alicia. Para describir estas aventuras, Lewis Carroll usa un inglés sencillo, pero con un dominio tal de la lengua que no sólo consigue presentar situaciones absurdas, sino que logra no significar nada en absoluto. Se ponen como ejemplo varias situaciones y pasajes del libro. En definitiva el contenido es un puro absurdo, ya que en el poema las palabras, aunque estructuralmente en perfecto orden, son en gran parte creación suya, pero sin ningún significado. Aquí más que en ninguna otra ocasión, se revela la mente matemática del autor fuera de toda dimensión conocida. Una especie de lenguaje cifrado cuya clave sólo Carroll conocería. Lo esencial de este poema es esto precisamente: la invención de palabras que aunque no son propias del idioma inglés merecerían serlo. Finalmente, todo este lenguaje absurdo de la obra de Lewis Carroll es un perfecto ejemplo del sentimiento de fantasía que subyace en ambos cuentos. Leerlos no es solamente trasladarnos por unos momentos al mundo de lo maravilloso, sino también un ejercicio mental de primera categoría.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Research partly motivated by Lewis Carroll's Euclid and his modern rivals (1879) portuguese translation, this paper presents some hermeneutical remarks taken as necessary to understand the context in which such book was produced. The paper focuses particularly on education, in general, and on the teaching of mathematics and Geometry in victorian England.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes bibliographical references (p. 431-443) and index.


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“Aqui, todos são loucos. Eu sou louco. Tu és louca!”, diz o Gato de Cheshire empoleirado numa árvore, donde parece adquirir o ponto de vista abrangente de um esclarecido filósofo, em Alice no País das Maravilhas. Este iluminado pensamento, verbalizado por um animal conotado com a prática da reflexividade e da contemplação, revela-nos como Lewis Carroll usou o nonsense para nos dizer que este nos é muitas vezes imposto sem que se possa controlar nem escapar à perplexidade que nos causa. Todas as definições aprendidas para nos podermos orientar no mundo serão, assim, completamente arbitrárias, não tendo este afinal qualquer sentido a priori, exigindo que cada um lhe atribua o seu próprio sentido. Quando no capítulo VII, intitulado “Um Lanche Maluco”, Alice toma chá com a Lebre de Março e o Chapeleiro, este tenta definir a semelhança surreal entre um corvo e uma secretaria, interpretada por Alice como uma adivinha, mas não havendo para esta qualquer solução, como sem explicação ficarão muitas situações comuns vividas no nosso quotidiano.


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Notable mathematics teacher, Lewis Carroll, pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898), made the mixture of mathematics with literature a ludic environment for learning that discipline. Author of Alice s Adventures In Wonderland and its sequel Alice Through The Looking Glass, he eventually created a real and complex universe which uses what we call the logic of the nonsense as an element to motivate the development of mathematical thinking of the reader, taking it as well, learn by establishing a link between the concrete (mathematics) and the imaginary (their universe). In order to investigate and discuss the educational potential of their works and state some elements that can contribute to a decentralized math education from the traditional method of following the models and decorate formulas, we visited his works based on the studies of archeology of knowledge (FOUCAULT, 2007), the rational thought and symbolic thinking (VERGANI, 2003) and about the importance of stories and narratives to the development of human cognition (FARIAS, 2006). Through a descriptive, analytical study, we used the literary construction and presented part of our study in form of a mathematical novel, to give the mathematical school a particular charm, without depriving it of its basics properties as discipline and content. Our study showed how the works of Carroll have a strong didactic element that can deploy in various activities of study and teaching for mathematics classes


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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This paper will focus on the issue of training future literary reading mediators or promoters. It will propose a practical exercise on playing with intertextuality with the aid of two children literature classics and masterpieces—The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865) and The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (1969). This exercise is not designed to be a pedagogical or didactic tool used with children (that could alternatively be done with the same corpora), but it is designed to focus on issues of literary studies and contemporary culture. The aim of this practical exercise with future reading promoters is to enable graduate students or trainees to be able to recognize that literary reading can be a team game. However, before arriving at the agan stage, where the rules get simplified and attainable by young readers, hard and solitary work of the mediator is required. The rules of this solitary game of preparing the reading of classical texts are not always evident. On the other hand, the reason why literary reading could be (and perhaps should be) defined as a new team game in our contemporary and globalized world derives directly from the fact that we now live in a world where mass culture is definitely installed. We should be pragmatic on evaluating the conditions of communication between people (not only young adults or children) and we should look the way people read the signs on everyday life and consequently behave in contemporary society, and then apply the same rules or procedures to introduce old players such as the classical books in the game. We are talking about adult mediators and native digital readers. In the contemporary democratic social context, cultural producers and consumers are two very important elements (as the book itself) of the literary polissystem. So, teaching literature is more than ever to be aware that the literary reader meaning of a text does not reside only in the text and in its solitary relationship with the quiet and comfortably installed reader. Meaning is produced by the reader in relation both to the text in question and to the complex network of texts invoked in the reading process and plural connections provided by the world of a new media environment.


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Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas - Interpretação