968 resultados para Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1908-2009


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Resumen: En el trabajo se aborda la vexata quaestio de la cientificidad de la ciencia jurídica, a la que se le impugna la pretensión de ser científica y, a la vez, práctica. Se estudian las impugnaciones realizadas en ese sentido por Claude Lévi-Strauss y Hans Albert, así como los intentos de algunos filósofos del derecho analíticos de superarla a través del análisis lógico del lenguaje jurídico. Se analizan después los cuestionamientos efectuados por algunos representantes de la filosofía hermenéutica, que critican los ensayos analíticos y proponen una concepción interpretativa de la ciencia jurídica. Luego de esta exposición, el A. evalúa las aportaciones analíticas y hermenéuticas, poniendo de relieve sus fortalezas y sus falencias a la hora de establecer el estatuto científico de la ciencia jurídica, para pasar finalmente a proponer una concepción de la ciencia del derecho heredera de la tradición de la filosofía práctica de cuño aristotélico. En este punto, el A. desarrolla —con base en el pensamiento de Tomás de Aquino— una concepción analógica del conocimiento científico y explica de qué modo es posible aplicarla a un saber acerca del derecho que resulte, a la vez, científico y práctico. Finalmente, desenvuelve la necesidad epistémica de una apertura del conocimiento de la ciencia jurídica a los primeros principios prácticos, que la vincula constitutivamente a la doctrina de la ley natural, así como al nivel máximamente determinado de la prudencia jurídica.


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Acaba de morir el padre de la antropología a los 100 años de edad. Nos deja un legado enorme. Hombre de gran erudición, consagró su vida al estudio de las sociedades mal llamadas primitivas, justamente para demostrar que dichas sociedades no tenían nada de primitivas. Fue el principal portavoz de la antropología en Francia, declarando a voces, que la antropología rinde homenaje a la “superstición” y que el estudio de los mitos, tiene un lugar central para esta ciencia.3 Demostró, pacientemente, la universalidad de la naturaleza humana, explicando que el cerebro humano esta hecho, en todas partes del mundo, de la misma forma, con idénticas limitaciones. A continuación haré una breve reseña de su vida y de sus libros.


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Consists of correspondence, documents, speeches, reports and other writings, photographs, film and other records of Admiral Strauss' involvement with Jewish organizations and causes, as well as miscellaneous personal items.


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El presente ensayo explora un concepto de ‘nosotros’ que sin rechazar el uso gramatical de la enunciación se enfoca en la pragmática que le subyace, desde la cual las condiciones de colectividad y exclusividad del enunciado se confrontan con su alteridad ontológica fundamental. A la luz de la tesis sobre la antropología postestructural del etnólogo brasilero Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, se examinan, de un lado, la necesidad de enunciar al ‘nosotros’ en su calidad de radical diferenciador y, de otro, la imposibilidad de constituirlo sustancialmente en tanto remite inexorablemente a la otredad. En la primera parte, se expone que las teorías socioculturales no triviales de la antropología son realmente una coproducción entre el antropólogo y la comunidad estudiada. En segunda instancia, se presenta el modo por el cual el ‘nosotros’ da lugar a una diferencia irreductible no sólo previa al Mismo, sino esencial y afirmativa. En tercer lugar, se plantea una colectividad inmanente caracterizada por la multiplicidad que permanece por debajo de cualquier enunciación organizativa del ‘nosotros’ y compuesta por la alteridad maquínica. A modo de conclusión, el ensayo afirma al ‘nosotros’ en su devenir en cuanto un-otro-por-venir, el cual funciona como acto político existencial.


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This study was elaborated based on our research of the work Mithologiques by the anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), which affirms that languages, indigenous myths and music are related. He proposes that the understanding of myths occurs in a similar manner as with an orchestral score. In the course of his tetralogy we investigated the musical terms used in the analysis and in the division of the chapters, especially in the first volume of his work. Several compositional procedures and forms are named. Composers in pairs are categorized: Sebastian Bach for the code, Ludwig van Beethoven for the message, and Richard Wagner for the myths. In this deduction, we structured in parts: theme and variations, sonata and fugue with the aforementioned composers. Within the greatness of anthropological study, from among over 800 myths, we selected the first five of the indigenous tribe Bororo to discuss within the Theme and Variation segment. In the Sonata part there are two myths with the same theme: The wife of the jaguar which relates to the compositional structure, and four myths about The origin of women. Finally, in the segment related to the Fugue, we collected four myths that address The shortness of life. Honoring the many terms expressed in opposition, contrast, or symmetry under consideration in Levi-Strauss work, we entitled this thesis emphasizing the migration between the tempos Largo and Prestíssimo as these are oppositional presentations in music. Fifteen musical myths accompany the work supported by selected narratives. In light of this we questioned, we questioned: how are incest, murder and other events part of a society that elevates nature as an extension of life itself? And how did Lévi-Strauss think that anthropology harmonized with music? In the preparation of this study, philosophers like Peter Sloterdijk discuss the circular territory of Mythology


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Principal Topic: Resource decisions are critical to the venture creation process, which has important subsequent impacts on venture creation and performance (Boeker, 1989). Most entrepreneurs however, suffer substantial resource constraints in venture creation and during venture growth (Shepherd et al., 2000). Little is known about how high potential, sustainability ventures (the ventures of interest in this research), despite resource constraints, achieve continued venture persistence and venture success. One promising theory that explicitly links to resource constraints is a concept developed by Levi Strauss (1967) termed bricolage. Bricolage aligns with notions of resourcefulness: using what's on hand, through making do, and recombining resources for new or novel purposes (Baker & Nelson 2005). To the best of our knowledge, previous studies have not systematically investigated internal and external constraints, their combinations, and subsequent bricolage patterns. The majority of bricolage literature focuses on external environmental constraints (e.g. Wieck 1989; Baker & Nelson 2005), thereby paying less attention to in evaluating internal constraints (e.g. skills and capabilities) or constraint combinations. In this paper we focus on ventures that typically face resource-poor environments. High potential, nascent and young sustainability ventures are often created and developed with resource constraints and in some cases, have greater resource requirements owing to higher levels of technical sophistication of their products (Rothaermel & Deeds 2006). These ventures usually have high aspirations and potential for growth who ''seeks to meet the needs and aspirations without compromising the ability to meet those of the future'' (Brundtland Commission 1983). High potential ventures are increasingly attributed with a central role in the development of innovation, and employment in developed economies (Acs 2008). Further, increasing awareness of environmental and sustainability issues has fostered demand for business processes that reduce detrimental environmental impacts of global development (Dean & McMullen 2007) and more environmentally sensitive products and services: representing an opportunity for the development of ventures that seek to satisfy this demand through entrepreneurial action. These ventures may choose to ''make do'' with existing resources in developing resource combinations that produce the least impact on the environment. The continuous conflict between the greater requirements for resources and limited resource availability in high potential sustainable ventures, with the added complexity of balancing this with an uncompromising focus on using ''what's on hand'' to lessen environment impacts may make bricolage behaviours critical for these ventures. Research into bricolage behaviour is however, the exception rather than the rule (Cunha 2005). More research is therefore needed to further develop and extend this emerging concept, especially in the context of sustainability ventures who are committed to personal and social goals of resourcefulness. To date, however, bricolage has not been studied specifically among high potential sustainable ventures. This research seeks to develop an in depth understanding of the impact of internal and external constraints and their combinations on the mechanisms employed in bricolage behaviours in differing dynamic environments. The following research question was developed to investigate this: How do internal, external resource constraints (or their combinations) impact bricolage resource decisions in high potential sustainability ventures? ---------- Methodology/Key Propositions: 6 case studies will be developed utilizing survey data from the Comprehensive Australian Study of Entrepreneurial Emergence (CAUSEE) large-scale longitudinal study of new venture start-ups in Australia. Prior to commencing case studies, 6 scoping interviews were conducted with key stakeholders including industry members, established businesses and government to ensure practical relevance in case development. The venture is considered the unit of analysis with the key informant being the entrepreneur and other management team members where appropriate. Triangulation techniques are used in this research including semi-structured interviews, survey data, onsite visits and secondary documentation website analysis, resumes, and business plans. These 6 sustainability ventures have been selected based on different environmental dynamism conditions including a traditionally mature market (building industry) and a more dynamic, evolving industry (renewable energy/solar ventures). In evaluating multidisciplinary literature, we expect the following external constraints are critical including: technology constraints (seen through lock-in of incumbents existing technology), institutional regulation and standards, access to markets, knowledge and training to nascent and young venture bricolage processes. The case studies will investigate internal constraints including resource fungability, resource combination capabilities, translating complex science/engineering knowledge into salient, valuable market propositions, i.e. appropriate market outcomes, and leveraging relationships may further influence bricolage decisions. ---------- Results and Implications: Intended ventures have been identified within the CAUSEE sample and have agreed to participate and secondary data collection for triangulation purposes has already commenced. Data collection of the case studies commenced 27th of May 2009. Analysis is expected to be completed finalised by 25th September 2009. This paper will report on the pattern of resource constraints and its impact on bricolage behaviours: its subsequent impact on resource deployment within venture creation and venture growth. As such, this research extends the theory of bricolage through the systematic analysis of constraints on resource management processes in sustainability ventures. For practice, this research may assist in providing a better understanding of the resource requirements and processes needed for continued venture persistence and growth in sustainability ventures. In these times of economic uncertainty, a better understanding of the influence on constraints and bricolage: the interplay of behaviours, processes and outcomes may enable greater venture continuance and success.


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We introduce Claude Lévi Strauss' canonical formula (CF), an attempt to rigorously formalise the general narrative structure of myth. This formula utilises the Klein group as its basis, but a recent work draws attention to its natural quaternion form, which opens up the possibility that it may require a quantum inspired interpretation. We present the CF in a form that can be understood by a non-anthropological audience, using the formalisation of a key myth (that of Adonis) to draw attention to its mathematical structure. The future potential formalisation of mythological structure within a quantum inspired framework is proposed and discussed, with a probabilistic interpretation further generalising the formula


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Avec la globalisation de l’économie, l’entreprise traditionnelle est devenue un réseau global de producteurs liés par des contrats. À la suite de certains abus commis par les entreprises multinationales, notamment en ce qui concerne les droits fondamentaux des travailleurs, les entreprises et la société civile ont développé des mécanismes de régulation privés dont les codes de conduite privés. La présente étude cherche à déterminer quels pouvaient être les véritables destinataires des codes de conduite : les travailleurs du pays d’origine de l’entreprise (généralement situés dans un pays développé) ou les travailleurs des pays de production (généralement situés dans des pays en développement). À cette fin, le mémoire compare le contenu des codes de conduite de Nike, de Gap et de Levi-Strauss sur ce sujet avec les observations de l’Organisation internationale du travail pour les travailleurs des États-Unis, de l’Inde et du Bangladesh. Certains écarts entre les protections accordées par les codes et les besoins des travailleurs sont ainsi identifiés. Dans la dernière partie du mémoire, la question d’étude est élargie afin d’examiner si les codes ne seraient pas destinés à des personnes autres que les travailleurs, soient les consommateurs, les actionnaires ou l’entreprise elle-même.


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El presente trabajo quiere reflexionar sobre algunas interrogantes alrededor de la relación establecida entre la Comunicación y el Desarrollo, determinar sus orientaciones, reconocer sus aproximaciones y, sobretodo, profundizar en sus contradicciones. Este documento no trata de resolver absolutamente nada, su carácter es especulativo, como cualquier esfuerzo teórico que se precie. Intenta aproximarse más al espíritu de un ensayo que al de un trabajo metodológicamente riguroso. Asf es como al acercarnos al análisis del Desarrollo y la Comunicación como productos culturales, ha sido irremediable y necesario que este texto se sirva de algunos discurs,)s dentro de las esferas de la modernidad, la postrnodemidad y la ppstcolonialidad para alcanzar mínimamente los fines que nos habíamos propuesto en la tesis proyectada. Quien busque encontrar aquf un cuadro reivindicativo o descriptivo de la Comunicación para el Desarrollo, no encontrará sino cruces que se diseminan en varios sentidos; sentidos que, de alguna manera, visibilizan los esfuerzos de reconfiguración de las Ciencias Sociales en el Continente en tomo a las nuevas sensibilidades emergentes de la crisis de los antiguos· sistemas omnicomprensivos de la realidad. Existe la Comunicación para el Desarrollo como un aparato teórico estable, o es que esta disciplina del ámbito comunicacional se ha visto reducida a simples prácticas neutras de planificación; es pertinente hablar de Comunicación para el Desarrollo en la actual encrucijada cultural; el Desarrollo y la Comunicación son dos dimensiones complementarias, o es que existe una instrumentalización intencionada y alevosa por parte de ambos campos en su progresión histórica; cuál es el estado de estas dos vertientes en la actualidad y cuáles los desaffos que plantean para el futuro dentro del orden simbólico latinoamericano en ciernes. Estas son algunas de las preguntas que mueven la redacción de la presente tesis, hemos creído que colaborar en la construcción de diferentes aparatos de dudas, de diferentes aparatos de 1 desfondamiento de nuestra realidad, es parte fundamental del proyecto de las Ciencias Sociales en la Amélica Latina para el próximo milenio. Este esfuer1.o es, además de un inevitable y balsámico palimpsesto, un homenaje a vados de los intelectuales que han abierto este camino. A nuestro clitelio, la invención de la comunicación a partir de la configuración social occidental y de sus categorías de análisis y comprensión, son la misma y una ,;Sola cosa. De esta manera, la Comunicación para el Desarrollo nos ha servido de excusa y de punto de despegue, para ahondar en esta certeza y reflexionar sobre el futuro de la Comunicación en Amélica Latina como proyecto cultural, y de la pertinencia en la aplicación de las diferentes categorías del Desarrollo. Prutimos de la certeza de que los medios de comunicación no son el centro de la disputa, nadie se está peleando su posesión, no son los aparatos los que liberan, oprimen u/o seducen al hombre, a sus culturas, ni los que van a desarrollar pueblos automáticamente, así lo demostró Octavio Paz en su libro, Claude Levi Strauss o el nuevo festín de Esopo, es allí donde corrige a Mac Luhan, afirmando que no fue la imprenta la que liberó a la sociedad del dominio de la letra impresa, sino que ésta se dio a partir de la combinación entre hombres y máquinas, es decir a partir de lo mecanismos de interacción que conforman la cultura. La batalla se plantea en términos culturales y políticos, hacia adentro y hacia afuera, es la batalla por la apropiación de un nuevo, de un nuestro horizonte simbólico latinoamericano.


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Using literature to discuss the topic of food, proper bourgeois cuisine, was the purpose of this work. As a corpus, we use one of the works of Eça de Queiroz, The City and the Mountains. Served as theoretical references the Claude Levi-Strauss s concept of universal culinary and the Jean Claude Fischler s concept of specific culinary who understands food as a cultural system which includes representations, beliefs and practices of a specific group. After the initial reading of the novel and construction of a file containing general information of the work, categories designed for elaboration of a material for analysis were these: work, characters, food, intellectuals and geographies. We realized the culinary as an epicenter for understanding the culture of a specific group: in this case, the bourgeois. We proposed a quaternary model for systematizing it: this bourgeois cuisine highlights the technique, has affection for what is rare and/or expensive but still consume it with temperance, establishing a new relationship with the use of time and, finally, it is the one that opens the ritual that involves frequent restaurants and cafes. The exercise of thinking the bourgeois cuisine through the literature suggests that the art may work on increase the comprehensive capabilities of nutritionists, professionals who deal with a complex object in your practice: the food


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Talking about body and beauty seems fairly familiar to physical education. We understand that the body language in the area provides many meanings over the appearance, beauty and aesthetics, thus requiring the need of criticism and the need to interrogate her to realize how physical education has been re-signified. For this purpose, considering the multiplicity of meanings that surround the body and beauty, we discussed the implications that this brings to the area of Physical Education, analyzing the conception of body and beauty in the studies in this area, at the masters level, from some questions: What conceptions of body and beauty have been discussed in the studies of physical education at the masters level? What is the relationship between the meanings of body and beauty products analyzed and identified in the models of beauty outlined in Physical Education? We understand the importance of this research and its contribution to the epistemological analysis of existing studies. And, mainly because there is a lack of studies that discuss these productions. For construction of this text and for our reflections, we rely on thoughts like David Le Breton, Claude Levi- Strauss, Michel Foucault, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Ana Marcia Silva, Carmen Smith, Isabel Mendes, Karenin Porpino Nobrega and flounder. The present study is characterized as a qualitative research, and content analysis proposed by Laurence Bardin (1977) for data processing. The corpus was composed of eight essays in the area of Physical Education, published in the CAPES Theses Database for the period 2004 to 2008, selected from the subject and body beauty. The initial reading allowed us to select meaningful units and guide our discussions on two main themes, which make up the two chapters of the work. In the first chapter, entitled Body, beauty and culture, as evidenced understandings of body, nature and culture that are present in the work is considered. In the second chapter, Standard Body Transformations and beauty, we present the concepts of body and beauty found in the dissertation, focusing on the mutability of representations of the models of beauty in body singularities in the relations of power-knowledge and the importance given the body in society, especially with regard to physical education professionals. We have thus found that, considering the dissertations analyzed, the understanding of body and beauty has been resignified, when dealing with other aesthetic conceptions that consider the uniqueness expressed in the human body and the culture of which the individual belongs


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Monoculture of mind This idea, presented by Vandana Shiva, reflects the phase that we have experienced in the world: a notion of civilization that, since many decades, characterized by a technocratic big trend, has been shown as dominant and hegemonic. Based on a thinking and acting, felling and whishing standardization, this wave ends implying in what can be called of humanity‟s crisis at civilizational process. Destruction of simpler and more harmonious lifestyles with nature, human relations increasingly distant, values embrittlement, as respect, goodness and love, are some consequences of that behavioral homogenization. In the other hand, appears an archipelago of cultural and cognitive resistance against this devastating wave. Edgar Morin and Ceiça Almeida refer to this archipelago as a South Thought , what is not just a geographic question. Report, therefore, to some places, peoples, island that keep ancient costumes and knowledge, orally transmitted, for instance, from elders to younger, or vice versa, in an almost constant flow. Particular ways of experiencing the world around themselves, the men, animals, plants, rocks, or even not alive beings, masters or enchanted, spiritual guides. Next to a logic of sensitive, as Claude Levi-Strauss proposes, this reading, which is a more attentive, observer and wiser posture of surroundings, is based on touching, smelling, eating, seeing, and, I would add, felling. In light of this, I try to expatiate about certain experiences that I had the pleasure of living in some of these islands of resistance. Talks, perceptions, observations, sensations Stories, prose, poetries, music, photos, graphics Whatever could serve to portray even a bit of the reflections and forms to understand (ourselves) and produce knowledge, such as from a formation/Education to life, was well used at this ethnographic work. Space to the subjectivity and emotions I had, have, and will have a lot Everything for the dear reader may fell traveling around the world of tradition, resistance


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)