996 resultados para Legislation, food
National food control systems are vital tools in governing the safety and quality of food intended for human consumption. This study of the Omani system was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the current food controls in place for protecting, in particular, the public health from emerging biological and chemical hazards. In response to this situation, a survey was undertaken within the different food safety authorities in Oman to examine the different elements of the national food control systems in terms of their existing food control management, food legislation, food inspection, food analysis laboratories and information, education and communications. Officials from the different authorities were interviewed and results were captured in prepared questionnaires. Overall examinations of the challenges, strength and weakness of the existing system have been highlighted. The findings of the study indicate significant progress is being made and the creation by the government of a national Centre for Food Safety and Quality is a significant positive step.
Cover title.
"Serial no. 100-44."
Mode of access: Internet.
At head of title: Public service division. University of Nevada. Department of food and drugs.
Hearings held June 16, 1965- S. 399, 598, 891, 939, 994, 1563, 1702, 1794, 1838, 2025, 2079, 2110, 2111, bills to maintain farm income, to stabilize prices, and assure adequate supplies of agricultural commodities to reduce surpluses, lower Government costs, and promote foreign trade, to afford greater economic opportunity in rural areas, and for other purposes.
Caption title.
"January 1999."
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a fidedignidade das informações sobre dados nutricionais declarados em rótulos de alimentos comercializados. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 153 alimentos industrializados habitualmente consumidos por crianças e adolescentes, comercializados no município de São Paulo (SP) entre os anos de 2001 e 2005. Os teores de nutrientes informados pelos rótulos foram confrontados com os resultados obtidos por métodos analíticos (físico-químicos) oficiais, considerando a variabilidade de 20% tolerada pela legislação vigente, para aprovar ou condenar as amostras. Foram calculadas médias, desvios-padrão e intervalos com 95% de confiança para os nutrientes analisados, assim como a distribuição da freqüência percentual de amostras condenadas. RESULTADOS: Todos os produtos salgados analisados apresentaram inconformidades relativamente ao conteúdo de fibra alimentar, sódio ou de gorduras saturadas. Os produtos doces apresentaram variação de zero a 36% de condenação relativamente ao teor de fibra alimentar. Mais da metade (52%) dos biscoitos recheados foram condenados quanto à quantidade de gorduras saturadas. Os nutrientes implicados com a obesidade e suas complicações para a saúde foram aqueles que apresentaram maiores proporções de inconformidade. A falta de fidedignidade das informações de rótulos nas amostras analisadas viola as disposições da Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada 360/03 da ANVISA e os direitos garantidos pela lei de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional e pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor. CONCLUSÕES: Foram encontrados altos índices de não conformidade dos dados nutricionais nos rótulos de alimentos destinados ao público adolescente e infantil, indicando a urgência de ações de fiscalização e de outras medidas de rotulagem nutricional
The purpose of this research is to examine the main economic, legislative, and socio- cultural factors that are currently influencing the pub trade in Ireland and their specific impact on a sample of publicans in both Galway city and county. In approaching this task the author engaged in a comprehensive literature review on the origin, history and evolution of the Irish pub; examined the socio-cultural and economic role of the public house in Ireland and developed a profile of the Irish pub by undertaking a number of semi-structured interviews with pub owners from the area. In doing so, the author obtained the views and opinions of the publicans on the current state of their businesses, the extent to which patterns of trade have changed over recent years, the challenges and factors currently influencing their trade, the actions they believed to be necessary to promote the trade and address perceived difficulties and how they viewed the future of the pub business within the framework of the current regulatory regime. In light of this research, the author identified a number of key findings and put forward a series of recommendations designed to promote the future success and development of the pub trade in Ireland. The research established that public houses are currently operating under a very unfavourable regulatory framework that has resulted in the serious decline of the trade over the last decade. This decline appears to have coincided initially with the introduction of the ban on smoking in the workplace and was exacerbated further by the advent of more severe drink-driving laws, especially mandatory breath testing. Other unfavourable conditions include the high levels of excise duty, value added tax and local authority commercial rates. In addition to these regulatory factors, the research established that a major impediment to the pub trade is the unfair competition from supermarkets and other off-licence retail outlets and especially to the phenomenon of the below-cost selling of alcohol. The recession has also been a major contributory factor to the decline in the trade as also has been the trend towards lifestyle changes and home drinking mirroring the practice in some continental European countries.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Existe preocupación por la influencia de los determinantes sociales relacionados con la publicidad, la comunicación y la información sobre la selección de productos alimenticios para conseguir una alimentación saludable y segura. Desde este punto de vista, la legislación española normaliza este aspecto, a través del Reglamento Europeo 1924/2006 (RE1924/2006). El objetivo es asegurar y favorecer el acceso a alimentos inocuos que beneficien la salud y, evitar que la información recibida por los consumidores sea inexacta, ambigua o engañosa. El Reglamento pretende impedir que se atribuyan propiedades nutritivas y declaraciones de propiedades saludables a los alimentos sin razón o sin que exista suficiente evidencia científica. En este sentido, un grupo de profesionales de la Universidad de Alicante en diciembre de 2012 llevó a cabo la Primera Jornada de Alimentación y Nutrición, organizada por el Gabinete ALINU de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Alicante, relacionada con actualizaciones sobre declaraciones nutricionales y de propiedades saludables y sus implicaciones en la salud pública. Por el interés y la importancia del tema, se presenta un resumen de las ponencias desde la postura de los diferentes agentes implicados: consumidores, Administración, industria alimentaria, dietistas-nutricionistas, la Academia y la Salud Pública.
Publication suspended May 1940-Dec.? 1947.