924 resultados para Legendre polynomials


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Experiments involving heating of liquid droplets which are acoustically levitated, reveal specific modes of oscillations. For a given radiation flux, certain fluid droplets undergo distortion leading to catastrophic bag type breakup. The voltage of the acoustic levitator has been kept constant to operate at a nominal acoustic pressure intensity, throughout the experiments. Thus the droplet shape instabilities are primarily a consequence of droplet heating through vapor pressure, surface tension and viscosity. A novel approach is used by employing Legendre polynomials for the mode shape approximation to describe the thermally induced instabilities. The two dominant Legendre modes essentially reflect (a) the droplet size reduction due to evaporation, and (b) the deformation around the equilibrium shape. Dissipation and inter-coupling of modal energy lead to stable droplet shape while accumulation of the same ultimately results in droplet breakup. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The wealth of information available freely on the web and medical image databases poses a major problem for the end users: how to find the information needed? Content –Based Image Retrieval is the obvious solution.A standard called MPEG-7 was evolved to address the interoperability issues of content-based search.The work presented in this thesis mainly concentrates on developing new shape descriptors and a framework for content – based retrieval of scoliosis images.New region-based and contour based shape descriptor is developed based on orthogonal Legendre polymomials.A novel system for indexing and retrieval of digital spine radiographs with scoliosis is presented.


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Multivariate Affine term structure models have been increasingly used for pricing derivatives in fixed income markets. In these models, uncertainty of the term structure is driven by a state vector, while the short rate is an affine function of this vector. The model is characterized by a specific form for the stochastic differential equation (SDE) for the evolution of the state vector. This SDE presents restrictions on its drift term which rule out arbitrages in the market. In this paper we solve the following inverse problem: Suppose the term structure of interest rates is modeled by a linear combination of Legendre polynomials with random coefficients. Is there any SDE for these coefficients which rules out arbitrages? This problem is of particular empirical interest because the Legendre model is an example of factor model with clear interpretation for each factor, in which regards movements of the term structure. Moreover, the Affine structure of the Legendre model implies knowledge of its conditional characteristic function. From the econometric perspective, we propose arbitrage-free Legendre models to describe the evolution of the term structure. From the pricing perspective, we follow Duffie et al. (2000) in exploring Legendre conditional characteristic functions to obtain a computational tractable method to price fixed income derivatives. Closing the article, the empirical section presents precise evidence on the reward of implementing arbitrage-free parametric term structure models: The ability of obtaining a good approximation for the state vector by simply using cross sectional data.


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Studies investigating the use of random regression models for genetic evaluation of milk production in Zebu cattle are scarce. In this study, 59,744 test-day milk yield records from 7,810 first lactations of purebred dairy Gyr (Bos indicus) and crossbred (dairy Gyr × Holstein) cows were used to compare random regression models in which additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were modeled using orthogonal Legendre polynomials or linear spline functions. Residual variances were modeled considering 1, 5, or 10 classes of days in milk. Five classes fitted the changes in residual variances over the lactation adequately and were used for model comparison. The model that fitted linear spline functions with 6 knots provided the lowest sum of residual variances across lactation. On the other hand, according to the deviance information criterion (DIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC), a model using third-order and fourth-order Legendre polynomials for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects, respectively, provided the best fit. However, the high rank correlation (0.998) between this model and that applying third-order Legendre polynomials for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects, indicates that, in practice, the same bulls would be selected by both models. The last model, which is less parameterized, is a parsimonious option for fitting dairy Gyr breed test-day milk yield records. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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An introduction to Legendre polynomials as precursor to studying angular momentum in quantum chemistry,


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A standard treatment of aspects of Legendre polynomials is treated here, including the dipole moment expansion, generating functions, etc..


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A new spectral finite element formulation is presented for modeling the sloshing and the acoustic waves in nearly incompressible fluids. The formulation makes use of the Legendre polynomials in deriving the finite element interpolation shape functions in the Lagrangian frame of reference. The formulated element uses Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature scheme for integrating the volumetric stiffness and the mass matrices while the conventional Gauss-Legendre quadrature scheme is used on the rotational stiffness matrix to completely eliminate the zero energy modes, which are normally associated with the Lagrangian FE formulation. The numerical performance of the spectral element formulated here is examined by doing the inf-sup test oil a standard rectangular rigid tank partially filled with liquid The eigenvalues obtained from the formulated spectral element are compared with the conventional equally spaced node locations of the h-type Lagrangian finite element and the predicted results show that these spectral elements are more accurate and give superior convergence The efficiency and robustness of the formulated elements are demonstrated by solving few standard problems involving free vibration and dynamic response analysis with undistorted and distorted spectral elements. and the obtained results are compared with available results in the published literature (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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In dieser Dissertation präsentieren wir zunächst eine Verallgemeinerung der üblichen Sturm-Liouville-Probleme mit symmetrischen Lösungen und erklären eine umfassendere Klasse. Dann führen wir einige neue Klassen orthogonaler Polynome und spezieller Funktionen ein, welche sich aus dieser symmetrischen Verallgemeinerung ableiten lassen. Als eine spezielle Konsequenz dieser Verallgemeinerung führen wir ein Polynomsystem mit vier freien Parametern ein und zeigen, dass in diesem System fast alle klassischen symmetrischen orthogonalen Polynome wie die Legendrepolynome, die Chebyshevpolynome erster und zweiter Art, die Gegenbauerpolynome, die verallgemeinerten Gegenbauerpolynome, die Hermitepolynome, die verallgemeinerten Hermitepolynome und zwei weitere neue endliche Systeme orthogonaler Polynome enthalten sind. All diese Polynome können direkt durch das neu eingeführte System ausgedrückt werden. Ferner bestimmen wir alle Standardeigenschaften des neuen Systems, insbesondere eine explizite Darstellung, eine Differentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung, eine generische Orthogonalitätsbeziehung sowie eine generische Dreitermrekursion. Außerdem benutzen wir diese Erweiterung, um die assoziierten Legendrefunktionen, welche viele Anwendungen in Physik und Ingenieurwissenschaften haben, zu verallgemeinern, und wir zeigen, dass diese Verallgemeinerung Orthogonalitätseigenschaft und -intervall erhält. In einem weiteren Kapitel der Dissertation studieren wir detailliert die Standardeigenschaften endlicher orthogonaler Polynomsysteme, welche sich aus der üblichen Sturm-Liouville-Theorie ergeben und wir zeigen, dass sie orthogonal bezüglich der Fisherschen F-Verteilung, der inversen Gammaverteilung und der verallgemeinerten t-Verteilung sind. Im nächsten Abschnitt der Dissertation betrachten wir eine vierparametrige Verallgemeinerung der Studentschen t-Verteilung. Wir zeigen, dass diese Verteilung gegen die Normalverteilung konvergiert, wenn die Anzahl der Stichprobe gegen Unendlich strebt. Eine ähnliche Verallgemeinerung der Fisherschen F-Verteilung konvergiert gegen die chi-Quadrat-Verteilung. Ferner führen wir im letzten Abschnitt der Dissertation einige neue Folgen spezieller Funktionen ein, welche Anwendungen bei der Lösung in Kugelkoordinaten der klassischen Potentialgleichung, der Wärmeleitungsgleichung und der Wellengleichung haben. Schließlich erklären wir zwei neue Klassen rationaler orthogonaler hypergeometrischer Funktionen, und wir zeigen unter Benutzung der Fouriertransformation und der Parsevalschen Gleichung, dass es sich um endliche Orthogonalsysteme mit Gewichtsfunktionen vom Gammatyp handelt.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Frobenius solution to Legendre/s equation is developed in detail as is Rodrigue's formula, which is employed to normalize Legendre polynomials.


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We compute the entropy and transport properties of water in the hydration layer of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer by using a recently developed theoretical scheme two-phase thermodynamic model, termed as 2PT method; S.-T. Lin et al., J. Chem. Phys. 119, 11792 (2003)] based on the translational and rotational velocity autocorrelation functions and their power spectra. The weights of translational and rotational power spectra shift from higher to lower frequency as one goes from the bilayer interface to the bulk. Water molecules near the bilayer head groups have substantially lower entropy (48.36 J/mol/K) than water molecules in the intermediate region (51.36 J/mol/K), which have again lower entropy than the molecules (60.52 J/mol/K) in bulk. Thus, the entropic contribution to the free energy change (T Delta S) of transferring an interface water molecule to the bulk is 3.65 kJ/mol and of transferring intermediate water to the bulk is 2.75 kJ/mol at 300 K, which is to be compared with 6.03 kJ/mol for melting of ice at 273 K. The translational diffusion of water in the vicinity of the head groups is found to be in a subdiffusive regime and the rotational diffusion constant increases going away from the interface. This behavior is supported by the slower reorientational relaxation of the dipole vector and OH bond vector of interfacial water. The ratio of reorientational relaxation time for Legendre polynomials of order 1 and 2 is approximately 2 for interface, intermediate, and bulk water, indicating the presence of jump dynamics in these water molecules. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3494115]


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We present a biquadratic Lagrangian plate bending element with consistent fields for the constrained transverse shear strain functions. A technique involving expansion of the strain interpolations in terms of Legendre polynomials is used to redistribute the kinematically derived shear strain fields so that the field-consistent forms (i.e. avoiding locking) are also variationally correct (i.e. do not violate the variational norms). Also, a rational method of isoparametric Jacobian transformation is incorporated so that the constrained covariant shear strain fields are always consistent in whatever general quadrilateral form the element may take. Finally the element is compared with another formulation which was recently published. The element is subjected to several robust bench mark tests and is found to pass all the tests efficiently.


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The transmission loss (TL) performance of spherical chambers having single inlet and multiple outlet is obtained analytically through modal expansion of acoustic field inside the spherical cavity in terms of the spherical Bessel functions and Legendre polynomials. The uniform piston driven model based upon the impedance [Z] matrix is used to characterize the multi-port spherical chamber. It is shown analytically that the [Z] parameters are independent of the azimuthal angle (phi) due to the axisymmetric shape of the sphere; rather, they depend only upon the polar angle (theta) and radius of the chamber R(0). Thus, the effects of relative polar angular location of the ports and number of outlet ports are investigated. The analytical results are shown to be in good agreement with the 3D FEA results, thereby validating the procedure suggested in this work.