951 resultados para Langevin equations
It is shown that the fluctuation-dissipation theorem is satisfied by the solutions of a general set of nonlinear Langevin equations with a quadratic free-energy functional (constant susceptibility) and field-dependent kinetic coefficients, provided the kinetic coefficients satisfy the Onsager reciprocal relations for the irreversible terms and the antisymmetry relations for the reversible terms. The analysis employs a perturbation expansion of the nonlinear terms, and a functional integral calculation of the correlation and response functions, and it is shown that the fluctuation-dissipation relation is satisfied at each order in the expansion.
We extend the generalized Langevin equation (GLE) method [L. Stella, C. D. Lorenz, and L. Kantorovich, Phys. Rev. B 89, 134303 (2014)] to model a central classical region connected to two realistic thermal baths at two different temperatures. In such nonequilibrium conditions a heat flow is established, via the central system, in between the two baths. The GLE-2B (GLE two baths) scheme permits us to have a realistic description of both the dissipative central system and its surrounding baths. Following the original GLE approach, the extended Langevin dynamics scheme is modified to take into account two sets of auxiliary degrees of freedom corresponding to the mapping of the vibrational properties of each bath. These auxiliary variables are then used to solve the non-Markovian dissipative dynamics of the central region. The resulting algorithm is used to study a model of a short Al nanowire connected to two baths. The results of the simulations using the GLE-2B approach are compared to the results of other simulations that were carried out using standard thermostatting approaches (based on Markovian Langevin and Nosé-Hoover thermostats). We concentrate on the steady-state regime and study the establishment of a local temperature profile within the system. The conditions for obtaining a flat profile or a temperature gradient are examined in detail, in agreement with earlier studies. The results show that the GLE-2B approach is able to treat, within a single scheme, two widely different thermal transport regimes, i.e., ballistic systems, with no temperature gradient, and diffusive systems with a temperature gradient.
The understanding of the statistical properties and of the dynamics of multistable systems is gaining more and more importance in a vast variety of scientific fields. This is especially relevant for the investigation of the tipping points of complex systems. Sometimes, in order to understand the time series of given observables exhibiting bimodal distributions, simple one-dimensional Langevin models are fitted to reproduce the observed statistical properties, and used to investing-ate the projected dynamics of the observable. This is of great relevance for studying potential catastrophic changes in the properties of the underlying system or resonant behaviours like those related to stochastic resonance-like mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a framework for encasing this kind of studies, using simple box models of the oceanic circulation and choosing as observable the strength of the thermohaline circulation. We study the statistical properties of the transitions between the two modes of operation of the thermohaline circulation under symmetric boundary forcings and test their agreement with simplified one-dimensional phenomenological theories. We extend our analysis to include stochastic resonance-like amplification processes. We conclude that fitted one-dimensional Langevin models, when closely scrutinised, may result to be more ad-hoc than they seem, lacking robustness and/or well-posedness. They should be treated with care, more as an empiric descriptive tool than as methodology with predictive power.
This work is concerned with non-equilibrium phenomena, with focus on the numerical simulation of the relaxation of non-conserved order parameters described by stochastic kinetic equations known as Ginzburg-Landau-Langevin (GLL) equations. We propose methods for solving numerically these type of equations, with additive and multiplicative noises. Illustrative applications of the methods are presented for different GLL equations, with emphasis on equations incorporating memory effects.
A fully implicit integration method for stochastic differential equations with significant multiplicative noise and stiffness in both the drift and diffusion coefficients has been constructed, analyzed and illustrated with numerical examples in this work. The method has strong order 1.0 consistency and has user-selectable parameters that allow the user to expand the stability region of the method to cover almost the entire drift-diffusion stability plane. The large stability region enables the method to take computationally efficient time steps. A system of chemical Langevin equations simulated with the method illustrates its computational efficiency.
We derive the Langevin equations for a spin interacting with a heat bath, starting from a fully dynamical treatment. The obtained equations are non-Markovian with multiplicative fluctuations and concommitant dissipative terms obeying the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. In the Markovian limit our equations reduce to the phenomenological equations proposed by Kubo and Hashitsume. The perturbative treatment on our equations lead to Landau-Lifshitz equations and to other known results in the literature.
We conduct a numerical study of the dynamic behavior of a dense hard-sphere fluid by deriving and integrating a set of Langevin equations. The statics of the system is described by a free-energy functional of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff form. We find that the system exhibits glassy behavior as evidenced through a stretched exponential decay and a two-stage relaxation of the density correlation function. The characteristic times grow with increasing density according to the Vogel-Fulcher law. The wave-number dependence of the kinetics is extensively explored. The connection of our results with experiment, mode-coupling theory, and molecular-dynamics results is discussed.
We set up the generalized Langevin equations describing coupled single-particle and collective motion in a suspension of interacting colloidal particles in a shear how and use these to show that the measured self-diffusion coefficients in these systems should be strongly dependent on shear rate epsilon. Three regimes are found: (i) an initial const+epsilon(.2), followed by (ii) a large regime of epsilon(.1/2) behavior, crossing over to an asymptotic power-law approach (iii) D-o - const x epsilon(.-1/2) to the Stokes-Einstein value D-o. The shear dependence is isotropic up to very large shear rates and increases with the interparticle interaction strength. Our results provide a straightforward explanation of recent experiments and simulations on sheared colloids.
We investigate the dynamics of polymers whose solution configurations are represented by fractional Brownian walks. The calculation of the two dynamical quantities considered here, the longest relaxation time tau(r) and the intrinsic viscosity [eta], is formulated in terms of Langevin equations and is carried out within the continuum approach developed in an earlier paper. Our results for tau(r) and [eta] reproduce known scaling relations and provide reasonable numerical estimates of scaling amplitudes. The possible relevance of the work to the study of globular proteins and other compact polymeric phases is discussed.
Biochemical pathways involving chemical kinetics in medium concentrations (i.e., at mesoscale) of the reacting molecules can be approximated as chemical Langevin equations (CLE) systems. We address the physically consistent non-negative simulation of the CLE sample paths as well as the issue of non-Lipschitz diffusion coefficients when a species approaches depletion and any stiffness due to faster reactions. The non-negative Fully Implicit Stochastic alpha (FIS alpha) method in which stopped reaction channels due to depleted reactants are deleted until a reactant concentration rises again, for non-negativity preservation and in which a positive definite Jacobian is maintained to deal with possible stiffness, is proposed and analysed. The method is illustrated with the computation of active Protein Kinase C response in the Protein Kinase C pathway. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Gene expression in living systems is inherently stochastic, and tends to produce varying numbers of proteins over repeated cycles of transcription and translation. In this paper, an expression is derived for the steady-state protein number distribution starting from a two-stage kinetic model of the gene expression process involving p proteins and r mRNAs. The derivation is based on an exact path integral evaluation of the joint distribution, P(p, r, t), of p and r at time t, which can be expressed in terms of the coupled Langevin equations for p and r that represent the two-stage model in continuum form. The steady-state distribution of p alone, P(p), is obtained from P(p, r, t) (a bivariate Gaussian) by integrating out the r degrees of freedom and taking the limit t -> infinity. P(p) is found to be proportional to the product of a Gaussian and a complementary error function. It provides a generally satisfactory fit to simulation data on the same two-stage process when the translational efficiency (a measure of intrinsic noise levels in the system) is relatively low; it is less successful as a model of the data when the translational efficiency (and noise levels) are high.
Structural defects in ion crystals can be formed during a linear quench of the transverse trapping frequency across the mechanical instability from a linear chain to a zigzag structure. The density of defects after the sweep can be conveniently described by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). In particular, the number of kinks in the zigzag ordering can be derived from a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation for the order parameter, here the zigzag transverse size, under the assumption that the ions are continuously laser cooled. In a linear Paul trap, the transition becomes inhomogeneous, since the charge density is larger in the center and more rarefied at the edges. During the linear quench, the mechanical instability is first crossed in the center of the chain, and a front, at which the mechanical instability is crossed during the quench, is identified that propagates along the chain from the center to the edges. If the velocity of this front is smaller than the sound velocity, the dynamics become adiabatic even in the thermodynamic limit and no defect is produced. Otherwise, the nucleation of kinks is reduced with respect to the case in which the charges are homogeneously distributed, leading to a new scaling of the density of kinks with the quenching rate. The analytical predictions are verified numerically by integrating the Langevin equations of motion of the ions, in the presence of a time-dependent transverse confinement. We argue that the non-equilibrium dynamics of an ion chain in a Paul trap constitutes an ideal scenario to test the inhomogeneous extension of the KZM, which lacks experimental evidence to date.
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) pour la résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes incompressibles, même en présence des forces singulières. Les termes de sources singulières sont traités d'une manière similaire à celle que l'on retrouve dans la méthode Immersed Boundary (IB) de Peskin (2002) ou de la méthode régularisée de Stokeslets (Cortez, 2001). Dans notre schéma numérique, nous mettons en oeuvre une méthode de projection sans pression de second ordre inspirée de Kim et Moin (1985). Ce schéma évite complètement les difficultés qui peuvent être rencontrées avec la prescription des conditions aux frontières de Neumann sur la pression. Nous présentons deux variantes de cette approche: l'une, Lagrangienne, qui est communément utilisée et l'autre, Eulerienne, car nous considérons simplement que les particules SPH sont des points de quadrature où les propriétés du fluide sont calculées, donc, ces points peuvent être laissés fixes dans le temps. Notre méthode SPH est d'abord testée à la résolution du problème de Poiseuille bidimensionnel entre deux plaques infinies et nous effectuons une analyse détaillée de l'erreur des calculs. Pour ce problème, les résultats sont similaires autant lorsque les particules SPH sont libres de se déplacer que lorsqu'elles sont fixes. Nous traitons, par ailleurs, du problème de la dynamique d'une membrane immergée dans un fluide visqueux et incompressible avec notre méthode SPH. La membrane est représentée par une spline cubique le long de laquelle la tension présente dans la membrane est calculée et transmise au fluide environnant. Les équations de Navier-Stokes, avec une force singulière issue de la membrane sont ensuite résolues pour déterminer la vitesse du fluide dans lequel est immergée la membrane. La vitesse du fluide, ainsi obtenue, est interpolée sur l'interface, afin de déterminer son déplacement. Nous discutons des avantages à maintenir les particules SPH fixes au lieu de les laisser libres de se déplacer. Nous appliquons ensuite notre méthode SPH à la simulation des écoulements confinés des solutions de polymères non dilués avec une interaction hydrodynamique et des forces d'exclusion de volume. Le point de départ de l'algorithme est le système couplé des équations de Langevin pour les polymères et le solvant (CLEPS) (voir par exemple Oono et Freed (1981) et Öttinger et Rabin (1989)) décrivant, dans le cas présent, les dynamiques microscopiques d'une solution de polymère en écoulement avec une représentation bille-ressort des macromolécules. Des tests numériques de certains écoulements dans des canaux bidimensionnels révèlent que l'utilisation de la méthode de projection d'ordre deux couplée à des points de quadrature SPH fixes conduit à un ordre de convergence de la vitesse qui est de deux et à une convergence d'ordre sensiblement égale à deux pour la pression, pourvu que la solution soit suffisamment lisse. Dans le cas des calculs à grandes échelles pour les altères et pour les chaînes de bille-ressort, un choix approprié du nombre de particules SPH en fonction du nombre des billes N permet, en l'absence des forces d'exclusion de volume, de montrer que le coût de notre algorithme est d'ordre O(N). Enfin, nous amorçons des calculs tridimensionnels avec notre modèle SPH. Dans cette optique, nous résolvons le problème de l'écoulement de Poiseuille tridimensionnel entre deux plaques parallèles infinies et le problème de l'écoulement de Poiseuille dans une conduite rectangulaire infiniment longue. De plus, nous simulons en dimension trois des écoulements confinés entre deux plaques infinies des solutions de polymères non diluées avec une interaction hydrodynamique et des forces d'exclusion de volume.
We present a novel approach to computing the orientation moments and rheological properties of a dilute suspension of spheroids in a simple shear flow at arbitrary Peclct number based on a generalised Langevin equation method. This method differs from the diffusion equation method which is commonly used to model similar systems in that the actual equations of motion for the orientations of the individual particles are used in the computations, instead of a solution of the diffusion equation of the system. It also differs from the method of 'Brownian dynamics simulations' in that the equations used for the simulations are deterministic differential equations even in the presence of noise, and not stochastic differential equations as in Brownian dynamics simulations. One advantage of the present approach over the Fokker-Planck equation formalism is that it employs a common strategy that can be applied across a wide range of shear and diffusion parameters. Also, since deterministic differential equations are easier to simulate than stochastic differential equations, the Langevin equation method presented in this work is more efficient and less computationally intensive than Brownian dynamics simulations.We derive the Langevin equations governing the orientations of the particles in the suspension and evolve a procedure for obtaining the equation of motion for any orientation moment. A computational technique is described for simulating the orientation moments dynamically from a set of time-averaged Langevin equations, which can be used to obtain the moments when the governing equations are harder to solve analytically. The results obtained using this method are in good agreement with those available in the literature.The above computational method is also used to investigate the effect of rotational Brownian motion on the rheology of the suspension under the action of an external force field. The force field is assumed to be either constant or periodic. In the case of con- I stant external fields earlier results in the literature are reproduced, while for the case of periodic forcing certain parametric regimes corresponding to weak Brownian diffusion are identified where the rheological parameters evolve chaotically and settle onto a low dimensional attractor. The response of the system to variations in the magnitude and orientation of the force field and strength of diffusion is also analyzed through numerical experiments. It is also demonstrated that the aperiodic behaviour exhibited by the system could not have been picked up by the diffusion equation approach as presently used in the literature.The main contributions of this work include the preparation of the basic framework for applying the Langevin method to standard flow problems, quantification of rotary Brownian effects by using the new method, the paired-moment scheme for computing the moments and its use in solving an otherwise intractable problem especially in the limit of small Brownian motion where the problem becomes singular, and a demonstration of how systems governed by a Fokker-Planck equation can be explored for possible chaotic behaviour.