986 resultados para Lacazia loboi fungus
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Since there are no studies evaluating the participation of the complement system (CS) in Jorge Lobo's disease and its activity on the fungus Lacazia loboi, we carried out the present investigation. Fungal cells with a viability index of 48% were obtained from the footpads of BALB/c mice and incubated with a pool of inactivated serum from patients with the mycosis or with sterile saline for 30 min at 37 ºC. Next, the tubes were incubated for 2 h with a pool of noninactivated AB+ serum, inactivated serum, serum diluted in EGTA-MgCl2, and serum diluted in EDTA. The viability of L. loboi was evaluated and the fungal suspension was cytocentrifuged. The slides were submitted to immunofluorescence staining using human anti-C3 antibody. The results revealed that 98% of the fungi activated the CS by the alternative pathway and no significant difference in L. loboi viability was observed after CS activation. In parallel, frozen histological sections from 11 patients were analyzed regarding the presence of C3 and IgG by immunofluorescence staining. C3 and IgG deposits were observed in the fungal wall of 100% and 91% of the lesions evaluated, respectively. The results suggest that the CS and immunoglobulins may contribute to the defense mechanisms of the host against L. loboi.
The subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch, a site of immunologic privilege, has been used to investigate the potential infectivity of different types of parasites. It has been demonstrated that the implantation of fragments of lesions induced by the fungus Lacazia loboi, the etiologic agent of Jorge Lobo's disease, into the subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch resulted in parasite multiplication and dissemination to satellite lymph nodes16. Here we describe the evolution of lesions induced by the inoculation of the isolated fungus into this immunologically privileged site. The morphology of the inflammatory response and fungal viability and proliferation were evaluated. Inoculation of the fungus into the cheek pouch induced histiocytic granulomas with rare lymphocytes. Although fungal cells were detected for a period of up to 180 days in these lesions, the fungi lost viability after the first day of inoculation. In contrast, when the parasite was inoculated into the footpad, non-organized histiocytic lesions were observed. Langhan's giant cells, lymphocytes and fungal particles were observed in these lesions. Fungal viability was observed up to 60 days after inoculation and non-viable parasites were present in the persistent lesions up to 180 days post-inoculation. These data indicate that the subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch is not a suitable site for the proliferation of Lacazia loboi when the fungus isolated from human tissues is tested.
Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB
A lobomicose é uma infecção subcutânea crônica, granulomatosa, causada pela implantação traumática do fungo Lacazia loboi nos tecidos cutâneo e subcutâneo. Ocorre predominantemente na região Amazônica e atinge qualquer grupo populacional. Histologicamente, observa-se reação inflamatória crônica caracterizada por intensa histiocitose e fibroplasia, abundante número de macrófagos, células gigantes multinucleadas do tipo corpo estranho e presença de considerável número de células leveduriformes. Os macrófagos são células fagocíticas que participam do reconhecimento e da resposta a patógenos através da fagocitose, da apresentação de antígenos aos linfócitos T e da produção de citocinas. As células de Langerhans (LC) são um grupo de Células dendríticas (CD) derivadas da medula óssea situadas principalmente em uma camada suprabasal da epiderme. Estudos envolvendo a interação fungo-hospedeiro na doença de Jorge Lobo são escassos. Assim, Este estudo é um passo importante para o melhor entendimento da biologia e patogenia do L. loboi, e para o estudo da imunopatologia da interação patógeno versus hospedeiro desta doença emergente e pouco conhecida. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a interação in vitro entre macrófagos peritoneais não ativados e/ou LC, isolados de camundongos BALB/c, com L. loboi recém-isolado de pacientes com doença de Jorge Lobo, bem como determinar os índices de infecção, fagocitose e fusão, e medir a produção das citocinas TNF-α, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 e IL-12. Os resultados demonstraram que L. loboi é fagocitado por macrófagos, mas não por LC. O índice de infecção na interação entre macrófagos e L. loboi foi semelhante à interação entre macrófagos, LC e L. loboi em todos os tempos analisados. A média do número de fungos por macrófago também foi praticamente igual entre as interações e ao longo do tempo, variando de 1,2 a 1,6 fungos/macrófagos. Não houve a formação de células gigantes em macrófagos cultivados ou LC cultivadas isoladamente e em nenhum dos co-cultivos. Não houve diferença significante na produção de IL-4, IL-2 e IL-10 nas interações estudadas. Os níveis de TNF-α diminuem ao longo do tempo na interação entre macrófagos e L. loboi, enquanto a adição de LC induz aumento da produção de TNF-α, principalmente após 48 horas. LC modulam negativamente a produção de IL-6 por macrófagos e L. loboi também inibem essa produção por macrófagos isoladamente ou em co-cultivo com LC. L. loboi estimulam significativamente a produção de IL-12 por macrófagos co-cultivados com LC, mas não em LC ou macrófagos isoladamente.
Background: Jorge Lobo's disease, also known as lacaziosis, is a cutaneous-subcutaneous mycosis with chronic evolution. It is caused by the fungus Lacazia loboi. Herein we report a study that relates the genotoxicity caused by L. loboi in isogenic mice with nutritional status, through a normal or restricted diet.Methods: DNA damage was assessed in the peripheral blood by the comet assay (tail intensity).Results: The results for leukocytes showed increases in the mean tail intensity in mice under dietary restriction, in infected mice under dietary restriction and in infected mice ingesting a normal diet.Conclusion: These results indicate that dietary restriction and L. loboi infection may increase DNA damage levels in mice, as detected by the comet assay.
In a previous study, the authors inoculated Swiss mice with Lacazia loboi (L. loboi) and succeeded in maintaining a granulomatous infiltrate and viable fungal cells up to one year and six months after inoculation. Considering the experimental work on paracoccidioidomycosis, 0.03 ml of a fungal suspension obtained from a biopsy of a Jorge Lobo's Disease patient were inoculated into both hind foot pads of 32 six week-old BALB/c mice of both sexes. The animals were sacrificed 1, 4, 7 and 10 months post inoculation. The suspension contained 1.3 x 10(6) fungi/ml and presented 38% viability. Seven months after inoculation, most of the animals presented profuse infiltrates consisting of isolated histiocytes, foreign body and Langhans' giant cells and a large number of fungi, most of them viable. Emergence of macroscopic lesions was observed during the 8th month. Based on fungal count, viability index before and after inoculation, presence of macroscopic lesions and histopathological findings similar to the findings in humans, the authors believe that BALB/c mice may be a good experimental model to study Jorge Lobo's Disease, mainly regarding therapeutic evaluation.
SUMMARY The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the protein-calorie malnutrition in BALB/c isogenic mice infected with Lacazia loboi, employing nutritional and histopathological parameters. Four groups were composed: G1: inoculated with restricted diet, G2: not inoculated with restricted diet, G3: inoculated with regular diet, G4: not inoculated with regular diet. Once malnutrition had been imposed, the animals were inoculated intradermally in the footpad and after four months, were sacrificed for the excision of the footpad, liver and spleen. The infection did not exert great influence on the body weight of the mice. The weight of the liver and spleen showed reduction in the undernourished groups when compared to the nourished groups. The macroscopic lesions, viability index and total number of fungi found in the footpads of the infected mice were increased in G3 when compared to G1. Regarding the histopathological analysis of the footpad, a global cellularity increase in the composition of the granuloma was observed in G3 when compared to G1, with large numbers of macrophages and multinucleated giant cells, discrete numbers of lymphocytes were present in G3 and an increase was observed in G1. The results suggest that there is considerable interaction between Jorge Lobo's disease and nutrition.
Both hind foot pads of BALB/c and B10.A mice strains, were inoculated with a fungal suspension of Lacazia loboi obtained from a Jorge Lobo's disease patient. The suspension had 9 × 105 cells/ml and its viability index was 45%. The animals were sacrificed at different time periods varying from 24 h to 18 months after inoculation. The BALB/c mice developed an extensive granulomatous infiltrate, similar to the disease in humans, that progressively evolved. The number of fungal elements also increased as the disease progressed, and after the seventh month of inoculation, macroscopic changes of the foot pads were evident. Although the B10.A mice developed an exuberant granulomatous infiltrate, macroscopic changes were not detected. The number of fungal cells in the infected tissues increased in number, but they were lower then the numbers found in the BALB/c strain. The viability indexes were also lower for the B10.A strain. Considering the histopathological findings, the presence of macroscopic changes and the great amount of fungal cells in the infected tissues, the authors concluded that the BALB/c mice strain was more susceptible to L. loboi infection than the B10.A strain.
Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB
Jorge Lobo`s disease is a chronic infection caused by the fungus Lacazia loboi endemic in South America. The infection is characterized by the appearance of parakeloidal, ulcerated or verrucous nodular or plaque-like cutaneous lesions. The histopathological aspect is characterized by poorly organized granulomas with histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells. Little is known about local immune response in lobomycosis skin lesions. Thirty-three skin biopsies from patients with Jorge Lobo`s disease were selected from Ambulatory of Dermatology, UFPA. The control group was constituted by ten biopsies from normal skin. Langerhans cells were identified by immunohistochemistry using anti-CD1a antibody (Serotec). The number of positive cells was statistically analyzed. Langerhans cells were visualized along the epidermis in biopsies from Jorge Lobo`s disease and the morphology and the number of Langerhans cells did not differ from normal skin (p > 0.05). In Jorge Lobo`s disease, this cell population probably presents some escape mechanism of the local immune system to evade the antigen presentation by those cells. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Studies on host-parasite interaction in Jorge Lobo's disease are scarce, with no report in the literature on the phagocytosis of Lacazia loboi by phagocytic mononuclear cells. Thus, the objective of the present study was to assess the phagocytic activity of blood monocytes in the presence of L. loboi in patients with the disease and in healthy subjects (controls) over 3 and 24 hours of incubation. Statistical analyses of the results showed no significant difference in percent phagocytosis of the fungus between patient and control monocytes. With respect to incubation time, however, there was a significant difference, in that percent phagocytosis was higher at 3 hours than at 24 hours (p <0.01). These results suggest that monocytes from patients with the mycosis are able to phagocyte the fungus, as also observed in control individuals.
Doença de Jorge Lobo (DJL) ou lacaziose é infecção crônica granulomatosa da pele e tecido subcutâneo causada pelo fungo Lacazia loboi. As lesões cutâneas em geral são polimorfas, sendo mais comum o tipo nodular de aspecto queloidiano envolvendo principalmente pavilhão auricular e membros. O exame histopatológico constitui o padrão ouro para o diagnóstico. São escassos os estudos sobre correlação clinicopatológica nesta doença. O presente trabalho apresenta como objetivo estudar casos diagnosticados como DJL pelo laboratório de dermatopatologia do Serviço de Dermatologia da Universidade Federal do Pará, no período de 1967 a 2009. Foi realizada a revisão dos prontuários médicos e estudadas as características demográficas, histológicas, clínicas e localização das lesões. 59 biópsias de 45 pacientes foram avaliadas. A amostra foi composta de 37 homens e oito mulheres, com média de idade de 50 anos. A maioria dos pacientes era lavrador (55%), dos quais 93% eram do sexo masculino. O aspecto queloidiano correspondeu a 59% das lesões. Com menor freqüência foram observadas lesões verruciformes (8%), placa (3%), gomosa (1%) e lesão macular hipercrômica (1%). A maioria das lesões estava localizada nos membros inferiores (56%). Histopatologicamente, a camada córnea encontrava-se hiperceratósica em 71% das biópsias, com paraceratose em 37% e ortoceratose em 50%. A eliminação transepidérmica (ETE) do parasitas foi observada em 36% dos casos e nestes, a hiperceratose estava presente em 95% (p = 0,0121) e a paraceratose em 90% (p< 0,0001). A epiderme apresentava aspecto hiperplásico em 58%, atrófica em 29%, normal em 12% e ulcerada em 8%. Nos casos em que houve ETE a epiderme apresentava-se hiperplásica em 86% (p = 0,0054). Observou-se presença de parasitas na epiderme em 30%, das quais 89% apresentavam ETE associada (p< 0,0001). Não houve relação estatisticamente significante entre a ocorrência de ETE e o aspecto clínico da lesão (p = 0,4231). Linfócitos, macrófagos e células gigantes do tipo corpo estranho foram as células predominantes do infiltrado (100% dos casos). Plasmócitos foram observados em 35%, neutrófilos em 15% e eosinófilos em 11% dos casos. Houve relação estatisticamente significante entre a ocorrência de ETE e presença de neutrófilos no infiltrado (p = 0,0016). Em 10% esteve presente reação exsudativa e 11% áreas de necrose isoladas. Células gigantes do tipo Langhans foram observadas em 59% das biópsias, corpos asteróides em 5%, células pseudo-Gaucher em 69% e fibrose em 96%. O infiltrado se estendia à derme reticular em todos os casos e para a derme profunda em 88% (52/59). Em 10% (6/59) dos casos houve disseminação do infiltrado para a gordura subcutânea, com encontro do parasita em um caso. Quanto à distribuição por idade, sexo e profissão dos pacientes, os dados foram superponíveis aos da literatura. A análise dos resultados, portanto, permitiu avaliar o perfil epidemiológico, clínico e histopatológico da doença, que diferiram, em alguns aspectos, dos achados classicamente descritos na literatura, especialmente em relação às características da epiderme, infiltrado inflamatório e localização das lesões.
A doença de Jorge Lobo é uma micose rara de inflamação crônica que provoca lesão na pele sem disseminação visceral. Essa doença é causada pelo fungo Lacazia loboi. Sua ocorrência é predominante em regiões de clima quente e úmido, sendo a maior parte dos casos registrados na região Amazônica brasileira. As observações histopatológicas mostram grande quantidade de fungos no local da lesão, havendo um rico infiltrado macrófagico, com presença de células gigantes e limitada presença de linfócitos. A migração de leucócitos para o sítio inflamatório induzida por Lacazia loboi é supostamente coordenada por citocinas e quimiocinas que auxiliadas por vasos sanguíneos e linfáticos influencia a migração celular induzindo a expressão de moléculas de adesão. No presente trabalho investigamos possíveis alterações microvasculares associadas à infecção por Lacazia loboi no local da lesão que podem interferir na evolução dos aspectos clínicos dos pacientes. Dessa forma, avaliamos a densidade dos vasos sanguíneos e linfáticos, bem como a expressão das moléculas ICAM-1, VCAM-1 e E-selectina. Nossos resultados mostraram que na doença de Jorge Lobo, há uma reduzida quantidade de vasos sanguíneos e linfáticos, quando comparado a pele controle. Houve um maior número de vasos expressando ICAM-1, sendo também observado maior número de vasos expressando a molécula VCAM-1, embora em quantidade menos proeminente que ICAM-1. Não observamos diferença na expressão de E-selectina. Juntos nos resultados apontam para uma alteração na microvasculatura local o que pode interferir no desenvolvimento de uma resposta imune celular eficiente e justificar a presença do fungo limitada ao local da lesão.
Jorge Lobo`s disease, or lacaziosis, is a chronic deep mycosis that clinically manifests as solid, variable-sized nodular parakeloidal lesions. Few studies have characterized the in situ cellular and humoral immune response, especially the involvement of cytokines with immunosuppressive effects such as TGF-beta. The objective this paper was to analyze the expression of TGF-beta in cutaneous lesions in lacaziosis and investigate its importance in the etiopathogy of the disease. The results indicate that the abundance of collagen bands, together with weak immunolabeling for CD68 seen in macrophages, indicates a concomitant effect of TGF-beta inhibiting macrophages and inducing fibrosis, which is responsible for the keloid aspect frequently acquired by these lesions. Finally, the evolution of the infection supports the hypothesis that TGF-beta plays a fundamental role in the etiopathology of Lacazia loboi infection, either by inhibiting the cellular immune response mainly mediated by macrophages or by inducing fibrosis. Further studies are necessary to better characterize the phenotype of the inflammatory infiltrate as well as the participation of other cytokines and growth factors in the tissue response of the host in Jorge Lobo`s disease. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.