302 resultados para Laço homoclínico


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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This article presents the results of a study on the association between measured air pollutants and the respiratory health of resident women and children in Lao PDR, one of the least developed countries in Southeast Asia. The study, commissioned by the World Health Organisation, included PM10, CO and NO2 measurements made inside 181 dwellings in nine districts within two provinces in Lao PDR over a 5- month period (12/05–04/06), and respiratory health information (via questionnaires and peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) measurements) for all residents in the same dwellings. Adjusted odds ratios were calculated separately for each health outcome using binary logistic regression. There was a strong and consistent positive association between NO2 and CO for almost all questionnaire-based health outcomes for both women and children. Women in dwellings with higher measured NO2 had more than triple of the odds of almost all of the health outcomes, and higher concentrations of NO2 and CO were significantly associated with lower PEFR. This study supports a growing literature confirming the role of indoor air pollution in the burden of respiratory disease in developing countries. The results will directly support changes in health and housing policy in Lao PDR.


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The paper presents the results of a study conducted to investigate indoor air quality within residential dwellings in Lao PDR. Results from PM 10, CO, and NO2 measurements inside 167 dwellings in Lao PDR over a five month period (December 2005-April 2006) are discussed as a function of household characteristics and occupant activities. Extremely high PM10 and NO2 concentrations (12 h mean PM10 concentrations 1275 ± 98 μg m-3 and 1183 ± 99 μg m-3 in Vientiane and Bolikhamxay provinces, respectively; 12 h mean NO2 concentrations 1210 ± 94 μg m-3 and 561 ± 45 μg m-3 in Vientiane and Bolikhamxay, respectively) were measured within the dwellings. Correlations, ANOVA analysis (univariate and multivariate), and linear regression results suggest a substantial contribution from cookingandsmoking.The PM10 concentrations were significantly higher in houses without a chimney compared to houses in which cooking occurred on a stove with a chimney. However, no significant differences in pollutantconcentrations were observed as a function of cooking location. Furthermore, PM10 and NO2 concentrations were higher in houses in which smoking occurred, suggestive of a relationship between increased indoor concentrations and smoking (0.05 < p < 0.10). Resuspension of dust from soil floors was another significant source of PM10 inside the house (634 μg m-3, p < 0.05).


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The paper presents the results of a study conducted into the relationship between dwelling characteristics and occupant activities with the respiratory health of resident women and children in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR). Lao is one of the least developed countries in south-east Asia with poor life expectancies and mortality rates. The study, commissioned by the World Health Organisation, included questionnaires delivered to residents of 356 dwellings in nine districts in Lao PDR over a five month period (December 2005-April 2006), with the aim of identifying the association between respiratory health and indoor air pollution, in particular exposures related to indoor biomass burning. Adjusted odds ratios were calculated for each health outcome separately using binary logistic regression. After adjusting for age, a wide range of symptoms of respiratory illness in women and children aged 1-4 years were positively associated with a range of indoor exposures related to indoor cooking, including exposure to a fire and location of the cooking place. Among women, “dust always inside the house” and smoking were also identified as strong risk factors for respiratory illness. Other strong risk factors for children, after adjusting for age and gender, included dust and drying clothes inside. This analysis confirms the role of indoor air pollution in the burden of disease among women and children in Lao PDR.


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This paper concentrates on Heraclitus, Parmenides and Lao Zi. The focus is on their ideas on change and whether the world is essentially One or if it is composed of many entities. In the first chapter I go over some general tendences in Greek and Chinese philosophy. The differences in the cultural background have an influence in the ways philosophy is made, but the paper aims to show that two questions can be brought up when comparing the philosophies of Heraclitus, Parmenides and Lao Zi. The questions are; is the world essentially One or Many? Is change real and if it is, what is the nature of it and how does it take place? For Heraclitus change is real, and as will be shown later in the chapter, quite essential for the sustainability of the world-order (kosmos). The key-concept in the case of Heraclitus is Logos. Heraclitus uses Logos in several senses, most well known relating to his element-theory. But another important feature of the Logos, the content of real wisdom, is to be able to regard everything as one. This does not mean that world is essentially one for Heraclitus in the ontological sense, but that we should see the underlying unity of multiple phenomena. Heraclitus regards this as hen panta: All from One, One from All. I characterize Heraclitus as epistemic monist and an ontological pluralist. It is plausible that the views of Heraclitus on change were the focus of Parmenides’ severe criticism. Parmenides held the view that the world is essentially one and that to see it as consisting of many entities was the error of mortals, i.e. the common man and his philosophical predecessors. For Parmenides what-is, can be approached by two routes; The Way of Truth (Aletheia) and The Way of Seeming (Doxa). Aletheia essentially sees the world as one, where even time is an illusion. In Doxa Parmenides is giving an explanation of the world seen as consisting of many entities and this is his contribution to the line of thought of his predecessors. It should be noted that a strong emphasis is given to the Aletheia, whereas the world-view given is in Doxa is only probable. I go on to describe Parmenides as ontological monist, who gives some plausibility to pluralistic views. In the work of Lao Zi world can be seen as One or as consisting of Many entities. In my interpretation, Lao Zi uses Dao in two different senses; Dao is the totality of things or the order in change. The wu-aspect (seeing-without-form) attends the world as one, whereas the you-aspect attends the world of many entities. In wu-aspect, Dao refers to the totality of things, when in you-aspect Dao is the order or law in change. There are two insights in Lao Zi regarding the relationship between wu- and- you-apects; in ch.1 it is stated that they are two separate aspects in seeing the world, the other chapters regarding that you comes from wu. This naturally brings in the question whether the One is the peak of seeing the world as many. In other words, is there a way from pluralism to monism. All these considerations make it probable that the work attributed to Lao Zi has been added new material or is a compilation of oral sayings. In the end of the paper I will go on to give some insights on how Logos and Dao can be compared in a relevant manner. I also compare Parmenides holistic monism to Lao Zi’s Dao as nameless totality (i.e. in its wu-aspect). I briefly touch the issues of Heidegger and the future of comparative philosophy.


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Potential for forage legumes as a feed ingredient for pig nutrition.


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As disparities in wealth levels between and within countries become greater many poor people migrate in search of better earning opportunities. Some of this migration is legal but, in many cases, the difficulties involved in securing the necessary documentation mean that would-be migrants resort to illegal methods. This, in turn, makes them vulnerable to human trafficking, a phenomenon that has received growing attention from NGOs, governments and the media in recent years. Despite the attention being given to human trafficking, however, there remains a certain amount of confusion over what exactly it entails though it is generally understood to refer to the transportation and subsequent exploitation of vulnerable people through means of force or deception. The increased attention that has been given to the issue of human trafficking over the last decade has resulted in new discourses emerging which attempt to explain what human trafficking entails, what the root causes of the phenomenon are and how best to tackle the problem. While a certain degree of conceptual clarity has been attained since human trafficking rose to prominence in the 1990s, it could be argued that human trafficking remains a poorly defined concept and that there is frequently confusion concerning the difference between it and related concepts such as people smuggling, migration and prostitution. The thesis examines the ways in which human trafficking has been conceptualised or framed in a specific national context- that of Lao PDR. Attention is given to the task of locating the major frames within which the issue has been situated, as well as considering the diagnoses and prognoses that the various approaches to trafficking suggest. The research considers which particular strands of trafficking discourse have become dominant in Lao PDR and the effect this has had on the kinds of trafficking interventions that have been undertaken in the country. The research is mainly qualitative and consists of an analysis of key texts found in the Lao trafficking discourse.


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This is the report of the “DLF/NACA-STREAM/FAO National Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis” that was conducted in Vientiane, Lao PDR from 8-12 March 2004. The purpose of the workshop was to develop and document mechanisms for training in livelihoods approaches and analysis, and to build national capacity to conduct livelihoods analysis. The workshop in Vientiane was the first STREAM event in Lao PDR, with colleagues coming to participate from Vientiane and many provinces throughout the country. The workshop in Vientiane was the third in a series, the first of which was held in Iloilo City, Philippines, in November 2003 and the second in Ranchi, India, in February, 2004. Subsequent workshops will take place in other countries in the region, including Myanmar and Yunnan, China. (Pdf contains 59 pages).


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Esta pesquisa objetivou discutir a violência e o laço social, tomando como fonte de inspiração a relação com o semelhante, desvelada na obra de Rubem Fonseca. A literatura é apreendida como espaço ético no qual os processos de subjetivação são expressos e forjados, dando forma ao mal-estar que a psicanálise institui como próprio do existir humano. Considerando a violência constituinte do dualismo pulsional Eros-Tanatos, hipotetiza-se que as trocas sociais, na atualidade, efetuam-se pelo ódio indiferenciado ao outro, reificando-o e destituindo-o de sua singularidade. As personagens de Rubem Fonseca protagonizam, juntamente com o cenário urbano, a tragédia contemporânea na qual a melancolia parece ser a tônica da trama coletiva e os atos violentos despropositados contra o outro, uma forma de resposta contra a desvitalização e a impotência subjetivas. Em um universo social caracterizado pela retração dos poderes regeneradores e unificadores de Eros, a erótica predominante se afirma pela violência em relação ao próximo, não posto no lugar de parceiro na construção da coletividade.


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Em publicações recentes, alguns psicanalistas, tendo como base a sua clínica, suscitaram um debate sobre a clínica na contemporaneidade e a necessidade de mudanças na teoria psicanalítica, ao sublinharem questões tais como: novos sintomas, declínio da função paterna, inutilidade do diagnóstico estrutural, não constituição do sujeito do inconsciente e predominância do discurso do capitalista, laço social anômalo que comandaria ao gozo ao invés de oferecer um viés para sua regulação. A fim de verificar a pertinência dessas formulações, nosso estudo retoma construções fundamentais da psicanálise lacaniana, em especial a categoria de sujeito. Primeiro abordamos produções no campo da filosofia e sociologia que discutem a especificidade de nossa época, particularmente sob a noção de pós-modernidade, que após análise desses trabalhos, não consideramos oportuna. Retomamos a atualidade dos escritos de Freud sobre o mal-estar na civilização e da proposição lacaniana do trabalho da psicanálise com o sujeito do inconsciente, categoria que se impõe à clínica. Procuramos desenvolver as elaborações da teoria que versam sobre a constituição do sujeito, verificando sua importância para a prática clínica e a inadequação das propostas que pregam a inoperância dessa categoria de trabalho. Por fim, discutimos as noções de estrutura clínica e discursos. Consideramos a proposta dos discursos como laços sociais uma formulação teórica mais adequada pra pensar as especificidades da clínica na contemporaneidade, em que o laço social se exerce predominante pela via do discurso universitário. Concluímos pela aposta no sujeito do inconsciente, ressaltando a necessidade de oferecimento de uma escuta que permita à clínica operar sobre ele.


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O que é feito ou o que acontece com um grupo que se forma na juventude? Muitos podem ser os caminhos tomados, escolhas poderão ser feitas. Muitas dessas escolhas podem estar relacionadas à forma como esses grupos desenvolveram suas produções culturais e quais foram as relações extragrupo que fizeram parte de sua trajetória. Os grupos de jovens das periferias e favelas que produzem cultura se constituem de maneiras bem heterogêneas, há várias formas e caminhos de se fazer parte de um grupo cultural. A presente dissertação investiga, especificamente, como um grupo de jovens moradores de favelas se organiza e produz cultura sem apoio institucional. De que modo as suas produções têm algo de novo, um outro olhar com relação à produção cultural vigente? A partir do conceito de função fraterna, discutido por um grupo de psicanalistas coordenado por Maria Rita Kehl, pretendo investigar como essa organização horizontal se constitui na busca de um local de pertencimento. Com caráter interdisciplinar, essa pesquisa propõe também um laço fraterno ou na horizontalidade, entre Psicanálise, Educação e Ciências Sociais.


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This article features the current status of aquaculture in the mountains of the northern Lao PDR and northern Vietnam.


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O modelo de atenção que até então pautava a assistência ao louco, baseava-se na lógica manicomial cujo tratamento prestado reduzia-se à internação psiquiátrica. Ao tomar o asilo como seu único destino, restava ao sujeito submeter-se ao único modo de tratar a loucura: o isolamento e a exclusão. Era este o cenário que o movimento da reforma psiquiátrica intentava romper. Para além do fim dos manicômios, o que se visava era a transposição do modelo asilar por outro mais comunitário.Este é o mote da política de saúde mental no município do Rio de Janeiro instaurado desde os anos 90. Portanto, nossa investigação colocou em análise a invenção do Fórum de saúde mental instituído no ano de 2002 como arena participativa envolvendo os trabalhadores de saúde mental na direção da construção de uma rede de atenção territorial.Para tanto, este estudo produziu uma narrativa sobre sua trajetória pelo viés de sua formulação e implementação, a partir dos sujeitos que participaram deste processo. Entendemos que essa escolha nos deu subsídios para compreender os caminhos trilhados ou descartados e as inflexões que transformaram esta arena como operador da gestão do cuidado em saúde mental. Nesta direção, a contribuição teórica de que nos servimos apoiou-se na Teoria da Estruturação que pauta seu estudo em torno da produção e reprodução da vida social pelos próprios agentes sociais. O uso deste conceito nos auxiliou na compreensão de um processo a partir dos próprios agentes uma vez que eles detêm uma capacidade reflexiva, ou melhor, um entendimento teórico acerca de suas próprias ações, incluindo as razões, motivos e necessidades que o instigam a fazê-lo. O estudo identificou que a arena do fórum de saúde mental funcionou como operador da gestão do cuidado, entretanto, é poroso ao conjunto de pessoas que o conduz, tornando delicada sua institucionalidade como arena participativa e de poder decisório.