995 resultados para LOX-1


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Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) sont la principale cause de décès dans les pays occidentaux et constituent la principale complication associée au diabète. La lipoprotéine lipase (LPL) est une enzyme clé du métabolisme des lipides et est responsable de l'hydrolyse des lipoprotéines riches en triglycérides (TG). Plusieurs études ont démontré que la LPL sécrétée par les macrophages dans la paroi artérielle est pro-athérogénique. La dysfonction endothéliale caractérise les stades précoces du processus athérosclérotique. Il a été observé qu’un récepteur nouvellement identifié des lipoprotéines de basse densité oxydées (LDLox), le récepteur de type lectine des LDLox (LOX-1), est fortement exprimé dans les lésions athérosclérotiques humaines et dans l’aorte de rats diabétiques, suggérant un rôle clé de LOX-1 dans la pathogénèse de l’athérosclérose diabétique. Au vu du rôle potentiel de la LPL macrophagique et du LOX-1 dans l’athérosclérose associée au diabète de type 2, nous avons évalué la régulation de ces deux molécules pro-athérogéniques par des facteurs métaboliques et inflammatoires augmentés dans le diabète, soit la leptine, l’acide linoléique (LA) et la protéine C-réactive (CRP). Nos résultats démontrent que : 1) Dans les cellules endothéliales aortiques humaines (HAECs), LA augmente l’expression protéique de LOX-1 de façon temps- et dose-dépendante; 2) La pré-incubation de HAECs avec des antioxydants et des inhibiteurs de la NADPH oxydase, de la protéine kinase C (PKC) et du facteur nucléaire-kappa B (NF-kB), inhibe l’effet stimulant de LA sur l’expression protéique de LOX-1; 3) Dans les HAECs traitées avec LA, on observe une augmentation d’expression des isoformes classiques de la PKC; 4) LA augmente de manière significative l’expression génique de LOX-1 ainsi que la liaison des protéines nucléaires extraites des HAECs à la séquence régulatrice NF-kB présente dans le promoteur du gène de LOX-1; 5) LA augmente, via LOX-1, la captation des LDLox par les cellules endothéliales. Pris dans leur ensemble, ces résultats démontrent que LA augmente l’expression endothéliale de LOX-1 in vitro et appuient le rôle clé de LA dans la dysfonction endothéliale associée au diabète. Au vu de nos études antérieures démontrant qu’une expression accrue de LPL macrophagique chez les patients diabétiques de type 2 et que l’augmentation de facteurs métaboliques dans cette maladie, soit l’homocystéine (Hcys), les acides gras et les produits terminaux de glycation (AGE), accroissent l’expression de la LPL macrophagique, nous avons par la suite déterminé l’effet, in vitro, de deux autres facteurs métaboliques et inflammatoires surexprimés dans le diabète, soit la leptine et la CRP, sur l’expression de la LPL macrophagique. Les concentrations plasmatiques de leptine sont élevées chez les patients diabétiques et sont associées à un accroissement des risques cardiovasculaires. Nous avons démontré que : 1) Dans les macrophages humains, la leptine augmente l’expression de la LPL, tant au niveau génique que protéique; 2) L’effet stimulant de la leptine sur la LPL est aboli par la pré-incubation avec un anticorps dirigé contre les récepteurs à la leptine (Ob-R), des inhibiteurs de la PKC et des antioxydants; 3) La leptine augmente l’expression membranaire des isoformes classiques de la PKC et la diminution de l’expression endogène de la PKC, abolit l’effet de la leptine sur l’expression de la LPL macrophagique; 4) Dans les macrophages murins, la leptine augmente le taux de synthèse de la LPL et augmente la liaison de protéines nucléaires à la séquence protéine activée-1 (AP-1) du promoteur du gène de la LPL. Ces observations supportent la possibilité que la leptine puisse représenter un facteur stimulant de la LPL macrophagique dans le diabète. Finalement, nous avons déterminé, in vitro, l’effet de la CRP sur l’expression de la LPL macrophagique. La CRP est une molécule inflammatoire et un puissant prédicteur d’événements cardiovasculaires. Des concentrations élevées de CRP sérique sont documentées chez les patients diabétiques de type 2. Nous avons démontré que : 1) Dans les macrophages humains, la CRP augmente l’expression de la LPL au niveau génique et protéique et la liaison de la CRP aux récepteurs CD32 est nécessaire pour médier ses effets; 2) La pré-incubation de macrophages humains avec des antioxydants, des inhibiteurs de la PKC et de la protéine kinase mitogénique activée (MAPK), prévient l’induction de la LPL par la CRP; 3) La CRP augmente l’activité de la LPL, la génération intracellulaire d’espèces radicalaires oxygénées (ROS), l’expression d’isoformes classiques de la PKC et la phosphorylation des kinases extracellulaires régulées 1/2 (ERK 1/2); 4) Les macrophages murins traités avec la CRP démontrent une augmentation de la liaison des protéines nucléaires à la séquence AP-1 du promoteur du gène de la LPL. Ces données suggèrent que la LPL puisse représenter un nouveau facteur médiant les effets délétères de la CRP dans la vasculopathie diabétique. Dans l’ensemble nos études démontrent le rôle clé de facteurs métaboliques et inflammatoires dans la régulation vasculaire de la LPL et du LOX-1 dans le diabète. Nos données suggèrent que la LPL et le LOX-1 puissent représenter des contributeurs clé de l’athérogénèse accélérée associée au diabète chez l’humain. Mots-clés : athérosclérose, maladies cardiovasculaires, diabète de type 2, macrophage, LPL, cellules endothéliales, LOX-1, stress oxydatif, leptine, LA, CRP.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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In this study LC n-3 PUFA-specific effects on the degree of monocyte differentiation and macrophage foam cell formation were investigated by treating PMA-induced immature and mature macrophage models with LC n-3/n-6 PUFA during and post-differentiation. During immature macrophage differentiation LC n-3 PUFA alone decreased TNFα mRNA levels. EPA, and the n-6 PUFAs, linoleic acid and arachidonic acid, decreased CD36 mRNA levels, and EPA also downregulated CD49d cell-surface expression. Both LC n-3 PUFA reduced LDLr mRNA levels in immature macrophages, while DHA alone reduced levels in mature macrophages. Post-differentiation, n-3 and -6 PUFA reduced basal, but not oxidised LDL dependent cholesterol levels in immature macrophages. LC n-3 PUFA-specific reductions in LDLr and LOX-1 mRNA expression were also observed.

This study found LC n-3 PUFA specific, anti-atherogenic effects were more significant in immature macrophages. LC n-3 PUFA effects may be modulated by the extent of monocyte to macrophage differentiation.


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Oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL) play a central role in atherogenesis and induce expression of the antioxidant stress protein heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1). In the present study we investigated induction of HO-1 and adaptive increases in reduced glutathione (GSH) in human aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) in response to moderately oxidized LDL (moxLDL, 100 mu g protein/ml, 24 h), a species containing high levels of lipid hydroperoxides. Expression and activity of HO-1 and GSH levels were elevated to a greater extent by moxLDL than highly oxidized LDL but unaffected by native or acetylated LDL. Inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC) or mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) p38(MAPK) and MEK or c-jun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) significantly attenuated induction of HO-1. Phosphorylation of p38(MAPK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2), or JNK and nuclear translocation of the transcription factor Nrf2 were enhanced following acute exposure of SMC to rnoxLDL (100 mu g proteiri/ml, 1-2 h). Pretreatment of SMC with the antioxidant vitamin C (100 mu M, 24 h) attenuated the induction of HO-1 by moxLDL. Native and oxidized LDL did not alter basal levels of intracellular ATP, mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity, or expression of the lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor (LOX-1) in SMC. These findings demonstrate for the first time that activation of PKC, p38(MAPK), JNK, ERK1/2, and Nrf2 by oxidized LDL in human SMC leads to HO-1 induction, constituting an adaptive response against oxidative injury that can be ameliorated by vitamin C. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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One crucial role of endothelium is to keep the innermost surface of a blood vessel antithrombotic. However, the endothelium also expresses prothrombotic molecules in response to various stimuli. The balance between the antithrombotic and prothrombotic nature of the endothelium is lost under certain conditions. During atherosclerosis, the attachment of platelets to the vessel surface has been suggested to promote the proliferation of smooth muscle cells and intimal thickening as well as to affect the prognosis of the disease directly through myocardial infarction and stroke. Dysfunctional endothelium, which is often a result of the action of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OxLDL), tends to be more procoagulant and adhesive to platelets. Herein, we sought the possibility that the endothelial lectin-like OxLDL receptor-1 (LOX-1) is involved in the platelet–endothelium interaction and hence directly in endothelial dysfunction. LOX-1 indeed worked as an adhesion molecule for platelets. The binding of platelets was inhibited by a phosphatidylserine-binding protein, annexin V, and enhanced by agonists for platelets. These results suggest that negative phospholipids exposed on activation on the surface of platelets are the epitopes for LOX-1. Notably, the binding of platelets to LOX-1 enhanced the release of endothelin-1 from endothelial cells, supporting the induction of endothelial dysfunction, which would, in turn, promote the atherogenic process. LOX-1 may initiate and promote atherosclerosis, binding not only OxLDL but also platelets.


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In previous work with soybean (Glycine max), it was reported that the initial product of 3Z-nonenal (NON) oxidation is 4-hydroperoxy-2E-nonenal (4-HPNE). 4-HPNE can be converted to 4-hydroxy-2E-nonenal by a hydroperoxide-dependent peroxygenase. In the present work we have attempted to purify the 4-HPNE-producing oxygenase from soybean seed. Chromatography on various supports had shown that O2 uptake with NON substrate consistently coincided with lipoxygenase (LOX)-1 activity. Compared with oxidation of LOX's preferred substrate, linoleic acid, the activity with NON was about 400- to 1000-fold less. Rather than obtaining the expected 4-HPNE, 4-oxo-2E-nonenal was the principal product of NON oxidation, presumably arising from the enzyme-generated alkoxyl radical of 4-HPNE. In further work a precipitous drop in activity was noted upon dilution of LOX-1 concentration; however, activity could be enhanced by spiking the reaction with 13S-hydroperoxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid. Under these conditions the principal product of NON oxidation shifted to the expected 4-HPNE. 4-HPNE was demonstrated to be 83% of the 4S-hydroperoxy-stereoisomer. Therefore, LOX-1 is also a 3Z-alkenal oxygenase, and it exerts the same stereospecificity of oxidation as it does with polyunsaturated fatty acids. Two other LOX isozymes of soybean seed were also found to oxidize NON to 4-HPNE with an excess of 4S-hydroperoxy-stereoisomer.


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The metabolism of arachidonic acid through lipoxygenase pathways leads to the generation of various biologically active eicosanoids. The expression of these enzymes vary throughout the progression of various cancers, and thereby they have been shown to regulate aspects of tumor development. Substantial evidence supports a functional role for lipoxygenase-catalyzed arachidonic and linoleic acid metabolism in cancer development. Pharmacologic and natural inhibitors of lipoxygenases have been shown to suppress carcinogenesis and tumor growth in a number of experimental models. Signaling of hydro[peroxy]fatty acids following arachidonic or linoleic acid metabolism potentially effect diverse biological phenomenon regulating processes such as cell growth, cell survival, angiogenesis, cell invasion, metastatic potential and immunomodulation. However, the effects of distinct LOX isoforms differ considerably with respect to their effects on both the individual mechanisms described and the tumor being examined. 5-LOX and platelet type 12-LOX are generally considered pro-carcinogenic, with the role of 15-LOX-1 remaining controversial, while 15-LOX-2 suppresses carcinogenesis. In this review, we focus on the molecular mechanisms regulated by LOX metabolism in some of the major cancers. We discuss the effects of LOXs on tumor cell proliferation, their roles in cell cycle control and cell death induction, effects on angiogenesis, migration and the immune response, as well as the signal transduction pathways involved in these processes. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-tumor effect of specific, or general, LOX inhibitors may lead to the design of biologically and pharmacologically targeted therapeutic strategies inhibiting LOX isoforms and/or their biologically active metabolites, that may ultimately prove useful in the treatment of cancer, either alone or in combination with conventional therapies. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Adhesion, immune evasion and invasion are key determinants during bacterial pathogenesis. Pathogenic bacteria possess a wide variety of surface exposed and secreted proteins which allow them to adhere to tissues, escape the immune system and spread throughout the human body. Therefore, extensive contacts between the human and the bacterial extracellular proteomes take place at the host-pathogen interface at the protein level. Recent researches emphasized the importance of a global and deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms which underlie bacterial immune evasion and pathogenesis. Through the use of a large-scale, unbiased, protein microarray-based approach and of wide libraries of human and bacterial purified proteins, novel host-pathogen interactions were identified. This approach was first applied to Staphylococcus aureus, cause of a wide variety of diseases ranging from skin infections to endocarditis and sepsis. The screening led to the identification of several novel interactions between the human and the S. aureus extracellular proteomes. The interaction between the S. aureus immune evasion protein FLIPr (formyl-peptide receptor like-1 inhibitory protein) and the human complement component C1q, key players of the offense-defense fighting, was characterized using label-free techniques and functional assays. The same approach was also applied to Neisseria meningitidis, major cause of bacterial meningitis and fulminant sepsis worldwide. The screening led to the identification of several potential human receptors for the neisserial adhesin A (NadA), an important adhesion protein and key determinant of meningococcal interactions with the human host at various stages. The interaction between NadA and human LOX-1 (low-density oxidized lipoprotein receptor) was confirmed using label-free technologies and cell binding experiments in vitro. Taken together, these two examples provided concrete insights into S. aureus and N. meningitidis pathogenesis, and identified protein microarray coupled with appropriate validation methodologies as a powerful large scale tool for host-pathogen interactions studies.


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CD34 (+) progenitor cells are a promising source of regeneration in atherosclerosis or ischemic heart disease. However, as recently published, CD34(+) progenitor cells have the potential to differentiate not only into endothelial cells but also into foam cells upon interaction with platelets. The mechanism of platelet-induced differentiation of progenitor cells into foam cells is as yet unclear. In the present study we investigated the role of scavenger receptor (SR)-A and CD36 in platelet-induced foam cell formation. Human CD34(+) progenitor cells were freshly derived from human umbilical veins and were co-incubated with platelets (2 x 10(8)/mL) up to 14 days resulting in large lipid-laden foam cells. Developing macrophages expressed SR-A, CD36, and Lox-1 as measured by fluorescent-activated cell sorting analysis. The presence of a blocking anti-CD36 or anti-SR-A antibody nearly abrogated foam cell formation, whereas anti-Lox-1 did not affect foam cell formation. Consistently blocking either anti-CD36 or anti-SR-A antibody significantly reduced the phagocytosis of lipid-laden platelets by macrophages. We conclude that CD36 and SR-A play an important role in platelet-induced foam cell formation from CD34(+) progenitor cells and thus represent a promising target to inhibit platelet-induced foam cell formation.


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In cucumber (Cucumis sativus), high lipoxygenase-1 (LOX-1) activity has been detected in the soluble fraction prepared from cotyledons of germinating seeds, and the involvement of this enzyme in lipid turnover has been suggested (K. Matsui, M. Irie, T. Kajiwara, A. Hatanaka [1992] Plant Sci 85: 23–32; I. Fuessner, C. Wasternack, H. Kindl, H. Kühn [1995] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92: 11849–11853). In this study we have investigated the expression of the gene lox-1, corresponding to the LOX-1 enzyme. LOX-1 expression is highly coordinated with that of a typical glyoxysomal enzyme, isocitrate lyase, during the postgerminative stage of cotyledon development. In contrast, although icl transcripts accumulated in tissue during in vitro senescence, no accumulation of lox-1 mRNA could be observed, suggesting that lox-1 plays a specialized role in fat mobilization. LOX-1 is also known to be a major lipid body protein. The partial peptide sequences of purified LOX-1 and lipid body LOX-1 entirely coincided with that deduced from the lox-1 cDNA sequence. The data strongly suggest that LOX-1 and lipid body LOX-1 are derived from a single gene and that LOX-1 can exist both in the cytosol and on the lipid bodies. We constructed an in vitro oxygenation system to address the mechanism of this dual localization and to investigate the action of LOX-1 on lipids in the lipid bodies. LOX-1 cannot act on the lipids in intact lipid bodies, although degradation of lipid body proteins, either during seedling growth or by treatment with trypsin, allows lipid bodies to become susceptible to LOX-1. We discuss the role of LOX-1 in fat mobilization and its mechanism of action.


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During inflammation, many cell types release reactive oxygen species (ROS) via the respiratory burst. These ROS are potent oxidants of LDL and its major protein, apolipoprotein B. Whilst native LDL is taken up by endothelial cells via a feedback controlled receptor-regulated process, oxidative modification of LDL renders it a ligand for many scavenger receptors. Scavenger receptors include CD-36, LOX-1 and the prototypic macrophage SR A I/II, all of which are variably expressed. Uncontrolled uptake of oxidised LDL is implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In addition, oxidised LDL increases CCR2 protein and mRNA expression on monocytes, and thus may contribute to monocyte retention and perpetuation in inflammatory, unstable atherosclerotic lesions. However, little data are available on the effects of specific minor modifications to apolipoprotein B. In order to identify the sequence specificity and nature of oxidative modifications which confer altered properties on LDL, we have investigated the effects of modified peptides (which correspond to the putative LDLR binding domain) on LDL uptake by HUVECs and U937 monocytes.


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Generation of neoepitopes on apolipoprotein B within oxidised low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is important in the unregulated uptake of LDL by monocytic scavenger receptors (CD36, SR-AI, LOX-1). Freshly isolated LDL was oxidised by peroxyl radicals generated from the thermal decomposition of an aqueous azo-compound. We describe that formation of carbonyl groups on the protein component is early as protein oxidation was seen after 90min. This is associated with an increased propensity for LDL uptake by U937 monocytes. Three classes of antioxidants (quercetin, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and ascorbic acid) have been examined for their capacity to inhibit AAPH-induced protein oxidation, (protein carbonyls, Δ electrophoretic mobility and LDL uptake by U937 monocytes). CD36 expression was assessed by flow cytometry and was seen to be unaltered by oxidised LDL uptake. All three classes were effective antioxidants, quercetin (P<0.01), ascorbic acid (P<0.01), DHEA (P<0.05). As LDL protein is the control point for LDL metabolism, the degree of oxidation and protection by antioxidants is likely to be of great importance for (patho)-physiological uptake of LDL by monocytes. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Das Ziel der Dissertation war die Synthese und pharmakologische Charakterisierung von COX-1-, COX-2- und 5-LOX-Inhibitoren, die zur Behandlung entzündlicher Dermatosen für die topische Anwendung geeignet sein sollten. Hierfür wurden zwei Strukturklassen - die sogenannten Imidazothiazole und die Chalcone-Derivate - entworfen und synthetisiert sowie in verschiedenen in vitro-Testsystemen auf ihre pharmakologische Wirksamkeit untersucht. rnDie Leitsubstanz der ersten Strukturklasse wurde in Anlehnung an die Struktur von Licofelon entworfen. Licofelon ist ein dualer COX/LOX-Inhibitor, der für die Indikation Osteoarthritis eingesetzt werden soll. Durch den Austausch einzelner Substituenten an den Phenylringen wurde die Leitstruktur schrittweise verändert, um die Wirksamkeit zu optimieren. Die Substituentenvariation erfolgte anhand des sogenannten Topliss-Schemas. Bei der zweiten Substanzklasse wurde durch Kombination zweier antiinflammatorisch wirksamer Molekülgruppen - mit dem Ziel eines synergistischen Effekts - eine Grundstruktur entwickelt, die zur Optimierung der Wirksamkeit derivatisiert wurde. Als Komponenten dienten 4,5-Bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-1H-imidazol-2-thiol (Z11) und ein Chalcon. Z11 ist sowohl in der Literatur als auch in vorangegangen Arbeiten des Arbeitskreises als dualer COX/LOX-Inhibitor beschrieben. Chalcone besitzen eine 1,3-Diphenylpropenon-Partialstruktur und können über einen der beiden Phenylringe mit Z11 verknüpft werden. In der Literatur wurde vielfach über die vielfältigen pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der Chalcone berichtet; im Rahmen dieser Arbeit stand deren antiinflammatorische Eigenschaft im Vordergrund. rnZur Beurteilung der Effektivität und Toxizität der Substanzen wurden diese anschließend pharmakologisch charakterisiert werden. Hierfür standen verschiedene in vitro-Testsysteme zur Verfügung, die Aufschluss über die COX-1-, COX-2- und 5-LOX-Inhibition der synthetisierten Substanzen gaben. Des Weiteren wurden die Substanzen auf eine mögliche inhibitorische Aktivität gegenüber TNF- untersucht. Da die Entwicklung der Testverbindungen mit dem Ziel der topischen Anwendung erfolgte, wurde eine log P-Wert-Bestimmung durchgeführt, um eine Aussage über die Lipophilie der Verbindungen treffen zu können.rn


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In-flight collection of air, pre-cooling, liquefaction and separation of liquid oxygen (LOX) are key technologies for futuristic launch vehicles, Vortex tube technology is one of the few potential technologies for this application. Extensive studies have been carried out on straight and conical vortex tubes for developing vortex tube technology for high purity LOX separation. Studies show that 12mm. diameter conical vortex tube with L/D of 10 could achieve LOX purity of similar to 96% with separation efficiency of similar to 14% indicating that it is not possible to obtain both high LOX purity and high separation efficiency simultaneously in a single vortex tube. However, it is possible to achieve both high LOX purity and separation efficiency by staging of vortex tubes. LOX purity of 96% and separation efficiency of similar to 73.5% has been achieved for second stage vortex tube supplied with pre-cooled air having 60% oxygen purity. LOX purity has been further increased to 97% by applying controlled heating power over liquid oxygen flowing discharge surface of the vortex tube.