261 resultados para LOCUSTA-MIGRATORIA


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Flugfähige Insekten sind äußerst leistungsfähige Tiere. Ihre Flugmuskulatur ist das Gewebe mit der höchsten ATP-Umsatzrate im Tierreich. Der hohe Energieumsatz ist möglich durch einen vollständig aeroben Stoffwechsel der Flugmuskulatur, der durch die effiziente Sauerstoffversorgung über das Tracheensystem gewährleistet wird. Andererseits haben Insekten einen offenen Blutkreislauf, d.h. ihre Gewebe werden nicht über Kapillaren mit Substraten versorgt, sondern von der Hämolymphe umspült, die daher eine hohe Konzentration an energieliefernden Substraten haben muss. Als schnell verfügbares Substrat nutzen Wanderheuschrecken bei Beginn eines Fluges als Hauptsubstrat Trehalose, die in hoher Konzentration als Hämolymphzucker vorliegt (20 bis 40mal höhere Konzentration als Glucose). Trehalose ist, anders als Glucose, ein nicht-reduzierender Zucker und daher nicht toxisch. Allerdings muss das Disaccharid Trehalose zu Glucose hydrolysiert werden, bevor sie im Zellstoffwechsel verwertet werden kann. Diese Funktion erfüllt die Trehalase (EC, ein Enzym, das membrangebunden ist und nach Zellfraktionierung in der Mikrosomenfraktion erscheint. Es ist schon lange offensichtlich, dass die Aktivität der Trehalase regulierbar sein muss und zwar reversibel (eine Eigenschaft, die für Hydrolasen ungewöhnlich ist), der Mechanismus ist allerdings bislang nicht klar, da alle üblichen Typen von Aktivitätsregulation nicht verwirklicht zu sein scheinen. Die meisten Autoren vermuten, dass die Regulation über den Transport des Substrats erfolgt. Ein Trehalosetransporter konnte allerdings bisher in der Flugmuskulatur von Locusta nicht nachgewiesen werden. In dieser Arbeit stelle ich Experimente vor, die dafür sprechen, dass Trehalase als Ektoenzym aktiv ist (overte Form), während eine inaktive Form (latente Form) in Vesikeln im Cytoplasma vorliegt und per Exocytose reversibel in die Plasmamembran transloziert werden kann. Für die Testung dieser Arbeitshypothese nutzte ich Trehazolin, einen sehr spezifischen Inhibitor der Trehalase, der äußerst fest und dauerhaft im aktiven Zentrum des Enzyms bindet. Dazu war es nötig, die Flugmuskulatur zu fraktionieren, um die Effekte von Trehazolin auf die verschiedenen Formen der Trehalase (gebunden, löslich, overt, latent) zu analysieren. Mit der Arbeitshypothese vereinbar sind die folgenden Befunde: (1) In die Hämolymphe injiziertes Trehazolin hemmt bevorzugt die overte Trehalase und erst bei höheren Dosen und nach längerer Zeit die latente Form. (2) Trehazolin wirkt in hoher Dosis (50µg pro Tier) auch nach Verfütterung, allerdings stark abgeschwächt, da nach 24 Stunden ein signifikanter Effekt nur auf die overte, aber nicht auf die latente Form sichtbar war. (3) In einem Langzeitversuch über 30 Tage führte die einmalige Injektion von 20µg Trehazolin zu einer schnellen Hemmung der overten Trehalase, der eine verzögerte Hemmung der latenten Aktivität folgte. Der Zeitverlauf von Hemmung und Erholung spricht für eine Vorläufer-Produkt-Beziehung zwischen latenter und overter Form. (4) Flugaktivität der Tiere führt zu einer starken Verminderung der latenten Aktivität, falls Trehazolin in der Hämolymphe der Tiere vorhanden war. (5) Neuropeptide könnten die Translokation fördern. Insulin hat einen entsprechenden Effekt, der aber unabhängig ist von der Flugaktivität. (6) Der PI3-Kinasehemmstoff Wortmannin stabilisiert die latente Form der Trehalase. Auch andere Organe als die Flugmuskulatur besitzen Trehalase, aber mit deutlich geringerer Aktivität. In der Sprungmuskulatur könnte auch eine latente Form vorhanden sein, für Darm und Gehirn ist das nicht wahrscheinlich.


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O pinhal constitui o tipo de floresta mais representado em Portugal, ocupando 35.5% da área florestada. Este estudo foi efectuado em pinhais e sistemas circundantes, tendo por objectivo identificar a fauna de Orthoptera, e avaliar quais os impactes ecológicos das espécies encontradas, isto é quais delas poderão constituir pragas, e quais deverão ser protegidas. Recolheram-se 60 espécies de Orthoptera, em pinhais distribuídos por seis regiões de Portugal Continental, das quais 24 pertencem à sub-ordem Ensifera e 36 à sub-ordem Caelifera, representando cerca de 50% das espécies anteriormente encontradas. Foi registado pela primeira vez em Portugal a presença de nove espécies de órtopteros, uma das quais nova para a ciência Uromenus (Steropleurus) anapaulae (G. H. Schmidt, 2002). Procedeu-se à comparação da biodiversidade de Orthoptera nos locais estudados, utilizando-se os índices de Shannon, Brillouin e Simpson. Verificou-se que os valores mais elevados, para a biodiversidade de Orthoptera, foram encontrados nos locais que apresentavam uma considerável diversidade da paisagem e diversidade de habitats, como é o caso do Parque Natural do Alvão, enquanto que os menores valores foram registados na Mata Nacional de Leiria e na Herdade da Ferraria, onde existe grande homogeneidade de habitats, constituídos quase exclusivamente por plantações de Pinus pinaster. Investigou-se qual a importância dos Orthoptera, como predadores da processionária do pinheiro Thaumetopoea pityocampa, um dos fitófagos mais importantes na região Mediterrânica, causador tanto de prejuízos económicos em pinhais como de reacções alérgicas ao Homem e outros mamíferos. Registou-se pela primeira vez, que os gafanhotos da família Tettigonidea predam sobre lagartas e imagos de T. pityocampa, além de consumirem as posturas. Em alguns pinhais verificou-se existir uma relação inversamente proporcional entre o número de tetigonídeos, e o nível de ataque do fitófago. Não se confirmou, no entanto, uma possível utilização da feromona sexual de T. pityocampa como cairomona, pelos tetigonídeos. Entre os ortópteros potencialmente causadores de pragas salienta-se a sub-espécie Locusta migratoria cinerascens, que apresenta uma distribuição circum -mediterrânica. Procedeu-se à criação laboratorial e ao estudo comparativo da bio-ecologia desta subespécie e de L. m. migratorioides, que causa prejuízos devastadores em regiões tropicais. Ambas são morfologicamente semelhantes mas ocorrem em fases diferentes, respectivamente solitária e gregária. Quantificaram-se os parâmetros reprodutivos de fêmeas virgens e copuladas das duas sub-espécies, e de fêmeas híbridas, tendo-se registado taxas de fertilidade superiores para L. m. migratorioides, denotando a sua adaptação a densidades populacionais elevadas. Obteve-se ainda, por reprodução partenogenética, 13 gerações consecutivas de fêmeas, facto que se regista pela primeira vez. Compararam-se as principais componentes das substâncias semioquímicas emitidas por fêmeas, machos e ninfas de último instar para as duas sub-espécies de L. migratoria estudadas, tendo-se verificado que existem algumas diferenças relativamente às fêmeas. Analisaram-se as respostas olfactivas a algumas das principais substâncias, nomeadamente guaiacol, veratrol, anisol, acetofenona, benzaldeído e extracto de folhas verdes, através de testes de electroantenografia, tendo-se concluído que a sub-espécie L. m. migratorioides reagiu mais intensamente às substâncias acetofenona, guaiacol e veratrol do que a sub-espécie L. m.cinerascens.


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Tese de Doutoramento (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica)


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In the course of their coevolution with insects, plants have learnt to protect themselves by chemical means. Semiochemical act as antifeedants or deterrents, others by disrupting growth and development. By use of the Epilachna varivestis bioassay we isolated from Azadirachta indica seed a group of triterpenoids which interfee with larval growth and development in ppm range. Main components are the azadirachtins A and B with identical biological activity. Various other azadirachtins were obtained, either as minor seed components or by chemical modification of the naturally occuring compounds. Structure vs. activity relation studies enabled us to postulate a basic structural element that should still be biologically active and with much simpler chemical structure than natural compounds. What underlies the biological activity of these insect growth inhibitors? Their interference with the hormonal regulation of development and reproduction has been studied in Locusta migratoria and Rhodnius prolixus. In addition, tritiated dihydroazadirachtin A was used. With this approach, a precise correlation between administered dose, resulting effects, and retention of the compound was established. The azadirachtins either interrupt, delay, or deviate whole developmental programs. Results from these studies provide another chemical probe for studies in insect endocrinology and physiology.


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The evolution of the digestive system in the Order Orthoptera is disclosed from the study of the morphophysiology of the digestive process in its major taxa. This paper deals with a cricket representing the less known suborder Ensifera Most amylase and trypsin activities occur in crop and caeca. respectively. Maltase and aminopeptidase are found in soluble and membrane-bound forms in caeca, with aminopeptidase also occurring in ventriculus. Amaranth was orally fed to Gryllodes sigillatus adults or injected into their haemolymph. The experiments were performed with starving and feeding insects with identical results. Following feeding of the dye the luminal side of the most anterior ventriculus (and in lesser amounts the midgut caeca) became heavily stained. In injected insects, the haemal side of the most posterior ventriculus was stained This suggested that the anterior ventriculus is the main site of water absorption (the caeca is a secondary one). whereas the posterior ventriculus secretes water into the gut. Thus, a putative counter-current flux of fluid from posterior to anterior ventriculus may propel digestive enzyme recycling. This was confirmed by the finding that digestive enzymes are excreted at a low rate. The fine structure of midgut caeca and ventriculus cells revealed that they have morphological features that may be related to their involvement in secretion (movement from cell to lumen) and absorption (movement from lumen to cell) of fluids. Furthermore, morphological data showed that both merocrine and apocrine secretory mechanisms occur in midgut cells. The results showed that cricket digestion differs from that in grasshopper in having (1) more membrane-bound digestive enzymes; (2) protein digestion slightly displaced toward the ventriculus; (3) midgut fluxes, and hence digestive enzyme recycling, in both starved and fed insects. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) has been used as material for numerous cytogenetic studies. Its genome size is estimated to be 8.55 Gb of DNA comprised in 11 autosomes and the X chromosome. Its X0/XX sex chromosome determinism therefore results in females having 24 chromosomes whereas males have 23. Surprisingly, little is known about the DNA content of this locust's huge chromosomes. Here, we use the Feulgen Image Analysis Densitometry and C-banding techniques to respectively estimate the DNA quantity and heterochromatin content of each chromosome. We also identify three satellite DNAs using both restriction endonucleases and next-generation sequencing. We then use fluorescent in situ hybridization to determine the chromosomal location of these satellite DNAs as well as that of six tandem repeat DNA gene families. The combination of the results obtained in this work allows distinguishing between the different chromosomes not only by size, but also by the kind of repetitive DNAs that they contain. The recent publication of the draft genome of the migratory locust (Locusta migratoria), the largest animal genome hitherto sequenced, invites for sequencing even larger genomes. S. gregaria is a pest that causes high economic losses. It is thus among the primary candidates for genome sequencing. But this species genome is about 50 % larger than that of L. migratoria, and although next-generation sequencing currently allows sequencing large genomes, sequencing it would mean a greater challenge. The chromosome sizes and markers provided here should not only help planning the sequencing project and guide the assembly but would also facilitate assigning assembled linkage groups to actual chromosomes.


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Background: Optical Projection Tomography (OPT) is a microscopic technique that generates three dimensional images from whole mount samples the size of which exceeds the maximum focal depth of confocal laser scanning microscopes. As an advancement of conventional emission-OPT, Scanning Laser Optical Tomography (SLOTy) allows simultaneous detection of fluorescence and absorbance with high sensitivity. In the present study, we employ SLOTy in a paradigm of brain plasticity in an insect model system. Methodology: We visualize and quantify volumetric changes in sensory information procession centers in the adult locust, Locusta migratoria. Olfactory receptor neurons, which project from the antenna into the brain, are axotomized by crushing the antennal nerve or ablating the entire antenna. We follow the resulting degeneration and regeneration in the olfactory centers (antennal lobes and mushroom bodies) by measuring their size in reconstructed SLOTy images with respect to the untreated control side. Within three weeks post treatment antennal lobes with ablated antennae lose as much as 60% of their initial volume. In contrast, antennal lobes with crushed antennal nerves initially shrink as well, but regain size back to normal within three weeks. The combined application of transmission-and fluorescence projections of Neurobiotin labeled axotomized fibers confirms that recovery of normal size is restored by regenerated afferents. Remarkably, SLOTy images reveal that degeneration of olfactory receptor axons has a trans-synaptic effect on second order brain centers and leads to size reduction of the mushroom body calyx. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that SLOTy is a suitable method for rapid screening of volumetric plasticity in insect brains and suggests its application also to vertebrate preparations.


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Temperature has profound effects on the neural function and behaviour of insects. When exposed to low temperature, migratory locusts (Locusta migratoria) enter chill coma (neuromuscular paralysis) and can resume normal body functions after returning to normal temperature. Our laboratory has studied phenomena underlying environmental stress-induced comas in locusts and found that they are associated with a sudden loss of K+ homeostasis and also a temporary electrical silence in the central nervous system (CNS). However, the mechanisms underlying chill coma entry and recovery are not well understood, particularly the role of the CNS has not been determined. Here, I investigated neural function during chill coma in the locust by measuring electrical activity in the CNS. As pre-exposure to moderately low temperatures, either chronically (cold acclimation) or acutely (rapid cold hardening; RCH), has been found to improve the insect’s cold tolerance, I also determined cold acclimation and RCH protocols that will improve the locust's cold tolerance and whether these protocols affect neural shutdown during chill coma in the locust. With an implanted thermocouple in the thorax, I determined the temperature associated with a loss of responsiveness (CTmin) in intact male adult locusts. In parallel experiments, I recorded field potential (FP) in the metathoracic ganglion (MTG) in semi-intact preparations to determine the temperature that would induce neural shutdown. I found that acclimation at 10 ˚C and RCH at 4 ˚C reduced chill coma recovery time (CCRT) in intact animal preparations and RCH at 4 ˚C for 4 hours reduced the temperature at neural shutdown in semi-intact preparations. These results suggest that pre-exposure to cold can improve the locust's resistance to chill coma and support the notion that the CNS has a role in determining entry into and exit from chill coma in locusts.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente


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El objeto de esta monografía es identificar y analizar los elementos constitutivos de una política pública a fin de caracterizarlos en el programa Colombia Nos Une del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, y establecer si dicho programa constituye la base para la formulación de una política integral migratoria para Colombia.


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Aquí se explicara cuales han sido los cambios surgidos en las relaciones bilaterales entre Colombia y Canadá a partir del incremento del flujo migratorio colombiano durante el periodo 2000 - 2005. Dividido en causas socio-económicas, acuerdos bilaterales, cambios en las políticas migratorias.


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Con el objetivo de realizar un acercamiento preciso al tema migratorio y de Derechos Humanos y de comprender de manera global la complejidad y variables que intervienen, esta investigación estudiará el caso de Argentina y Bolivia en el periodo de 1997 y 2008, tiempo durante el cual surge la cooperación de actores tanto internos como externos que le dan importancia al control de fenómenos migratorios. Igualmente, se analizará la forma en la que el problema migratorio incide en la violación de los Derechos Humanos, como segunda variable, demostrando que es un problema que afecta las relaciones bilaterales.


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Esta monografía analiza la nueva diplomacia migratoria española enfocada hacia África Subsahariana y el proceso que llevó a cabo el Gobierno de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero por reintroducir el Enfoque Global sobre Migraciones dentro de las prioridades de la agenda política común europea.