11 resultados para LIYF4


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Tb3+-doped LiYF4 films were deposited on quartz glass by a simple sol-gel method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), photoluminescence spectra, and lifetimes were used to characterize the resulting films. The results of XRD indicated that the films began to crystallize at 300 degrees C and fully crystallized at 400 degrees C. AFM and FESEM images of singly coated LiY0.95Tb0.05F4 annealed at 400 degrees C indicated that the film is uniform and crack-free films with average grain size of 90 nm, root mean square roughness of 11 nm and thickness of 120 nm. The doped Tb3+ ions showed its characteristic emission in crystalline LiYF4 films, i.e., D-5(3), F--7(4)J (J = 6, 5, 4, 3) emissions. The optimum doping concentration of the Tb3+ was determined to be 5.0 mol% of Y3+ in LiYF4 films.


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The complex fluorides LiYF4, KYF4, BaBeF4 and AYF(4)Eu(x) (A = Li, K) are hydrothermally synthesized at 140-240 degrees C and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, IR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and luminescence measurements.


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Er3+:LiYF4 single crystal has been studied by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy in the IR-visible-UV (0-44000 cm-1) region from 4.2 K to room temperature. Polarized spectra were recorded in order to assign numerous Stark levels of electronic transitions mentioned but not attributed before in the related literature and to discuss the irreducible representations (irreps) of the 4I15/2 sublevels. A parametric hamiltonian, including free ion (Eν, α, β, γ, Tλ, ζ, Mk and Pi) and crystal field parameters (B2 0, B4 0, B4 4, B6 0 and B6 4) in an approximate D2d symmetry for the rare earth site in this scheelite type structure, was used to simulate 109 energy positions of the Er ion with a r.m.s. standard deviation of 14.6 cm-1. A comparison with previously published results for Nd3+ in the same matrix is done. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.


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本论文通过水热、溶剂热、高温固相以及单晶生长法合成了复合氟化物及部分稀土离子激活的氧化物。运用近年来兴起的温和水热和溶剂热法探索了MAIF5(M=Ca、Sr、Ba)和LIMAIFa(M=Ca、Sr)系列复合氟化物的合成条件。以水作为溶剂,合成了CaAIF、SrAIF、BaA作ICaAIF6和L诏rAI凡化合物,从起始反应物、反应温度、反应时间及酸度儿方面考察了几种化合物的合成条件。对于溶剂热反应,选择了五种不同的溶剂作为反应介质,分别为乙二醇、乙醇、甲苯、毗咙、四氢「臾喃。以乙二醇和甲苯为溶剂,可以合成SrAlF5和LiSrAlF6民复合氟化物,而乙醇、毗咙、四氢「归喃作为反应介质没有得到l;l标产物。在五种汽半剂中均不能合成CoAIF6、BaAlF5和LiCaAlF6复合氟化物。通过水热、高温固相以及单晶生民法介成了KMgF3:Eu体系。水热合成的产,物具有氧含员低、物相纯等优点,同时该伙合成的多移,体存在史多的色心。比较三种方法合成的KMgFa:EU的光谱,发现水热和单晶样品中除了6P7/2→8S7/2的线发则外,还明显出现址火峰位置位于420nm处的带发射。结合退火实验,相刃刁又热样品的带发射是由于色心所致,而单晶样l界,的带峰则源于晶体中存在的色心、和少量氧所致,但以色心为主。在高温样品中,只有特征的线发射,没有观察到类似的带发射。结合退火前后线带发射弧度的变化及色心激发谱和翻”.6P7/2-8S7/2发射潜的乘补程度,得出Eu3+→色心的能址传递。通过高温固相反应合成Gd,Eu单掺、双掺的KMgFa、BaLiF3、BaY2F8三种磷光体,考察了Gd2+,Eu2+的光学性质,发现了双掺体系中(Gd3+→Eu2+的能里传递以生象,分析了能墩传递方式,并计算了前两个体系中Gd3+→Eu2+能最传递儿率。考察了Pr内+ 在KMgF2、LiYF4、BaY2F8基质中的光谱情况,指认了发射峰所对应的跃迁光潜项,具体讨论了KMgFa:Pr3+激发潜中352nm处的宽带激发峰。考察了Pr3+的发射弧度在KMg1-xCaxF3体系中的咨隋况,发现随枷含嫩的增加,Pr3+的在各发射区的发射强度显著增弧,分析了可能的原因。此外本论文也通过旋转试域熔融法生长了Ca2MgSi2O2单晶,详细讨论了生长品体的彩响因索,并以该化合物为纂质,考察了Eu的掺杂行为。在空气氛围下,没有发生Eu3+→Eu2+的还原,而是形成Ca2Eu8Si6O26化合物,这借助X-ray粉末衍射、组分分析及光谱分析得到证实。


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初步总结了基质晶体中吸收带位置的规律 ,即氧化物 (CaO∶Eu ,Y2 O3∶Eu ,≈ 2 0 0nm) >多铝酸盐 (BaMgAl1 0 O1 7∶Eu ,≈ 175nm)≥硅酸盐 (Ca2 SiO4 ∶Tb ,160~ 170nm) >硼酸盐 [(Y ,Gd)BO3∶Eu ,15 0~ 160nm]≥钒酸盐 (YVO4 ∶Eu ,≈ 15 5nm)≈正磷酸盐 [(La,Gd)PO4 ∶Eu ,≈ 15 5nm] >五磷酸盐 (TbP5O1 4∶Eu ,≈ 13 5nm) >二磷酸盐 [Sr3(PO4 ) 2 ∶Eu或K3Tb(PO4 ) 2 ∶Eu ,≈ 12 5nm] >氟化物 (LaF3∶Eu或LiYF4 ∶Eu ,≈ 12 0nm)。基质吸收带的位置主要取决于基质的阴离子、阴离子基团 ,以及基质的组成、结构和键能 ,也受基质中阳离子的影响。这一初步规律将有助于人们寻找优质的新型紫外晶体和新型等离子体平板显示器件用的荧光粉。


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The local structure and the valences of europium in SrBPO5:Eu prepared in air were checked by means of XAFS at Eu-L-3 edge. From the EXAFS results, it was discovered that the doped europium atoms were nine-coordinated by oxygen atoms and the distances of bond Eu-O were 2.42 Angstrom in the host. From the XANES data, it was found that the divalent and trivalent europium coexisted in the matrix. The emission spectra excited by VUV or UV exhibited a prominent broad band due to the 4f(6)5d-4f(7) transition of Eu2+ ions, which indicated that the trivalent europium ions were reduced in air in the matrix at high temperature by the defects [V-Sr]" formed by aliovalent substitution between Sr2+ and Eu3+ ions. The VUV excitation spectra in 100-200 nm range showed that the matrix had absorption bands with the maxima at about 130 and 150 nm, respectively.


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讨论了稀土离子在能量高于 5 0 0 0 0cm- 1 (波长短于 2 0 0nm)的光谱 ,包括 4f 4f跃迁 ,4f 5d跃迁 ,4f 6s跃迁 ,基质吸收和电荷迁移带。利用Dorenbos提出的公式 :E(Ln ,A ) =493 40 -D(A) +ΔELn ,Ce,指认了Sm3+ 离子在我们合成的Ba3BP3O1 2 中的 4f 5d跃迁的能量值为 170nm。利用我们提出的稀土离子光学电负性 χM与标准还原电位E0Ln的关系式 :E0Ln(Lnn + →Ln(n - 1 ) ) =4 2 73 χM-7 776(其中n =3或 4) ,从稀土离子的光学电负性 χM 与J rgensen提出的公式Ect=[χX-χM]× 3 0 0 0 0cm - 1 ,估算出Er3+和Eu3+离子在含氧杂质的LiYF4 ∶Er和LiYF4 ∶Eu3+中Er O和Eu3+ O的电荷迁移带的能量 ,以及LiYF4 ∶Eu3+ 中Eu3+ F的电荷迁移带的能量 ,估算值与文献报道的实验值基本相符。