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Chronic L-DOPA pharmacotherapy in Parkinson`s disease is often, accompanied by the development of abnormal and excessive movements known as L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia. Rats with 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of dopaminergic neurons chronically treated with L-DOPA develop a rodent analog of this dyskinesia characterized by severe axial, limb, locomotor and orofacial abnormal involuntary movements. While the mechanisms by which these effects occur are not clear, they may involve the nitric oxide system. In the present study we investigate if nitric oxide synthase inhibitors can prevent dyskinesias induced by repeated administration Of L-DOPA in rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion. Chronic L-DOPA (high fixed dose, 100 mg/kg; low escalating dose, 10-30 mg/kg) treatment induced progressive dyskinesia changes. Two nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, 7-nitroindazole (1-30 mg/kg) and NG-nitro-L-arginine (50 mg/kg), given 30 min before L-DOPA, attenuate dyskinesia. 7-Nitroindazolee also improved motor performance of these animals in the rota-rod test. These results suggest the possibility that nitric oxide synthase inhibitors may be useful to treat L-DOPA.-Induced dyskinesia. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The influence of peak-dose drug-induced dyskinesia (DID) on manual tracking (MT) was examined in 10 dyskinetic patients (OPO), and compared to 10 age/gendermatched non-dyskinetic patients (NDPD) and 10 healthy controls. Whole body movement (WBM) and MT were recorded with a 6-degrees of freedom magnetic motion tracker and forearm rotation sensors, respectively. Subjects were asked to match the length of a computer-generated line with a line controlled via wrist rotation. Results show that OPO patients had greater WBM displacement and velocity than other groups. All groups displayed increased WBM from rest to MT, but only DPD and NDPO patients demonstrated a significant increase in WBM displacement and velocity. In addition, OPO patients exhibited excessive increase in WBM suggesting overflow DID. When two distinct target pace segments were examined (FAST/SLOW), all groups had slight increases in WBM displacement and velocity from SLOW to FAST, but only OPO patients showed significantly increased WBM displacement and velocity from SLOW to FAST. Therefore, it can be suggested that overflow DID was further increased with increased task speed. OPO patients also showed significantly greater ERROR matching target velocity, but no significant difference in ERROR in displacement, indicating that significantly greater WBM displacement in the OPO group did not have a direct influence on tracking performance. Individual target and performance traces demonstrated this relatively good tracking performance with the exception of distinct deviations from the target trace that occurred suddenly, followed by quick returns to the target coherent in time with increased performance velocity. In addition, performance hand velocity was not correlated with WBM velocity in DPO patients, suggesting that increased ERROR in velocity was not a direct result of WBM velocity. In conclusion, we propose that over-excitation of motor cortical areas, reported to be present in DPO patients, resulted in overflow DID during voluntary movement. Furthermore, we propose that the increased ERROR in velocity was the result of hypermetric voluntary movements also originating from the over-excitation of motor cortical areas.


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We investigated the likelihood that hypokinesia/bradykinesia coexist with druginduced dyskinesias (DID) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). The influence of dyskinesias on rapid alternating movements (RAM) was investigated in ten dyskinetic patients (DPD). Their motor performance was compared to that of ten age/gendermatched non-dyskinetic patients (NDPD) and ten healthy control subjects. Whole-body magnitude (WBM) and fast pronation-supination at the wrist were recorded using 6- degrees of freedom magnetic motion tracker and forearm rotational sensors, respectively. Subjects were asked to pronate-supinate their dominant hand for 10s. Pre- and postmeasures were taken in a neutral position for 20s. RANGE (measure of hypokinesia), DURATION (measure of bradykinesia). VELOCITY (measure of bradykinesia) and IRREGULARITY (measure of fluctuations in movement amplitude) were used to assess RAM performance. Results showed that DPD patients had greater WBM than NDPD and control groups during rest and RAM performance. There were no differences in performance between NDPD and DPD groups for RANGE, DURATION and VELOCITY, despite significant longer disease duration for the DPD group (DPD = 15.5 ± 6.2 years versus NDPD = 6.6 ± 2.6 years). However, both the NDPD and DPD groups showed lower RANGE, longer DURATION, and reduced VELOCITY compared to controls,, suggesting the presence of bradykinesia and hypokinesia. In the case of IRREGULARITY, DPD patients showed clear fluctuations in movement amplitude compared to the NDPD and control groups. However, the lack of correlation between WBM and IRREGULARITY within the DPD group (Spearman's rank order, Rho - 0.31, p > 0.05), suggests that DID was not the primary cause of the fluctuating movementamplitude observed in that group. In conclusion, these findings suggest that DID may coexists with bradykinesia and hypokinesia, but that they are not inevitably accompanied with worsening motor performance.


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It is unclear whether patients with different clinical subtypes of Parkinson disease (PD) differ in their risk of developing levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID) and whether resting tremor is negatively correlated with this risk.


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Levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID) represents a major challenge for clinicians treating patients affected by Parkinson's disease (PD). Although levodopa is the most effective treatment for PD, the remodeling effects induced by disease progression and the pharmacologic treatment itself cause a narrowing of the therapeutic window because of the development of LID. Although animal models of PD provide strong evidence that striatal plasticity underlies the development of dyskinetic movements, the pathogenesis of LID is not entirely understood. In recent years, slow homeostatic adjustment of intrinsic excitability occurring during sleep has been considered fundamental for network stabilization by gradually modifying plasticity thresholds. So far, how sleep affects on LID has not been investigated. Therefore, we measured synaptic downscaling across sleep episodes in a parkinsonian animal model showing dyskinetic movements similar to LID. Our electrophysiological, molecular, and behavioral results are consistent with an impaired synaptic homeostasis during sleep in animals showing dyskinesia. Accordingly, sleep deprivation causes an anticipation and worsening of LID supporting a link between sleep and the development of LID.


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Introducción: El uso de la estimulación cerebral no invasiva en procesos de rehabilitación es de gran interés, por cuanto con mediación tecnológica se generan nuevas posibilidades de recuperación motora, a partir de la activación de la corteza cerebral. El objetivo del estudio es establecer la evidencia del uso terapéutico de la EMT, relacionado con el desempeño motor de pacientes con enfermedades del sistema nervioso central. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se incluyeron 10 estudios en el análisis cualitativo que incluyó la evaluación de calidad con la escala de Jadad y del riesgo de sesgo con la herramienta Cochrane. Fueron excluidos 1613 estudios. Se aplicó el protocolo del estudio para la extracción, revisión y validez de los estudios incluidos. Resultados: La evidencia disponible muestra resultados positivos del uso terapéutico de la EMT en el desempeño motor en aspectos como la aceleración, la fuerza de pinza y de agarre, la estabilidad y la fuerza muscular, así como una mejor velocidad de la marcha y una disminución en la frecuencia y severidad de los espasmos. Discusión: La EMT puede constituir una estrategia terapéutica para mejorar el desempeño motor en pacientes con ECV, Lesión Medular y enfermedad de Parkinson, que requiere más investigación por la heterogeneidad de los diseños y medidas de descenlace utilizados, así como por la alta variabilidad interindividual que hace complejo estandarizar los protocolos de su uso terapéutico.


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After more than 40 years of clinical use, levodopa (LD) remains the gold standard of symptomatic efficacy in the drug treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD). Compared with other available dopaminergic therapies, dopamine replacement with LD is associated with the greatest improvement in motor function. Long-term treatment with LD is, however, often complicated by the development of various types of motor response oscillations over the day, as well as drug-induced dyskinesias. Motor fluctuations can be improved by the addition of drugs such as entacapone or monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which extend the half-life of levodopa or dopamine, respectively. However, dyskinesia control still represents a major challenge. As a result, many neurologists have become cautious when prescribing therapy with LD. This review summarizes the available evidence regarding the use of LD to treat PD and will also address the issue of LD delivery as a critical factor for the drug's propensity to induce motor complications.


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Aim: To assess if the intake of levodopa in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) changes cerebral connectivity, as revealed by simultaneous recording of hemodynamic (functional MRI, or fMRI) and electric (electroencephalogram, EEG) signals. Particularly, we hypothesize that the strongest changes in FC will involve the motor network, which is the most impaired in PD. Methods: Eight patients with diagnosis of PD “probable”, therapy with levodopa exclusively, normal cognitive and affective status, were included. Exclusion criteria were: moderate-severe rest tremor, levodopa induced dyskinesia, evidence of gray or white matter abnormalities on structural MRI. Scalp EEG (64 channels) were acquired inside the scanner (1.5 Tesla) before and after the intake of levodopa. fMRI functional connectivity was computed from four regions of interest: right and left supplementary motor area (SMA) and right and left precentral gyrus (primary motor cortex). Weighted partial directed coherence (w-PDC) was computed in the inverse space after the removal of EEG gradient and cardioballistic artifacts. Results and discussion: fMRI group analysis shows that the intake of levodopa increases hemodynamic functional connectivity among the SMAs / primary motor cortex and: sensory-motor network itself, attention network and default mode network. w-PDC analysis shows that EEG connectivity among regions of the motor network has the tendency to decrease after the intake the levodopa; furthermore, regions belonging to the DMN have the tendency to increase their outflow toward the rest of the brain. These findings, even if in a small sample of patients, suggest that other resting state physiological functional networks, beyond the motor one, are affected in patients with PD. The behavioral and cognitive tasks corresponding to the affected networks could benefit from the intake of levodopa.


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OBJECT: The goal of this study was to investigate the efficacy of long-term deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the posteroventral lateral globus pallidus internus (GPi) accomplished using a single-contact monopolar electrode in patients with advanced Parkinson disease (PD). METHODS: Sixteen patients suffering from severe PD and levodopa-induced side effects such as dyskinesias and on-off fluctuations were enrolled in a prospective study protocol. There were six women and 10 men and their mean age at surgery was 65 years. All patients underwent implantation of a monopolar electrode in the posteroventral lateral GPi. Initially, nine patients received unilateral stimulation. Three of these patients underwent contralateral surgery at a later time. Ten patients received bilateral stimulation (contemporaneous bilateral surgery was performed in seven patients and staged bilateral surgery in the three patients who had received unilateral stimulation initially). Formal assessments were performed during both off-medication and on-medication (levodopa) periods preoperatively, and at 3 and 12 months postoperatively. There were no serious complications related to surgery or to DBS. Two transient adverse events occurred: in one patient a small pallidal hematoma developed, resulting in a prolonged micropallidotomy effect, and in another patient a subcutaneous hemorrhage occurred at the site of the pacemaker. In patients who received unilateral DBS, the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale activities of daily living (ADL) score during the off-levodopa period decreased from 30.8 at baseline to 20.4 at 3 months (34% improvement) and 20.6 at 12 months (33% improvement) postoperatively. The motor score during the off period improved from 57.2 at baseline to 35.2 at 3 months (38% improvement) and 35.3 at 12 months (38% improvement) postoperatively. Bilateral DBS resulted in a reduction in the ADL score during the off period from 34.9 at baseline to 22.3 at 3 months (36% improvement) and 22.9 at 12 months (34% improvement). The motor score for the off period changed from 63.4 at baseline to 40.3 at 3 months (36% improvement) and 37.5 at 12 months (41% improvement). In addition, there were significant improvements in patients' symptoms during the on period and in on-off motor fluctuations. CONCLUSIONS: Pallidal DBS accomplished using a monopolar electrode is a safe and effective procedure for treatment of advanced PD. Compared with pallidotomy, the advantages of pallidal DBS lie in its reversibility and the option to perform bilateral surgery in one session. Comparative studies in which DBS is applied to other targets are needed.


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Levodopa, the precursor of dopamine, is currently the drug of choice in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Recently, two direct dopamine agonists, bromocriptine and pergolide, have been tested for the treatment of Parkinson's disease because of reduced side effects compared to levodopa. Few studies have evaluated the effects of long-term treatment of dopamine agonists on dopamine receptor regulation in the central nervous system. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine whether chronic dopamine agonist treatment produces a down-regulation of striatal dopamine receptor function and to compare the results of the two classes of dopaminergic drugs.^ Levodopa with carbidopa, a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor, was administered orally to rats whereas bromocriptine and pergolide were injected intraperitoneally once daily. Several neurochemical parameters were examined from 1 to 28 days.^ Levodopa minimally decreased striatal D-1 receptor activity but increased the number of striatal D-2 binding sites. Levodopa increased the V(,max) of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in all brain regions tested. Protein blot analysis of striatal TH indicated a significant increase in the amount of TH present. Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH) activity was markedly decreased in all brain regions studied and mixing experiments of control and drug-treated cortices did not show the presence of an increased level of endogenous inhibitors.^ Bromocriptine treatment decreased the number of D-2 binding sites. Striatal TH activity was decreased and protein blot analysis indicated no change in TH quantity. The specificity of bromocriptine for striatal TH suggested that bromocriptine preferentially interacts with dopamine autoreceptors.^ Combination levodopa-bromocriptine was administered for 12 days. There was a decrease in both D-1 receptor activity and D-2 binding sites, and a decrease in brain HVA levels suggesting a postsynaptic receptor action. Pergolide produced identical results to the combination levodopa-bromocriptine studies.^ In conclusion, combination levodopa-bromocriptine and pergolide treatments exhibited the expected down-regulation of dopamine receptor activity. In contrast, levodopa appeared to up-regulate dopamine receptor activity. Thus, these data may help to explain, on a biochemical basis, the decrease in the levodopa-induced side effects noted with combination levodopa-bromocriptine or pergolide therapies in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. ^


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7-Nitroindazole (7-NI) inhibits neuronal nitric oxide synthase in vivo and reduces l-DOPA-induced dyskinesias in a rat model of parkinsonism. The aim of the present study was to determine if the anti-dyskinetic effect of 7-NI was subject to tolerance after repeated treatment and if this drug could interfere with the priming effect of l-DOPA. Adult male Wistar rats (200-250 g) with unilateral depletion of dopamine in the substantia nigra compacta were treated with l-DOPA (30 mg/kg) for 34 days. On the 1st day, 6 rats received ip saline and 6 received ip 7-NI (30 mg/kg) before l-DOPA. From the 2nd to the 26th day, all rats received l-DOPA daily and, from the 27th to the 34th day, they also received 7-NI before l-DOPA. Animals were evaluated before the drug and 1 h after l-DOPA using an abnormal involuntary movement scale and a stepping test. All rats had a similar initial motor deficit. 7-NI decreased abnormal involuntary movement induced by l-DOPA and the effect was maintained during the experiment before 7-NI, median (interquartile interval), day 26: 16.75 (15.88-17.00); day 28: 0.00 (0.00-9.63); day 29: 13.75 (2.25-15.50); day 30: 0.5 (0.00-6.25); day 31: 4.00 (0.00-7.13), and day 34: 0.5 (0.00-14.63), Friedman followed by Wilcoxon test,vs day 26, P < 0.05;. The response to l-DOPA alone was not modified by the use of 7-NI before the first administration of the drug (l-DOPA vs time interaction, F1,10 = 1.5, NS). The data suggest that tolerance to the anti-dyskinetic effects of a neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor does not develop over a short-term period of repeated administration. These observations open a possible new therapeutic approach to motor complications of chronic l-DOPA therapy in patients with Parkinson’s disease.


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Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre le rôle du facteur de transcription Nur77 au sein des fonctions physiologiques et pathologiques des voies de neurotransmission dopaminergiques des gaglions de la base. Nous basant sur une implication motrice de Nur77 au sein des dyskinésies induites à la L-DOPA (LIDs), nous avons voulu tester in vivo son implication éventuelle dans les phénomènes moteurs et de sensibilisation associés à l’amphétamine ainsi qu’une implication possible du récepteur nucléaire aux rétinoïdes RXR dont nous avons déjà démontré une implication dans les effets moteurs des antipsychotiques. Un deuxième volet de la recherche à consisté en l’étude de l’implication des extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) et de la protéine kinase C (PKC) dans l’induction de l’ARNm des membres de la famille des Nurs suite à l’activation des cascades de signalisation des récepteurs dopamiergiques D1 et D2 in vivo pour une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes physiopatholoiques liés aux désordres dopaminergiques. Pour ce faire, nous avons, premièrement, soumis des souris sauvages et Nur77-/- à un paradigme de sensibilisation à l’amphétamine ainsi qu’a différents agonistes antagonistes RAR/RXR afin de tester l’implication de Nur77 et d’un éventuel complexe Nur77/RXR dans les effets de l’amphétamine. Deuxièmement, soumis des souris sauvages à une combinaison d’agonistes D1/D2 ou une injection d’antagoniste D2 avec ou sans inhibiteur (ERK1/2 ou PKC) afin de tester l’implication de ces kinases sur l’induction de l’ARNm des membres de la famille des Nurs par hybridation in situ. Nous avons ainsi pu démontrer 1- un rôle moteur de Nur77 dans les effets liés à l’amphétamine notamment avec une absence de stéréotypies et un allongement de la durée de la phase de locomotion chez les souris Nur77-/-; ainsi qu’un rôle éventuel du complexe potentiel Nur77/RXR dans les D1 à mieux définir. 2- un rôle des kinases ERKs et PKCs dans les cascades de signalisation des récepteurs dopaminergiques D1 et D2 menant à l’induction des ARNms de Nur77, Nor-1 et Nurr-1. En perspective, ces résultats nous ouvrent la voie vers une implication éventuelle de Nur77 dans les mécanismes d’apprentissage que sont le Long Terme Potentiation (LTP) et la Long Terme Depotentialisation (LTD) liés aux LIDs et à l’amphétamine.


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is an established treatment for advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) with disabling motor complications. However, stimulation may be beneficial at an earlier stage of PD when motor fluctuations and dyskinesia are only mild and psychosocial competence is still maintained. The EARLYSTIM trial was conducted in patients with recent onset of levodopa-induced motor complications (<3 years) whose social and occupational functioning remained preserved. This is called 'early' here. The study was a randomized, multicenter, bi-national pivotal trial with a 2 year observation period. Quality of life was the main outcome measure, and a video-based motor score was a blinded secondary outcome of the study. Motor, neuropsychological, psychiatric and psychosocial aspects were captured by established scales and questionnaires. The patient group randomized here is the earliest in the disease course and the youngest recruited in controlled DBS trials so far. The methodological innovation for DBS-studies of this study lies in novel procedures developed and used for monitoring best medical treatment, neurosurgical consistency, best management of stimulation programming, blinded video assessment of motor disability, and prevention of suicidal behaviors.


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BACKGROUND Subthalamic stimulation reduces motor disability and improves quality of life in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease who have severe levodopa-induced motor complications. We hypothesized that neurostimulation would be beneficial at an earlier stage of Parkinson's disease. METHODS In this 2-year trial, we randomly assigned 251 patients with Parkinson's disease and early motor complications (mean age, 52 years; mean duration of disease, 7.5 years) to undergo neurostimulation plus medical therapy or medical therapy alone. The primary end point was quality of life, as assessed with the use of the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) summary index (with scores ranging from 0 to 100 and higher scores indicating worse function). Major secondary outcomes included parkinsonian motor disability, activities of daily living, levodopa-induced motor complications (as assessed with the use of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, parts III, II, and IV, respectively), and time with good mobility and no dyskinesia. RESULTS For the primary outcome of quality of life, the mean score for the neurostimulation group improved by 7.8 points, and that for the medical-therapy group worsened by 0.2 points (between-group difference in mean change from baseline to 2 years, 8.0 points; P=0.002). Neurostimulation was superior to medical therapy with respect to motor disability (P<0.001), activities of daily living (P<0.001), levodopa-induced motor complications (P<0.001), and time with good mobility and no dyskinesia (P=0.01). Serious adverse events occurred in 54.8% of the patients in the neurostimulation group and in 44.1% of those in the medical-therapy group. Serious adverse events related to surgical implantation or the neurostimulation device occurred in 17.7% of patients. An expert panel confirmed that medical therapy was consistent with practice guidelines for 96.8% of the patients in the neurostimulation group and for 94.5% of those in the medical-therapy group. CONCLUSIONS Subthalamic stimulation was superior to medical therapy in patients with Parkinson's disease and early motor complications. (Funded by the German Ministry of Research and others; EARLYSTIM ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00354133.).