7 resultados para LA2MO2O9
In this work, both the thermal expansion and electrical conductivity of nanocrystalline La2Mo2O9 were studied. The nanocrystalline powder of La2Mo2O9 was obtained by sol-gel method, and with the help of SHP (superhigh pressure) up to 4.5 x 10(4) atm at 700 degrees C for a short time, and the nanocrystalline powder was densified without obvious particle size growth. The electrical conductivity of nanocrystalline La2Mo2O9 was one order of magnitude lower than that of the microcrystalline sample at the same temperature. Owing to the phase transition, the microcrystalline La2MO2O9 has an abrupt increase of thermal expansion with a peak value of 48 x 10(-6) K-1 at 556 degrees C. For the nanocrystalline material, the peak value increases to 112 x 10(-6) K-1 at 520 degrees C. On the other hand, above 600 degrees C the significant growth of particle size of the nanocrystalline La2Mo2O9 was observed, accompanying by a tremendous increase of thermal expansion with a peak value of 1565 x 10(-6) K-1 at 620 degrees C. The electrical conductivity of La1.6Nd0.4Mo2O9 at 800 degrees C is 0.14 S center dot cm(-1) which is about one third higher than that of La2Mo2O9.
A new ionic conductor La2-xNdxMo2O9 (x=0.0-2.0) has been synthesized by wet-chemistry method. The precursors and the resultant oxide powders were characterized by DTA/TG, DSC, XRD and XPS techniques. Effect of substituting Nd for La reveals that the phase transition which occurs in La2Mo2O9 around 565degreesC disappears when x>0.2. And the maximum amount of Nd stabilized the high temperature phase of beta-La2Mo2O9 from cubic to tetragonal is about x=1.6. The measurements of impedance spectroscopy indicate that the ionic conductivity becomes considerably higher in comparison to that of La2Mo2O9.
世界能源短缺和环境污染问题日趋严重,因此需要发展能源转换效率高、对环境污染低并便于应用的绿色能源技术。固态氧化物燃料电池(SOFC,Solid Oxide Fuel Cell)因其效率高、对环境友好等优点被认为是二十一世纪最有前景的能源技术。SOFC的关键是固体电解质的研究。目前广泛使用的固体电解质8YSZ(8mol%Y2O3稳定化的ZrO2)仅在1000oC以上有高的电导率。所以,探索新的、在中温区具有高离子电导率的电解质材料具有重要的意义。另外,也可以采用新的方法改善固体氧化物电解质的导电性,比如掺杂、将材料纳米化等。 在本论文中,通过共沉淀法合成了La2Mo2O9化合物,并与溶胶凝胶法合成的样品进行比较,在同样的烧结条件下,共沉淀法合成的La2Mo2O9化合物具有更高的致密度,而且由于很少引入杂质,电导率得到明显提高,在800oC时达到0.15 S.cm-1。利用同样的方法通过对La2Mo2O9进行微量磷的掺杂,降低了材料在高温时的相转变温度,基本实现了低温电导率的提高。另外,我们还对La2Mo2O9化合物进行了高压烧结研究。实验表明,La2Mo2O9纳米粉末经过700oC高压烧结后得到了致密样品,样品保持了纳米尺度,相对密度达到99%。样品由原先单斜相的La2Mo2O9变为镧钼化合物的混合物,当其在常压下800oC退火后样品又回复到单一的La2Mo2O9相,此时样品粒径大约为50nm,通过这种方法,纳米La2Mo2O9陶瓷被制得。 通过在不同温度高压烧结的方法得到了致密的8YSZ材料。样品的相结构对电导率有很大的影响,在1450oC高压烧结10min得到了立方相与少量四方相的样品,由于具有很高的致密度,得到了相对高的低温电导率。而在1000oC高压烧结10min后的样品,其相结构转变为四方相和单斜相,电导率也相应降低。高压烧结后的样品在1650oC常压退火后,样品又回复到立方相,其电导率又相应提高。 磷灰石结构化合物由于烧结温度很高,也可以通过高压烧结的方法在低温下得到致密烧结体。本论文中,采用高压烧结的方法得到了致密的纳米La9.33Si6O26块体材料,并与常压烧结的样品进行比较,其电导率得到了提高。但是和文献报道值比较,其电导率还是相对较低。这主要是由于样品中含有少量La2SiO5杂相。提高样品的纯度将更有利于电导率的提高。 作为固体电解质的氧化铋基材料极大地吸引了人们的兴趣。本文通过溶胶凝胶法合成了Bi2Ga4O9化合物,首次研究了它的电学性质和化学稳定性。电导率随氧分压的减小而减小,表明化合物中p型电子导电的存在。在500oC时,化合物的离子迁移数小于0.50,化合物是混合导体。
固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)被称为“二十一世纪的绿色能源”。氧化忆稳定氧化错(YSZ)是目前sOFC普遍采用的固体电解质材料。由于YSZ只有在高温时(大于1000℃)才具有较高的离子导电性,而SOFC在高温时会带来一系列技术性的问题,如机械强度的不稳定、材料的老化及各构成材料之间的相互扩散等。因此,迫切需要开发在中、低温范围内(600-800℃)具有较高离子电导率(大于10-2S.cm-l)的电解质材料。在众多的候选材料中,稀土作为基体和掺杂元素的固体电解质越来越引起人们的重视。特别是萤石型化合物CeOZ、钙钦矿型化合物LaGaO3,以及阴离子空位型化合物La2MO2O9等的研究,开阔了寻找固体电解质材料的视野。本论文主要研究稀土与钥复合氧化物的合成、结构及其电学性质,希望进一步提高现有材料的导电性能和寻找新型固体电解质材料。基于母体化合物La2Mo2O9在580℃左右有一个相变点,因为存在相变点的固体电解质在实用方面(如SOFC)有很大的局限性。我们从稀土掺杂的角度出发,对母体化合物进一步改性,稳定其高温结构相。为此,我们利用改性柠檬酸盐法合成了系列化合物La2-xRExMo2O9(RE=Ce,Pr,Nd,Sm,Gd,Tb,Dy,Ho,Er,Yb)。结果发现,只有Nd和Sm可以进入La2Mo2O9中La的格位;利用本方法合成样品的温度比用固相法低250℃左右;所合成的样品粒度分布非常均匀,并且随着Nd和Sm掺杂量的增加而变大;Nd和Sm的掺杂稳定了其高温相,电导率有所提高。从而使此类固体电解质在实用方面成为可能。合成了一种新型稀土与钥的复合氧化合物Ce6MoO15,电学性质测试发现,它是一性能优良的固体电解质材料。以此化合物为母体)进行低价金属离子的掺杂取代后发现,它们的导电性又进一步地提高,进而派生出多种固体电解质体系如Ce6-6 MoO15-δ、Ce6+x Mo1-x O15-6、Ce6Mo1-xBixO16-6以及Ce6-xAxMoO15-6。(A=Li,Ca,Sr和Ba)等。本研究工作中主要合成了Ce6-xRExMoO16-6(RE=Pr,Nd,Sm,Gd,Tb,Dy,Ho,Er,Yb;x=0.0-6.0)等系列化合物,并对其进行了结构表征及电学性质测试。结果发现所有样品均为类莹石结构;样品的导电性起源于氧离子空位;在相同的温度下,样品电导率相当于或高于经典的固体电解质(如YSZ),并且样品的抗老化性能有所提高。所有这些实验事实证明,它们在中温区是一种高效氧离子导体,从而为此类化合物在SOFC中的应用奠定了基础。通过合成AgScMo2O8,尝试了一种钥酸盐固溶体的合成方法,即钥酸盐水溶液合成法。这种方法不需要加入有机物(如柠檬酸等)作为络合剂,而是通过钼酸根与金属离子之间的酸碱对效应直接合成。我们对此化合物的结构、电学性质进行研究后发现:此化合物在较低的温度即已完全成相;室温下,Agsco208为单斜结构,不同于AgLnMo2O8(Ln=Y-Lu);随着温度的升高,AgscMo2o8在485℃、539℃附近各有一个不可逆,可逆相变点出现。在可逆相变点出现的同时,伴随着其电导率有一个很大的突跃。
The new compounds La2-xCaxMo1.7W0.3O9-delta (0 <= x <= 0.2) in which La3+ substituted with Ca2+ were synthesized by dry-chemistry techniques based on the oxygen Ionic conductor La2Mo1.7W0.3O9. The new series were characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and the electrical conductivity of samples were investigated by AC impedance spectroscopy. The lattice parameters were reduced due to the smaller atomic radius of the Ca2+ compared with that of the La3+. Furthermore, Additional oxygen vacancies were introduced into La2Mo1.7W0.3O9 lattice by substitution, and then the oxygen ionic conductivity was increased. At 550 degrees C, the conductivity increased 89.9%, that is, from 0.79 x 10(-4) S center dot cm(-1) (x=0) to 1.5 X 10(-4)S center dot cm(-1) (x=0.16, 0.2).
New series of oxides, La3MMo2O12 (M = In, Ga and Al), have been prepared by the solid-state reaction. The composition and elemental distribution were analyzed by the energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. As determined by the X-ray diffraction (XRD), these compounds have similar crystal structures that can be indexed on a monoclinic cell at room temperature. AC impedance spectra and the DC electrical conductivity measurements in various atmospheres indicate that they are oxide ion conductors with ionic conductivities between 10(-2) and 10(-3) S/cm at 800 degrees C. The conductivity decreases in the order of La3GaMo2O12 > La3AlMo2O12 > La3InMo2O12, implying that the effect of cell volume and polarization associated with In3+, Ga3+ and Al3+ play an important role in the anion transport of these materials. The reversible phase transition was observed in all these compounds as confirmed by the differential thermal analysis (DTA) and dilatometric measurements.
A new oxide ion conductor, La3GaMo2O12, with a bulk conductivity of 2.7 X 10(-2) S.cm(-1) at 800 degrees C in air atmosphere was prepared by the traditional solid-state reaction. The room temperature X-ray diffraction data could be indexed on a monoclinic cell with lattice parameters of a=0.5602(2) nm, b=0.3224(1) nm, c= 1.5741(1) nm, beta= 102.555(0)degrees, V=0.2775(2) nm(3) and space group Pc(7). Ac impedance measurements in various atmospheres further support that it is an oxide ion conductor. This material was stable in various atmospheres with oxygen partial pressure P(O-2) ranging from 1.0 X 10(5) to 1.0 X 10(-7) Pa at 800 degrees C. A reversible polymorphic phase transition occurred at elevated temperatures as confirmed by the differential thermal analysis and dilatometric measurement.